Adopted Brat: Taboo Erotica - Bambi Thornhill - E-Book

Adopted Brat: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Bambi Thornhill

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


"Oh, my last name is too hard for Americans to pronounce," the tan-skinned Asian girl laughed condescendingly, having been unable to come up with a suitable last name with so little advance warning. "I am the daughter of the Mahatma of Upper Bengal and you should have seen what the newspapers did to our last name. Of course, English does not have all the letters you need to write Bengali words."
"Golly! Where are you from, Mandi?"
"From Bangladesh," the girl answered simply, noticing that virtually everyone in the ballroom was watching them. For a moment she feared that her sheet had come undone and some important portion of her person was being revealed, but then she realized that it was merely the strangeness of her costume and the fact that she was dancing cheek-to-cheek with San Francisco's most eligible young bachelor. She could not explain to herself what had made her decide to pretend she was from Bangladesh, but now that she was into her act, it struck her as an enormously good idea. Having digested a eighteen page article on the country in Volume Three of the Universal Encyclopedia, she undoubtedly knew more about the Bengali people than anyone in the room. As she and Dexter swept around the floor, she allowed him to draw out of her the information that she was visiting the United States on a fund-raising trip with her father, and had stayed behind in San Francisco while her daddy had gone to Washington to confer with the Secretary of State concerning a billion dollar loan to alleviate starvation in Bangladesh. Dexter pulled her even closer, his slowly hardening cock rubbing against the flatness of her stomach.

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Adopted Brat

Bambi Thornhill

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents









Owner and manager of Mother Truckers' Grill, Mel Wilson stuck his pudgy thumbs into his cowboy belt contentedly and grinned as he accepted the admiring praise of his two chronies. Wilson believed in taking advantage of the little golden opportunities which lady luck occasionally served up to him, and he saw nothing particularly wrong with the way he was treating the young waitress. Neither did his friends.

"The orphanage," he explaned, lowering his voice as the slim, curvaceous girl carried two cups of steaming black coffee to a pair of truck drivers seated at a nearby table. One of them muttered something obscene and patted her smoothly rounded buttocks, but the dark-complexioned young girl merely giggled innocently, retreating behind the counter to pick up her next order.

"The orphanage," puzzled Jeff Winters, the owner of the Knock 'em Down Bowling Alleys on the North side of Interstate Number Nine.

"That's right, my friend, the orphanage! The government takes care of 'em until they're eighteen, and then turns 'em loose. I offered Mandy a steady job, those chicken-shit social workers handed her over to me 'cause I'm an honest businessman, as simple as that. She's got a room in the back where she sleeps, and all she can eat, plus twenty-five bucks a week to spend. Pretty nice deal, eh?"

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