Abused Brat: Taboo Erotica - Bambi Thornhill - E-Book

Abused Brat: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Bambi Thornhill

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Dr. Leo Blake pulled off his pajamas and touched his own cock. He thought about his daughter and he felt the cock begin to pulse. He knew that he would be able to give Kitty just the kind of treatment that she deserved that morning.
He moved out into the hallway and stood there naked for a few seconds and took several deep breaths.
No matter how many times he did this to Kitty, he thought, he was always excited and anxious about the prospect. His daughter was so sexy in the morning and she was the only thing that he had had for the past five years, since his wife had run off and left him for a college dance instructor, a guy that he had always considered to be a fucking fag.
And Kitty was so much like her mother, blonde with big, firm tits and that cute little mouth that just seemed to fit his cock, her father's cock.
And she was turning into a whore, just as her mother was a whore. She went out with boys and stayed out until dawn and she did things with them. Doctor Blake was sure of that. Kitty was too popular with the boys in town to be some kind of fucking virgin.
She could not be a virgin anyway, he reminded himself. He had taken her virginity himself, on the morning that he had awakened and found that silly, good-bye note from his whore wife. Doctor Blake liked to think of his wife on mornings such as this one. It helped him with Kitty when he was really and truly angry with her and all of her sex. That helped him to overcome the slight inhibitions that he still felt when he thought that, after all, she was his daughter, his only daughter. He stood there in the hallway naked and let the anger build up in him, let it rise to his head and knock out any doubts that he had about what he was going to do to that girl.

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Abused Brat

Bambi Thornhill

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 1

He got the shit work in the office, he thought again.

And he became even more pissed off at himself because he was over forty years old and had been a top student in medical school and now he was dealing with the shit work in a fucking coroner's office.

Life had not been fair to Dr. Leo Blake, he thought.

When he woke up feeling this way, he knew that there was only one thing to do, one thing that would arouse his spirits in any way. He padded across his bedroom in his bare feet and looked at the clock. It was six-thirty in the morning. He knew that Kitty, his daughter, would still be asleep at that hour.

Kitty was eighteen years old and blonde and cuddly. She was the only pleasure that her father got in life.

Dr. Leo Blake pulled off his pajamas and touched his own cock. He thought about his daughter and he felt the cock begin to pulse. He knew that he would be able to give Kitty just the kind of treatment that she deserved that morning.

He moved out into the hallway and stood there naked for a few seconds and took several deep breaths.

No matter how many times he did this to Kitty, he thought, he was always excited and anxious about the prospect. His daughter was so sexy in the morning and she was the only thing that he had had for the past five years, since his wife had run off and left him for a college dance instructor, a guy that he had always considered to be a fucking fag.

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