Salty Swingers: Taboo Erotica - Bambi Thornhill - E-Book

Salty Swingers: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Bambi Thornhill

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Excerpt From This Full Length Novel:

I didn't protest when he pulled me to him. He got his left arm around me and his right hand tilted up my chin. His lips mashed down on mine, as hot and dry as Kansas in August. His hand crept down my back, tracing erotic patterns all over it. I shivered a little as he gently stroked my hip and thigh.
His tongue now came out to play with mine, and soon they were flogging each other, and I gasped and moaned and stiffened in his arms.
He now had nothing to fear; he knew that I was now his, all his.
His hand found the zipper tab at the back of my neck and slowly tugged. The zipper parted, and his hand lightly skittered around over my bare back. I jerked my face free and threw back my head, my eyes closed and my moans low and throaty.
His hands tugged at my peignoir and I shrugged out of it. He freed my bra. My breasts were proud and firm and up-thrust. He plucked the nipples and they stood erect. He got his arm around me again, and his hand gently caressed my breasts and plucked my nipples. I yelped and moaned.

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Salty Swingers

Bambi Thornhill

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

I didn't protest when he pulled me to him. He got his left arm around me and his right hand tilted up my chin. His lips mashed down on mine, as hot and dry as Kansas in August. His hand crept down my back, tracing erotic patterns all over it. I shivered a little as he gently stroked my hip and thigh.

His tongue now came out to play with mine, and soon they were flogging each other, and I gasped and moaned and stiffened in his arms.

He now had nothing to fear; he knew that I was now his, all his.

His hand found the zipper tab at the back of my neck and slowly tugged. The zipper parted, and his hand lightly skittered around over my bare back. I jerked my face free and threw back my head, my eyes closed and my moans low and throaty.

His hands tugged at my peignoir and I shrugged out of it. He freed my bra. My breasts were proud and firm and up-thrust. He plucked the nipples and they stood erect. He got his arm around me again, and his hand gently caressed my breasts and plucked my nipples. I yelped and moaned.

He leaned me back against his left arm, bent over and planted sucking kisses on my breasts, and finally his lips clamped on my nipples. I was now a throbbing vibrating mass of warm flesh. I wanted more and more.

He gently laid me on the couch, pulling my long lithe legs up and apart. But, hell, he was too big to do much on a couch, so he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom.

He dropped me on the bed, slid down beside me, got his left arm under my neck and rolled me on my right hip. His lips found mine, and our tongues began to spar once more.

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