All the relativistic temporal paradoxes are completely false - Carlo Maria Pace - E-Book

All the relativistic temporal paradoxes are completely false E-Book

Carlo Maria Pace

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This work demonstrates, in a scientifically rigorous way, that all the relativistic temporal paradoxes are completely false. In particular, this treatment, by starting from the relativisticly correct definition of time, demonstrates the falsity of the Twin Paradox by means of proving from every relativistic point of view that in no case is one twin not so old as the other twin. Moreover, this work, by starting from the relativisticly correct definition of time, demonstrates in general the impossibility of the temporal paradoxes, both in the field of application of the Special Theory of Relativity and in the field of application of the General Theory of Relativity, since all the alleged relativistic temporal paradoxes are based only on erroneous definitions of time. On the other hand, this treatment shows that time is completely independent both from any velocity of physical bodies and from any physical forces. Finally, this work demonstrates that also the possibility of using two Lorentzian Theories instead of the two Einsteinian Theories of Relativity entails that all the temporal paradoxes in the field of application of relativistic physics are completely false.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2016

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