There is not any black hole - Carlo Maria Pace - E-Book

There is not any black hole E-Book

Carlo Maria Pace

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In this book the author, by starting from the Einstein’s field equation of the General Theory of Relativity, corrects the Schwarzschild solution, and shows that, in the correct Schwarzschild solution, there is not any event horizon and therefore there is not any black hole. Moreover, the author extends all this to its direct consequences, in particular correcting the Kerr solution, the Reissner-Nordstrøm solution and the Kerr-Newman solution. Then, the author extends these four correct solutions (of Schwarzschild, of Kerr, of Reissner-Nordstrøm and of Kerr-Newman) also to the case in which the cosmological constant is greater than zero. On the other hand, the author, by starting from the general form of the Einstein’s field equation of the General Theory of Relativity, demonstrates also in general the non-existence of any event horizon, and therefore the non-existence of any black hole, in the field of application of the General Theory of Relativity. Finally, the author also explores the consequences of all this on the entropy of the Universe, on the Hawking emission process, on the Big Bang Theory and on the astronomical observations.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2017

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