Amazing You - Philippa Hanna - E-Book

Amazing You E-Book

Philippa Hanna



Dreamers change the world. Some believe dreams are a distraction. But let's be real—dreamers change the world, and you were custom-made by God to answer a unique calling. Amazing You offers a year of uplifting, two-minute devotions to remind you of your identity, potential, and value in God. Each day includes a Scripture, inspirational reading, moment of reflection, and prayer. Be encouraged to:    - let go of the expectations of others and discover your God-given purpose. - overcome discouragement and failure and reach into heaven for courage and strength. - reject worldly lies about who you are and make the most of your talents. - give up the feeling you're not good enough and develop confidence in God.If you want to leave a positive imprint on this world, you need a dream. Amazing You will inspire you to leave your comfort zone and be all you can be in God.

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Philippa Hanna is led by a heart devoted to God. She shows this in her music, her voice to speak up for the poor through her work with Compassion, and now through her new book, Amazing You. This 365-day devotional will inspire anyone who has dreams to chase them relentlessly as unto the Lord. We are proud and thankful to call Philippa our friend and Artist in Residence.

—MARK HANLON, senior vice president, Compassion International

Just a few years back, I had the incredible privilege of writing music and performing with Philippa Hanna. I was inspired and encouraged by her talents, as well as her depth of insight and humanity. She is that rare type of artist who can blend her faith and life experiences in a way that can bring about change in others.

—KEVIN MAX, artist and member of DC Talk

Philippa is amazingly gifted as a singer, musician, and writer. Amazing You will encourage you to never give up on what God has uniquely called you to do for his kingdom purpose.

—BRENDA CROUCH, author, speaker, singer, and television co-host

With engaging honesty and vulnerability, Philippa’s passion for God and his kingdom shine though on every page in Amazing You. Let her unique insights and experiences draw you closer to him and his unique plans for you.

—STUART TOWNEND, writer of In Christ Alone

Philippa’s wisdom, vulnerability, and heart will encourage you to not give up and to live out the unique dreams that God has placed inside of you.

—MASEY MCLAIN, actor, speaker, and author of It’s Worth It

From struggles with self-esteem to dealing with online bullies, to romance, ambition, and anxiety, Amazing You emerges from the place where faith meets daily life. Life is done a day at a time, and out of her own journey, Philippa offers daily doses of practical wisdom, insight, life lessons, and prayer. I believe this book will enrich many lives.

—GRAHAM KENDRICK, songwriter and worship leader

Philippa is always uplifting and authentic. Amazing You is full of timely, relevant words to keep us focused on what matters most in life. It’s a daily dose of inspiration that keeps you thinking and motivated toward your dreams.

—PAUL BALOCHE, worship leader and songwriter

Amazing You is an invaluable tool for the rushed and the weary, providing a practical focus for thought and a place to pause and pray.

—REV. KATE BOTTLEY, Church of England priest and BBC Radio 2 presenter

Philippa has given us a daily devotional that captures her creativity and experience. We’re all dreamers, but in today’s challenging culture, it’s easy to become discouraged while pursuing those dreams. Let this devotional help inform and encourage your life to make God’s best dream come true for you.

—KATHLEEN COOKE, co-founder of Cooke Pictures, The Influence Lab, and author of Hope 4 Today: Stay Connected to God in Distracted Culture

When I read Philippa’s book, I was blown away. It is so simple… simply profound. That only happens when God is holding the pen and the writer writes. That impossible-to-describe feeling wells up inside of you and you know you’re loved by God.

—MICHELE PILLAR, speaker, author of Untangled, The Truth Will Set You Free, and three-time Grammy nominated singer

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Savage, Minnesota, USA


Copyright © 2019 Philippa Hanna

978-1-4245-5802-5 (faux leather)

978-1-4245-5803-2 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless indicated otherwise, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright © 2000; 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked MSG are from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Scripture quotations marked NRSV are taken from New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NCV are taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NET are taken from the NET Bible® copyright ©1996–2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked CEB are taken from the Common English Bible, Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible. Scriptures marked CEV are taken from the CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH VERSION (CEV): Scripture taken from the CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH VERSION copyright© 1995 by the American Bible Society. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked HCSB® are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. HCSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers. Scripture quotations marked ISV are taken from The Holy Bible: International Standard Version. Release 2.0, Build 2015.02.09. Copyright © 1995–2014 by ISV Foundation. All rights reserved internationally. Used by permission of Davidson Press, LLC.

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Dreamers Change the World

JANUARY – Dreams and Plans

JANUARY 1: Surrender

JANUARY 2: Upgrade Your Dream

JANUARY 3: Delight Yourself in the Lord

JANUARY 4: The Kingdom Filter

JANUARY 5: Your Dreams Are a Map for Your Future

JANUARY 6: Submit Your Plans

JANUARY 7: Amateurs Built the Ark

JANUARY 8: Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone

JANUARY 9: God Will Equip You

JANUARY 10: Keep on Driving

JANUARY 11: Character Outweighs Talent

JANUARY 12: Steady and Slow Wins the Race

JANUARY 13: Your Destiny Rests on God

JANUARY 14: Progress Is Painful

JANUARY 15: Make the Most of Every Opportunity

JANUARY 16: Not Everyone Will “Get” You

JANUARY 17: There Is Only One Yes You Need

JANUARY 18: The Long Road Has More Treasure

JANUARY 19: Get Better at What You Do

JANUARY 20: Chip Away at the Big Stuff

JANUARY 21: Share Your Story

JANUARY 22: Use It

JANUARY 23: Count the Cost

JANUARY 24: The Depth of God’s Love for You

JANUARY 25: Dream Big, Start Small

JANUARY 26: Don’t Look at the Clouds

JANUARY 27: Wait Actively

JANUARY 28: You Are Qualified

JANUARY 29: Faith Doesn’t Use a Safety Net

JANUARY 30: Focus on What You Bring

JANUARY 31: You’re Here for a Reason

FEBRUARY – Perseverance

FEBRUARY 1: Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

FEBRUARY 2: Rethink the Way You Measure Success

FEBRUARY 3: Don’t Compromise

FEBRUARY 4: Breakthroughs Are Small

FEBRUARY 5: Forget the Odds

FEBRUARY 6: Love Is the Greatest Achievement

FEBRUARY 7: All Our Heroes Experience Rejection

FEBRUARY 8: Don’t Dull Your Sparkle

FEBRUARY 9: Our Heroes Work Hard

FEBRUARY 10: God Knows Rejection

FEBRUARY 11: Rejection Is Not a Measure of Your Worth

FEBRUARY 12: Loving Those Haters, Part 1

FEBRUARY 13: Loving Those Haters, Part 2

FEBRUARY 14: Loving Those Haters, Part 3

FEBRUARY 15: Our Heroes Receive Criticism

FEBRUARY 16: Live to Bless, Not to Impress

FEBRUARY 17: The Faith Workout

FEBRUARY 18: Rejection Is Better than Regret

FEBRUARY 19: It’s Not Over

FEBRUARY 20: Being Proactive

FEBRUARY 21: Flipping Criticism

FEBRUARY 22: Rocky Start

FEBRUARY 23: It’s Not about How Perfect Your Song Is

FEBRUARY 24: Bring Your Best

FEBRUARY 25: Be Your Own Biggest Fan

FEBRUARY 26: Declare Your Worth

FEBRUARY 27: Take a Bird’s-Eye View of Your Life

FEBRUARY 28: All Things Are Possible

MARCH – Staying Focused

MARCH 1: Ignore the Barking Dogs

MARCH 2: Steps Make Strides

MARCH 3: Save Your Breath

MARCH 4: Sticks and Stones

MARCH 5: The Power of Persistence

MARCH 6: Let Those Tears Fall

MARCH 7: Hold Out for Something Better

MARCH 8: Count Your Blessings

MARCH 9: Climb for the View

MARCH 10: Your Efforts Aren’t a Waste

MARCH 11: Recommit Your Plans to God

MARCH 12: Mining for Gems

MARCH 13: Thank God for Closed Doors

MARCH 14: Be Careful What You Call a Bad Day

MARCH 15: All That Glitters Ain’t Gold

MARCH 16: The Darkest Hour Is before the Dawn

MARCH 17: Do Less, Be More

MARCH 18: Don’t Pout

MARCH 19: Have Fun on the Journey

MARCH 20: Keep a Prayer Journal

MARCH 21: Better, Not Bitter

MARCH 22: Choose Good Heroes

MARCH 23: Everybody Hurts

MARCH 24: Keep Sowing

MARCH 25: Seasons of Failure

MARCH 26: Fail Well

MARCH 27: Failure Is Discovery

MARCH 28: Failure Is a Full Backpack

MARCH 29: Failure Is Out of Our Control

MARCH 30: Failure Gives Us Space

MARCH 31: Failure Isn’t Final

APRIL – Staying Upbeat

APRIL 1: Say Thank You

APRIL 2: Most of What You Need Is Right There

APRIL 3: Do What You Love

APRIL 4: Keep It Real

APRIL 5: Seek Joy

APRIL 6: There’s No Such Thing as an Easy Life

APRIL 7: Editing, Part 1

APRIL 8: Capture Beauty

APRIL 9: Beware Negativity

APRIL 10: One Day at a Time

APRIL 11: Don’t Let Sadness Sink the Ship

APRIL 12: Deal with Anxiety

APRIL 13: The Wonderful Counselor

APRIL 14: Being Refined, Part 1

APRIL 15: Being Refined, Part 2

APRIL 16: Describe Yourself on a Good Day

APRIL 17: Don’t Compare Fires

APRIL 18: Ask for Help

APRIL 19: Ask for Prayer

APRIL 20: Keep an Eye on the Dashboard

APRIL 21: Grief

APRIL 22: Stress Fractures

APRIL 23: It’s Okay to Be Weak

APRIL 24: You Can Still Impact the World

APRIL 25: Encourage Sadness to Move On

APRIL 26: The Season Will Always Change

APRIL 27: Declutter

APRIL 28: You’re Not Alone

APRIL 29: Mental Well-Being Checklist

APRIL 30: Gifts Have a Flip Side

MAY – Happy Habits

MAY 1: Create a Peaceful Space

MAY 2: Distract Yourself

MAY 3: The Garden of Your Mind

MAY 4: Learn Your Triggers

MAY 5: Laugh

MAY 6: Take Care of Your Body

MAY 7: Be Aware of the Seasons

MAY 8: By His Spirit

MAY 9: Encourage Others

MAY 10: God Knows Your Mountain

MAY 11: Don’t Wait for a Crisis to Access Your Strength

MAY 12: Pray

MAY 13: Celebrate All Your Achievements

MAY 14: Face the Storm

MAY 15: Be Creative!

MAY 16: Worship in an Original Way

MAY 17: Learn to Play

MAY 18: God as Father

MAY 19: Childlike Faith

MAY 20: Progress is Messy

MAY 21: Count the Answers

MAY 22: People Are the Only Real Treasure

MAY 23: No Day Is Wasted

MAY 24: The Beauty in Suffering

MAY 25: Chipping Away at Freedom

MAY 26: Unhelpful Phrases

MAY 27: Ditch Old Coping Mechanisms

MAY 28: Get That Filter On

MAY 29: Love Yourself

MAY 30: Your Weakness Can Bring Someone Else Strength

MAY 31: Miracles Happen

JUNE – Beauty and Self-Esteem

JUNE 1: Happy Is Beautiful

JUNE 2: Beautiful Is as Beautiful Does

JUNE 3: Kindness Is Beautiful

JUNE 4: You’re Flawesome!

JUNE 5: Your Power Isn’t in Your Looks

JUNE 6: Beauty Is Cultural

JUNE 7: Beware Memes

JUNE 8: “Transformation” Pictures

JUNE 9: Scales Can Be a Killjoy

JUNE 10: Beauty Is Ageless

JUNE 11: Beauty Is Unique

JUNE 12: Beauty Is within All of Us

JUNE 13: Like Jewels

JUNE 14: You’re Fine without the Paint

JUNE 15: Diet Yourself Beautiful

JUNE 16: The Ultimate Detox

JUNE 17: Go as You

JUNE 18: You Are Enough

JUNE 19: Advice for My Seventeen-Year-Old Self

JUNE 20: You’re a Genius

JUNE 21: You Have a Purpose

JUNE 22: You Are Amazing

JUNE 23: You Are Not a Number

JUNE 24: You Are God’s Masterpiece

JUNE 25: Be Body Grateful

JUNE 26: A Little Poem to Brighten Your Day!

JUNE 27: Custom-Built for a Purpose

JUNE 28: Embrace Your Face!

JUNE 29: Speak Kind Words about Yourself

JUNE 30: Vessels

JULY – Identity

JULY 1: Feeling Different

JULY 2: Resisting the Box

JULY 3: People Won’t Always See the Big Picture

JULY 4: Seek Guidance

JULY 5: You Are an Influencer!

JULY 6: The Power of Integrity

JULY 7: It’s Okay Not to Appeal to Everyone

JULY 8: Dance, Sing, Try

JULY 9: A Valuable Cell

JULY 10: Stop Competing with Yourself

JULY 11: Feeling Out of Place

JULY 12: Struggling with Identity?

JULY 13: Learn to Hear His Voice the Loudest

JULY 14: It’s Okay Not to Be Cliché

JULY 15: Remove the “You” Lens

JULY 16: Remove the Failure Lens

JULY 17: Know Who You Are

JULY 18: You Are Royalty

JULY 19: Your Value Never Decreases

JULY 20: Bear Your Title Well

JULY 21: You’re Not What You Own

JULY 22: You Are Not What You Do

JULY 23: Women Are Amazing

JULY 24: Stop Looking for Approval

JULY 25: People Can Change

JULY 26: You’re Forgiven

JULY 27: Cinderella Syndrome

JULY 28: Use Positive Language

JULY 29: Wearing Masks

JULY 30: You’re Worthy

JULY 31: You’re Whole

AUGUST – Insecurity, Jealousy, and Friendship

AUGUST 1: Insecurity Is Human

AUGUST 2: Insecurity Comes from Experience

AUGUST 3: Insecurity Is a Thief

AUGUST 4: Jealousy Is a Liar

AUGUST 5: Impatience Can Cause Jealousy

AUGUST 6: Jealousy Is Often Misguided

AUGUST 7: There’s Enough Favor to Go Around

AUGUST 8: There Are No Inferior Keys

AUGUST 9: Others Are Not Your Problem

AUGUST 10: The Blessing of Collaboration

AUGUST 11: The Blessing of Community

AUGUST 12: The World Needs Your Light Too

AUGUST 13: Don’t Try to Be like Anyone Else

AUGUST 14: No One Can Be You

AUGUST 15: Life Is Short

AUGUST 16: Behind the Scenes

AUGUST 17: Humility

AUGUST 18: People Won’t Always Thank You

AUGUST 19: It’s Okay to Lean on Someone

AUGUST 20: Making Friends

AUGUST 21: A Good Friend Is Like a Bad Mirror

AUGUST 22: A True Friend Offers Help

AUGUST 23: Just Be There

AUGUST 24: Be Generous

AUGUST 25: Focus on Who Is with You

AUGUST 26: Betrayal

AUGUST 27: Be Reasonable

AUGUST 28: Different Views

AUGUST 29: Manage Expectations

AUGUST 30: Hug

AUGUST 31: Friendship Can Survive


SEPTEMBER 1: Do Not Fear Surrender

SEPTEMBER 2: Do Not Fear the Unknown

SEPTEMBER 3: Do Not Fear Small Beginnings

SEPTEMBER 4: Do Not Fear Being a Beginner

SEPTEMBER 5: Don’t Fear Just Because You Always Have

SEPTEMBER 6: Do Not Fear Vulnerability

SEPTEMBER 7: Do Not Fear What People Think of You

SEPTEMBER 8: Do Not Fear the Worst

SEPTEMBER 9: Do Not Fear Your Enemy’s Success

SEPTEMBER 10: Do Not Fear Pain

SEPTEMBER 11: Do Not Fear Imperfection

SEPTEMBER 12: Do Not Fear Those Who Are Different

SEPTEMBER 13: Do Not Fear the Battle

SEPTEMBER 14: Do Not Fear Defeat

SEPTEMBER 15: Believe You Have What It Takes

SEPTEMBER 16: Do Not Fear the Future

SEPTEMBER 17: Do Not Fear Being Judged

SEPTEMBER 18: Do Not Fear Losing Your Stuff

SEPTEMBER 19: Fear Doesn’t Make You a Coward

SEPTEMBER 20: Put On the Armor

SEPTEMBER 21: Remember the Time Wasted by Fear

SEPTEMBER 22: Fearlessness Is Attractive

SEPTEMBER 23: Fear Is a Toothless Lion

SEPTEMBER 24: The Worry Box, Part 1

SEPTEMBER 25: The Worry Box, Part 2

SEPTEMBER 26: Switch Fear for Faith

SEPTEMBER 27: Imagination


SEPTEMBER 29: Fear Changes Shape

SEPTEMBER 30: Do Not Fear the Reaper

OCTOBER – Relationships

OCTOBER 1: Love One Another

OCTOBER 2: Love Endures

OCTOBER 3: Don’t Condemn

OCTOBER 4: God Weighs the Heart

OCTOBER 5: Open Up

OCTOBER 6: Live by Example

OCTOBER 7: People Are the Best Investment

OCTOBER 8: Let ’Em Walk

OCTOBER 9: Be Kind When Disagreeing

OCTOBER 10: Watch Your Words

OCTOBER 11: It’s Classy to Respect People

OCTOBER 12: Put Down the Flame

OCTOBER 13: Mean People Aren’t Happy

OCTOBER 14: Love Your Enemies

OCTOBER 15: Grace

OCTOBER 16: It Could Be Any One of Us

OCTOBER 17: Show Mercy They Didn’t Show You

OCTOBER 18: Give Up the Ghost

OCTOBER 19: The Right People Love the Real You

OCTOBER 20: Friendship First

OCTOBER 21: Live Your Message

OCTOBER 22: Date a Gentleman

OCTOBER 23: The Love You Deserve

OCTOBER 24: Find Someone You Admire

OCTOBER 25: Don’t Compromise

OCTOBER 26: Marry a Heart

OCTOBER 27: When Things Aren’t Perfect

OCTOBER 28: Be Partners

OCTOBER 29: Stay Kind

OCTOBER 30: Create Good Habits

OCTOBER 31: Submission Is Key

NOVEMBER – Strength and Wisdom

NOVEMBER 1: You’re Stronger Than You Think

NOVEMBER 2: Your Strength Is in Him

NOVEMBER 3: The Fight Brings out the Fighter in You

NOVEMBER 4: Diamonds

NOVEMBER 5: Pray for Courage

NOVEMBER 6: The Battles Are Many

NOVEMBER 7: Spiritual Strength

NOVEMBER 8: Don’t Be Ashamed of Weakness

NOVEMBER 9: Breakthroughs Can Be Messy

NOVEMBER 10: Let Joy Be Your Strength

NOVEMBER 11: Channel Your Anger

NOVEMBER 12: Built in a Lifetime—Gone in a Moment

NOVEMBER 13: Don’t React—Act

NOVEMBER 14: Striking Balance with Taming the Tongue

NOVEMBER 15: Be Teachable

NOVEMBER 16: The Correction of a Friend

NOVEMBER 17: Weigh Up Advice

NOVEMBER 18: To Act or Not to Act?

NOVEMBER 19: Consequences

NOVEMBER 20: Beware of Gossip

NOVEMBER 21: Take Care What You Share

NOVEMBER 22: Beware What You Promote

NOVEMBER 23: Pruning Produces Fruit

NOVEMBER 24: Take the Narrow Road

NOVEMBER 25: Don’t Follow the Crowd

NOVEMBER 26: Discernment

NOVEMBER 27: The Fear of the Lord

NOVEMBER 28: Sleep on It

NOVEMBER 29: Avoid Temptation

NOVEMBER 30: Age Is Just a Number

DECEMBER – Freedom, Peace, and Hope

DECEMBER 1: Freedom Is Contagious

DECEMBER 2: You Don’t Have to Win All the Time

DECEMBER 3: Be Truthful with Yourself

DECEMBER 4: You’re Not Bound by This World

DECEMBER 5: Worship

DECEMBER 6: Inner World Peace

DECEMBER 7: There Is Enough Time

DECEMBER 8: Give Yourself a Break

DECEMBER 9: Holiness

DECEMBER 10: Just Enjoy the Ride

DECEMBER 11: Promises, Promises

DECEMBER 12: What Do You Really Need?

DECEMBER 13: You Can’t Take It with You

DECEMBER 14: Don’t Get Hung Up on the Unknowable

DECEMBER 15: Be Your Authentic Self


DECEMBER 17: You Don’t Need to Prove Yourself

DECEMBER 18: Money Worries

DECEMBER 19: You’re in Training

DECEMBER 20: Don’t Get Overwhelmed by Ideas

DECEMBER 21: Don’t Stick Your Head in the Sand

DECEMBER 22: Focus

DECEMBER 23: The Promise of Hope

DECEMBER 24: Today Is a New Day

DECEMBER 25: Forgiveness

DECEMBER 26: Payoff for the Pain

DECEMBER 27: You Are Not a Hopeless Case

DECEMBER 28: When the Miracle Doesn’t Happen

DECEMBER 29: Your Story Isn’t Over Yet

DECEMBER 30: Strength to Strength

DECEMBER 31: Gratitude




Dreamers Change the World

Some may believe that dreams are a trivial distraction, but let’s be real—dreamers change the world. Every great leader, entertainer, explorer, and inventor in history began with a dream. From Thomas Edison to Martin Luther King, dreamers are game-changing revolutionaries. They don’t just see what is, but what can be. I’ve come to view dreams not as fantasies but as blueprints for our purpose in the world. If you want to leave a positive imprint on this world during your brief stay, you need a dream. A dream will direct the course of your life. It will cause you make the most of your gifts and talents. Dreams give birth to hope, giving us passion and focus in even the hardest times.

This year I’m celebrating my tenth year as an independent recording artist. I have traveled the world and experienced the great honor of people connecting with my art and my story. I have even had the unrivalled joy of watching that story unlock people from their sorrows. I feel above and beyond blessed to do what I love—and more importantly, what I feel I was made to do.

But it hasn’t been an easy ride. Being an independent artist makes every day an exercise in faith. My husband, Joel, and I believe daily for God’s provision, both for our personal and business needs. There have been financial, relational, spiritual, and physical trials at every juncture. Recently someone asked me via Facebook Messenger, Do you ever feel like giving up?

Only a few times a week, I replied. The truth is, I can’t even count the number of times where I’ve felt like hanging up my guitar forever. But when you feel called to something, you quickly realize that giving up is not an option. If this dream of yours has truly come from heaven, then it’s your duty to pursue it faithfully. Remaining steadfast in that purpose is an act of obedience. So…

•How do we stay strong and motivated on the journey?

•How can we fight fear and fatigue?

•How can we get back up when we have fallen or failed?

•When it comes to our future—and our relationships and ambitions—how can we remain hopeful in troubled times?

I have asked all of these questions along the way. On the journey to the life of my dreams, I have experienced relationship breakdowns, seasons of despair, and even depression. I have struggled to separate myself from my works and not to measure my worth by accomplishments. But I’ve reached a place in my life where I consider myself an overcomer. With God’s daily help I found the tools and the supernatural strength to keep straining toward the goal.

In order to keep going, I found myself reaching into heaven for strength and inspiration. I’ve been amazed to find that through prayer, reflection, and reaching into heaven, every day something encouraging has fallen into my spirit like manna. I began sharing these thoughts via social media about three years ago, and the more thoughts I shared, the more I was inspired. People in my world who were also reaching for their best life in God began to respond to those posts and journey alongside me. Many suggested I organize these musings into a book. So by God’s grace I did just that! I have collected 365 inspiring thoughts that I hope will be daily fuel for you as they have been for me.

These thoughts are not only for those pursuing a ministry or career goal. I have purposed these writings for anyone needing encouragement to fight the good fight of faith in their daily lives. I have included encouragement on love, peace, managing relationships, insecurity, self-esteem, fear, discouragement, and much more.

I have planned out these daily readings in an order that makes sense as we journey through the year. But I have also organized them into monthly themes so you can find the readings most helpful for you at any time. You can journey with me daily, or you can move from section to section. You can simply let the book fall open, or you can search for the monthly theme that most applies to where you are in the journey right now. It’s entirely up to you! Please personalize this journey as you desire.

Each reading is accompanied by a Scripture passage, a reflection, and a prayer, intended as light suggestions to guide and inspire you. But feel free to respond as you choose. I encourage you to scribble, doodle, circle, outline, and make this book your own!

However you choose to enjoy this work, I pray with all my heart that it spurs you on. I also pray that you can look back over this year and see both wonderful progress and God’s fingerprints on everything. Feel free to quote and share these thoughts with the people in your world using the hashtags #AmazingYou and #inspiration365.

Love and blessings,




Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”

MATTHEW 16:24–25

We will approach innumerable doors as we pursue our dreams in life. But before we go any further, there is one door we must go through for ourselves. I believe that everything good, right, and necessary in life is beyond it. This is the door of surrender to God. There will be many gatekeepers whom we will strive to charm and influence, but God is above all of them, and the key to surrender is entirely in our hands.

Back in early 2004 I was doing a vocal session for a university student named Andy Baker. He was a Christian and therefore a completely alien species to me. I was a young agnostic struggling with my music dreams and ambitions. Andy believed God has a plan for our lives. The session went well, and I noticed that Andy had become quite emotional as I finished my last take. He called me into the control room, where I found him in tears. Surprised and shocked, I asked what was wrong. He sat me down, and this is what he said: “I believe you have the gift of reaching people emotionally. But Philippa, I really feel you need to give your gifts to God because he can do more with them than you can ever do alone.”

It was a couple of months later that everything began to change. I went to a church gathering, and during the worship I found myself praying. I was depressed, defeated, and desperate for God to show up in my life. I realized I had to let go of all of it.

I had to put all my dreams and gifts before God and relinquish ownership. It was scary and strange. But I honestly believe that without this commitment, none of the doors that followed would have opened. By God’s grace I was slowly released into the life of purpose, one I identified in my spirit.

As a reader, you may not be ready to make that commitment. That’s okay. But I needed to share at the outset what I believe will help you most. As for the rest, I pray you’ll find something in each passage that helps you to keep moving and keep believing.


If there’s something you want to lay down right now, here’s your chance. Write down your dream in just a few words and, if you feel brave enough, hand it completely to God. Let me encourage you, the adventure starts here.

Lord, I surrender all the desires of my heart because I trust you. I know that whatever I have planned is nothing compared to your plan, Lord. Take my life, my gifts, and all my desires and have your way. May your will be done and your kingdom come through my time here on earth. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Upgrade Your Dream

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.


When I was little, I liked to play with flour. I guess I discovered it while baking with Mum. When she saw me playing with the flour, she asked if she could use it to make homemade Play-Doh. If I would let her add water and food coloring, we could build things together and have so much more fun. But I was content to make patterns with the flour and didn’t want my happy little situation to change. One day Mum went ahead and made the Play-Doh without telling me, and I discovered a whole new world. I could actually sculpt my favorite shapes and animals! I realized that if I’d trusted her sooner, I could have been building and making things the whole time.

I have to trust God in a similar way when it comes to certain things in my life. He sees more clearly than I do what will fulfill me. If I can trust him to take away what I have, he’s sure to return with something better—just like my mum did that day.


Take a moment today to look at your heart and ask what is in there that really matters to you. What do you hold onto most tightly: marriage, children, a dream? Take a moment to write down what is most dear to you and entrust it to God.

Lord, you know what is most dear to me. But I trust that you will always do a better job than me at deciding my path. Though it’s not easy, I now hand over my deepest desires, knowing that you will always have what is best in mind. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Delight Yourself in the Lord

Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart.


God did some truly incredible things in my life as a new Christian. He led me out of a long season of anxiety and depression. He made it possible for me to break free from relationships that were destroying me because I no longer needed to fear being alone. As this spiritual awakening happened, my dreams began to evolve. As I focused on God’s goodness in my life, my dreams became less about my own success and more about introducing others to this great Savior. As I reflected on what I’d overcome by only his strength and the elusive peace I’d found only in his arms, my dreams evolved and my prayers did too. I began to see answers to those prayers right away.

When we delight in his goodness, his sovereignty, and his love, when we long to see his goodness prevail in our lives and the lives of others, when we realize that he never gets it wrong and that his agenda is perfect, our dreams will begin to align with his plan.


Today let’s just think about how awesome our God is. In your journal use the space to focus on something that inspires you about him. It could be a thought, a Scripture passage, or even a sketch of the sunset. Remind yourself why he is so awesome!

Lord, help me to become more and more amazed by you. Help me to delight in nothing more than I delight in who you are. In Jesus’ name, amen.


The Kingdom Filter

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


There is a filter that I put my dreams and plans through: Am I doing this because it pleases me, or because it’s right? Am I being selfish, or considering others first? Can the outcome of this dream have positive effects for God’s family? I’ve come to refer to this as my “kingdom filter.”

Some years ago I was offered a job in a church. It was a tempting offer that promised a decent salary for doing what I enjoy. But after praying about it, I felt a conviction I would be more fruitful doing outreach. I knew in my spirit that although it would be harder financially, my reach for God would be wider by going out into the world and sharing music beyond the walls of a church. For me, this was seeking first God’s kingdom on earth. It was a tough call at the time, but favor seemed to follow. I now travel full-time with my husband, reaching people in unusual places every day.


What opportunities are presenting themselves to you right now? Do you have a tough decision to make about your future? Or are you confused about how to best use your talents? Today take a moment to examine your dreams and opportunities under a “kingdom microscope” and put it though the “kingdom filter.”

Lord, help me always to seek you first. Although it’s hard, let me choose what is truly good over what feels good in the moment. Let me make decisions that build your kingdom and benefit those around me. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Your Dreams Are a Map for Your Future

Then the LORD told me: “I will give you my message in the form of a vision. Write it clearly enough to be read at a glance.”


I was speaking to a medical student recently who was telling me about her dreams to practice medicine in the developing world. “I’m not sure it’ll work out,” she said. “It’s so competitive.”

Listening to her, I realized this dream of hers was a divine one. The idea of doing something like that was so specific to her and alien to me that it could only be something imprinted in her DNA somewhere. In that moment I had what I believe was a God thought: maybe the desires of our hearts are roadmaps for the fulfillment of God’s purpose in our lives.

A lot of people think those with big dreams need to simply “get real” or pursue a “sensible career.” But if you’ve been born with a dream you can’t shake, there is every chance that the dream is a signpost for your destiny. In the same way your looks, strengths, and preferences are a part of you, so are those dreams. Instead of calling them dreams, begin to call them roadmaps.


Do you have a dream in your heart that you believe is from God? Take a moment today to write it down and put it somewhere you can see it. You can keep it simple or even draw it out as a map and then commit that map to God.

Lord, thank you for the way you have made me. Thank you that along with my physical and intellectual attributes, you have also placed dreams within me. Today help me to consider those dreams as signposts for my destiny in you. Help me to have faith in what you’ve placed in my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Submit Your Plans

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.


I would love for God to show me his plan at every turn, but often I am pretty clueless as to what he has in store. If we want to see the outworking of our dreams, it usually begins with us making a plan. Whether we dream of starting a business, traveling, having a family, or buying a house, it helps to put pen to paper and map things out. Keeping track of appointments, making lists, and plotting out a timeframe really helps things to progress.

God promises to bless our plans when we submit them to him. So if you’re about to begin something, pray, plan, and then pray over the plan. Make your plans prayerfully, hand them to God, and cast off all worry. He promises to bless blueprints drawn up in faith.


If there’s something you’re planning right now—an event, a career move, even a wedding—take this moment to submit your plan to God.

Lord, I am making this decision with you in mind. I want this decision to honor you and benefit everyone involved. I ask that you would take this plan and pour your blessings over it. May your will be done. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Amateurs Built the Ark

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.


So you have a dream, you’ve made a plan, and now you’re realizing you feel wildly underqualified. But someone once said, “Don’t be afraid to try new things. Remember amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic.” I love this quote because it reminds me that God’s presence and wisdom far outplay expertise, experience, and even ability.

I can witness to this in my own journey. After years in the music industry, I’ve seen people with decades of expertise fail to hit the mark while a beginner with faith creates huge waves with their creative efforts. In the end it isn’t about being an expert but about having the right idea at the right time—and God’s favor.


If you feel overwhelmed today, remember Noah and the ark he was asked to build. When the dream in your heart is God given, he can work through your limited ability and experience to make it a reality.

Dear Lord, my need is great, but so are you. I trust you with the journey ahead, knowing that where I lack you will provide and where I am weak you will be strong. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone

“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.


The saying, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” is beautiful and true. In the early days of my performing career, I forgot to book a guitarist to accompany me for a show. I presumed we would have to cancel. But my manager, Andy, knew I had written the songs on my guitar and could play them. Andy refused to cancel the show, so I had little choice but to play. As I stood, guitar in hand, in front of a packed hall, I realized I was being kicked out of the nest. I was plummeting toward the ground and had to flap my little wings or I would crash. Today I play up to 150 shows a year with a guitar in my hand. I never do a show without it, and I’ve never looked back.

In the beginning I wanted a career in music that was entirely on my terms. I only wanted to do what was comfortable for me, but this mind-set was limiting what I could accomplish. If you’re not willing to do things that terrify you, you’re unlikely to learn what you’re really capable of. Step out of the nest, and there’s no telling how far you’ll fly!


What gifts are you not using because you’re afraid to stand up and share? Perhaps it’s time to step out of the boat.

Lord, give me courage to go where you send me and do things that scare me, knowing that you’re right beside me every step of the way. Let me never allow fear to prevent me from learning and becoming all that I can in you. In Jesus’ name, amen.


God Will Equip You

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.


Stepping outside your comfort zone often leads to doing things you don’t have the skills or money for. When you realize that what you’re attempting can’t be achieved with the resources you have, it can be quite daunting. Remember this: What God has asked you to do, he will equip you to do. He won’t leave you to perish in the middle of his mission. You don’t need to worry about your age, skill level, background, or resources.

When I first got the call to join Lionel Richie on tour, I was hesitant to say yes. We were going need a lot of resources we didn’t have at that time. But when I felt the nudge so deeply in my spirit that I should take the opportunity, I agreed. Within forty-eight hours, we’d managed to find everything we required. And we were blessed beyond measure through the tour and today, six years later I still meet people who stumbled upon us there and were deeply impacted by what was shared.


If there are things you need in order to go forward in your journey, don’t fear! God has promised provision for every good work. Take a moment to detail what you need and bring it to God today in prayer.

Lord, some of the tasks ahead of me are beyond what I feel I can do. But I trust you’ll provide the resources and the strength I need to see it through. Thank you for the miracles you are about to do, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Keep on Driving

“Go in peace,” the priest replied. “For the LORD is watching over your journey.”


Life really is a journey. It requires daily movement, change, and challenge. It’s full of twists and turns (some of them wrong ones). And we all know that travel ranges anywhere from exciting and scenic to straight-up tedious and exhausting. Some days you want to open the window, belt out your favorite song, and enjoy the view. Other days it’s all you can do to keep the tank full and keep the vehicle in a forward motion.

I’m destination focused and love finished products. But not all days are destination days. Not all days involve arriving somewhere beautiful. Most days are travel days. Although travel days can really take it out of you, they’re essential if you want to see a new horizon. You’ll never arrive anywhere without travel days.

So today, enjoy the journey in whatever way you can. Throw your all into the email messages you need to write, the bills you need to pay, and the preparations you need to make. When you’re losing motivation because nothing “great” happened, take a moment to remind yourself, Today is a travel day. I’m headed somewhere. Bon voyage!


Today, write down one mundane thing you did that has been an essential part of your journey to beautiful horizons.

Thank you, Lord, that you are watching over every element of this journey. I know that not every day will be a destination day, so I simply ask for the patience and the endurance to do today’s travel well. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Character Outweighs Talent

Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.


Talent is everywhere. It’s so plentiful that it’s easy to fall into the snare of comparing yourself to others and becoming discouraged. But let me encourage you. Talent is a very small component of success. Character far outweighs talent. Some of the most gifted people end up throwing away their shot at success because their character isn’t strong enough to carry the gift.

Character is more important than money, fame position, or status. Because without good character, it’s impossible to carry any of those other things. Every time you survive a trial, you grow a little stronger. The setbacks, delays, and disappointments we face on our journey serve at least one great purpose—they help refine our character. My setbacks have helped me to be hardworking, tenacious, and well prepared (none of which I was by nature). They have armed me with material and experience for the next stage of my career or ministry.


Thank God for the difficulties you’re facing. They’ll prepare you for the blessings to come. And you’ll emerge from those challenges stronger and wiser—and more patient.

Lord, I’m grateful for the challenges I’m facing because I know you’re preparing me for what’s to come. These trials are a priceless gift because all the gold in all the world can’t buy good character! Please make sure I’m ready to carry whatever blessing you have for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Steady and Slow Wins the Race

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.


Most people take themselves out of the race by simply giving up. If you really love what you do, keep doing it. If the song didn’t impress, write another. If your singing needs work, get lessons. If you can’t get a job writing for a magazine, start a blog of your own. Most artists write hundreds of songs before any of them reach a large audience. Comedian Drew Lynch played five hundred shows the year before he landed his golden buzzer audition for America’s Got Talent. If you’re really determined to reach that finish line, you won’t mind taking the slower mode of transport.

You may not be the most talented person on planet earth. But while others are procrastinating, living it up, or simply giving up, keep going. In the story of the tortoise and the hare, out there on the track the hare had the advantage. But the tortoise, who kept going while the hare wasted time, crossed the finish line first. Steady and slow wins the race.


Do you feel that you’re losing focus on the race marked out for you? Do you feel that moving slowly is causing you to become discouraged? Today, let’s take this to God in prayer and simply ask for his renewed focus and strength.

Lord, help me to be someone who perseveres. When those around me appear to be stronger or more capable, let me focus on my own journey. Help me to bravely and consistently place one foot before the other and keep moving, knowing that you’ll help me to keep running the race marked out for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Your Destiny Rests on God

The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

PSALM 27:1

We can get pretty hung up on impressing the right people. We dream of bumping into that one person who could open all the right doors for our next chapter. It’s easy to place all our hope in regular humans who are likely to disappoint us.

I used to get hugely anxious about meeting with investors, agents for record labels, and so on. But it took a number of victories (and knockbacks) for me to realize that my destiny wasn’t going to rest in any one person’s hands. Looking back over a decade of full-time music career and ministry, I can see that although key figures came and went, my purpose remained. God’s presence and favor never for a moment wavered.

It’s good to reach a point where the outcome of a meeting doesn’t threaten our joy and faith. We must learn to trust that the wrong doors close and the right ones open. If one gatekeeper doesn’t connect with us, there’ll be another who does. No one person decides your destiny. When you entrust your future to God, he ultimately rules proceedings.


Remember that God is the real boss, and that he already approves of you! He will align the right people at the right time to make sure you move forward.

Lord, help me to have complete peace in my interactions with influencers I encounter. Help me to conduct myself as someone who knows where true help and provision comes from. It all comes from you, Lord! Thank you for your favor. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Progress Is Painful

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.


Moving forward can hurt like crazy. When my team and I were preparing for our first big tour, there were disagreements, setbacks, and even tears. The stakes in my career were getting higher. The risks were becoming greater and it was uncomfortable, even painful. But it was healthy and it was necessary.

If you were in labor but didn’t know you were expecting, you’d probably fear for your life. But as labor so beautifully reminds us, pain doesn’t always mean things are going wrong. Sometimes pain is an indication that things are moving in exactly the right direction. Growth is painful. Expansion is painful. But I’ve never seen a new mother with a baby in her arms that didn’t think the pain was worth it. So keep going, keep breathing, and—dare I say it?—keep pushing.


Have things become more difficult in your dream journey recently? Take a moment to look behind you and see how far you have already come. Don’t presume that things are going wrong just because they’re becoming less comfortable.

Lord, thank you for this process that I’m in. Just as a child has a growth spurt, my growth as a dreamer can likewise be painful. Help me to deal with the pain that comes from progress and to know that it’s an encouraging sort of pain. Thank you finally for the delivery of this dream that someday will come as I have faith in you. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Make the Most of Every Opportunity

“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much.”


A little while ago I felt a strong desire to branch out and write for other artists, but it didn’t seem that any new doors were opening. Then one day these questions fell into my spirit: Am I overlooking the opportunities that are right in front of me? Are there people close to home that I could reach out to and connect with?

So I made a list of all the great people I was already in touch with and began to write some emails. Pretty soon I had a bunch of appointments scheduled, and within a few months, doors beyond my network were opening. I realized that I’d become so focused on my bigger goals that I’d forgotten to see and seize the opportunities God had already blessed me with.

Sometimes we have to ask ourselves, Am I making the most of what God has already put in my life? Your current life might not seem as exciting as the one you’re praying to live, but some of your greatest accomplishments might be right where you are. Perhaps God is waiting for you to “use up” what he has given you before he replenishes you with new opportunities!


Try to think of some opportunities you might be missing. Are there any ways you can serve with your gift that you haven’t already tried? Are there people you can help and mentor? Take time to consider this and make some notes.

Lord, help me to make the most of everything you’ve given to me. If there is anything you would have me do that I’m overlooking please show that to me as I pray. I want to be faithful with everything you’ve given to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Not Everyone Will “Get” You

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

2 JOHN 1:6

In the years since I began singing in both church and mainstream settings, I’ve had all sorts of criticism. Some people have questioned my faith because not all my songs mention Jesus, and others have said my music would never appeal to the mainstream because of its faith content. But I cannot change what my heart beats for, and I decided not to try. My mission is to reach and bless people where they are.

I recently received a message from a Yorkshire-based school teacher and it made my heart overflow:

Hi Philippa,

I thought I would message you because I have had one of the most amazing days today and it’s thanks to you. I work in a highly deprived school and one of my responsibilities is to conduct the school singing assembly (which is unfortunate as I can’t sing to save my life!). Anyway, each week after practicing our school song I play the children a music video with a good message. This week I decided to play your new song ‘arrow’. I was completely blown away with their response. 300+ children sat in silence (which is unknown) and the moment it had finished hands were raised: ‘Who was that again?’ ‘Can we hear it again?’ Then at playtime a group of girls approached me: ‘Can you write down the name of that singer, please?’ I never could have imagined that a song would have got such a positive reaction from such a lot of children. So thank you for your vision. I wish you all the best with your music. You really are an inspiration.

In these moments, I realize the importance of being obedient to your unique call. You never know what God will do with it!


Take a moment to look inside your heart and ask, Heart, what makes you beat faster? What are you passionate about? Those things may be a little out of the box, and that’s okay. If you have one, write your unique vision below. In times where you’re being pulled in different directions, go back and take a look at what you wrote.

Lord, help me to identify how I can love people in my own unique way. Thank you that your call on my life is custom designed. Help me to tune in better to what makes me tick and to be obedient to that in times of distraction. In Jesus’ name, amen.


There Is Only One Yes You Need

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?


In the pursuit of your dreams you’re likely to hear the word no a thousand times. There will be people who don’t believe in you and don’t see your value. There’ll be well-meaning friends who don’t see the point in your venture because it doesn’t make sense on paper. This is when you have to hold on to the God-vision within. God’s plans don’t always make sense on paper, and that’s why faith is required to stick to them.

When God says yes, it doesn’t matter who says no. When I made my first record, a certain radio station wouldn’t play it. The head of programming thought it was too artsy for their usual playlist. I was discouraged by their feedback but believed in the songs with all my heart. I knew that they needed to reach people and knew that God was bigger than this decision. Just a matter of weeks later, the head of programming moved on and several of my songs were playlisted. Not only will God go around people, he will sometimes wait until they are moved aside.


Has the word no been spoken over you one too many times? If this word now is causing you to doubt your calling, and even your value, it’s time to remember that God’s promises nullify the noes.

Lord, I thank you that your yes is final. I thank you that no matter who is against me, you are for me. Help me to accept the rejections and decisions of others graciously and patiently, knowing that you have a plan for me and it’s perfect. Amen.


The Long Road Has More Treasure

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

PSALM 23:1–3

Sometimes it can feel as if we’re being made to take the scenic route with our dreams. We wonder why so many others seem to arrive at their dream job, marriage, or family before we do. We work hard, pray hard, and prepare, yet we still wait for a breakthrough. But be encouraged. As you walk this long road, you’re collecting treasure. There are twice the number of jewels on the scenic route.

In the beginning of my career, my only goal was to get a record deal. Years later I can see how I’ve been doubly blessed by staying independent. I’ve been able to keep hold of my true self, my original vision, and my focus on God. Being involved in every aspect of the journey has given me invaluable skills I never thought I’d have.

If your dreams are taking forever to come true, take heart. God wants you to be more than just another person praying for a yes. He wants you to be your own yes and eventually a yes for others.


What has the scenic route taught you? Make a list of some of the treasures you’ve picked up on the journey so far.

Lord, thank you for what you are teaching me on this journey. I know you are blessing me through these extra miles. What I encounter on the way will refresh my soul and the souls I come into fellowship with. Help me to absorb and embrace all that you have for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Get Better at What You Do

Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings.


I’m a self-taught musician, and I’ve always found sight-reading nearly impossible. I used to sit by my frustrated piano teacher, picking out one painful note at a time, my cheeks hotter by the moment. I took other lessons, but formal training didn’t work well for me. So when it came to singing, I avoided training. I associated singing with freedom and learning with failure, so I didn’t imagine how the two could combine.