Ancestors of the Future - Ulrike Kerber - E-Book

Ancestors of the Future E-Book

Ulrike Kerber

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Embark on a visionary journey with "Ancestors of the Future", a unique collection of visual poetry that explores the intersection of human and artificial intelligence. This 134-page book offers short musings from fictional future beings, sharing their wisdom to inspire us today. For over two decades, the author has been a pioneering brand and motion designer, primarily using digital tools like the Adobe Creative Suite. A transformative moment occurred in November 2022 with the release of Large Language Models, reshaping the landscape of creativity and technology. This event sparked an intense exploration into the potential of AI, leading to a Master's thesis and a PhD program focused on enhancing human creativity and learning through AI and emerging technologies such as augmented and virtual realities. Ancestors of the Future delves into the profound impact AI will have on our daily lives, from economic and environmental shifts to ethical and social dynamics. The book envisions a possible, optimistic future where AI-created avatars, enhanced humans, hybrids, and cyborgs born from digital forces drive transformation. These primarily female-looking avatars channel messages that inspire readers, despite an intentional naivety regarding the ethical aspects of technology. The purpose is to harness the power of imagination to create a positive reality while being mindful of potential dangers. The book emphasizes that the future is now, as the only experiential time is the present moment. Through words, designs, videos, and music, the author envisions a collaborative partnership with AI that elevates creativity to new heights and benefits humanity. Ancestors of the Future invites readers to stay curious and embrace the unpredictable future, using technology to create a brighter, more imaginative world.

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Seitenzahl: 36

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“The Future is always beginning now.” Mark Strand

Table of Contents


I have Agency

I am not a Clairvoyant

Enjoy Sweet Pleasure


I am Wealthy

I make the Rules

I Belong

I detect Bullsh*t

I am the Master of all Senses

I am a Cyborg

I am a Synaesthesiast

I hallucinate

I am fashionable

Timeless Time Keeper

I use different Brainwaves

I am Emotionally Intelligent

What is Reality?

I am an Aesthetic Empath

Grapheme-colour Synaesthesia

Am I a wave or a particle?

They called me Singularity

I speak AI languages

I am forever curious

I am a Lucid Dreamer

I am Resilience

I am not an Influencer

I am a Listener

I am Beauty

I am Highly Sensitive

I am Nothing

I am a Manifestor

There is a Field

I am a Creator


I am Playfulness

I am a Daydreamer

I spy with my little eye

I am unlimited

Energy creates matter

I am Authenticity

I learned from the Animal Kingdom

I am a Mirror of you

I am Connected

I am a Reader

*It is Complicated

There Is No Me

My twin Amelie

I am a Veil Lifter

I am the Silence

I am an Alchemist

I am Trance

I am a Shaman

I am a Subterranean Superpower

I am Awareness

I am an Eternal Mantra

Lexical gustatory synesthesia

I am Water, my Friend

I am a Centenarian

I am a wordsmith

I am the guardians of gardens

I am love

Postwords and thanks

The Author

“In this bright future you can’t forget the past”

Bob Marley


What started this book? For over two decades, I have been working as a brand and motion designer, heading my own design studio. While I’ve explored many different analog techniques, illustration styles, cel and stop motion animation, my work has primarily revolved around digital tools such as the Adobe Creative Suite. This however changed with a big bang in November 2022, when Large Language Models were released and revolutionized the way we work and live. For me, this was a mindblowing moment. Since then, I have been researching these new AI tools to find out how we can can benefit from the technology and forge a relationship with AI to enhance our intelligence. I‘ve been asking myself questions. How can we bring our creativity to a whole new level with AI? How can we improve learning by utilizing AI and other emerging technologies like augmented or virtual realities.

AI is not going away, instead it will entangle our daily lives, perhaps more deeply than we anticipate or desire. This may have dramatic consequences in all kinds of ways: economic, environmental impact, ethical issues, and social dynamics.

The purpose of this book is to muse about a possible, optimistic future. AI-created avatars, are the muses, enhanced humans, hybrids, cyborgs, born from the digital forcefield, bringing change and transformation. I channel primarily female looking avatars, whose messages inspire. In more ways than one, the reader might feel a naïveté or blindness to ethical aspects of technology. However the aim here was to focus on a positive vision of the future. Technologies such as AI, implants, and robotics, may come with unforeseen consequences, happening in a multitude or possibly single, life-changing events.

The power of imagination is to see the positive sides to create a reality, while being aware of potential dangers. Without imagination, there is no manifestation.

I envision and create the future with words, designs, videos and music. What can a collaborative partnership with AI do to bring creativity to new heights? How can we use the technology for the greater good? I am grateful for whatever arises in the present moment and stay curious about the unpredictable future.

Ulrike Kerber

Dearest Me,

This is you, writing from a future of potential.

Remember when life felt like a series of random events?

I revised this. I have the secret weapon of self-determination:


Agency is more than just reacting to life.