Approaching ESP Texts: Genre Analysis of CEO Statements - Andreas Raab - E-Book

Approaching ESP Texts: Genre Analysis of CEO Statements E-Book

Andreas Raab

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Document from the year 2008 in the subject Didactics - English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 1, University of Vienna, language: English, abstract: This project report presents a genre analysis of CEO statements. The corpus of relevant texts consists of 20 examples, the CEO statements of 3M, Air Berlin, Alcoa, Allianz, Beijer Electronics, Coca Cola, Deutsche Bank, Ericsson, Exxon Mobil, Gerflor, Holcim, Intel, Interamerican, JSE Limited, Nissan, O2, Small Business Technology Institute, Telecom, TNT and T-Rex Corporation. All the texts can be found on the Internet and are taken from the websites of the respective companies. The main focus of this project is a linguistic analysis of the genre CEO statements, whereby a move structure of the genre is identified and lexico-grammatical features are pointed out. Typical text patterns of CEO statements are included in these chapters. Furthermore, this project report contains sections that deal with the description of the analytical process as well as with problems encountered and insights gained. Besides, a context is presented in which this analysis can be applied to a teaching situation.

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