Imperialism and Popular Culture Using Malta as a Case Study - Andreas Raab - E-Book

Imperialism and Popular Culture Using Malta as a Case Study E-Book

Andreas Raab

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Essay from the year 2007 in the subject Cultural Studies - Miscellaneous, grade: 1, University of Malta, course: The Maltese National Experience: From Occupation to Statehood, language: English, abstract: The purpose of this essay is to comparatively discuss imperialism and popular culture using Malta as a case study. At first, the concepts of imperialism and popular culture are described and the question whether these two terms are related is introduced. Second, these concepts are applied to Malta, whereby the description of the Mediterranean island’s situation also exemplarily represents the spread of popular culture to huge parts of the world. Third, this essay contains a discussion of the (potential) advantages and disadvantages or opportunities and dangers, respectively that the spread of popular culture throughout the globe (can) bring(s) with it, also focusing on the situation of Malta. Finally, the text summarises the discussion of the issue in how far the increase of popular culture can be seen as imperialistic in its character.

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