Arcane - Jarah Aurel - E-Book

Arcane E-Book

Jarah Aurel



After an accident killed her parents, Malia's life is turned upside down. She's going to an academy she's never heard of with people who have powers she didn't know existed, preparing for a war she wants to play no part in. Only that she will play a part in it, and one much more important than she could`ve anticipated. Will she be able to keep up with the other students or will she fail? Can she possibly be what people expect from her? And more importantly, how will she possibly survive living in the same place as a certain curly-haired, deeply infuriating boy? Only time will tell. The Wattpad sensation is coming on paper! After winning the hearts of many readers online, the edited version is finally available as a physical copy! Arcane is a uniquely constructed book that plays over the span of multiple years to show the development of two rivals` relationship as they grow up.

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Dear reader, make sure to read the trigger warnings for this book on my website

Also by Jarah Aurel:

Sommerstall Academy

Untangle Me


Only you

Piece by Piece

In Shadows We Rise

All those stories can be read on Wattpad under the username @yoursecret3

Here`s to the first story I wrote& showed the world online…

May it earn a special place in your hearts as much as it has one in


Table of Contents

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14


Chapter 15


Chapter 16


Chapter 17


Chapter 18


Chapter 19


Chapter 20


Chapter 21


Chapter 22


Chapter 23


Chapter 24


Chapter 25


Chapter 26


Chapter 27


Chapter 28


Chapter 29


Chapter 30



Chapter 31


Chapter 32


Chapter 33


Chapter 34


Chapter 35


Chapter 36


Chapter 37


Chapter 38


Chapter 39


Chapter 40


Chapter 41


Chapter 42



Chapter 43


Chapter 44


Chapter 45


Chapter 46


Chapter 47


Chapter 48


Chapter 49


Chapter 50


Chapter 51


Chapter 52


Chapter 53



Chapter 54


Chapter 55


Chapter 56


Chapter 57


Chapter 58


Chapter 59


Chapter 60


Chapter 61


Chapter 62


Chapter 63


Chapter 64


Chapter 65


Chapter 66


Chapter 67


Chapter 68


Chapter 69


Chapter 70


Chapter 71


Chapter 72


Chapter 73


Chapter 74


Chapter 75


Chapter 76


Chapter 77


Chapter 78


Chapter 79


Chapter 80


Chapter 81


Chapter 82


Chapter 83


Chapter 84


Chapter 85


Chapter 86


Chapter 87


Chapter 88


Chapter 89


Chapter 90


Chapter 91


Chapter 92


Chapter 93


Chapter 94


Chapter 95


Chapter 96


Chapter 97


Chapter 98


Chapter 99


Chapter 100


Chapter 101


Chapter 102


Chapter 103


Chapter 104


Chapter 105


Chapter 106


Chapter 107


Chapter 108


Chapter 109


Chapter 110


Chapter 111


Chapter 112


Chapter 113


Chapter 114


Chapter 115


Chapter 116


Chapter 117


Chapter 118



Chapter 1


"Do you know why you are here?" An unfamiliar female voice penetrates the thick fog surrounding my mind. I blink but remain unable to make sense of what I see. My vision is blurry and my brain too numb to catch up.

I want to search for the voice`s owner but I can`t move, my limbs impossibly heavy. In the back of my mind, a warning rings out, telling me to get ahold of myself and become aware of my surroundings, but the voice of caution is too far away to carry any actual importance.

"Can you hear me?" The voice adds, drawing closer.

Yes, I want to answer, but my mouth won't follow my command. My body seems incapable of working properly, caught in its dreamlike state. Is this a dream? I`ve never experienced anything similar, and it seems impossible for reality to feel like this.

"Malia?" My head jerks at the sound of my name, and my trance is shattered. I blink furiously, awareness rushing back into my body and mind as I look up.

A beautiful woman with wavy dark hair and bright blue eyes is sitting across from me. I study her features, and as some recognition trickles into my mind, my galloping heart stumbles over itself. Instead of the expected paralyzing fear to take hold of me, the sight of this stranger evokes a foreign calmness in me.

With great effort, I force myself to stay cautious and take a look around. We are in a big, bright room, which is just as new to me as she is. There are no windows, fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling being the only source of light.

Again, alarm bells go off in my head as I remember my parent`s old warnings about stranger danger. Still, I can`t quite bring myself to call out to them. Not with the woman on the other side of the desk looking so much like an angel.

"Do you remember what happened?" the woman asks patiently. I want to answer, but the words get stuck in my throat. I shake my head. I have no idea where I am or how I got here. It feels like I was in the car with my parents just a moment ago.

As if reading my mind, the woman slowly keeps talking, "You and your family had an accident. I am really sorry." Sorry for what? Why would this woman tell me she is sorry, and where are mamma and papà? I take a deep breath and try to find my voice.

"Where are my parents?" The words come out shaky and weak, so different from usual. The strange woman smiles sadly.

"They died in the accident. I am really sorry."

Died? That can't be possible. This woman must be wrong. We were driving to our favorite café just a second ago. My Papà told us a joke and we were all laughing together. I can almost still hear my mamma's laugh ringing in my ears and see my father's warm eyes as they look at me through the rear-view mirror.

My voice is gone again, so I shake my head once more, looking away from the woman and back at my knees. My hands are trembling in my lap, but I can barely feel them. Nothing feels real.

A strong hand gives my shoulder a squeeze and I whirl around in my seat. Another person I have never seen before, a man, is standing behind me like a guardian, staring ahead instead of looking down at me. He`s tall, his face obscured by the blinding lights from above, so I turn my attention back to the woman.

"Where am I?" I barely recognize my voice, usually so loud to be heard over the chaotic Italian conversations of my family. Now, I'm speaking in a broken whisper.

"You are at the Arcane academy. It is a school for young people like you. I am the headmistress, Adira, and this is Kaz, my right hand and your future trainer," she explains referring to the man behind me. I don't turn around again, the questions whirring in my mind much more pressing.

"Young people like you" How like me? Orphans? Because that is what I supposedly am now? "Your future trainer" What is he going to train me in? I have never even heard of this school.

I like my current school. The teachers are nice, and I have friends there. Why would I switch to this one? No one told me about this change. I have to speak to my parents. This woman must have me confused with someone.

I don`t say anything, so Adira goes on.

"I am sure you have a lot of questions, but it's been a long day. We can talk tomorrow." Long day?

"But I just got up," I protest. Nothing this woman says adds up.

"It is past midnight. It was a long flight over here." I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head again. What flight? I have never been on a plane.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise everything will make sense tomorrow. Goodnight, Malia." Before I can protest any further, the man behind me gently eases me to my feet and leads me out of the room.

"Where am I?" I whisper as we walk.

"Virginia," Kaz replies, his voice deep and soothing. Virginia, I've heard of that. I try to remember where Virginia is located, but my thoughts are all over the place. "You are in the USA," the man adds as if hearing my thoughts.

The USA. That can't be true. The last thing I remember is being in Sicily with my family, and now, I'm supposed to be on another continent? How could I possibly forget about a car accident and such a long flight? This must be a dream. My parents will wake me any moment now and everything will be all right.

I pinch my elbow subtly as we move and shut my eyes tightly. When I open them back up, I`m still here, walking through these clean, foreign halls.

"There is a single room prepared for you with clothes you can wear and a bed. I will fetch you in the morning and you can talk to Adira again. She`ll fill you in on why you`re here and tell you what`s necessary about the school. For any further questions that may come up, you can turn to the older student who will show you around later today.” Before I can comprehend even that, Kaz goes on.

“Students here share rooms, but it is best if you calm down alone and get some sleep tonight. You`ll be assigned to your room and meet your roommate tomorrow," Kaz explains, and all I can do is nod. I am a nine-year-old stranded alone with a grown man in a country I don`t know a single person in. Hang on...

"What date is it?" I ask.

"January 15th." A ten-year-old, then. Happy birthday to me... There is silence for a moment, but my stomach interrupts it with a loud growl.

"I haven’t had breakfast," I mumble. I'd normally be embarrassed, but I can't find it in me to care now. My mind continues to spin, whether it`s due to the lack of food in my stomach or the mess my reality is becoming, I`m not sure.

"Let's change that, then," the tall man says warmly before taking a right turn.

I hear voices getting louder as we continue our walk, and we soon reach a room full of kids. Most of them look a lot older than me, although I catch a few exceptions in the short glimpse I allow myself to take.

The chatting dies down as I enter, and my gaze zeroes in on my feet. Kaz gives my shoulder another encouraging squeeze and leads me into an adjoining room. There are no kids, so I look around and I realize we're in a massive kitchen hosting a single woman wearing an apron.

Chapter 2


It is Saturday night, so all the students above the age of 10 are allowed to stay in the great hall until 1 am.

I am watching a few of the older students play truth or dare when the door to the hall opens, catching my attention instead. It`s a few minutes before curfew so I expect a teacher to come to break up the party. Turns out it`s just Kaz with a little girl.

I watch the pair closely as they weave their way through the hall, noticing just how shaken this particular newcomer looks. Her tiny body is trembling, and she looks pale, her skin almost shockingly white against the jet-black hair shielding her features.

Her face is turned down toward the ground as Kaz leads her into the kitchen. They`re gone before too many heads can turn their way, but the kids closest to the kitchen start whispering as soon as the door closes behind the trainer, probably speculating about the girl`s story. While I don`t care enough to start a conversation about it, my brain comes up with its own theories.

Most new kids need about a week to get used to this place and all the information it comes with, but I`m betting this one will need more time. The older someone is, the longer it usually takes, something about younger kids not comprehending the loss of their parents the same way. This girl doesn`t look much younger than me. A year perhaps? That would make her about ten years old. Old enough to understand what`s going on.

Well, she won`t get my sympathy. We are all orphans here, from all around the world. On top of that, I like new kids. They are easy to scare, and it`s fun to mess with them.

Personally, I have been in this place almost my whole life and am known to most. My reputation precedes me. Not only am I the best student of my age in my division, which leads to teachers mentioning me in other classes, but my behavior is rather notable when I`m in a crowd. If someone hasn`t heard about me, they`ve likely met me themselves by now.

The latest newcomer before the girl tonight arrived months ago. Of course, that guy knows me well after the welcome I presented him with. It`s just kind of my thing. While others try desperately to make friends, I prefer to pass my time picking on others. They know what I can do, so no one stands up to me, and I find that game much more entertaining than trying to get someone to like me. I`m no longer the pathetic little boy I was when I first arrived. Back then, the other students were much older and didn`t want to play with me. While I was stupidly hurt by that back then, I`ve gotten used to being alone in the following years. Now, I know I`m better off than the rest with my approach to treating my classmates.

I like to see the fear in my subjects` eyes, the frustration about not being able to defend themselves, and lastly, the resignation before they quickly rush away. I enjoy the power greatly.

However, it seems I haven`t done enough to make everyone want to stay away from me for good, considering how excited the people from my division always get when I choose to sit with them. I can see how their muscles tense when I talk or move too suddenly, though. They are as scared of me as the others, they`re too proud to show it. And maybe they get a kick out of being associated with me and the caution it evokes in the kids around them.

A few minutes pass before Kaz comes out of the kitchen with the little girl right behind him. This time, the two draw more attention, and I observe the older students following the girl with curious eyes. It`s clear they want to get to know her or something, no matter that she`s likely to be younger than everyone in this hall. That`s normal though, some kids here think we`re one big family. Idiots. I don`t share the sentiment. Not on the getting to know her part, and certainly not on the family fallacy.

I'll have plenty of time to meet the newbie in the years to come, and even if I didn’t, I couldn’t care less. I've been waiting for someone to spice this place up and maybe even try to stand up to me, but this girl looks like a gust of wind might break her. Certainly not a worthy opponent.

Almost immediately after the double doors of the hall swing shut behind the two, it swings open again far more aggressively. This time, it is a teacher.

"That is enough for tonight. Everyone back to their dorms, you know the consequences if you are in the hallways after 1 am," she yells. I hang back a few seconds, waiting for the better part of the crowd to disperse before following their lead to avoid being involved in any unnecessary shoving.

Jumping off the table I`ve been sitting on, I head for the dorm I`m sharing with three other guys. The oldest of us four is Blaze, he's been here for two years. I am a few months younger, and next in line are the twins, Aiden and Cole.

The twins were brought in about a year after me, but they are slow learners. They'd rather fool around than grow stronger, but not me. I want to be more powerful than my fellow students. More so than any of the students that were here before, come to think about it.

I`m pretty sure I developed that goal when I first received training at five-years-old. Maybe even before that. Maybe my resolve to be the best was born the night my life changed for good, or the second I was able to comprehend just what had occurred and what they had taken from me.

The people of the dark fraction. I was only four, but I won't ever forget how they tortured my mother and made my father watch before killing him as well. I was hidden underneath a bed throughout it all and stayed there even long after they were gone, not even making a peep as my home went up in flames around me. The people from Arcane saved me just in time, but they could do nothing about the dark thoughts that have already started festering in my mind, demanding revenge.

"You done, Keahi?" Blaze knocks on the door of our tiny bathroom, snapping me back to focus.

I unlock it and push past him with a scowl, heading straight for my bed. I get under my cold sheets and turn my back to my mates, thinking once more about how much I despise sharing a room. I have been asking for a single room for years, but they keep telling me to stop whining and be happy about the company like the other kids are.

I`m not.

I hear my roommates sneaking around for a few more minutes before there is no other sound than our breathing. Theirs eventually gets deeper, telling me they're falling asleep while I'm still wide awake. Sleep never comes easy for me, but I've learned to live with it.

Chapter 3


Kaz wishes me a good night before leaving me alone in the tiny room. I change into the fresh clothes that are set out for me before slipping into the bed, my body going through the motions without much thought.

I feel exhausted despite not remembering the day at all. Willing myself not to wallow and succumb to the fear and loneliness coursing through my body, I stare up at the ceiling and wait for the comfort of sleep to drag me under. Tomorrow I will get my answers.


I'm sitting in the car with my parents. We are laughing at the joke my Papà just told but my mamma's sudden scream makes us stop.

"Watch out!" she yells, but it's too late. I look ahead just in time to see two blinding headlights. I don`t even get to grab the oh-shit handle before our car crashes frontal into another one and we flip.

Time stops as we`re suspended in the air. It could only be a fraction of a second, but to me, the moment our car is upside down seems to last forever.

Then, it crashes to the ground, and all the motion rushes back in. My head whirls around, and my seatbelt cuts into the skin over my throat, making me cry out. My right cheek collides with the window on the last lurch. Everything goes dark.

When I open my eyes again, it takes a moment for me to understand what is going on. Everything is upside down, and my blood is pounding painfully in my head. I struggle to get my seatbelt off with trembling hands and finally fall out of my seat.

"Mamma? Papà?" I ask, but there is no answer. Panic seizes my chest. I start fumbling with the door handle, but the damn thing won`t budge. No matter how hard I push or try to kick it, I can`t get it to open. I start screaming over the violent pounding in my head.

"Please! Help!" I yell frantically as the walls of the car tighten around me. I bang my fists against the window, trying desperately to draw my next breath into my tight lungs, but the glass won't budge.

The edges of my vision turn fuzzy. Then dark. I try to crawl to the front of our car to get to my parents, my movements clumsy and hurried, but before I can reach them, black dots cloud my vision. My limbs grow heavier, and I collapse against the back of my father’s seat, still struggling for breath. From a distance, I hear shouting voices but the words don`t filter through. Darkness takes over again.

The next time I wake up, I am in a bright room. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, but when they finally do, I find myself in a hospital room. I pull off the thin white blanket covering my body to find myself in clothes I don`t recognize. Faint memories of blood on my favorite shirt rush back to me.

I`m clean now, no longer marred by blood, but my left arm is wrapped up and my head is still aching, telling me the accident wasn`t a dream.

"Hello?" I ask slowly, but no one answers. I get off the bed, feeling the world tilt as I do, and breathe harshly past the lump of foreboding in my throat. I stumble out the door and down the hall where I finally find a nurse.

"Where am I? Where are my parents?" I ask quickly. The nurse looks helpless for a moment but leads me to the receptionist where they tell me I had an accident and there was nothing they could do for my parents. I tell them they have me confused, that I want to see my parents, but they keep looking at me with sad eyes.

This can`t be real.

The room starts spinning, and I black out. When I wake up, I don't recognize my surroundings once more. Staring up at a curved ceiling, I feel like I`m in a massive tube. It`s unlike anything I've ever seen before.

I try to sit up, but the same nurse from before pushes me back down. She tells me I'm on a plane and calms me. My memory of the journey is partly gone and blurry until I am in Adira`s office.

I startle awake and blink twice, slowly remembering where I am just as another knock pounds on my door.

"Adira is ready for you. You are meeting her in five minutes." I hear Kaz's voice from the other side of the door. Five minutes?! I quickly jump out of my bed and put on my clothes from the day before.

My head is hurting at the thought of my dream. No, not a dream, my memory. But that would mean that Adira said the truth and my parents really are dead. I try to remember seeing them in the wrecked car, but the memories are too chaotic.

I shake my head as I throw my shirt on. They can't be gone. They are everything I have.

Were, a cruel part of myself corrects me. Thoughts and memories about them cloud my mind and the room starts tilting left and right. I stagger to the door, and it opens readily for me.

"Malia, are you all right?" I hear Kaz speaking to me, but I can't see him.

"I can't breathe," I croak before falling to my knees. A sharp pain shoots up my legs, but it is a welcome reminder that I am not falling. I feel two big hands on my shoulders and Kaz talks to me again. He tells me to breathe and count with him.

“Breathe in…”

“breathe out…”

“Do it with me, you`re fine.”


“And out…”

"You are okay," Kaz whispered soothingly, but I shake my head.

"They are gone," I sob painfully. Kaz steps in front of me and cups my face with two big, calloused hands, forcing me to focus solely on him.

"But you are here. You are a fighter even if it might not feel that way right now. Do you know what fighters do?" he asks me, rubbing a tear away with his thumb. I shake my head.

"They get back up after the fall and keep going. Can you do that?" His voice is stern, but all it does is calm me. I nod slowly, and he pulls me back to my feet.

"You will get your answers and explanations now. You can get breakfast afterward. How does that sound?" he asks. I search for my voice and swallow around the lump in my throat.

"Good," I say hoarsely.

"I can't hear you."

"It sounds good," I say a little louder, glad when he seems satisfied.

"Great. If Adira asks you a question, you answer like that."

We spend the rest of the way in silence, which I`m glad for since it gives me time to sort out my thoughts and questions for Adira. I`m careful to avoid any thoughts of my parents, though, scared it would bring me back to my knees. Kaz said I'm a fighter, so I can't cry again.

We enter the same room I was in yesterday with Adira already waiting at the desk. I sit opposite her, and she greets me politely.

"Good morning, Malia, I hope you got some rest your first night here. Before I start explaining, do you have any questions?" I try to remember what I wanted to ask only to find my mind blank.

"Not right now. Can I ask in the end?" I try to keep my voice steady like Kaz told me to as I reply.

"Sure. Let's start with some information about this academy. It was founded back in the 18th century, at the time of the witch trials here in Virginia. Our people were being murdered, so a small group came together and built this haven here. They recruited other people with the power to manipulate the elements and brought them back here. Together, they started practicing and found ways to use their powers more efficiently.

"Soon, people of each division contributed to the safekeeping of their secret hideaway. This place used to be surrounded by a thick forest, so the water handlers forged a raging river that would keep intruders from the west away while the ones with the ability to manipulate earth either created steep valleys or shaped rocky and nearly unclimbable grounds around the other sides. Air handlers made sure to scare any curious enemies away with the sound of the wind howling through the trees, and fire handlers made small forest fires from time to time. Like that, the woods were said to be cursed and became a feared place to the unwanted. This building has been renovated and expanded multiple times since then, of course.

"Our students are parted into four groups, fire, air, water, and earth. You get placed in the division of your element." Element? What is supposed to be my element? Adira ignores my puzzled expression and goes on.

"We currently have about 600 students of all ages up to 18. Students above that age can join our force and are allowed to attend, or even lead, big missions. Our missions are about protecting the people that cannot protect themselves. If that is from ordinary things or the dark fraction all the same. All students are orphans with the same gift as you or me." She waits a moment for her sentence to settle in.

"I am sorry, but I don't understand," I tell her, and she smiles patiently. Instead of explaining, she decides to demonstrate.

She lifts her hand above the table with the palm facing up. When nothing happens for a moment, I raise my eyes back to hers. She wordlessly nudges her head in the direction of her hand, and when I look back down, my jaw drops. There is a big drop of water floating inches above her skin.

I think my eyes are playing a trick on me because it looks like she is controlling it, making it move along with the slightest movement of her fingers, but that can't be. I look back up at her, and the water she was playing with disappears.

"You can move water with your hands?" I ask, and she chuckles lightly.

"I can do a lot more than that, and so will you, once you practiced," she tells me, and my jaw might've dropped a little further.

"Everyone here can?" I ask.

"Everyone here can manipulate one of the four elements, yes. Your training starts tomorrow. Your first few lessons will be alone with a trainer. Before you start, keep in mind it might take a while until you can manipulate water yourself. It is important to be patient and to not give up."

"How do you know I have this power?" I press skeptically. If I haven`t known, how could she?

"We have our ways of finding people with the gift, the system is never wrong," she explains in her gentle voice. I nod slowly and think back to everything she said.

"What is the dark fraction?" I ask warily.

"As I`ve said, the academy was originally created to hide from the people without powers. A few years after the witch trials were over, some of our founders returned to live amongst the ordinary people.

They learned they could help the helpless with their powers and brought the idea back to the academy.

“Most members agreed to use their powers for good, if still only from the shadows, of course, but some disagreed. They had lost family or friends to the trails and didn’t want to protect the ones responsible for their lost. There was a big fight which led to a fraction of the handlers leaving the academy. That's what we call the dark fraction.” As the headmistress speaks, her eyes lose focus. It makes me wonder if she realizes she`s still talking to me.

“Quiet years followed until people started to get injured in the most absurd ways. At first, the people who had been very involved in the witch hunts were targeted. Then, it continued with their families. The members of the academy tried to stop the ones responsible, and we have been at war ever since.

“Their fraction has been growing just as ours has, and they have access to powerful but dark methods. That is nothing you have to worry about, though." She says, finally blinking back to attention. Despite her half-hearted smile, the pit in my stomach remains. I swallow any further questions.

"You can get to breakfast now. I believe you were in the great hall yesterday?" I nod. "Great. An older student of your division will find you and show you around later. Goodbye, Malia," Adira says. I return her smile as best as I can before walking out of the room.

Chapter 4


I wander through the halls without any sense of where I am. I might've been in the kitchen yesterday, but I was too distracted to memorize the way there. I listen closely for any sounds which might confirm I`m heading in the right direction, relieved when a loud, booming laugh down the hall does just that.

The muffled voices get louder and louder with every step I take and the knot in my stomach tightens. I don't know anyone in this place and the sudden urge to cry resurfaces as a feeling of utter loneliness washes over me. I tip my head back in my neck and look at the ceiling to blink away tears just to bump against someone and fall back on my ass.

"Oh, no. I m so sorry. Are you alright?" The kid I walked into offers me a hand and helps me up.

"I m fine. Sorry," I mumble.

"I don`t think we've met. I'm Wystan." They offer me a warm smile, which I return. Wystan has forest green eyes with a brown ring around the iris and beautiful tan skin. Their warm complexion and soft features do wonders to soothe the ache in my chest.

"My name is Malia. I'm new here," I mumble the last part, but Wystan understands me just the same. They make an excited noise before quickly turning it down.

"I heard about you from my roommate, but I'm not 10 years old yet, so I didn't see you myself. Did you already make some friends?" I shake my head in response, ignoring the twitch in my gut. Wystan goes on, oblivious to my embarrassment.

"Great! I mean not great but- whatever! Just stick with me and my friends. Only, if you want to, of course." Their cheeks flush as they ramble, so I stop them.

"I'd like that." I offer them a tentative smile, which they return. To my surprise, I think that maybe I`ll be fine for the first time since I arrived.

We walk into the massive hall. I haven't had time to take in the size of it all yesterday, but now that everyone is occupied with something else, I look around. I don`t think I've ever seen this many people in one place before, and it could only be half of the students. Before I can ogle too long, Wystan takes hold of my elbow and pulls me to the back of the line for breakfast.

"I totally forgot to ask what your element is." I take my eyes off the crowd and look back at my new friend.

"Water, I think. What about you?" I reply.

"Earth. It's a shame we are not in the same division, but we'll still see each other in training. Not straight ahead, of course, but at some point."

"How long have you been here?" I ask.

"Almost three years." They shrug. Three years? How am I supposed to catch up when everyone else has a head start? Wystan picks up on my worried expression and places a hand on my shoulder.

"It might seem impossible at the beginning, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it quickly. Don`t be too hard on yourself and it'll be fine." If another person tells me the beginning is near impossible, I might have to break out of here. That idea unlocks an unpleasant thought. Didn't these people kidnap me?

"Is it safe here? I've never heard about this school before," I ask in a hushed voice. To my surprise, my friend laughs.

"It's kind of a secret organization, but don`t worry. Outsiders are not allowed to know about our powers or anything else about our world, that`s why you haven`t heard of it before." I nod even though that explanation isn’t very reassuring. I am locked in here with a bunch of strangers and no one knows about it...

We get our food and make our way to one of the tables. The room is packed, making it hard to move, but Wystan seems solid on their feet. They`re tall enough while I feel lost in the crowd, unable to see anything other than shoving arms and shoulders.

Ahead of me, I see a tall guy getting pushed by one of his friends and stumbling into Wystan, making them fall to their right. It all happens too fast for me to react, but thankfully, my friend doesn't hit the ground but just bump into yet another guy.

The third party of this chain reaction is about the same height as them and stays steady on his feet. Yet, as he turns to Wystan, a deep scowl pulling at his handsome features, he seems a lot taller. He has light brown skin, short curly hair, and his eyes seem impossibly dark as he glares down at my friend.

Chapter 5


It is time for breakfast, and I just got my food. They gave me a piece of bread and a pear, and I'm trying to walk back to my seat, now, cursing myself for not having eaten earlier like I usually do. The cafeteria is so crowded, people can`t seem to avoid touching me.

I try my best to keep my temper in check but finally snap around when someone falls against me. It's a kid my age, and their eyes go wide when they recognize just who they disturbed.

"I- I-" they stammer their excuse or apology, and I roll my eyes.

"I- I-" I mock them. They quickly shut their mouth, their body freezing, and I seize the opportunity to look at their tray. I reach for the green apple on it with a smile on my face. The kid looks on the verge of tears at this point, and I am ready to leave, satisfied, just for a voice to stop me.

"Give it back!" My eyes zero in on the little girl next to the kid. It takes me a second to recognize her as the new girl. She is wearing the same clothes as the night before but isn`t shaking anymore. Her blue eyes glare up at me, and I can't stop the smug expression that takes over my face.

"What did you say?" I demand. People around us are watching.

"Give them their apple back!" she says loudly, and the students nearby seem to hold their breath.

"And why would I do that?" I challenge mockingly. She narrows her eyes.

"Because it's theirs." I can`t see a hint of fear or resignation on her determined, little face. I'm not worried though; I will get her there.

She doesn’t know me or my powers yet. The only concerning thing is the spark of hope in the eyes of the people that do know me as they watch the scene unfold.

I square my shoulders and take a slow step toward the girl, expecting her to step back. She doesn't. A low murmur goes around the room, and as this girl continues to stare at me, I lead her friend’s apple to my mouth and take a big bite of it.

"Now, it’s mine," I state after swallowing the bite. Her eyes turn to slits, and she looks beyond pissed. Before I can react, she grabs something off my tray. She takes a bite of my pear, and people around us gasp audibly. Not that I`m able to properly hear them over the blood rushing in my ears.

This new girl just undermined my power in front of all these people, and I see red. I put my tray down on the closest table and take a long step toward her. She must see the flames dancing in my eyes because now, she looks scared. She takes a small step back, but I wrap my hand firmly around her wrist before she can get too far.

"Not so brave anymore?" I chuckle darkly as her eyes widen. "I am aware you are new, but there is something you should know." I tighten my grip and feel my hand tickle softly as my powers surface. Even better, that will leave an impression. "If I say something is mine, it's mine," I hiss so it's just loud enough for her to hear.

"Keahi!" a familiar voice booms behind me, and I quickly let go of the girl's arm before turning around, my smile gone from my face. Kaz is stalking over, his usually warm eyes now firmly staring down at me. He looks between me and Malia a couple of times before speaking to her.

"Malia, show me your arm." I'm glad to see her hesitating. She's clutching the wrist I hurt with her left hand but shows no other signs of pain. That just means she has a strong poker face since I know my burns hurt.

"Alright then, follow me." the trainer says once it becomes clear that Malia doesn`t intend to do as he asked. Kaz leads the way out of the room, and the two of us follow. We walk in silence until he tells us to sit down in an empty room.

"Show me your arm." My trainer's voice is less soft and more demanding now, so Malia follows his order. There is a red handprint where I held her, but the burn seems superficial. Kaz's expression tells me I am in a lot of trouble, nonetheless.

"Explain," he orders coldly.

"She stole my pear and things got out of hand. I am sorry." Apologizing even though I don't mean a single syllable is the best way to handle a situation like this. Speaking of experience. Tell the teacher what he wants to hear, and he'll be less hard on you.

"Is that true?" he asks Malia. She swallows and sits up straighter.

"He stole the apple of my friend and wouldn`t give it back. I made it even." I almost can`t keep myself from tutting at her thoughtless reply. This might make sense to her, but it is clearly not the answer Kaz wants. He wants to hear that she regrets her actions and feels sorry.

"Well, the rule an eye for an eye doesn't apply here," he says sternly and then sighs. "But hurting each other is unacceptable, you know this, Keahi. I will get back to the two of you later. In the meantime, behave." He dismisses us, and we both walk out of the room.

"Sorry for stealing your pear," Malia says when we are alone in the corridor. I turn my head to see if Kaz perhaps decided to follow us, but it quickly becomes clear that we are alone. I furrow my eyebrows, confused about her behavior.

That apology gets her nowhere, why would she waste her breath? Especially now rather than when it actually mattered? I school my features, cock an eyebrow, and turn back to her.

"There is no teacher around," I point out, but she doesn't seem to understand. "You've got some stuff to learn," I laugh rather than elaborating.

"So, teach me," she says, and I laugh even more at that. It`s her turn to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Let me make this very clear since you don't seem to get nonverbal hints. No," I state provocatively slowly before walking away. I can still hear her huff but don't turn around.

Near the entrance to the great hall, I pass her friend, whose apple I stole. Without so much as a look in their direction, I get back inside the cafeteria.

Chapter 6


"Here you are! I was so worried. Oh damn, I can't believe you stood up to Keahi," Wystan gushes, hurrying toward me.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I will get a punishment for stealing his pear, though," I tell them.

"Forget about that, everyone is talking about you," my friend says, dragging me back to the hall despite my faltering steps at her words.

"Me? Why?" It's my first day here and I am already the center of attention. Way to go, Malia, way to go!

"The guy that stole my apple, Keahi, is one of the best students of his division, some even say the best. And he is only ten years old. He has a temper, though, so no one stands up to him." I don`t say anything as we enter the cafeteria.

People turn their heads at me, but I hold my chin high, returning any smiles that are thrown my way until I finally sit down at the table Wystan tells me to. I`m glad when they sit down next to me, hiding me a little from the gaping strangers.

"That was awesome!" a boy at our table says as soon as Wystan takes a seat next to me. I smile at him but don`t know what to say.

"Malia, this is my friend Dustin. Dustin, Malia," they introduce us. Some kids at the table start asking me questions like where I am from and what my element is. After the short interrogation, the conversation takes a natural flow and I relax in my seat, learning some things of my own. For example, that Wystan comes from Brazil while Dustin was born in Sweden.

As they talk about their home countries, something inside of me twists painfully. How can they talk about their homes so easily when they haven`t seen them in years? Homesickness is killing me already, making me dread the night when I`ll be left alone with my thoughts.

I marvel even more at my new friend when they tell me all about their father without bursting into tears. He raised Wystan by himself since their mother ditched right after giving birth but got sick when Wystan was around five. A year later, on the day of their father`s funeral, an agent from Arcane found Wystan near their father`s gravestone and brought them here.

"Malia?" A tall girl interrupts us a while later. "I'm here to give you a tour of the academy." She smiles down at me, and I tell my friends goodbye before following her outside.

She`s a water handler and tells me about the school's rules, teachers, and other students. We walk down a few corridors, and she shows me the training- and classrooms before we end up in the west wing.

The whole interior is very simple with its plain white walls and marble floors. The training rooms are a floor below and a little darker. Their contrasting black floors and grey walls give them a cavy look.

In the west wing, there is a long hallway with rooms to the left and right. That's where all the rooms for the water division are. My guide shows me to my dorm where my roommate already awaits.

With that last piece of information, I thank the older girl and she leaves.

"Hi, my name is Malia," I tell my roommate after a second of hesitation.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Baia," the young girl tells me. We only get to know each other a little before there is a knock on the door.

In the meantime, I`ve learned that Baia has been here for almost a year now but still struggles with her powers. She told me it is hard for her to concentrate and that some people have a weaker bond to their elements. I just hope I will do alright and that Arcane really didn`t make a mistake bringing me here. It seems surreal that I`m supposed to be able to control water.

I open the door and find myself face-to-face with Keahi. Baia is quick to hide behind a corner, but I don`t move away. He rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Kaz says we have to clean training room 11. Some earth newbies made a mess." I don`t say anything but push past him to walk to said room. I hear his long steps behind me.

"Where are the cleaning utensils?" I ask him once we are in the training room. He doesn’t answer, walking straight toward a little door in the wall instead. Coming back, he's carrying a big and a small broom, as well as a garbage can.

He presses the small broom into my hand, lays the can down, and starts gathering all the dirt into one pile. When he is done, he turns back to me.

"Get that into the can." He puts his broom back into the closet and leaves without another word. I look at the door he just walked through for a moment before returning to my task. I should have known he would take the easy job and leave me to do the rest. I can't stand people like that.

I walk back into my room twenty minutes later. I wasn`t sure how perfect it was supposed to be, so I tried my best to get all the dirt in the can, hoping not to make an even worse impression to my superiors.

I find my room empty when I return. I don’t know where Baia is, but I'm glad for some time to myself. There are so many new things I`ve learned in the last twenty-four hours, and I need some time to process them. I still push any memory or thought about my parents away, though. I don’t know what would happen if I acknowledged the fact that my parents, the only people I had in this world and who meant everything to me, are... No.

I distract myself with my fear of the first training tomorrow, my new friend Wystan, and even Keahi. He will definitely continue to be a problem. The thought about how he acts like he's better than everyone here and walks all over the other students is enough to make my blood boil. I can`t believe everyone lets him get away with it. If he expects me to fall in line, he`ll be in for a surprise. I will not let him treat me or my friends that way.

"Are you all right? Don’t you want to get dinner?" Baia's voice rips me out of my thoughts. I sit up on my bed to look at her.

"Yes. Wait, did you just say dinner?" How did time fly by so fast?

"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't get you, I thought you knew." She looks sincerely sorry, so I brush her off.

"Don’t worry about it. Can I still go?" I ask. She confirms, and I enter the cafeteria a few minutes later. Most of the tables are still occupied by older kids but it is way less crowded than this morning. I can't find Wystan or Dustin, so I sit down at an empty table in the back.

"You have got to be kidding me. Get away from my table, Princess," Keahi`s voice disturbs my peaceful dinner a few minutes in, his words dripping with apparent annoyance. I turn around to see him standing cross-armed behind me.

"This is the only empty table. Besides, I don’t see your name written on it," I say, deciding not to remark on the stupid nickname he gave me.

"I don’t need to label it since it is clear to everyone who sits here," he insists, staring me down. It`s almost tempting to walk away and not waste my breath on him, but I wouldn`t dream of granting him that satisfaction. Everyone is so happy to always give him whatever he wants, and I`d hate to do the same.

He might be stubborn, but so am I.

Chapter 7


Malia scoots to the very end of the bench and continues eating. I scoff, effectively making her turn back around.

"I'm trying not to make another scene today so just drop it," she tells me. Meanwhile, I`m wondering when we went to her telling me what to do.

I was absolutely not going to drop it, but a familiar figure looming by the back entrance catches my eye the exact moment I open my mouth to protest. Kaz has already taken away my privilege to stay up until 1 am this Saturday. I don’t need another punishment and lecture.

Malia looks just as surprised by my action as I feel, which only makes me angrier. I eat as fast as I can and rush out of the hall, initially heading in the direction of the fire dorms but taking a flight of stairs down instead of heading straight ahead at one point.

There are only a few ways to get in and out of this building and you need a permission slip from Adira or a trainer to use any of them. Luckily, a few years back, I stumbled across an old janitor's closet with a small vent that leads to the outside. I used to struggle with the climb leading outside but now I get these few meters behind in no time.

I close the door to the tiny space before heaving myself into the vent. I press my legs and arms against two opposite walls of it and push the lid off once I am at the top. The fresh winter air hits my face, and I instantly feel the violent flames inside of me calming down.

The vent leads to a nice patch of grass right outside the Academy walls. Any other season, it would be covered in flowers. Now, the ground is frozen stiff.

I only stay out here for half an hour since I don’t want to raise any suspicion but it's enough to sooth my anger and frustration.

I have two lessons of actual school before my training starts tomorrow, so I decide to get ready for bed. While the groups in which we practice manipulating our elements consist of people with the same level of skill, our other classes are divided by age. It`s always a feat dealing with other ten-year-olds, so I`m desperate to be well-rested, at least.

As usual, it takes me forever to drift off into a light doze and I am forced to listen to my roommates even breathing. In the morning, I'm one of the first kids at breakfast and quickly eat my food. Most people sleep as long as possible on weekdays and end up being in a hurry afterward. I'd rather sleep an hour less than spend my morning in a cramped room.

My first class is geography, my favorite. As the start of the lesson draws closer and more classmates start filing into the room, I make sure to glare at every one of them so the seats closest to me stay empty.

"So, class, this is our new student, Malia. She is from Italy and part of the water division." The teacher points at Malia, who I now notice is sitting in the front row. She turns around to smile at her classmates, and I can see the light blush on her pale cheeks. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the teacher. Of course, she is in my favorite class.

I was used to being the student who answered all the questions alone, so imagine my surprise when Malia revealed herself to be a teacher's pet a few minutes in. The man up front barely even noticed me, and I had to bite my tongue to refrain from making a scene. I take my education seriously and don't want to get sent outside. See it as a challenge. I keep telling myself that. Maybe some competition will boost my ambition even further.

Luckily, Malia is in none of my other classes today, so the time passes quickly. By the time my last period ends, I am more than ready for my training. I put on my uniform and am the first one in our room; training room 3.

Chapter 8


Wystan agreed to meet up with me before my first training session. I put on the uniform I was told to wear and am now sitting on the floor in front of my friend.

"Do you know the name of your teacher?" they ask me. I have to swallow around the bitter nerves in the back of my throat before answering.

"Mrs. Steil," I say hoarsely.

"Oh, I know her. She is really nice. You have nothing to worry about." They have been trying to reassure me for the past ten minutes, but my anxiety isn’t getting any better. While they are working on a French braid on my hair, I`ve kept my restless hands busy by running them up and down the seams of my new pants. The material is fascinating, somehow rough and smooth at the same time, but I have no idea what it is. According to Wystan, it is resistant to attacks from our elements. Not in the way that I wouldn`t feel it if she shot a ball of dirt at me, but it`s supposed to be capable of absorbing bursts of fire and block out the heat. I find it rather hard to believe, despite Wystan insisting they`ve felt it before at practice.

"Tell me about your training. How does it feel?" I ask, hoping that talking will calm me down a bit. I've been up all night imagining what it must be like to manipulate an element, but I haven`t gotten close to having even a faint idea.

"First off, concentration is key. You have to imagine yourself moving the water in front of you and see yourself doing it. I'm not sure if it is the same for everyone, but when I move my element, I feel like something is pressed up against my hand. It almost feels numb if that makes sense.

“My whole arms start to heat up with the energy I channel there, and my heart starts to calm down. It feels like I am doing exactly what I was made for. I'm in my element, I guess," they explain in a dreamy voice. I'd like to feel that way "Done," they exclaim after tying my hair tie around the end of my braid.

"Thank you,” I say, getting to my feet.

"Sure thing. Good luck and tell me everything when you are done." With that, our ways part.

I walk down the corridor with shaky hands. I reach for the door my lesson will take place in and take a deep breath. I want to make a good impression, but more than that, I want to prove to myself that I can do this. I am not a scared little girl, I got this. I open the door of room 21 and am greeted by a young woman.

"Right on time. My name is Mrs. Steil and I`ll be your teacher today." She gives me a welcoming smile.

"Nice to meet you." I suppose she already knows my name.

"We will take things very slow today since it is your first lesson, so don`t be nervous. I believe you've been told what powers you have?"

"I've been told I can manipulate water. Once I`ve learned it, of course," I say unsurely.

"That is right, but you can do a lot more than that. We will start with manipulating water around you, but later on, you will be able to create it yourself. Once you reach a certain level, you’ll be capable of even more things, but that is a long way ahead," she tells me, and I nod to let her know I understand.