Sommerstall Academy - Jarah Aurel - E-Book

Sommerstall Academy E-Book

Jarah Aurel



Sommerstall Academy is a contemporary teen romance story between a quiet boy with outgoing friends and a girl that likes flowers filled to the brim with cute, funny, and occasionally heartbreaking moments- not to mention steamy scenes...

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Also by Jarah Aurel:


Untangle Me


Only you

Piece by Piece

In Shadows We Rise

All those stories can be read on Wattpad under the username @yoursecret3

To everyone holding this book Thank you

Table of contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 54

Chapter 55

Chapter 56

Chapter 57

Chapter 58

Chapter 59

Chapter 60

Chapter 61

Chapter 62

Chapter 63

Chapter 64

Chapter 65

Chapter 66

Chapter 67

Chapter 68

Chapter 69


Chapter 1


Honestly, I’ve been wanting to get hit by a car for a while now. Therefore, I really shouldn’t complain now that I’m lying flat on my back on the hard concrete like a bug and just as unable to get up.

Stupid, heavy backpack!

For the record, I really did not wish for this to happen right in front of school just as all the students file out of their buses and onto the sidewalk a few feet away from me. I also didn’t anticipate the Vehicle hitting me being a bus.

“Are you okay?” the old driver asks, crouching down next to me. All around us, more students gather, some reaching for their phones. No, I'm not okay, I think. I am mortified.

I try to slip out of my backpack with some remaining dignity only to wince as I realize that my shoulder hurts like a female dog. Dammit! I have a law exam this afternoon.

If I miss it, Miss Yeng will be angry, which is the last thing I want. The old lady is seriously scary, and she doesn`t like staying after school so a student can write a make-up test. Believe me, I speak of experience.

The only silver lining is that it`s Friday, and that`s always a highlight. Maybe my classmates will forget all about my little incident here over the weekend.

“Can you hear me?” the bus driver repeats slowly, dragging me from my thoughts.

“Yes. Sorry, yes. I`m all right,” I assure him before attempting to get up once more.

“Hang on, let me help you. I`m really sorry, I didn`t see you. Do you need a ride to the hospital?” he asks as he pulls me to my feet.

Shaking my head, I tell him, “That`s okay, really. Have a good day.” With a parting smile, I rush to the sidewalk and try to blend in with the rest of the students. That, at least, turns out to be a simple task seeing as all the scholars of Sommerstall Academy are heading to their first period seeing as the attraction I provided is over.

Now, you might be wondering how I managed to get hit by a bus that drove about 5 mph on a street I cross every day. All I can say is that it was not my fault. It was totally his! If he hadn’t caught my eye from where he was sitting inside that bloody vehicle, I would have noticed that the bus ahead of his was starting to drive.

I didn`t possess the self-control to keep my eyes from straying his way. I never do.

I‘m just thankful I didn`t drive to school today. If anything would have happened to my Vespa, I would have cried. Luckily, since it`s a beautiful spring day and it only takes me fifteen minutes to walk to school, I left it at home.

I enter the classroom and sit down at my desk, checking the time. School starts in ten minutes, so I can still read. I should have time for at least five pages if no one interrupts me.

I take my book out of my backpack, trying not to wince as I move my left arm.

Luckily, I always carry my current read inside a protective bag, so today`s fall hasn`t damaged it. With my record, “rather safe than sorry” is the key to survival.

“Hey, Lorence! I heard you kissed a bus this morning. How`s that for a first kiss?” my classmate Orion yells on his way to his chair on the opposite side of the classroom.

Lorence. I hate that nickname, which, naturally, is exactly why he keeps using it.

“Probably better than yours,” I fire back, and for a second, he actually looks impressed. Or shocked. Who can tell with this guy? Before he can remark on my uncharacteristically bold reply, I mumble “Sorry, that was mean.” Then, I turn back to my book.

Only that I`m not really able to focus on the written words since Orion has now started talking to his friends, Liam and Marcus. Loudly enough for the whole room to hear, mind you, and it takes everything in me not to let it agitate me. Honestly, some people have no respect for others. It`s eight am.

“Morning Flo. I heard what happened, you okay?” Benji asks as he enters the room, pulling me in a sideway hug. It`s slightly awkward since I`m sitting and he`s a giant, but I appreciate any hug I can get. Never mind that the smell of weed coming off him this early in the morning isn`t all that pleasant.

“Yeah, I`m fine, thanks.” I look past my friend as a glimpse of black hair catches my eye. Elija walks past Benji, sending me a quick smile before sitting down next to Orion.

I can feel my cheeks heat like they always do when he does that. I don`t know what it is with that guy. I can usually handle people smiling at me. Hell, I smile at everyone I cross paths with. He`s the only exception.

Not sure if it`s his unruly black hair, his chains and rings, his cute brown eyes, or those soft-looking lips- Oh, never mind.

I drag my gaze back to Benji`s only for him to lift a thick, orange eyebrow knowingly. I laugh, embarrassed at having been caught staring, and shove my friend away.

He chuckles to himself as he heads toward his friends, and I track his movement to subtly get another look at Elija. To his right, I notice Jamie`s already in his seat, which means their group is now complete.

More students file into the room, smiling at me in greeting, and I`m too busy returning each one to read a single page before class begins.

The next forty-five minutes consist of me trying to focus on the teacher`s lecture as I fight the urge to look at a certain guy on the other side of the room.

It`s embarrassing that after a year of being in the same class as Elija, I still get excited every time I see him. It`s not even like we`ve exchanged more than two sentences in all the time we`ve known each other. Still, he just somehow piques my interest.

That`s why Friday is a highlight. It`s the day when most people go out for lunch while I stay in the classroom to do my homework or study. Elija and some of his friends, for their part, often return to the room in a matter of minutes.

Even though the two of us don`t speak, I keep catching him staring at me just as much as I get caught myself.

I`d be scared he thought I was a creep if it weren`t for that small smile he keeps flashing me. That smile, dammit.

Chapter 2


As soon as our first period is over, I make a move to pick up my book. Before I can start reading, Benji calls my name.

“Flo! Come over here!” I raise my head to find him waving as if we were miles apart rather than a few feet.

Without my permission, my eyes travel to my friend`s right. See that? He`s staring at me again! My heart does a little dance as I get up and walk over to the guys.

“Hey flower girl,” Jamie greets me with a bright smile. Out of the six guys, he`s probably the one I`m the least nervous around. There`s something about him that just makes me feel at ease.

Of course, Benji`s chill to hang out with. And then, there`s Elija. Although that is different. I`ve interacted with him the least, and I wouldn`t exactly say I`m not jittery around him. He makes me a whole different sort of nerves.

Not in a bad way, though. It`s not like he intimidates me like some of his friends.

“Hi, Jamie. Benji, what`d you call me over for?” I ask.

“You looked so lonely over there.” Benji winks and I get the feeling this is him trying to be a wingman. I stifle a laugh.

“I was just about to read,” I say, clearly disappointing him by not playing along.

Before we can fall into an awkward silence, Jamie asks, “So, no scratch from the accident earlier? All limbs still attached to the right place?”

That`s what I like so much about him. He always knows how to keep a conversation going and tends to make the people around him smile in the process.

He throws his head back to get his blond hair out of his eyes and kicks his feet on the table in an easy matter.

“Yes, sir,” I say with a fake salute. Then, catching myself, I quickly put my hand back down and try to cover my embarrassment with a laugh. Knowing Elija is looking at me just makes my face burn up hotter. Good to know he`s seen every second of me making a fool out of myself.

Besides, what I said wasn`t strictly true. My shoulder`s still throbbing and hot while my arm from the elbow down feels weirdly cool and tingly. Oh well.

“I would sue that bus driver if I were you. Of course, if I were you, I wouldn`t have gotten hit in the first place, but you`re always tripping over things, aren`t you?” Liam asks from where he`s sitting, looking as smug as ever.

I let my eyes trail over him quickly; brown, slicked hair, grey eyes, and always dressed nicely. A bit extravagant for school, but I couldn`t imagine him wearing anything casual.

He`d be handsome if it weren`t for his need to act like he`s better than the rest of us simply because he has unlimited access to daddy`s money.

Benji rolls his eyes before burying his head in his arms, no doubt done with the day. I smile at the way his orange curls splay against the sleeves of his sweater before turning my attention to Liam.

“I guess I am,” I reply with my smile intact. He doesn`t bother me enough to make my good mood dim.

If anything, I feel bad for him. He`s not exactly pleasant most of the time, and I think not even his friends truly like him. They`ve been rolling their eyes at him for as long as I`ve known them. Despite all the watching I`ve done, I haven`t figured out why they still hang out with him, though.

Not that Liam seems to care about them much more. I`m pretty sure he only uses them for invites to parties or because it looks good to the rest of the school to be friends with Marcus.

Speaking of the devil. “You`d sue anyone for no real reason,” Marcus reminds Liam, and I smile softly at him. He seems like a nice guy. Especially for a popular guy.

Not to sound biased. Of course, popular kids can be nice, I`m just saying they don`t have to be. As captain of the academy`s soccer team, he could probably act like a jerk and still be drooled over by most of the students.

Not that I blame them. His brown, wavy hair that almost reaches his neck, paired with those hazel eyes do make a good combination. The workouts and practices he attends almost every day don`t hurt the image either.

He`s not as easy-going as Benji or as sweet as Jamie, but he seems down to earth. Very intimidating at times but not mean.

The silence stretches on for a few seconds, only for Orion to break it. “I guess I am,” he finally mocks me, the words bursting out of him as if he couldn`t help it. His late reaction makes me think he tried to keep the comment to himself but ended up changing his mind.

I really don`t know what his problem is, but it doesn`t seem to be personal. He tends to mock people for no reason whenever he gets bored, so I just ignore him.

He is merely another rude person blessed with a beautiful shell. Their whole friend group consists of handsome members. So much so that I`m wondering whether that´s some sort of condition.

Orion`s hair is the lightest shade of blond, and his eyes are as blue as the sky on a clear day. He`s attractive in a slightly dangerous way with those hard features and sharp angles.

“Sorry, as you can tell, we haven`t yet succeeded at teaching our parrot proper manners,” Jamie interjects, causing Orion to glare at him. “Oh, don`t worry, Cupcake, you`ll get there,” he adds sweetly. In a flash, his friend gets up from his seat and starts chasing him through the room.

There`s some laughter amongst our classmates until the teacher for our next class arrives and puts a stop to the show.

The rest of the morning passes blissfully uneventfully.

When the bell finally announces the start of our lunch break, I feel the usual anticipation growing. Everyone gets out of the room while I start on my homework. Less than ten minutes later, Elija sits back down at his desk along with Benji. They eat their food in silence, both of them wearing headphones same as me.

Since I feel no eyes on me for once, I`m able to focus on the worksheet ahead of me. When I`m done, I consider getting my book out to read, but another urge takes over, and I find myself taking a seat opposite my friend. Benji smiles at me before taking off his headphones.

Without a word, he places them on my head, and I pause the music playing on the one Airpod I`m still wearing to listen to whatever he wants to show me.

He does that sometimes; letting me listen to a certain song he likes while he gauges my reaction. He doesn`t talk much, but I think this is his way of showing affection. I adore it.

Today`s song is R&B soul like always, and I enjoy the vibes with my eyes closed, not caring what I look like with those big speakers on my ears. When it`s over, I hand the headphones back to my friend, trying not to wince because of my shoulder, and take his phone to show him a song I`ve been listening to recently.

When he shuts his eyes to take it in, I become painfully aware of someone else`s attention. I meet Elija`s gaze with a smile, and with a grin of his own, he reaches for me.

I`m stupified for a second, thinking he`ll touch me or something, but he merely plucks Benji`s phone out of my hand instead. My heartbeat slows as he types something into his own and sits back down.

“It`s a song I like,” I explain quietly since I`m pretty sure he starts playing it himself. I know the two guys listen to similar songs, so he should probably be warned that this is one of mine.

“I know,” he says to my surprise. He goes back to scrolling through his phone, and I tear my eyes from him.

Not once have I been nervous about showing Benji something I liked, but with Elija listening to it, I suddenly feel self-conscious. It doesn`t matter if he won`t like it, I repeat to myself. Still, I really hope he will.

“I like it,” Benji tells me suddenly. I smile at him before glancing at Elija again. He meets my eyes at the exact same moment, smiling. That`s all it takes to make me blush like a pre-schooler.

“It`s lit. I love the beat,” he tells me. The pressure bleeds from my shoulders. He loves the beat. It takes everything I`ve got not to squeal.

Our interaction of the day ends at that, and I return to my own desk since the other guys come back into the room. I try to focus on reading but, as usual, they talk too loudly for me to lose myself in a different world.

“Elija, you`re coming to the gym after school, right?” Marcus asks, and I give up on trying to read. Instead, I stare at my book, trying not to look like I`m eavesdropping.

“Can`t today,” he tells his friends.

“Why? You always tag along on Tuesdays and Fridays,” Liam pushes.

Meanwhile, I had no idea he worked out. He`s always wearing hoodies that conceal his body. All I know is that he`s a few inches taller than Benji.

“I have a doctor`s appointment to get that birthmark on my side checked,” he mumbles.

Without missing a beat, Jamie reaches for his friend`s hand, grasps it tightly, and speaks dramatically, “Listen to me, Sunshine. We`ll get through this. You won`t die on my watch.”

I try to stifle a laugh but know I failed miserably when Elija looks at me. Our eyes clash for a second before I tear mine back to my book, my skin burning from my neck to the tips of my ears.

Smooth, Florence. Real smooth.

Chapter 3


Another reason why Friday is my favorite day is the fact that we only have one period after lunch. The test with Miss Yeng went well enough despite the distraction my throbbing shoulder provided. If it still happens to show in my grade, I`ll have to ask for extra credits, which is another thing that woman doesn`t like.

It`s now eight pm and I`ve been home for five and a half hours. I studied for about three of them and did all my homework but now I have nothing to distract me anymore. Distract me from the fact that something possessed me about fifteen minutes ago and I texted Elija. I TEXTED him. What is wrong with me? We`re not even friends!

I groan and let my forehead drop onto the edge of my desk. It`s not like I texted him something normal either. Nope, of course, I had to come across as a psychopath.

Me: So, are you dying?

Me: Oh damn that sounds so bad. I just overheard Jamie at lunch so I figured I`d ask.

Me: I`m not a stalker, I promise.

Seriously, what is wrong with me? Why can`t I be more smooth than that? He`ll probably block me, convinced I`m a complete weirdo.

My phone pings and my head shoots up from my desk.

Elija: Hey Florence

Elija: Yeah, turns out it`s nothing, and dw I`d be concerned if u hadn`t overheard with the way Jamie was yelling.

Elija: How`s your shoulder btw?




Suddenly, I love my name. I don`t think I`ve ever heard him say it, which should totally be illegal. I`ll have to hear it from his lips sometime.

He answered. I`m getting excited like a kid on Christmas, and it`s so embarrassing but I can`t stop grinning. I force myself to wait seven minutes before answering. See that? Self-control at its finest. A round of applause, please.

Me: It`s fine, thanks :)

I officially renounce texting. I am way too bad at this. Elija doesn`t seem to cringe as badly as I do because he answers after five minutes.

Elija: U should ice it.

Elija: Maybe go see someone if it`s still bad on Monday…

Something warm settles in my chest. His messages are almost enough to make me think he`s concerned for me. So, despite not wanting to stupidly get my hopes up, I soak it up.

Me: Will do, thanks

Me: It barely hurts anymore, though :)

And again, I cringe slightly.

Elija: That`s great to hear

Elija: Gotta go now, have a good night

Me: U too


It`s the last period this Tuesday afternoon, and I am more than ready to go home. I stayed up late last night since my parents had left for their trip and I forgot about the time. They`re enjoying the beach while I enjoy my freedom. That was the plan, at least.

Turns out gym class isn`t very enjoyable after skipping lunch and having slept for four hours. In my defense, I was finishing up a drawing on my iPad and couldn`t put it aside.

I read a marvelous fantasy book last Sunday and it really inspired me. I started off with a simple portrait of a few of the characters and started bringing them together yesterday. The background took me a really long time since I just couldn`t seem to get it right. The final result was worth the effort, though.

That doesn`t make me feel any less stupid now. Normally, I know how to be home alone. Practice makes perfect, right? Wrong, apparently, since I made an amateur mistake yesterday.

My parents have always worked a lot, but after I turned thirteen four years ago, they started taking more vacations and work trips. At first, they checked up on me every day, telling me when to study, eat, and go to sleep but that has long since stopped. They trust me more now, and usually, that`s well deserved.

My thoughts break off when a softball hits me right in the face.

“Sorry!” Lynn screams from where she`s standing on the other side of the field. I try to smile and brush her off.

“Good throw,” I tell her as I leave the gym on shaky legs. She`s a sweet girl. I don`t want her to feel bad. Seeing as my surroundings are tilting, I really think I need some water, though, so I make my way toward the bathroom.

Halfway there, I stop short, trying to blink my surroundings back into focus as they blur. Not again, I think.

It`s no use. The familiar cold and exhaustion start spreading through me, making my body feel a hundred pounds heavier and my brain go numb. Before I black out and break my face, I lower myself onto the ground as best as I can. I`m out before the back of my head even hits the floor.

Chapter 4


I hate volleyball. Honestly, why? It`s not like I love sports that involve a ball in general but I can tolerate most of them. Volleyball? Not so much.

First off, it hurts, and not in a good way. Every time I deflect the ball- or whatever you`re supposed to call what I`m doing here- my wrists feel like they`re set on fire. My skin is red and the way my bones beneath hurt can`t be healthy.

Second, there`s a net dividing you from your opponents. The only fun thing about sports is running into and pushing the people you play against.

“Come on, dude! You should have gotten that one!” Marcus yells after we lose another point thanks to me.

“One more attack coming from Orion and my arms will fall off,” I mumble, hoping no one hears me whining. I`m not proud of my behavior but this really isn`t fun.

“Oh, we`re so sorry, Princess. Do you want us to kiss it better?” Jamie asks in between breaths. Of course, his sarcasm is still intact while his asthmatic ass is fighting for air.

I flip him off as I walk toward the ball but my eyes move to the gym`s doors on their own accord, gravitating toward her as always.

As I look at Florence, I realize I`ve never seen her with a high ponytail before. She often has her brown hair pulled back by a hair clip but this is different. It looks good, of course, but less like her. It`s too rigid, not soft and light enough without any strands out to frame her face.

I scan her outfit, hoping I don`t come off as a creep. When my eyes settle on the small pattern of daisies on the sleeve of her shirt, I can`t help but smile. There`s always, and I can`t stress this enough, always some kind of flower or plant to be found somewhere on her clothes.

Whenever that`s not the case, she`s probably wearing her customized Converse. They`re white with little sunflowers all over them, which I`m sure she painted herself.

Even her necklace, the one she never takes off, has a flower pendant.

“Dude, we`re waiting!” Marcus suddenly pulls me out of my daydream, making me realize I`ve been staring for too long. I raise my eyes to hers to check if I`ve been caught, only to realize something is wrong. Her eyes are heavily lidded and she starts swaying on her feet. What the hell?

Before I can react, the pretty girl sits down on the floor and her body goes limp. I wince when the back of her head hits the stone and rush out of the gym without another thought.

“Florence?” I ask uselessly, kneeling down beside her. I hear the guys coming after me.

“What the hell is wrong with her?” Benji asks, sounding more alert than I remember ever hearing him. He kneels down at the other side of the girl, gently cupping her face while telling the others to get a teacher. My irritation spikes unexpectedly as I look at his hands on her cheeks, no matter how irrational. I suppress the urge to push him away.

Instead, my attention is drawn back to Florence as her body starts jerking and convulsing wildly.

“Hey what is going on here? Get away from her!” our gym teacher, Mr. Bonks demands as he rushes over. My blood runs a little hotter at the accusatory note in his voice. Like me or my friends would ever hurt Florence.

“I saw her fall, sir. I don`t know what happened,” I explain while Benji keeps calling her name. Her body twitches twice more before she goes limp again.

My heart is racing as I reach for her wrist, calling her name again. Her pulse is strong enough, and she`s breathing normally but her skin is an unnatural shade of white.

“Back up. Give her some space to breathe,” Mr. Bonks says before pushing me to the side to take my place. He does exactly nothing to help her and I`m fighting down the urge to reclaim my position.

Finally, a soft groan sounds from Florence, and I step closer to her once more, my anger forgotten.

“Florence?” I ask softly. The girl`s eyes flutter open weakly, and I`m so relieved to see those emerald irises I could hug her. I don`t, of course. Instead, I smile down at her.

She looks dazed but it slowly gets better.

Finally, her eyes leave mine and move to my chest and arms. I try really hard not to smile because she looks so confused as she takes her time checking me out.

She clears her throat, swallowing a few times before bringing her eyes back to my face. “You have tattoos,” is all she says.

I hear Benji laugh quietly and Mr. Bonks clears his throat. “Are you all right?” the man asks her.

Her pale cheeks grow slightly pink as she nods and tries to sit up. I notice her mistake at the same time as she does since she curses quietly before going limp yet again. Thankfully, Benji is able to catch her head so she doesn`t hit it again.

This time her body doesn`t convulse but she does groan quietly before reopening her eyes with visible effort.

“What the hell, Flo? Tell us what you need,” Benji says as he wipes the sweat off her forehead.

Florence swallows a few times and I realize her throat must be dry. I turn toward Marcus and tell him to get some water.

“Legs,” the girl whispers quietly, still looking dazed. I gaze at her legs, trying to stay on topic as I wonder what she means.

“Oh, of course. Lift her legs a bit. And someone get a piece of chewing gum or something. She needs sugar,” our gym teacher says. I do as he ordered, lifting her legs on my lap while Benji holds her head and Marcus helps her drink. As soon as she`s chewed the gum Jamie brought her a few times, some color returns to her complexion.

“Sorry,” she says shyly, looking anywhere but at me.

“Do you need anything else? Should I call someone?” Benji asks her.

“No, I`m good, thanks. I`ll just eat something at home.” She smiles at her friend and I feel something twisting slightly in my gut. Why won`t she look at me like that? Whenever I meet her eyes in class, she looks away after a second but at Benji, she smiles for several beats.

I softly lay her legs back down on the floor before getting up and returning to the gym. She should be fine now, and I imagine she`ll be more comfortable with a smaller audience. No matter that the last thing I want to do is leave her. Like, ever.

Chapter 5


It`s been three days since I passed out at school and the memory of it still has me cringing. I`ll never go to bed late on a school night again. Especially since my dazed self decided to make an even bigger fool out of myself by checking Elija out in front of everyone.

I don`t even want to know what I must have looked like; white as a sheet of paper and layered in sweat. Meanwhile, he looked so frustratingly beautiful. I really don`t know why he won`t wear tank tops more often, especially in summer. No idea how he survives in those hoodies all year.

The way he left me as quickly as possible was a slap in the face. It`s silly since I didn`t need his help anymore and he had no reason to stick around, but I didn`t even get the chance to thank him.

I`ve been going mad ever since. There`s just no way to get a good read on that guy. He has been acting as always but now my mind is working overtime trying to decipher what every little gaze or smile could mean. What if I`m making a complete fool out of myself, reading into something that isn`t there?

He probably smiles at everyone. What if he`s in a relationship? Oh geez, I wouldn`t know since I never talk to him. Would him having a partner make me a homewrecker? Maybe I`ve been looking at him suggestively and am making him uncomfortable.

“Florence?” My head snaps up and I`m greeted by an expectant-looking Mr. Hank. The teacher raises a greying eyebrow and my heart drops a bit. Since when do I zone off so badly in class? I`ve never had to ask a teacher to repeat a question.

“I`m sorry, I didn`t catch that,” I tell him while tapping a familiar rhythm with my finger on my thigh. The smile on my face feels forced but I keep it up in an attempt to smooth the line between my teacher`s brows.

“We were talking about the trip in two weeks. You said you had a tent for twelve people, right?” he asks.

“Right. Yes, I do.” My smile starts feeling a bit more natural every time I repeat my rhythm. It`s a trick I learned when I first started getting anxious. I don`t even remember how I came up with that melody but it helps to feel it on me.

Mr. Hank clears a few more things up about the annual camping trip before the class is dismissed and my classmates leave for lunch.

Since I managed to forget my book at home today, I end up listening to music and thinking about the camping trip. I already asked my parents if I could use our old tent for the trip this year and they agreed. After last year`s disaster, as they called it, they didn`t need much convincing.

Last year, the school didn`t organize enough tents for all the students, leaving us to sleep in our sleeping bags beneath the stars. I loved it. Feeling the soft breeze skim my skin and listening to the rustling leaves in the wind lulled me to sleep as nothing else could.

My parents disagreed. They didn`t think it was magical but barbaric, sleeping amongst the bugs and worms like animals. Their words, not mine. Other than that, they were sure all the creeps were watching me sleep.

Honestly, what creeps?

Sure, there are idiots at this school like at any other, but I can`t think of a creep. Besides, I`m sure there are more interesting subjects to watch if it came down to it

I look up from my hands, my thoughts forgotten when the door opens. Today, Elija is alone and my heart skips a beat with excitement. He smiles at me before sitting down and eating his food.

Meanwhile, I force myself to keep my eyes on my phone so they won`t stray over to where he is. Maybe I should renounce my prior statement. Maybe I`m the creep parents are worried about. I hate that idea.

I`d do homework or study but there aren`t any exams coming up and I`ve finished all my assignments early. I`m left to twiddle my thumbs.

Once Elija has finished his food, I gather all my courage and look at him.

“A song for a song?” I ask, trying to keep my voice even. The guy across from me looks up, clearly puzzled.

“Sorry?” he asks. I can feel my cheeks heating up but I refuse to look away.

“I`m not in the mood for any the songs on my playlist and Benji`s not here to show me anything new. If you want, you could tell me a song to listen to and I`d tell you one in return.” Elija nods slowly, a smile forming on his lips as he gets up and walks over to me. He hands me his phone and I give him mine.

I`ve been thinking about this for the last twenty minutes so I know what song to play for him. It`s similar to the one he liked last week so I hope he`ll enjoy it too.

He, having had a lot less time to prepare, thinks about his choice for a few seconds. I watch him as he types something on my phone and I could have sworn I saw a blush rise up his neck.

Maybe I make him nervous too? Maybe he feels this weird pull toward me like I do to him? Maybe-

My thoughts break off as the first note of his song meets my ears. My chest deflates a little, my silly hopes shriveling as FRIENDS by Marshmello starts playing. Speaking of hints.

I laugh a little to cover my embarrassment.

“Okay, hint taken,” I tell him, still smiling over the uncomfortable knot in my throat. It was stupid of me to even propose doing this. Scratch that, now I know what he wants, or rather doesn`t want from me. It was just dumb to imagine or tell myself there was anything between us in the first place. I mean, we don`t even talk to each other, for Pete’s sake.

“What? What hint?” he asks, frowning. I point to my phone.

“It`s fine. I wasn`t trying to make you uncomfortable or anything. I just always like finding new songs.” I laugh again, all the while I can`t get liar, liar, pants on fire out of my mind.

Elija takes a closer look at my screen and his face breaks out in a grin. “I`m sorry, I didn`t mean to put on that song.” It`s his turn to chuckle. “Please un-take whatever hint you took.” My cheeks burn up impossibly hotter as I hand him my unlocked phone again. The song that starts playing next is friends by Chase Atlantic.

“There you go,” Elija says, setting my phone back down.

My confusion returns with full force. Great. Did he really make a mistake or did he feel bad for the flustered mess I became? If it was a mistake, am I supposed to read into the lyrics of the song that`s playing now? I guess it does mirror my confusion about us a bit but what if it`s really just a song he likes? This is too stressful.

“You have great taste in music,” he tells me after a few minutes.

“Thanks. I love Chase Atlantic.” I check the time and feel my eyebrows draw together. “Shouldn`t the rest of the class be back by now?” I ask Elija.

“Why would they? Our last period has been canceled.” Back up, what? “You didn`t know that?” his tone suggests he already knows my answer.

“No. Why are you still here, then?” I ask.

“I was going to wait for my bus, but,” he trails off, checking the time on his phone. “It left about two minutes ago.” I curse inwardly. Two minutes, that means I`m the reason he`s stuck here until the next bus arrives. I`m about to apologize when he raises a hand to stop me. “Don`t worry about it,” he tells me with a knowing smile.

“How long will you be stranded here?” I ask him.

“A bit less than an hour. Don`t apologize,” he adds hastily, so I laugh instead.

“You`re an idiot for not telling me. I wouldn`t have gone berserk on you if you had left,” I assure him. Then, almost automatically, I apologize for calling him an idiot. He laughs at me.

“It`s fine. You can call me whatever you want.” I want to ask him if “Mine” is included since I saw that on Instagram once but I think better of it. This is the first time we`re having an actual conversation so I`m trying not to come off too strong.

Instead, I stretch my back before muttering, “These chairs are murder.”

“I don`t mean to keep you here. I`m sure you`d rather go home or do whatever your usual Friday afternoon activity is.” I quickly shake my head but stop myself before I tell him that I`ll gladly endure uncomfortable chairs just so I could hear his voice some more.

“I certainly won`t leave you here alone after pretty much making you miss your bus. But.” I chew on my lip and avert my eyes, looking at his rings as I work up some courage. “I live five minutes away. You could wait with me until the next bus arrives. Only if you want to, of course. I`ll tell you, though, the chairs at my place are a lot more comfortable.”

I say all that as nonchalantly as possible. As if this wasn`t the first time I`ve ever invited anyone home, especially with no parents around. If they knew I just asked a guy over, they`d probably go ballistic. As it is, they won’t be home for another six days.

“Are you sure? You don`t need to feel guilty, I could find something to occupy myself with here if it`s a problem,” he assures me.

This, ladies, gentlemen, and gentlepeople, is what I`m talking about. He would wait an hour longer to go home and wouldn`t be mad. Despite the fact that all I offered him in return was a few minutes of talking.

“I`m sure, come on.”

Chapter 6


After telling Elija I`m sure he should come to my place, I grab his wrist, catching myself too late to pull back again. With the intention of not making more of a fool out of myself, I keep my hand where it is and gently start tugging him away. I`m just glad he could grab his backpack on our way to the door.

I pretty much speed walk out of the building and toward the parking lot, scared my hand will grow clammy and nasty. When we finally reach my Vespa, I hand him my helmet. It`s cute how he tries to fight me on the topic, insisting I need it more if we fall. In the end, he doesn`t stand a chance of winning the argument. I`m my parents` daughter after all.

Looking at my bike, he says, “Why am I not surprised it`s mint-colored?”

“What`s wrong with it?” I ask him, trying to see what he does when he looks at my baby.

“Nothing`s wrong with it. It suits you.” Judging by the gentle smile teasing his lips, I`ll trust that the comment is genuine.

I get on first before telling him, “Get on. You can place your feet there. Just hold on tight, okay?” I don`t hear his response over my heart pounding in my ears but his strong arms wrap around my waist from behind the next second.

That`s enough to distract me, and when I don`t move for too long, Elija speaks up. “Any moment now,” he teases me. What he didn`t anticipate was that feeling his warm breath fanning against my neck wouldn`t do anything for my focus.

I pull myself together and start driving home. As soon as I gain speed and the warm air turns to a cool wind around me, I`m able to relax. It`s always been like this. No matter how stressed I am, one minute on my bike and I feel better.

I tilt my head back slightly, still watching the road but relishing in the feeling to drive without a helmet for once. I`m always responsible when it comes to that but I have to admit driving like this with a cute guy at my back awakes so much adrenalin within me that it feel like I`m floating.

“Easy, there. If you go any faster, it`ll get expensive.” Elija laughs behind me. Checking the speed I`m going at and realizing he`s right, I force myself to slow down a tad.

“Sorry,” I yell back, only partly meaning it.

We arrive at my place way too soon and I lead him into my room after putting my Vespa in the garage.

“Are your parents not home?” he asks while scanning my room. I`m suddenly glad I always keep it tidy.

“Nope, they`re in the Bahamas. They take small vacations about once a month.” I sit down on my bed and watch him look at the ripped-out book pages on my wall.

Of course, I bought second-hand books in bad conditions to do it. I`m not a monster.

“They just left you behind to fend for yourself, huh?” he says it so lightly I feel silly for taking it personally. Truth is, I do feel like they abandon me sometimes. Like they jump at any chance to get as far away from me as possible.

Not wanting to let Elija know he hit a soft spot, I take extra care to keep my smile in place. I`d say he`s quite perceptive since he was the only one that could tell I hurt my shoulder a week ago but practice has made my act rather convincing.

“Yes, my life is truly challenging,” I swoon dramatically and get to enjoy his soft laughter in return.

“So no siblings?” he asks me as he moves on to check out the pictures and plants on my desk.

“Nope. What about you?”

“Three. One older brother, Kai, and two younger siblings, Daniel and May.” There`s an easy smile resting on his face, a dreamy expression crossing his eyes, and I`m embarrassed to admit it evokes envy inside of me. I wonder what it would have been like to grow up with siblings. Maybe my parents would have stuck around more.

“I`m sure you keep your parents on their toes,” I say lightly. Elija seems to be done examining the room and sits down on my chair. He looks comfortable in my space, almost natural even though he sticks out like a sore thumb with his black clothes and chains amongst all the green and white.

“My brother and I help a lot with the twins. They`re from my mom`s current marriage and just turned five,” he explains. I find myself taking in every word he`s saying, making sure I remember all the new information for later. I can`t believe I`ve known so little about him. Now, here we are, hanging out like friends.

“That`s really nice of you.” We share a smile.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” he suddenly asks. I consider telling him he`d miss his next bus if we did that but decide against it. I`m fairly sure he`s aware of that.

“Sure, your pick,” I tell him.

“Mhh. What about Harry Potter? Judging by those pictures over there, I`d say you like it.” He points at the small display of Harry Potter-related things on top of my desk extension, and I beam at him.

“Lucky guess,” I tease before patting the bed next to me. I`m already sitting at the far edge so I hope it`s not inappropriate. “You can sit down if you want.” My TV is placed opposite my bed so it`s the most comfortable way to watch a movie from here.

Elija sits down where I pointed to, looking a lot less flustered than I feel. Maybe this is a regular thing for him? Hanging out on girls` beds. I don`t like the sound of that so I push the thought aside.

“Which one`s it going to be?” he asks once he`s settled, turning my way. Coming face to face with him with so little space in between us has my heart rate picking up impossibly more. I`m sure my cheeks are flaring crimson by now.

“You`ve made the best-possible choice once, you can`t go wrong from here on.” He seems to think about it.

“How about we start with the first one?” he asks, and my heart skips a beat. This just can`t be good for my health. Is this his suggesting we do this again sometime? My cheeks are starting to hurt because of the constant grin I`m entertaining.

Without another word, I pick up my remote control and put on the movie. Thanks, Netflix, for taking it on. As soon as Dumbledore appears on the screen, sweet, familiar homesickness of the best kind settles in my chest. I should probably not still be this obsessed with it considering I`d be of age and in my last year at Hogwarts by now. It doesn`t matter, apparently, since I`m this close to squealing.

Yeah, I`m mentally holding two fingers really closely together.

When the characters on screen start talking, I bite down on my cheek so I don`t speak along. I usually watch these movies alone and have long since learned most of the dialogues by heart. That means I always act the scenes out as they play.

I won`t allow myself to do that in front of Elija, though. He`d probably get sick of this whole idea before I could say “bloody hell”, and I don`t want to annoy him.

“You okay?” the guy beside me asks, capturing my attention.

“Yeah, why?” He points at my leg, which is bouncing even more than usual. I force it to a stop, smiling at him as my cheeks heat up.

“Sorry.” After a lingering look at me, like he couldn`t decide what to think, he goes back to watching Harry at the zoo.

Minutes of chewing on my bottom lip pass until a sudden warmth settles just above my knee. I look down in awe at Elija`s hand covering my clothed thigh before turning to face him.

“Better,” he says softly, and I notice the bouncing has finally stopped. “Are you going to tell me why you`re so fidgety all of the sudden?” Magically, Harry Potter is reduced to nothing more than background noise, and I focus on the guy on my bed.

“I really like the movies,” I tell him slowly. He looks at me as if that explains nothing, which I guess it does. “You`re going to think I`m the biggest nerd,” I groan.

“Yeah? Try me.” My jaw drops.

“Was that just? Did you just quote Harry?” I ask, baffled. Elija simply smiles at me, a dimple appearing on his right cheek while I compose myself. “I`m trying not to spoil the movie with my babbling,” I finally admit.

“So what you`re saying is that you`re trying not to behave like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons?” I can`t help it, I burst out laughing. After softly laughing along, he adds, “What babbling, Florence?”

“I usually speak along,” I say silently, hoping he won`t hear. He does hear. And he chuckles.

“Speak along all you want. In case you haven`t noticed, this isn`t my first time watching the movies. Besides, I`d love nothing more than to see you recite Hermione`s lines.”

“Why hers?” I ask easily. Elija simply studies me for a beat, smile still in place, before he shakes his head and looks back to the movie.

“I`m eager for the show now. Go on.”

And so I stop holding back.

Chapter 7


I need to get a grip on it or I`ll scare Florence off. Seriously, when she asked why I`d like to hear her recite Hermione`s lines, I nearly told her it was because they`re both pretty, smart girls. How horribly basic would that have sounded?

Furthermore, my hand is still resting on the soft, flower-patterned fabric of the girl`s pants. It`s an innocent touch based on good intentions but now I`m painfully aware of it. Does her skin tingle like mine does or am I just losing my mind? At least she seems less fidgety now that she`s talking to the TV.

It`s quite impressive to watch. Florence knows nearly every word spoken by every character. I wonder how many times she`s watched the movies.

Probably too many. I`m guessing there`s only so much you can do to occupy yourself when you`re home alone as much as she is. If her parents leave for several days each month, Florence would be home alone almost every other week. The thought shouldn`t bother me as much as it does.

My life`s pretty much the opposite. With two adults and four children, barely an hour goes by when I`m awake and alone. It can be a bit much but I`d rather be surrounded by people that love me too much instead of too little. I get the feeling Florence is more used to the latter.

As the movie plays on, I play around with the idea of taking the girl beside me to my place sometime. I know my family would love her. Who wouldn`t? Even without having spoken to her much, I noticed how nice she is to everyone around her. She seems so genuine and precious, at times, it makes me want to wrap her up in bubble wrap to make sure nothing can ever hurt her.

I sound like a crazy person, having thoughts like that about a girl I barely know. Something about her just evokes a protectiveness I don`t feel toward anyone else. Besides, it doesn`t feel like I don`t know her.

Perhaps she`s easy to read to everyone or I simply watch her too often. Truth is, the small glances we exchange at school every day are kind of the reason I look forward to getting up early every morning.

I groan inwardly. I sound so crazy to myself that the thought of ever letting anyone know my thoughts makes me want to rip out my tongue as insurance.

“Elija?” Florence`s voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I look at her just as she turns a bit more my way, making my hand move further to the inside of her lower thigh. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable and seeing her red cheeks, I pull my hand away.

Her reaction to such a simple contact makes me wonder if anyone has ever touched her in a more-than-friendly way. The thought doesn`t sit right with me, even though I`m not entitled to feel that way. More than that, it makes me want to keep touching her. I love seeing her blush and smile because of me.

“Did you hear what I said?” she asks so damn softly my chest squeezes a little tighter. She is so close right now and it`s all I can do not to pull her into a hug. Or a kiss.

Most mornings I see Benji embrace her and it`s so tempting to follow his example. I`d do it properly though, unlike my friend. No one-armed side hug BS.

I wonder how her body would fit against mine. If she`d smell of sandalwood like the scented candles in her room.

I think the fumes are getting to my head.

Realizing Florence is still looking at me expectantly, I pull myself together. “No, sorry. I zoned out there for a bit.” I can see her smile growing a little smaller and mentally kick myself. Not sure what`s going through her head but I hate being the reason for it.

“I asked what bus you want to take,” she repeats patiently. Right, I was supposed to hang around here until my next bus arrived. Here I am, overstaying my welcome by suggesting we watch a two-and-a-half-hour movie. I`m an idiot for forgetting this wasn`t a date but probably just Florence being too nice to kick me out.

“Right, sorry.” I laugh and check the time. “The next one leaves in twenty minutes. I should be able to make it if I leave soon,” I tell her even though leaving sounds less than tempting.

“I could give you a ride to the bus stop,” she offers but I shake my head. She doesn`t mean that, she`s just too nice for her own good.

“I really appreciate it but you`ve already done enough. It`s a short walk.”


A slightly awkward goodbye and thirty-five minutes later, I enter my home. The first thing I`m greeted by is the familiar scent of my stepfather`s cooking. Judging by the date, he`s making lasagna. Hell yeah.

The next thing I know, two little demons try to tackle me. I laugh and ruffle their hair as the twins bombard me with questions about where I`ve been.

“Dad said you didn`t call,” May complains.

“Were you with Ricky?” Daniel asks hopefully.

“No, little dude. I told you I`m not seeing her anymore.” His smile falls a bit, making it hard for me to keep my anger toward that girl at bay. I used to hang out with her and eventually made the mistake of introducing her to my family. The twins got attached so I didn`t have the heart to tell them what went down between us but it`s for sure that she won`t ever come over again.

“Glad to see you`re not dead in a bush,” my stepfather says as he walks out of the kitchen. He`s a big guy but the warm smile on his face makes it impossible for him to seem intimidating. He finishes the distance between us and pulls me into a hug by the back of my neck as if we hadn`t seen each other this morning.

“I missed my bus so a friend offered me to stay with her. We watched a movie and I forgot the time. I`m sorry I didn`t call.” There`s no need to lie to my stepfather. He can read me like a book either way.

“Anyone I should know of?” he asks with slightly narrowed eyes. He and my older brother are the only ones I told the full story of what Ricky did, and ever since, he`s been more protective of me.

He`s been around since I was little and cares for me just as much as he does for May and Daniel. Quite frankly, he`s more of a father to me than my biological one ever was.

“She`s a friend, dad. I barely know her,” I tell him.

Somehow, reducing Florence to that feels wrong but I couldn`t tell my dad anything else. Not yet and definitely not surrounded by two curious little kids who will demand answers I do not have.

Seeming to follow my train of thought, my dad nods in a way that tells me we`ll talk later before he heads back to the kitchen.