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The contents of this book are of great value in educating the human mind, especially in its appreciation of the fact, that "Order is Heaven's First Law."
This may not be realized in a single reading. We advise repeated readings of the whole book before attempting to practice its lessons. Each reading will throw a new flash of light upon minds unfamiliar with Astrology.
Superficial readers might judge the lessons herein given to be tautological, but the author deems these repetitions necessary to impress certain important facts upon the student.
Repetitions in teaching are lposgycichofactors. The teacher who never alludes to a matter but once would be apt to make a superficial impression.
The Wonder Wheel herein presented is an ingenious compilation of Astrologic lore, created by the Author for his own convenience, many years after he had become adept in the Science. He found that he often needed an Astrologic lay-out of the heavens before his eyes when working out his problems. In using it he soon learned that he could dispense with the mathematical sums, for, knowing the motion of the planets, (as per page 28) he could trace their position from point to point about the circle with his eye.
The Wheel reveals at a glance the Zodiacal Signs, their names, numbers, and Horoscopal correspondences; the degrees of Zodiac corresponding with yearly calendar; parts of the body and the human characters ruled by the signs, their lordships; the decanates and terms of the signs and their rulers; the clock hours of the day by which Hscooropes may be calculated; the planetary hours, and week-day rulers, aspects and angles from the several signs. Years of Life circle; differences in time at various parts of the world; the cignificances of houses of the Horoscope, the elemental nature of signs and houses; the localities of prominent fixed stars, etc.
The Author discovered by use of this Wheel, that it answered the purposes of a globe or a map, and by which any and every problem in Astronomy and Astrology could be more quickly approximated, than by any other inexpensive method known. He was induced by his friends to make it public, and he has done so, in various forms, so that the Wonder Wheel and his Tabula Magus, are now known in every civilized portion of the globe. They have been found to be Wonderful Demostrator of Divine Law, in Biblical, Spiritual, Theosophic, Astrologic or other systems of Ancient or Modern lore, and whatever a person's religious faith, it may be upheld by lessons drawn from the Wonder Wheel.
Teachers, Lecturers, Writers and Students have already drawn many illustrations from it, in their particular lines of work. Even the children have found out several simple games of amusement, by use of the Wheel, with checkers, buttons or dice. It is well adapted in Kinder-garten schools to various lines of attention, and all scholars may discover new truths in its use.
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“Prof. Henry”
Copyright, 2015 by e-Kitap Projesi
ISBN: 978-615-5565-489
Astrology in a Nutshell
Table of Contents
To Get the Aspects.
General Notes Concerning Special Significances
General Description OF THE WHEEL.
PROF. HENRY'S SIMPIFIED METHOD OF FINDING THE DAY of the week UPON WHICH ANY DATE, IN 18th, 19th, er 20th, CENTURY FALLS, or the day of week on which you were born:
·Add 5 to the day of the month required and to this amount add the number that stands at the head of the column which contains the desired year, also the number at the head of the column which contains the desired month. Divide the sum total by 7 and the remainder will be the figure at the the head of the column, beneath which isthe day of the week. When there Is no remainder the day of the week will be on Sunday.
Divide the total by 7. and the remainder will give a figure that stands at the head of the column beneath which you will find the day of the week, as follows: 7 into 18 goes 2 times and 4 remainder. Look at bottom of column, marked “4” and you find "Thur". Hence, July 4, falls on Thursday In 1822. Find your own week-day of birth, or any other. In same way, except it happen in Jan., or Feb., as above stated. For 18th. Century, [if you need go back so far] It is not necessary to add the 5 or 3, but make sum In same way otherwise. This is the simplest Ready Reference Calender ever given. Jan., 4, Feb., 1 Mar., 1. Apr., 5, May ), June 7, July 5, Aug., 2, Sep., 6, Oct., 4, Nov. 1, and Dec, 6, always in the same year, fall on the same day of the week.
The contents of this book are of great value in educating the human mind, especially in its appreciation of the fact, that "Order is Heaven's First Law."
This may not be realized in a single reading. We advise repeated readings of the whole book before attempting to practice its lessons. Each reading will throw a new flash of light upon minds unfamiliar with Astrology.
Superficial readers might judge the lessons herein given to be tautological, but the author deems these repetitions necessary to impress certain important facts upon the student.
Repetitions in teaching are psychologic factors. The teacher who never alludes to a matter but once would be apt to make a superficial impression.
The Wonder Wheel herein presented is an ingenious compilation of Astrologic lore, created by the Author for his own convenience, many years after he had become adept in the Science. He 'found that he often needed an Astrologic lay-out of the heavens before his eyes when working out his problems. In using it he soon learned that he could dispense with the mathematical sums, for, knowing the motion of the planets, (as per page 28) he could trace their position from point to point about the circle with his eye.
The. Wheel reveals at a glance the Zodiacal Signs, their names, numbers, and Horoscopal correspondences; the degrees of Zodiac corresponding with yearly calendar; parts of the body and the human characters ruled by the signs, their lordships; the decanates and terms of the signs and their rulers; the clock hours of the day by which Horoscopes may be calculated; the planetary hours, and week-day rulers, aspect and angles from the several signs. Years of Life circle; differences in time at various parts of the world; the significances of houses of the Horoscope, theelemental nature of signs and houses; the localities of prominent fixed stars, etc.
The Author discovered by use of this Wheel, that it answered the purposes of a globe or a map, and by which any and every problem in Astronomy and Astrology could be more quickly approximated, than by any other inexpensive method known. He was induced by his friends to make it public, and he has done so, in various forms, so that the Wonder Wheel and his Tabula Magus, are now known in every civilized portion of the globe. They have been found to be Wonderful Demonstrators of Divine Law, in Biblical, Spiritual, Theosophic, Astrologic or other systems of Ancient or Modern lore, and whatever a person's religious faith, it may be upheld by lessons drawn from the Wonder Wheel.
Teachers, Lecturers, Writers and Students have already drawn many illustrations from it, in their particular lines of work. Even the children have found out several simple games of amusement, by use of the Wheel, with checkers, buttons or dice. It is well adapted in Kindergarten schools to various lines of attention, and all scholars may discover new truths in its use.
During our publishing of the Wonder Wheel, in the large cardboard form, an erroneous impression was abroad that it was only for the purpose of Character Readings, like Butler's Solar Biology, Eleanor Kirk's book, and Mr. Colville's work on Zodiacal influences.
If the Wonder Wheel was for no other purpose than character reading, it would have been foolish for its Author to have put so much work in the design. Since the creation of the Wonder Wheel, he has created a Wheel for character reading, to show the differences, and the simplicity of the latter. At a glance it shows us our places in the Zodiac andour Tribal Characteristics: (See Plate of Character Reader.)
Character Readings are the Basic laws of Human Life, but are not all of the basic laws. People are not satisfied with character alone. They crave more detailed knowledge, more particularly a knowledge of the times when the forces of their character are most likely to gather some worldly benefit or advantage; also a knowledge of how their own basic forces are related to the forces of others; also how the basic character will progress in life.
These differentiations are given on the wheel, and may be easily found by attending to the explanations, or the lessons. Days of the Year, Degrees of Signs, DecaUates, Terms, Planetary Rulers, Elemental Qualities, Years of Life, Planetary Hours, Declinations of Sun, Movements of Planets—Each of these have significances, which by position or aspect, truly reveal the qualities and the changing conditions of every human life, be he wise, foolish, rich,'poor, believer or sceptic. His name is written in the Book of Life, and that Book is the starry heavens. If a scoffer he is written there as such, and in his scoffing he is but testifying to the truths of Astrology, as may be easily read of him, fromthe heavens.
Everything on the wheel is arranged in the regular order and the harmony of Natural Law, all discordant parts so well balanced against each other as to form a solid wheel such as can never break.
The relative positions of the Fixed Stars are very correctly arranged about the border, showing which sign they are in line with when viewed from earth. They may be easily referred to and located in connection with any data. The days of the month in line between these stars and the centre of the wheel denote the times of the year when they will be on the meridian at noon. At the exact opposite time of the year they will be on the meridian at midnight. Hold the wheel before you at noon, or nlidnight, with the day ofthe month at the top, and it will be a picture of the circle of the heavens, with Signs and Stars, as they stand above and about you at that moment.
Note the angle from you, of any of the clock Hours, A.M. or P.M, and turn the wheel so that the date of the month will be at that angle, and you will have a map of the heavens, signs and stars, as they stand at that very hour. Any person who will learn to do this simple operation, need never bother his head about erecting Horoscopes, for he can at once, with the wheel, have the Horoscope instantly before his eyes. In the lessons are shown many other ways to arrive at results without mathematics.
About the wheel, also. Prof. Henry did not forget to take advantage of the opportunity to present the order of Decanates, and to mark the days of the week, which every 3d Decanate represents, exactly in the middle of each Sign, with the Planetary Rules marked in them.
There is much that one may learn from these Decanates, which run in the exact order of the Planetary Hours, beginning with Mars at 1st point of Aries. Going backwards in the order of the signs, beginning at 1st point of Aries, with Mars in last of Pisces, and we find the Decanates to be in the exact order of the 36 years Cycles.
At time of this writing the world is in the closing years of the Mercury cycle, which has stocked the world with inventions and elaborate schemes. In a few years we will be in the Mars cycle, which will have 36 years to run. The world-thought is gradually changing to meet the exigencies of martial impulses.
Just as we may follow the course of a ship on a marine chart, or the line of a railroad on a State map, we have only to know where a planet is on a certain day, then, knowing how fast it moves, we may easily trace it on the Wonder Wheel, and tell where it will be at any future time, or where it was at any time in the past. This is the law of readingthe past and the present and the future, for as the planets in their courses, or cycles, aspect the Birth points of any individual, so will the Thoughts, the Will and the Action of that individual be for good or ill, for weal or woe, and no power on earth can prevent its being so, for "the heavens do rule."
The silent influences in the atmosphere, vibratorily regulated by the movements of the heavenly bodies, are the instruments by which God moves all things to His will. These vibrations are the Ministers of Heaven, and they come to us from Angles, (termed "Angels" in early days.) These Angles, 12 in all, form 3 crosses. In the centre of these vibrating crosses, every human being is born, as is denoted on the wheel by the photo in its centre. (See also the plate representing the law of hours.)
The characteristic features of the wheel, are the first of all considerations to be entered into, in Astrologic studies.
He who enters into the study of Astrology other than by the strait .and narrow path of the Sun, is bereft of its saving influence, and is like unto a thief and a robber who entereth by the back way.
He who leameth the laws of the Sun, in all their relationships, as presented upon this wheel, knoweth then the law of all creation, which is one and the same from the molecule to the great universe itself.
As Jesus said: "He that knoweth the Son, knoweth the Father.". The Sun above our heads is the Sun of God, and it is the "Life, the Light and the Way."
The Solar laws existing between Sun and Earth are the patterns after which all other laws are made, whether they be between Earth, Moon and planets; between nation and nation, or between man and man.
The Solar law is constant, and the on]y constant law applicable to man. The Solar law is God's unchanging law of cause and effect. All Other laws are but the effects of the unchanging Solar laws.
The effects change according to thevaried expressions of the unchanging law. Superficially-minded man is apt to draw his judgments from the ephemeral effects, than from the ever-abiding cause. The Wheel presents the unchanging laws. The movements of the changing bodies must be obtained from Almanacs or Ephemerides, but they are practically useless to one unpossessed of the basic laws as layed down on this wheel.
The Wheel and the Lessons herein teach, not how to find the mathematical places of the planets, but how to .become aairvoyant, or clear-sighted in the forming of judgment.
People who see character-reading most prominent in the wheel, are those who are more familiar with that branch than with any other. People who cannot see the Horoscopal features in the wheel are those who have learned of Horoscopes only automatically. •
Neither pen, pencil, nor even Wonder Wheel are needed when we know the true laws of Nativities and Horoscopes, but the wisest of students will always have his Wonder Wheel and Tabula Magus at hand, just as he has his watch or his clock. It is easier to refer to it, than to tax the brain with problems.
Jesus wrote with his finger on the sand when sizing up the mob about him. Under the conditions about him it was more reliable than ah Astrologic problem mentally.
People in the habit of drawing Horoscopes seem lost in their conclusions without them, and yet when completed, they have before them nothing but a wheel, precisely like the Wonder Wheel, with planets inserted. It is hard for people to change from their old customs, even when the new is by far the easier way to others. This fact is but an Astrologic law. It dhows us that new things are for the new generations, as Jesus said.—"New wine is apt to break old bottles." When old people denounce new things it is but an evidence that their generic mind is not able to comprehend the genius of a progressed world.
The Wheel as a whole is a grand circle of the earth, represented by Daji and Months, surrounded by the Zodiacal Circle represented by Signs. They are so ingeniously combined, and so filled with detail and correspondences that it is an Ever-Ready Reference.
It is convenient for any ordinary or daily requirement in Astronomic or Astrologic work.
It answers also quite well in a business office as a Calendar, or an Almanac.
The more familiar one becomes with it the more uses will be found for it. Some of its features we herewith enumerate:
1.—A Concise Character Reader.
2.—A Recorder of Years of Life.
3.—An Easy Method of Considering the Age of Life.
4.—A Record of the Length of Nights and Days Around the Earth for the Latitude of Washington.
5.—Approximated Sunrise.
6.—Approximated Entry of the Sun into each Zodiacal Sign.
7.—Names, Numbers, Degrees, Lordships and Elemental Qualities of the Signs and their Correspondences with the Days of the Months.
8.—The Planetary Hours for all Times of the Year.
9.—The Decanates and Terms of the Planets.
10.—The Names and Location in Signs, of the Fixed Stars^ and Their Qualities.
11.—The Planetary Rulers of each Week Day.
12.—The Differences in time at Several Principal parts of the World.
13.—The Calendar Days of the Months, Represented by a Circle of Rings., each Ring corresponding to 6 days of the Sidereal year and corresponding to 5 degrees of the Zodiac. This Circle is the Basic of all calculation in ''Time, Time and the Dividing of Time," whether in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years or centuries. From its never-changing laws (as the Circle of the Earth), all movements of Time, or Bodies in Space, arecalculated, as relative or corresponding Values. Knowing the movements of the other bodice from time to time, their course, and their angular relationship to the earth and to each other, may be very closely approximated. The Days of the Month as marked about the Circle of Days denote, by their position in the Circle, the Sign the Sun is in on that day, in its apparent annular revolution.
14.—The Clock Hours of the Civil Day, arranged from a point marked ''Noon," above the photo, to a white star below the photo, 12 hours for P.M. and from the star to "Noon" 12 hours for A. M. Standing on the earth, facing South, with Wheel before you, and the Sun will be in the angle of the hour as marked, day or night.
By this, knowing the Hour of one's Birth you may know the angle the Sun was in at that Birth. That angle would be the 1st House of the Sun, but, in a Horoscope it would be the House as per the Number of the Sign, which, on the Wheel, stands outside of the Clock Hour. This would be a fact, regardless of the Mathematical Horoscope. The Sun would be in the Sign corresponding with the date of the year.' Calling that sign, then, the House of the Horoscope as so found by the Angle of the Hour, and one would only have to count each other Sign backward or forward to find the even Hour Ascendant, or any other even hour House, and this answers most purposes in quick Astro-logic readings, but several other methods are given in the Lessons. Divide the length of day by the Planetary House Rule, and the Houses from the Sun point may be fairly well proportioned unevenly. All of these operations, however, are but foolish waste of time, unless the hour of birth is positively known.
15.—A quick and comprehensive idea of squares and trines is given in the black and white drawings about the photo. The squares are drawn to the 1st degree of the Signs and the Trines to the 15th. Both of them alike answer from any other degree in the Sign.
Showing how influences from any point in the Zodiac crass and bleed with each other and with the Sun, Earth or Birth Point as a centre.
When a planet is in any Sign, it forms squares and trines to the other Signs, as shown by the drawing. The trines denote good to and from those other Signs, and at the times of the year as per the Circle of Days. The squares denote evil. (See Birth Number, page 2, of Lessons.) The Tablets at these points denote qualities that work good or bad in our lives, and the parts of the body marked at that point are for good or ill affected by the planet which aspects these points. The Tablet is the Key Word to the Solar or Spirit force. Its aspect denotes its harmony or discord with the other forces, or phases of mind. (See Table of Symbols, page 4.) If Sun was in Cancer and Mars in Aries, and Jupiter in Scorpio, then a martial expression of "Independence" would create discord in the "Domestic" sphere, by square, while Jupiter by trine from Scorpio, would palliate by a "Magnetic" condition of "pride." Thus learn to combine good with evil, and not condemn on one testimony. The Basic Nature of Sun will always in the long run of life assert itself, in spite of its apparent lack of manifestation at times. The trines and the squares (we call the opposite a square) from the Sun point of birth, will always prevail in the run of life, for when the others are discordant, they must of necessity be in evil places to it.
The Physical Nature belongs to the Hours—the Hour-scope, or Horoscope,— of the earth, earthy.
The Sentient Nature belongs to the Moon, or Luna-scope.
These are our Triune spheres in life, disposed, or dispositioned, or tempered, by the planets. Our several dispositions in these spheres are differentiated according to the planets which rule the Signs that these moderators are in, or as they are aspected by other planets. The law is simple, but the various combinations which these simple laws create, are beyond our power to compute. Hence all judgments of good and evil may be summed up in detail and elaborated upon, according to the skillof the operator, but he who ignores the fatalities of the lower mind (the Moon) and adheres closely to the laws of the Sun, to which the Moon is but a secondary factor, is best able to keep in the strait and the narrow path. The Solar laws are the foundation of true Christianity. The Lunar laws are the laws of people who dwell on the heath, or lower plane, termed Heathen. Both laws are good, when we act in accordance with the crossing forces between them. This crossing is termed Mediator, or Medial line and is the true Christ Principle now dawning upon the world, preparatory to the new dispensation when Sun, by precission of Equinoxes, arrives at Aquarius.
The character and the life of every person, for better or for worse, is as the earth and the heavens were at his nativity, and as they have progressed in altered relationships since that time. This wheel, with its lessons, gives each person opportunity of proving the matter, instead of being obliged, by ignorance of these laws, to depend upon the theories of others. "Let every one be convinced in his own mind," said Paul.
Nothing in reality is bad, on the higher plane of life, but on the Lunar plane of life we are .apt to entertain most startling delusions of good and evil, which have been hypnotically impressed upon us by ages of custom, and the regulations by Civil laws. So long as those delusions continue, then good and evil will exist, but always on the sentient plane of life, the field of animal impulses.
The Square influences in Astrology are in reality the Sabbitarian periods of life, and governed by the law of 7. For instance 4x7 equals 28, which is the period in days, that the Moon from birth invariably takes to return to the .place it occupied when a human being is bom. This Moon motion is an epitome of the motion of all the other bodies in the heavens, each of which have their septinarian period in their own spheres, and these periods are the squares.
They warn us to rest at such times. By resting we may overcome all serious effects of the squares. "Remember the seventh day (or period) and keep it holy." The system needs rest, not all of the system at the same time, but that sphere which the square affects, and not all of that sphere, but only such parts or matters as are governed by the planet that afflicts.. Herein is Astrologic Wisdom, and herein is Religion. He that hath a mind, let him consider.
As mortals we are uneasy to get out of our orbits. The trine influences open paths to us of least resistance, and permit us to go therein, to the extent of our rope; at such times our will is free. They are immediately followed by the squares, which cry us "Halt!" As wilful and rebellious mortals we persist in pursuing our will-o'-the-wisp, and sickness or trouble surely follows. There is no exception to this law, but by peculiar placement of planets in the lives of some, there are planets in trine when others are in square, and these permit some people (deemed fortunate) to pass through planetary- conditions which others are not permitted to do.
One may get a slight understanding of how mortals are governed in life by unseen powers, by studying the Centripital and the Centrifugal forces of gravitation which keep the earth continually in motion, never varying one iota from its accustomed course. And yet, there are no visible bodies nearer to it than the planets, Mars and Venus, excepting the Moon. As the aspects and the planets are to our Point of Birth, so too, are our relatives, neighbors, friends and enemies. They are to us but visible representatives in the flesh of the expressions of the planets in the heavens upon our lives. As we read from the planets—according to their configurations—of the past or the future, so by our conditions from day to day we may conversely judge how our planets are. Hence, note the Lord's Prayer: "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is done in heaven." We, individually, are but units of the great circle of humanity. We may find the places of our units in the circle, by the lessons of the Wonder Wheel.
15.—A Horoscope, or Physical Features, blended with the Lunar or Sentient matters of Life, are most interesting to minds that have not awakened to the Sun-ship sphere, just as delusive toys are most interesting to children. In both cases, however, the sentient forces in time progress to the Sunship Maturity. As a toy is created of minute particles, so the Horoscope is devoted to ephemerial detail, yet there are other ways of arriving at these details more satisfactory than by the Horoscope. Such matters require a different course of study, after these fundamental laws are learned. The whole Wheel, under Horoscopal laws, would be the Horoscope, for all circles large or small are governed by same law of aspects, 12 principal divisions, and the four cardinal points: 1, East; 4, North; 7, West; 10, South. (See Horoscope in Lessons.) The same features in a Horoscope are called by different names, so as to distinguish the sphere to which the matter belongs. By not considering this fact, the facts of Astrology have been badly mixed in the minds of the people, and thereby misunderstandings have been created.
The 12 Divisions of the Wheel run like a V or A way in to the centre, but the Cusp lines are not drawn to the centre, on account of the other features therein presented.
The Months generally begin at about the 10th of a Sign, so, if a person is bom about the 12th of a. month, add 10 days, and that gives us the approximated degree. If bom after the 20th, subtract 10 and it will do likewise.
It will be noticed that there are two Clock Hours in the space of a Sign, so a Sign, or 30 degrees, is often called the Double Horary Time, A Horoscope in reality embodies but 12 Hours, the spaces being but l-12th of the Diurnal or Nocturnal Hours, as the case may be. The Houses are. the divisions of the Horizon about the birthplace, and notdivisions of the Zodiac nor Ecliptic
The meridian of birth descends to theWest, while the Horizon Circle rises to the Zmith, in 6 hours after birth, andthis moyement, with its aspects, etc., Is' all there is to the Horoscope, yet in nearly every particular it corresponds with the Zodiacal Circle, or path of the Sun above and below the earth. (See plate illustrating "Law of Hours.") It is the exact Planetary Hour time in which the midheaven moves to the West, or the Ascendant to the midheaven, or the Nadir to the Horizon, or the Western Horizon to the Nadir, that makes the Horoscope of a life, or in other words, the Hour of the birth forming in the Circle a square to itself. This idea of a Horoscope has never been properly explained in any work that has come to the notice of the Author. Horoscopal eventualities are worked out mathematically by a method known as Directions. Professional methods have little to do with the Horoscope except by a law of correspondence, or similarity.
Four minutes of clock time corresponds with a day or a year in the progressional movement of planets; 20 minutes corresponds with 6 days, 6 years, or one ring in Circle of Days on Wheel, but, these correspondences are not as correct when used in law of Directions. They are then useful only to adept mathematicians.
People bom from the Ist to 10th of a month are stronger in the quality of a sign because in the centre of the sign farther from the influences of the signs either side of it. People bom on the dividing line of a sign are hard to read, because they partake a little of the two signs, neither of which are predominant, unless so made by other planets of a like nature.
A person is best fitted for walk of life or business according to the character or nature of the sign bom in, and in special sub-departments of that walk according to the testimonies of the other bodies.
The Birth Point is called the Conjunction of our Spirit with matter; the Sun-ship inheritance. We inherit earth.
The next angle to one's own, eitherway, is semi-sextile. The next sextile, the next square, the next trine, the next inconjunct, the next opposition.
Semi-sextile, sextile and trine are good. Square and opposition bad. The inconjunct is the Judas of the 12; he may kiss, or betray, or both. Until his injuries are noticeable, he feels blameless.
Plate 2 in this book gives the Signsin regular order, with their qualities,powers and physical functions.
THE WONDER WHEEL. It is but a symbol of the human body in a circle,like a hoop, with feet resting upon top of the head, face outward towards the east. Run your eye around the wheel where parts of the body are marked, and get the impression in your mind as illustrated by a hoop contortionist. When you learn from Astronomic works the path which the Moon makes about this circle, you may think of that "old serpent," who has always more or less disturbed the mind of man.
The purpose of the Wheel is to elucidate the wonders of Natal Astrology, more than to encourage the Lunar interests of Horary Astrology, without deprecating the value of either when righteously used. The plates in our book illustrating the Horary features are too fine for weak eyes. By aid of a magnifying glass they can be distinctly read, if it be so desired. We look for encouragement to our book, more from the highly intelligent classes, who will learn to appreciate this Higher Astrology. We leave the Horoscopic features to those who prefer brass and tinsel to pure gold.
(See 3d paragraph, 2d. col., page 16.) The Signs, like the parts of the body,are divided into four Triplicities, 4x3equals 12.
Firey Triplicity:—Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, or Head, Heart and Thighs.
Earthy Triplicity:—Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, or Neck, Bowels and Knees.
Airy Triplicity:—Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, or Arms, Loins and Legs.
Watery Triplicity:—Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, or Chest, Secrets and Feet.
People bom in the same Triplicity, or having good planets in the same Triplicity with another, are always more or less the last six; negative, because the formeragreeable to each other, according to are in the North, and colder than the the nature of the planet. ter which are in the South.
The Elements of themselves are always formation of the nature of the above, resisting each other, but Fire and Air may be, if necessary, found in any of the and Earth and Water work best together common text-books on either Astronomy when not exactly opposite. People bom, or Astrology. Our Lessons do not re-or having planets in any one of these quire more than as given, elemental signs, do not long agree with The people in Mosaic times were sepa-people having planets in the other ele rated into Tribes, according to the ments, but these agreements and dis Zodiacal Signs, and the Disciples of agreements must be judged by the na Jesus and the Gates of the New Jerusa-ture of the particular planets, and not in lem, are Astrologic significances which a general way, for in most cases, one's the world, in the Coming New Dispen-planets are in several elemental signs, sation, will more clearly understand, hence we may agree with another on We are now passing through the Abomi-some things most admirably, while on nation of Desolation, as spoken of by others we may not be able to tolerate Daniel. In Other words, by Presession his views. In this way we learn the of the Equinox the Constellation, Aqua-law of affinities in the order of humanity. ries, is within a few degrees of the first For instance, Taurus and Scorpio people point of the Sign Aries. The Astrologers would be opponents, but Jupiter or Venus hold to the Signs, the Astronomers fol-in Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces, low the Constellations, and that is how would, by good aspects to both, modify the two disagree in speaking of the the opposition, through mutual interests places of the planets; but there is no which neither would care to destroy, yet disagreement as to the places of the Sun the determined nature of Taurus and the or Earth. Magnetic nature of Scorpio would find When the Mind of the reader is pre-ways of expression from time to time, pared to practice the Lessons, the fol-not mutually agreeable, yet not discord lowing indices may aid in the sequence ant all of the time. of his work:
Note. "The same effects are produced upon the Disposition in Horoscopal Atrology when aspecting the Ascendant; upon business when aspecting the l0th House, and upon the several houses according to their Department of Life Horoscopically. Similar judgments in a general way may be drawn from the corresponding signs as they are aspected.
These are the only matters in the book to become thoroughly familiar with for practical work, yet the same matters are more or less again spoken of, because by other methods of alluding to them may throw more light upon points which the popular mind of today appears to be very unfamiliar with.
The Philosophic articles, the iituea-tions and Answers, and the General Descriptions of the Wheel, at the end of the book, will each contribute to impress the mind, until the Light of Tmth, in many unexpected ways will be revealed.
One should become familiar with the Wheel and the movements of the Planets—all of which move in the same order from east to west, but in different intervals of time—so as to be able to see the various features ot the Wheel in one's mind's eye, the moment anj hour of day, date of month, or even the year, may be mentioned. Repeated readings of the book, without any special study, will soon create this knowledge.
When such is obtained one will instinctively be able to harmonise Astrology with every phase of religion, and all mysteries of the- Bible, as well as withevery Scientific or Social law known to man.
It will thereby become evident that Astrology is the Key to Christ, Cross and True Christianity, and as Jesus declared, 'The stone rejected by the builders, and which is to become the head of the corner."
No knowledge of Astrology, as presented by the Wonder Wheel, can disturb any one's love of God, of Christ, or of one's fellowman, but each of these will be revealed in a clearer light, in strict accordance with the text of the Bible; though not always in conformity with the views of Biblical Commentators.
The Director of the Cincinnati Observatory, in one of his published lectures, said:—
“To those who have given but little attention to a study of the heavens, its truths, its predictions, its revelations are astonishing, and but for their rigorous verification, would be absolutely incredible.”
If so acknowledged by such able authority as he and others, why should these truths, predictions and revelations be suspected when presented under the title "Astrology." The reason is self-evident. The people are not properly informed as to what Astrology is.
If "the heavens do rule," how unwise and even foolish, for mortals to deny the fact. If the heavens have no influence upon earth and its inhabitants, why are they not alike governed by night as by day; and why are not our necessities, desires and feelings the same in winter as in summer?
Newton declared:—**Every particle of .matter in the universe attracts every other particle of matter with a force or power directly proportionate to the quantity of matter in each, and decreasing as the squares of the distances which separate the particles increase. This is the Astrologic law of Aspects known in. Astrology long before Newton impressed the fact upon the world.
The earth has several motions and like its inhabitants, is swayed by severalforces. Man's particular' spheres of expression are through Will, Sense and Form. In no case do we find these free from superior power or guidance. The Will comes nearest to a state of freedom, yet it is proven by a study of Astrology, to be consciously or unconsciously subject to a superior power in Nature. In its freest form of expression it. is found to invariably manifest in strict conformity with the Zodiacal relationship of the Sun and the Earth at the time of the individual's birth. Each other expression of that individual will, is in addition found to be in accord with the changing operations of Moon and planets, on the more material planes of life, known as Sense and the Voluntary action of Form.
These latter planes, or factors in life, occupy those conspicuous departments of power which regulate our standing or operation in the daily affairs among our fellow mortals, regardless of one's real estate or his personal property.
No denial of these facts can be maintained when the heavenly witnesses are brought into the case.
The Will, the Senses and the Form each have their own periods of strength and weakness, rising and falling like the waves of the sea in the pathw.ay of life, and these waves are marked by the aspects of the planets to one's Point of Birth.
It is difficult to explain Astrologic laws to minds that have no clear conception of what Astrologic laws are founded on. We claim that the motion or movement of everything in nature effects in some way every other thing in nature, perceptibly or imperceptibly.
As human beings we live in ether, as fishes live in water. Any disturbance of that ether produces a corresponding disturbance in the human mind, but, not the same disturbance to all, for we are not all attuned alike to nature.
In the water the whale is not alike attuned to the vibrations which affect the porpoise, nor is the cod attuned to the vibrations which affect the perch. So on through all the differentions among residents of the watery element. Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are the sensitory triplicity of the Zodiac.
On the earth there are moving creatures as varied as the fishes. There are disturbances of earth, such as tremblings, jarrings or earthquakes, and most of all the coldness that comes from the native earth when north of the Torrid Zone. These vibrations are in the nature of waves and affect every creature according to each create ure's attunment, or sensitiveness to the particular disturbance.
In fire, or its expression * in heat, there are declared to be living creatures which mortal eyes are not permitted to see. Disturbances in tlie Fiery Triplicity of Nature—the Zodiac —no doubt affects the creatures bom to fire according to their particular at-tunement to the vibratory waves.
Then there is the Airy Triplicity in which birds are the visible representatives, and these winged creatures are according to their particular attunement affected by every disturbance in the atmosphere, and geese fly south long before the moving creatures on earth are made conscious that earth is growing cold.
Being attuned to warm zephyrs and more active than creatures of the other triplicitles birds possess a very sensitive order of intelligence, nevertheless are graded from eagle to humming bird in attunement in like manner as the creatures of all the triplicitles are graded.
Each triplicity is especially attuned to the vibrations, or disturbances in nature, not only as tribes, sub-tribes, genera and species, but by an individual attunement as well.
Thought is "action of the mind." To mind a thing produces the action (thought) or creates some special form or image.
The lowest order of form is doubtless dots, germs or points, and extended into waves. These no doubt are disturbed in the atmosphere or Airy Triplicity.
Ether is the finest conception of the Airy Triplicity. In this triplicity of the Zodiac (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are the most sensitive points, or waves of thought
Imagination, or Ideals, are but wave products of mind. On the Wonder Whesel Oemini Libra and Aquarius are presented as ''Activity, Intuition and Usefulness. These qualities are the garden of delight in the cultivation of thought, whether the thought growth be as fig trees or noxious weeds.
Back of Thought is Life, or Mind Power, without which Thought could not be created.
This Life, or Mind Power is best manifested in the Fiery Triplicity, Aries, Leo and Sagittary.
On the Wonder Wheel the Fiery Triplicity is presented as Independence, Lordliness and Pride. These are forces which rub, and rub, and rub, one body against another body, and by the rubbings, or the friction, produce in Nat-ture that live-giving Will Power, manifested scientifically to us as Electricity.
The product is carbonic, or earthy and atmospheric or fluidic. Earth is the polarity of Fire, Heat, or the Sun. Water is the polarity of air. These may be blended onp with another, but their elemental natures cannot be changed.
Thought is most actively, intuitively and usefully expressed in airy manifestation. In its ethereal expression it interpenetrates all substances and fills all space so far as science knows.
The finer or ethereal thought—not humanely expressed—is transmitted, received and felt, in every department of nature, animate on inanimate, according to the attunement of the department to the particular waves of disturbance.
Every particle of nature responds to Energy when it is great enough.
Mountains are removed by our present knowledge of dynamic energy.
The Morse ticker in telegraphic work is systematically moved by graded waves of energy.
The human brain is an instrument as sensitive to energetic waves of thought in the atmosphere as any instrument made by physical man.
Our nerves- are the transmitters of thought, through physical expressions
The brain and nerves of all other creatures are likewise attuned to the etbereal lavs and each moves after Its kind, In perfect accord with the will of the great "I Am."
As children we all learned that a stone or pebble dropped Into water created a circular wave which ceased not In extension until thefrictional energy produced by the pebble striking the water was exhausted. The greater the stone, the greater the wave and the farther Its extension. A post or a rock standing in Its path would be unaffected by such waves unless the energy was excessive, but a chip would be' minutely affected by tbe undulation. Feathers are affected in the atmosphere as is a weather vane on a steeple, by waves.
It one man is speaking and another Is listening, then nervous energy of the one, propels the symbolic language of an Idea, which the brain energy of the other, receives and Interprets according to attunment.
Attention Is a heated copdltion which Is easily acted upon by earnestness which transmits a thought wave.
These brain and nerve Instruments must be attuned to each other, else attention and earnestness are of little
The vibrations of French words will not be interpreted by purely English ears; neither will the lore of adepts In Mysticism be intelligible to those of a purely worldly mind.
No man can catch or steal the ideas of another, unless his brain Is properly attuned as a receiver of those ideas-Even if properly attuned, attention must be given to the Ideas as they are expressed, else the ideas would be like angels' visits to a man's home when the man Is absent and the house closed. What we are writing will reach only the minds of the few. To some. Ideas far beyond our eipreaston will be ovulved, while to others this writing will be but a combination of words. All writings are the same.
Ideas contained in writings, whether Scriptural. Shakespearian or puerile billingsgate reach only those minds that are attuned to receive them. Other minds are as unconscious of the existence of such ideas as the rock-bound coast la unconscious of the waves that lick It
Astrology Is founded like wireless telegraphy iipon the laws ot vlbratlmi, and these vibrations are graded from the finest order of undulations under Mercury to the longest order of swells under Neptune.
The growth of the mind In bumau form is from the keenly sensitive Mercurial waves to the long and calloused swells of Neptune waves.
The Kingdom of Heaven, or keenest sense of delight, was likened by Jesus to the child mind.
Child minds do not alone exist In bodies of tender years. When a person—no matter how old—becomes first