Ayurveda for Beginners How to Easily Integrate the Indian Self-Healing Principle Into Your Everyday Life and Find Holistic Health Step by Step Incl. The Most Delicious Ayurvedic Recipes - Tanja Gerlach - Hörbuch

Ayurveda for Beginners How to Easily Integrate the Indian Self-Healing Principle Into Your Everyday Life and Find Holistic Health Step by Step Incl. The Most Delicious Ayurvedic Recipes Hörbuch

Tanja Gerlach



Combat stress, hectic and health problems with delicious recipes and relaxing massages and call it medicine - a wishful thinking? Quite the opposite! No matter what is bothering you: Whether they are sick, simply feel unwell or can no longer cope with all the challenges of the modern world. Even if you just want to lose a few kilograms or simply feel good again: Ayurveda helps you to do so. Because this ancient healing art not only combats your aches and pains in a wonderfully individual way, but also brings your body and mind into balance and maintains your health in the long term with a lifestyle that is individually tailored to you. This guidebook offers you insights into the world's oldest health system, beneficial health rituals for every day, recipes that will make your mouth water, and much more. Dive into the world of Ayurveda and convince yourself of a medicine that strengthens you, keeps you healthy and has a positive effect on your mind.

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Zeit:1 Std. 10 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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