Be a guest at cannibals. - Felix Taubentanz - E-Book

Be a guest at cannibals. E-Book

Felix Taubentanz

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Actually, the young woman Nadine did not think of it as a feast for cannibals would be selected. Nadine found herself physically not attractive and not pretty enough on the face to become a festively prepared pot roast. Because even in the case of cannibals, the eye eats. It was all the more surprising when she got a commitment from a registered cannibal club. Just for fun, the naive Nadine had advertised there. She had sent portrait photos and nude photos of herself to this strange cannibal club. And now the 24-year-old pretty Nadine lay completely naked in her back on a large oiled baking tray. A cannibal cook prepared everything to make Nadine seasoned and still alive in the oven.. The supplements for Nadine also prepared the cook personally. But the cook's son fell in love with the blond Nadine at first sight. And even Nadine was not averse to the young cannibal. A protracted situation for all three parties. Because in the dining room the other cannibals were waiting for the naked braised Nadine in the back with rice and peppers as a side dish ......

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Be a guest at cannibals.

Be a guest at cannibals.Copyright

Be a guest at cannibals.

Actually, the young woman Nadine did not think of it as a feast for cannibals would be selected. Nadine found herself physically not attractive and not pretty enough on the face to become a festively prepared pot roast. Because even in the case of cannibals, the eye eats. It was all the more surprising when she got a commitment from a registered cannibal club. Just for fun, the naive Nadine had advertised there. She had sent portrait photos and nude photos of herself to this strange cannibal club. And now the 24-year-old pretty Nadine lay completely naked in her back on a large oiled baking tray. A cannibal cook prepared everything to make Nadine seasoned and still alive in the oven.. The supplements for Nadine also prepared the cook personally. But the cook's son fell in love with the blond Nadine at first sight. And even Nadine was not averse to the young cannibal. A protracted situation for all three parties. Because in the dining room the other cannibals were waiting for the naked braised Nadine in the back with rice and peppers as a side dish ......


At first glance the restaurant for cannibals did not look like a restaurant for cannibals. Which was not surprising. After all, a cannibal restaurant should not look like a cannibal restaurant. Hesitantly, the pretty young Nadine was standing in front of the restaurant, and she wondered whether her decision was right. And she also wondered if this ad was fun on the Internet: "A restaurant for cannibals is looking for a young woman who simmered in the stew pot to be served as a pot roast for a feast." Of course the young Nadine thought of a macabre joke. That is why she did not think of anything when she filled the online form to apply as a stew on the computer and took photos of herself. In the beginning, she hesitated with sending photos, where she was also seen quite naked. But as a frustrated single you had to use every chance, if you finally want to find a partner for life. When Nadine completed the online application form, she only had to attach the self-made nude photos of her and send them. But before, Nadine looked at her own nude photos again.