Beauty Inside Out - Bessie Hicks - E-Book

Beauty Inside Out E-Book

Bessie Hicks



Unattainable beauty standards have created internal conflict for women. At war with their own bodies and minds, they are left feeling unwanted, insecure, and insufficient. Escape the trap of comparison and learn to feel confident with Beauty Inside Out, a twenty-one-day devotional full of biblical truths and practical advice designed to reconstruct your understanding of feminine beauty. This daily devotional for women includes: - an encouraging devotion - themed Bible readings - easy-to-understand scriptural applications - inspiring questions for reflection Experience a spiritual makeover as you spend quality time with God, letting His Word reveal your beauty from the inside out.

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Beauty Inside Out relates spiritual truths to beauty and makeup and helps you learn to prioritize becoming beautiful in God’s sight. I have been in the beauty business as a leader, teacher, and motivator for forty years, and I have never seen a book like this! I can’t wait to send copies to all my friends.

—Karen Piro, executive independent national sales director emeritus, Mary Kay Cosmetics

Beauty Inside Out is written in a style that will surely capture the attention of girls both young and old. This twenty-one-day devotional is a wonderful tool that teaches practical truths found in the Word of God in a simple, easy-to-understand format that will inspire all of us to strive for that inner beauty as we seek to enhance our outer beauty.

—Dianne Forrest, pastor of Cornerstone Faith Assembly

Beauty Inside Out is a refreshing and fun devotional that not only makes the Word of God alive and relevant to the reader, but it’s also sure to help her remember what she’s learned each and every time she engages in her daily beauty routine.

—Dr. Sue Gregg, founder and senior pastor of Bethlehem Christian Fellowship and Bible Training Center

In four transformational weeks, Beauty Inside Out uses object lessons to teach spiritual truths and helps you learn to prioritize becoming beautiful in God’s sight.

—Hazel Parker Stanley, gospel recording artist and pastor of Cornerstone Ministries, Hackensack, NJ

BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

Beauty Inside Out:21 DEVOTIONS

Copyright © 2019 by Bessie Hicks

978-1-4245-5866-7 (hardcover)

978-1-4245-5867-4 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless indicated otherwise, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright © 2000; 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked MSG are from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the Amplified® Bible, copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked GNT are taken from the Good News Translation (GNT). Copyright © 1992 by the American Bible Society.

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WEEK 1Skin Care

DAY 1The Cleanse

DAY 2The Soak

DAY 3Exfoliate

DAY 4Moisturizer

DAY 5The Mask

WEEK 2Makeup

DAY 6Foundation

DAY 7Blush

DAY 8Eyeliner

DAY 9Lashes

DAY 10Lipstick

WEEK 3Hair

DAY 11Hot Oil Treatment

DAY 12Highlights & Lowlights

DAY 13Trim It Up

DAY 14Blow-Dry

DAY 15Hairspray

WEEK 4The Spa

DAY 16Manicure

DAY 17Pedicure

DAY 18Eyebrow Shaping

DAY 19Facial

DAY 20Massage

DAY 21Reflection and Direction

Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit


About the Author


I couldn’t wait to read Beauty Inside Out when I first got my hands on it because of who wrote it. Once I began reading, I couldn’t put it down because of how powerful it was. Each day left me wanting more as I began to learn about myself. The book points to Jesus, of course, but it also pointed out a lot of things in me, such as the way I do things and the way I see myself, which isn’t always the best. It showed me the way God sees me, how He wired me, and the way I should see myself. In the pages of this book, you will find truth—and as the Bible says, “‘The truth will make you free’” (John 8:32).

I first met Bessie a few years ago at a women’s conference while I was on a holiday break. I go to the same place every Christmas, and I should have already been home by that point. But that year, as God had it, I was still there at the very beginning of January. It turned out to be a moment in my life I won’t forget. You see, I have been acting since I was just three years old and had a very successful career. I did commercials, television, and lead roles in major motion pictures. I was on my way to stardom when everything came to a crashing halt.

Many people believe Hollywood and faith don’t mix, and I was finding that to be very true. I love God, and I wasn’t willing to compromise my faith. When I became a teenager, suddenly there were no longer any normal roles. The content of scripts had changed, so I came to a point where I questioned my calling. I felt as if I’d lost my identity. Was acting no longer what God had for me? The opposition was too much with everyone around me telling me it was impossible to hold on to my dream. They said it would never work out because Hollywood would never change!

Then came Bessie.

In a way, God moved heaven and earth for me to meet her. He knew she would be the willing vessel to speak life to me and to my dream. I remember watching her go up to the pulpit, and having never heard her preach before, I wondered what she would say. I desperately needed to hear from God, and I’ve found when you’re already in that posture, God speaks. Of course, I know God is always speaking, but when we need Him badly, He finds a way to make Himself clear to us.

That day He delivered His message through Bessie. She “preached the walls down” (one of Bessie’s favorite statements). She was a powerhouse. She pointed right at me that day during her sermon and said, “God always raises up one from among them.” It was a moment I’ll never forget. I cried because I knew the Holy Spirit spoke through her. Even then, I had a feeling that carrying out this challenge wasn’t going to be easy, but I had to accept it. God had raised me up from among them (Hollywood), and my purpose was to lead people out and toward Jesus.

I left church that day telling all my friends I had a new favorite preacher—and her name was Bessie Hicks.

God moved our worlds around to be in that moment together. The words she spoke kept me going, and I began expectantly waiting for her new sermons to come out. I felt connected to her. Bessie is like that—you’re drawn in within just a few minutes. Her love for God pours from her lips. I still haven’t found anyone who knows the Word like her, rattling off passages as if telling you her grocery list. Sometimes she preaches purely from the heart and doesn’t even need to read from the Bible. The Bible just flows out from her! This is why when I heard she was writing Beauty Inside Out, I had to read it immediately. And I recommend you do the same.

It’s sometimes hard for us to look in the mirror with all our beauty products on and see ourselves clearly. But I hope you will allow Beauty Inside Out to help you see yourself through the mirror of God’s Word. You may not like what you see at first, but after spending time in His presence, I promise that you will love the new you!

Madeline Carroll

Actress, I Can Only Imagine


Beauty Inside Out is a twenty-one-day devotional for women, using beauty products, processes, and treatments to teach spiritual truths. According to 1 Corinthians 15:46, the natural things of this world are understood before the spiritual. Getting a clear understanding of the natural makes it easier to understand the spiritual. As women, there are few things we know better than beauty products. This book has been handcrafted by the Holy Spirit to meet you right where you are. We will use things that are familiar to us as women and make them relatable to the Word of God.

This method of teaching with parables is nothing new. Jesus, the greatest teacher ever, used parables to teach spiritual truths. He taught in this way so we could understand what He was saying. When speaking with fishermen, He used examples of fishing, and when speaking to farmers, He used seeds and sowing. God is so interested in relating to you that He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as a man. He became like us to redeem and relate to us so we could understand Him.

Maybe you have had a difficult time in the past studying the Word of God. It may have seemed intimidating or even overwhelming to you. If that’s the case, then Beauty Inside Out was written just for you. Although it’s written in a devotional format, it goes much deeper, provoking you to study the Bible and build a relationship with the Lord. Through the pages of this easy-to-understand book you will find the Word of God coming to life.

It is our hope that every morning as you begin your day, simply washing and moisturizing your face will become a reminder of what you have been learning. While you apply your makeup, the importance of having a proper foundation will come back to you. Going to get your hair done or visiting the spa will never be the same, but will become tools that the Lord will use to help you learn and remember biblical truths.

With the Holy Spirit as your teacher and guide, you will begin to see things through the eyes of the Spirit. The hours you spend on making yourself beautiful on the outside will be transformed into daily reminders of the importance of working on your inner beauty. Of course, every woman wants to look beautiful; there’s nothing wrong with that. But what about being beautiful in the sight of God—shouldn’t that be our top priority?


Here’s some good news: We’re not saying you have to be homely to be holy. You can be blood bought as well as beautiful, godly, and gorgeous! The Bible is full of beautiful women who were used by God. Esther 2:7 tells us Esther “had a lovely figure and was beautiful” (NIV). He desires to use your beauty to bring Him glory as He did with Esther.


In a day and age when everyone wants to be a movie star, Esther is the kind of star we should want to be. She also found favor with the king and risked her life to go before him, pleading for the salvation of her people. The Lord brought her to the kingdom, “for such a time as this” (4:14). Her willingness to submit to her cousin’s godly counsel, and her bravery to go before the king (after fasting and prayer) saved a nation. Esther, whose name means “star,” shined bright in a dark situation and was used to save many. Doesn’t that sound like Jesus!


There was an appointed time of preparation that Esther went through to get her ready to receive God’s plan for her life. We believe that God has inspired us to write this book for you as a time of preparation. He has a plan for your life, and He wants you ready to receive it. We hope that beginning this inner beauty regiment will form a new habit in your life (or ignite an old one) of regular devotional time and Bible study—lasting long after this book is finished.


1. In order to get the most out of your beauty products, you must follow the instructions. The same goes for this devotional. In order to get the most out of it, you must be willing to follow the directions.

2. This book is set up on a Monday through Friday schedule. It is not meant to be a quick read, but rather twenty-one days of laid-out foundational truth. If done correctly (including Bible reading and questions answered), it should take you about twenty to thirty minutes each day.

3. Don’t skip the Daily Reflections at the end of each chapter. The reading of the Word is the most important part of this book! There is no book besides the Bible that contains the life-giving power of the Word of God. Jesus said His words are spirit and life (John 6:63). Beauty Inside Out is not intended to be a substitute for your Bible but a tool to help in learning and understanding the Word.

This spiritual makeover begins with your willingness to let God transform you through His Word. Let’s get started.

And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us.

—PSALM 90:17


Skin Care


The Cleanse

Bessie Hicks

To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood.


All beauty regiments should begin with cleansing. Whether it’s our skin, hair, or nails, everyone likes a fresh, clean start. When it comes to skin care, we have many options to choose from, and picking the right cleanser for your skin may seem overwhelming at first. Whether you’re in a drugstore or a department store, the shelves are packed with products that are full of promises. However, there’s one cleansing agent that stands out far and above the rest, that stands behind every promise. You can’t purchase this product; rather, you were purchased by it. I’m talking about the blood of Jesus—the only thing that can truly wash you clean!


The blood cleanses from the inside out

With health and beauty products, there’s always a trending fad. A recent one that has become popular is doing a “cleanse.” The purpose of a cleanse, or detox, is to clean your body from the inside and remove built-up toxins that are harmful to your health. One of the many benefits of a detox is clearer skin. The cleaning from the inside affects your appearance on the outside. In other words, making you beautiful from the inside out.

Psalm 139:14 declares we were “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God. He created our natural body with a cleansing agent on the inside—our blood. We can look at how God created the blood in our body and see spiritual truths about the blood of Jesus, and how it cleanses us.

According to Leviticus 17:11, “the life of the flesh is in the blood.” Every twenty-three seconds, your heart pumps blood completely through your body. The blood brings oxygen (life) to your cells and organs, then picks up the waste. By waste, I mean all the junk we consume. The blood picks up that waste and brings it to the parts of the body that will dispose of it, cleansing us from the inside out. The blood of Jesus also cleanses us from the inside out, washing away our sin and our guilt and shame.

When you’re looking for a good cleanser for your skin, you have plenty of options. However, if you want to be cleansed from your sin, there’s only one option: the precious blood of Jesus! Hebrews 9:22 says, “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” (ESV).


The blood is much more than a cleanser

First Peter 1:18–19 says, “Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver and gold, … but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” The word used here to describe the blood of Jesus is precious. It means valuable, honorable, or of the highest degree. What makes the blood of Jesus so precious is that it is sinless blood. In the natural, the blood is transferred to the baby through the father. Jesus was the Son of God, having received His perfect, sinless blood from His Father. Then He walked on earth and preserved that blood through living a sinless life and dying a spotless sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.

When John the Baptist introduced Jesus to the world (John 1:29), he declared, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John’s listeners, the Jews, would have understood his reference to the Lamb of God. Every Jew was required to celebrate Passover, a feast dedicated to remembering when the blood of the lamb was applied to the doorpost of their homes (Exodus 12).

This Old Testament story pointed to a powerful New Testament truth. Just as they applied the blood of the lamb to the doorposts of their homes, and were saved, we can apply the blood of Jesus to our hearts and be saved. If you will put your faith in His blood, you can receive eternal life. The blood cleanses us from our sin, causing us to receive eternal life instead of death (Romans 6:23). The blood not only cleanses us from our sin, paying the debt we owed. It also brings deliverance, healing, provision, and much more.

“He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes” (Psalm 105:37).

The psalmist here was retelling the story of how God delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt. If you were to continue reading through Exodus, you would see all that happened after the blood of the lamb was shed.

•Deliverance: “He also brought them out.” God’s people had been in bondage to Pharaoh in Egypt for over four hundred years. Despite many attempts by Moses to get Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, even after nine plagues, he refused. But when the tenth plague came, the death of the firstborn, the blood of the lamb on their doorposts protected them. Once the blood was shed, finally Pharaoh released them. When the blood of Jesus is applied, it brings deliverance from every bondage.

•Provision: “He also brought them out with silver and gold.” In Exodus 3, when God gave Moses the plan of deliverance for His people, God told him that they would not go out empty-handed. He would give them favor with the Egyptians, and they would hand over their silver, gold, and clothing. The Hebrew women simply followed the instructions of God and asked the Egyptians for their silver and gold, and they willingly handed it over. Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Everything we will ever need has been provided by Christ and the blood He shed on Calvary.

•Healing: “He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes.” Of the estimated two to three million people who came out of Egypt that night, not one was feeble. They were all strong. After they slew the lamb and applied the blood to the doorposts, they were instructed to eat the whole lamb. Again, by simply following the Lord’s instructions given by Moses, they were all supernaturally healed and strengthened so they were able to make a swift escape out of Egypt.

We could never cover all the benefits of the power of the blood of Jesus in this twenty-one-day study, but we will briefly take a look at a few more.


Mix soap with water and apply liberally

Throughout today’s study, we have been comparing the blood of Jesus to our cleanser (soap). The Bible also refers to us being cleansed by “the washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26). Everyone knows that soap must be mixed with water before it can be lathered up and applied. Soap and water work best together.

“How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word” (Psalm 119:9).

The psalmist is asking a question: How can we cleanse our way? He then graciously gives us the answer: by heeding the Word of God. I’m a living testimony that this verse is true. Jesus said in John 18:37, “For this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” Christ’s mission was to bear witness to the truth. My co-mission (the mission that He and I are in together) is also to bear witness to the truth—that the Word of God can cleanse your way. He wants to wash us with the water of the Word.

I was saved at a young age and was raised in church my whole life. However, I still needed my way cleansed. I never had a personal revelation of the Word. I lived in a pattern of knowing what was right in my head but doing wrong in my heart. But, when I took heed to the Word of God, when I began to hide His Word in my heart (as described in Psalm 119:11), I stopped doing wrong and started living right.

Taking heed to the Word cleansed my way. When I actually started applying the Word instead of just going to church, it radically changed my life. That’s been twenty years ago now. He is still changing me day by day—and I have never turned back, looked back, or stood back. Since then, my life has been about studying and teaching people the truth of the Word of God, following Jesus’ instruction to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). That is why the Lord has been able to use me to minister His Word in so many places, from conferences to kitchen tables. He has called me to teach people the truth of the Word of God, to launch a website, and write this book.

I’m going to close today’s devotion with a story from Reinhard Bonnke, the most successful evangelist of our time. He has seen over 75 million people saved through his ministry.

He told a story at the crusade I attended in Durham, North Carolina. He was invited to do a television interview with experts answering “religious” questions. When he arrived, he realized it was just him, a fiery evangelist, and an atheist.

The atheist said, “Bonnke, you preach there’s power in the blood of Jesus, but I don’t believe that the blood has any power! The blood of Jesus has been in this world for two thousand years, and the world is worse now than ever. The presence of the blood of Jesus in this world has not made the world better. In fact, it has gotten worse. That’s why I say there is no power in the blood!”