Believing God - Elizabeth Baker - E-Book

Believing God E-Book

Elizabeth Baker

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This article by Elizabeth V. Baker first appeared in the September 1908 issue of Trust magazine, produced by Elim Publishing House in Rochester, New York. This early Pentecostal publication was founded and edited by Mrs. Baker and her four sisters, the daughters of the Rev. James Duncan, a Methodist pastor. The Duncan sisters also founded a church, Elim Tabernacle, and a school, the Rochester Bible Training School.

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Believing God.

By Mrs. Elizabeth V. Baker


From the September 1908 issue of “Trust” magazine

Originally published in September 1908 issue of “Trust” magazine

Modern Edition © 2018 Full Well Ventures


This article originally appeared in the September 1908 issue of Trust, a magazine produced by Elim Publishing House in Rochester, New York, founded by Mrs. Elizabeth V. Baker (1849-1915) and her three sisters. The magazine’s staff box lists Miss S.A. Duncan and Mrs. E.V. Baker as the editors and Mr. O.R. Hubbell as the treasurer. Trust magazine was published monthly from 1902 to 1932 “in the interests of Elim Faith Work and Bible Training School. Also to emphasize the return of our Lord as imminent, and the consequent Latter Rain Outpouring, now manifested in the earth as a preparation for that event. James 5:7, 8.” Trust magazine ceased publication in 1932.

Believing God.


Notes of a Bible Reading by Mrs. E.V. Baker.


“So Jesus came again into Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum. When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death. Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” John 4:46-48


People of the world live in the natural, every man and woman lives what the five senses report; what they feel, see, handle, and that is the difficulty when we come to the supernatural, which is a realm not reported by the senses. People walk in the natural realm, and that has been our education from childhood up. Now God is introducing us into another realm altogether. There is a spiritual world all about us, we have a revelation of it in God's Word.

God, I believe, reports facts from the spiritual realm and we do not believe them, because we do not feel them. God says, “I healed you when you prayed,” but you say, “My back feels just the same as it did before, nothing has changed so far as I see,” and we believe our senses, and will not believe what God says.

“What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”