Billionaire’s Obsession: Magical Matchmaker Book 2 - Amanda Adams - E-Book

Billionaire’s Obsession: Magical Matchmaker Book 2 E-Book

Amanda Adams

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I have three rules I live by when building multi-billion-dollar companies. Rule number one: don’t sleep with your employees. Rule number two: never, ever, ever sleep with your employees. And Rule number three: listen idiot, she’s obviously gorgeous. But you can’t have her!

Only now… she quit… or she’s leaving… or, whatever. I’ve had my eyes on her for two years. I practically get in my ten thousand steps each day just by making excuses to walk by her desk…catch a glimpse.

And now I seem to have contracted a serious case of  coitus interruptus.

Suffering from love in an elevator? Not so fast. Hot and sweaty yet unfulfilled? You’re suffering from the side effects of coitus interruptus.

Sex on the beach… sounds yummy. You might think so, but sand in the nether regions can be just another side effect of coitus interruptus. And the woman I am falling in love with... I actually think she is enjoying my misery.

I must have her!

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

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About: Billionaire’s Obsession

I have three rules I live by when building multi-billion-dollar companies. Rule number one: don’t sleep with your employees. Rule number two: never, ever, ever sleep with your employees. And Rule number three: listen idiot, she’s obviously gorgeous but you can’t have her. 

Only now… she quit… or she’s leaving… or, whatever. I’ve had my eyes on her for two years. I practically get in my ten thousand steps each day just by making excuses to walk by her desk…catch a glimpse. 

And now I seem to have contracted a serious case of coitus interruptus. 

Love in an elevator… not so fast. Hot and sweaty yet unfulfilled… you’re suffering from the side effects of coitus interruptus. 

Sex on the beach… sounds yummy. You might think so, but sand in the nether regions can be just another side effect of coitus interruptus when an ever-so-nice family decides to stroll down the beach at the perfect time. 

And the woman I’m losing sleep over? I actually think she is enjoying my misery. 

I won’t stop now. And if that means I need a little help from a mysterious friend playing matchmaker? I won’s say no. I’m desperate. Love is a trickster, but I’ve faced fiercer enemies and emerged victorious. I must have her. 

Billionaire’s Obsession

Magical Matchmaker Book 2

Amanda Adams


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22


Books by Amanda Adams

Connect With Amanda

Billionaire’s Obsession

Copyright © 2019 by Amanda Adams

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical, digital or mechanical including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning or by any type of data storage and retrieval system without express, written permission from the author.

Published by Amanda Adams

Adams, Amanda

Billionaire’s Obsession

Cover design copyright 2019 by Tydbyts Media

Chapter 1


It’s one thing to be in Vegas for a weekend romp with the girls and a whole other thing to be in Vegas on the job. If I had to select my current relationship status with Sin City, I’d toggle between love and hate, hour-by-hour, hell minute-by-minute. While I linger in my hotel suite, gathering my toiletries and folding clothes, my mind wanders from another week of massaging and manipulating chaos to something else.

What I could be doing.

What I should be doing.

I should be sitting on the edge of my bed, a gorgeous and naked man gazing adoringly up at me, while I smoke a cigarette, exhausted and delightfully sore in all the right places, yet sated and triumphant. Who cares that I don’t even smoke… that’s not the damn point. If it meant I could have a hot lover in bed next to me, I would definitely light one up.

Instead, my companion in bed is an open suitcase.

I do love working for a company full of young, intelligent people, but why Vegas? Why? For the love of hedonism… why? And on New Year’s weekend… again.

But I don’t need to ask why. Gambling, free drinks, amazing restaurants, shows and the all-important, unending parade of attractive single people who leave their inhibitions at home. Every programmer and engineer who works for Michael, no matter how nerdy, becomes a heck of a lot more attractive when they let slip that their boss has been very generous with stock options in a company about to go public. Most will be twenty something millionaires within six months.

My pitiful amount of options pale in comparison; such is the life of a corporate event coordinator. Undercompensated and underappreciated.

Underappreciated until the hotel staff fails to set up a meeting room, A/V doesn’t work or a hungover employee pukes in the hallway. Then it’s Lindsey to the rescue, and she’s the greatest thing since, well… since the last time she saved your ass.

But I do love the work. Organizing massive events, managing complex schedules, coordinating travel for hundreds and hard-core negotiations with hotels all give me a tremendous amount of satisfaction. Event week is my time to shine, to take charge and run the show.

The problem is I’m not in charge, not of my life and not of my career, and the time has come to change. A bachelor’s degree from Cornell and an MBA from Northwestern were not meant to lead to a, more or less, dead end job. I’ve worked too damn hard, and it’s time to make a change.

Back to the bathroom for one last scan, to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything, my plan is to have everything ready for the morning, so I can just get up and go. As I turn, my phone lights up and buzzes across the end table. I can see that it’s my kiss ass assistant Chad… again. I hesitate to answer, but if I don’t, he’ll keep calling. And keep calling. Why can’t he do anything without asking for permission first?

“Hi, Chad.”

“Hey, Lindsey, sorry to bother you again but there’s this guy down here who works for the hotel; he says we can’t set up our own A/V, he has to do it.”

“Tell him he is full of shit, it’s in our contract. We take care of our own A/V.”

“I tried to tell him, but he’s not listening. He insists and says it’s union rules.”

Fucking Las Vegas unions. You can’t even wipe your own ass. You have to let one of their people do it for you so they can get their cut. “Chad, you have to be firm. It’s our last event of the weekend, and it’s for fucking karaoke. Why is he bothering us now? Tell him to check with the event manager.” The asshole thinks that if he jumps in now, he can charge us for every event.

“No. Yes. No, well I did that, but he won’t leave and he’s huge. He’s trying to take our equipment.”

When Chad starts stuttering and repeating himself, it’s time to interrupt and get him back on track. “Damn it, Chad. Fine, I’ll be right down. Stall him and do not let him take anything.” Hotels are notorious for killing you with A/V equipment and setup fees. Five hundred dollars for a microphone setup in a room and another five hundred to move that same microphone to another room, are you kidding me? It’s cheaper to truck in our own equipment, so we do.

“Thanks, boss, please hurry.”

“I will, Chad, and stop calling me boss.”

“Right, sorry, boss, I mean Lindsey.”

“Bye, Chad.”

I can’t help but shake my head and cover my face with my hands after ending my call with Chad. I’m sure he’ll take over for me, and I suddenly feel bad for wanting to leave. He’s bound to fuck everything up the first time he’s in charge of an event. He’s such a wuss. The first hotel he has to negotiate with is going to kill him.

I hang up and move my thumb over to shut down my phone’s screen before I set it down, but out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of an email notification. My breath catches in my throat as my self-diagnosed, totally not real, but majorly severe case of email apnea kicks in. Whatever it is cannot be good, not when ninety-eight percent of the people I work with are not in the office but drunk and gyrating to horribly sung hits of the seventies, eighties and nineties.

Ah, but what could go wrong? It’s Las Vegas, nothing ever goes wrong in this city. Right? Yeah… right.

I’m still holding my breath as the email fills my screen:

Hey, Lindsey! Hope all is well. Wanted to touch base with you regarding our spring break event this year. Are you still interested? I know you mentioned you were starting your own firm but had not heard anything further. We really need to make this year special and are planning a massive event, way larger than we can handle in-house. We need a pro and I mentioned your name to our CEO. Let me know if you are interested. I know it is a long holiday weekend, not sure if you are working but we are short on time and need to make a decision. We are also planning several other events this year so if all goes well... Let me know ASAP.


Luke McKenna

VP of Operations, Excel Ventures, Inc.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Totally not what I was expecting, and I am so excited I can’t stop pacing around my tiny hotel room. I’ve been putting out feelers for months, dreamt of starting my own event-planning firm for years, but never expected this. Excel Ventures would be a huge get. They are one of the largest and most successful venture capital firms in the area and the connections I could get… I want to scream I am so happy. This is it. With this one account I can start my own company and begin to build something for myself. It would mean quitting my job and risking every dollar I have ever saved but it could be everything I ever dreamed of.

I am in disbelief as I begin to type a reply:


Thank you so much for thinking of me. I…

And an incoming text message interrupts. It’s from Chad of course. Please hurry, Lindsey, I need help.

My Lord… what a pussy. The email will have to wait, and I begin my search for a pair of shoes. The only pair I haven’t packed yet are the heels I wore to the cocktail party I just came from. Shit. They are rose red and gorgeous but not all that comfortable and it’s a twenty minute walk back to the convention area. I’d rather put up with sore feet than unpack my whole suitcase, so I slip them on and head for the door; Lindsey to the rescue once again.

Chapter 2


These guys are hilarious and drunk but who cares, that’s why we’re here. Coders pop like a cork from a shaken champagne bottle if they don’t take time to let loose and remember that they are real people. I’ve seen it before and learned my lesson. They plug in and the line between reality and virtual reality becomes almost indistinguishable. Sure these trips to Vegas are expensive but they are invaluable for retaining top talent and keeping them sane. I pay them a ton, and when we go public, they will all be rich, but they’ll remember Jessica’s horrible drunk singing long after the joy of buying a BMW has worn off.

“Michaelssssup?” Tyler Johnson leans on my shoulder and tries to whisper in my ear but doesn’t realize he is yelling. “We love you, man. Thanks fer doin’ zis. You going t’sing?” Tyler is a brilliant system architect who will likely fall over if I move. The alcohol on his breath is almost enough to give me a contact drunk.

“No, I haven’t had enough to drink for that.”

“You want my drink?” He shoves his Bloody Mary in my face, nearly jamming the celery up my nose.

“No thanks, buddy.” I push his drink back and he takes a long swig, which he finishes with a triumphant crunch on the celery top. “I don’t think anyone wants to suffer through my singing again.”

“C’mon, man. You can’t be worse’n Jessica. D’ya hear her. I almost peed my pants.”

“Yes, she was great, she fully commits.”

“Yeah she does. She’s awesome. I’ma go talk to her. See ya later, Michael.”

“Bye, Tyler.” I can’t help but laugh at him as he stumbles toward Jessica’s table. She is dancing on her chair and singing louder than the person on the microphone. Tyler stands beside her, smiling and staring for what feels like an eternity, then pulls up a chair, climbs on and joins in the singing. It’s only a matter of time before he falls. I hope our insurance is paid up.

It’s been a great weekend, but I can’t take any more socializing and head toward the door to make my escape.

It’s late and most people are in the party or at the casino, so the walk back looks to be a lonely one. I could really use some fresh air, so I exit the long hallway and take the sidewalk back to the hotel. Three Long Island Ice Teas in one night is just enough to give me a mighty buzz, and I’m hoping the warm, dry night air will help clear my head. I always appreciate that our event coordinator Lindsey books us in an all-suite hotel separate from the casino. I prefer to keep the bright lights, constantly ringing slot machines, and smoky haze separate from where I sleep.

And speak of the devil. As I round the corner for the final stretch to the hotel lobby, there she is just ahead of me. I think about calling out to her but stop myself and enjoy the view instead. She is one sexy young woman and her ass in that skirt looks amazing as she walks ahead of me. If she didn’t work for me, I would beg her for a date though I’d settle for a Vegas quickie. Several times at the office I felt sure she caught me staring at her, but she never let on if she noticed. She has the build of a former athlete and I love that; firm and ample rounded ass, strong muscular legs, slender torso and beautiful perky tits. I can only imagine what that ass feels like in that skirt as it flexes and flows with each stride.

Oh to be the fabric hugging that ass.

That should be my next startup… virtual reality that transfers that sensation directly to your brain. I’d make billions.

The fact that she is barefoot and carrying a pair of red high heels in one hand and her leather planner in the other hand as she struts, completes the perfect picture. I wish the walk were ten miles longer.

As she nears the door to the hotel entrance, I jog up beside her. “Let me get that door for you.”

“Where did you come from?” she asks.

“I was at the cocktail and karaoke party.” Damn this woman is sexy. She always seems to have a pencil tucked behind her ear and it drives me crazy in a bookish kind of way. Hot and intelligent is a magical combination.

“Have you been behind me the whole walk back here? Why didn’t you say anything?”

As I open the door and she enters ahead of me, I wish I could tell her the truth, but my dick is almost fully hard from watching her while contemplating my virtual reality idea and I’m afraid she’d notice. “No. Well yes, just since the last turn. I didn’t want to disturb you.” She squints her eyes at me and tilts her head, but I think she bought it.

“How was the party, did you sing?”

“Me? No. I just enjoy watching. Great event though, you did an amazing job organizing all this.” We cross the lobby together and head to the bank of elevators. I’m not sure if it’s the late night air or three stiff drinks but she looks more beautiful than ever.

“Oh, you like to watch huh?” She grins up at me as we join four other people waiting for an elevator to arrive. Did she just say what I think she said? Is she flirting with me? “Well, thanks. I’m glad everything went well. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.”

The light above the left door illuminates and we follow the others as the doors open. Lindsey moves to the number panel, presses the number twenty and twenty-one. “I’m on twenty-one.” I say.

“I know, I booked your room remember. I’m on twenty.”

“Of course, thanks.”

The elevator lurches upward and everybody assumes the usual elevator stance; phony smiles before facing forward, staring at the changing floor number, minimize the awkward conversation and pray nobody has bad body odor. Check, check, check and check. The only other lighted number on the panel is the tenth floor.

Six, Seven, Eight.

As we near the tenth floor, I catch a whiff and realize that I may have been a bit hasty with that final check. Thankfully, the pumped in perfumed air of the hotel overcomes in the battle for aromatic supremacy as the elevator dings and the other four passengers exit, leaving me alone with Lindsey.

She moves to my left as the doors close again, and I can’t help but joke about our former elevator companions. “Phew, glad they’re gone. I was starting to get a little worried.”

“I was hoping that wasn’t you.” She waves her hand in front of her nose and grins.

“Oh nice. Thanks a lot.” Eleven, twelve. “I thought it was you.”

“Whatever, you jerk.” She shoves me and I exaggerate her strength as I throw myself against the side of the elevator. Right as I impact the wall, the elevator jerks to a stop between the fifteenth and sixteenth floor and the lights go out.

“Ouch. See what you did.” I move to the panel and push some buttons. “You broke it.”

“You did it, you faker.” She moves next to me, and I hear her pushing at the buttons also.

“What are you doing?”

“Maybe it’s mad at you because you broke it.” She pushes at my side and her red high heel shoes brush against my knee.

“You think your touch is more magical than mine?”

“I can promise you it is. What do you think is happening?”

I can’t decide if she’s flirting with me again. Twice within ten minutes when she is always one hundred percent business can’t be my imagination. “I’m guessing the hotel lost power, and we’re probably stuck in here together until it comes back on again.” My cock is telling me I am not imagining her flirtation and rises to join the conversation.

“Which one is the emergency call button?” She leans forward, presses a button and the elevator plunges for what feels like an eternity. As it jerks to a stop again, Lindsey has fallen into me and we are facing each other, she is hugging my waist and pressing hard into me. I wrap my arms around her, and I know she can feel my stiffening cock pressing against her. “Stop breaking the elevator please.” I feel ridiculous, but I pull her closer. We could plunge to our deaths at any moment, and all I can think about is fucking this gorgeous woman before I die.

“You think we’ll die?” She’s turned her face up to mine and her hot breath is at my mouth.

“We might,” I say as I press my mouth onto hers and kiss her deeply. I hear her heels and her planner hit the floor behind me as she thrusts her tongue into mine.

Chapter 3


I have no idea what has come over me and I don’t care. I have had the hots for Michael since my first day on the job and now we’re stuck in this damn elevator, likely to plunge to our deaths at any minute, and I just shoved my tongue down his throat. Fuck it. What happens in Vegas… He’s never so much as looked my way more than once and now his cock is rock hard against my stomach, and I think I’ve soaked through my panties in record time.

I stop and pull back. “Are you sure about this?”

“No.” He steps back, and I can hear him breathing hard. “I can’t. You work for me. I never date anyone who works for me.”

“I’m not asking you for a date.” I step forward.

“You know what I mean. I can’t”

“But I don’t work for you anymore. Well… not exactly, almost.”