Bloom and Grow - Laurie V. Soileau - E-Book

Bloom and Grow E-Book

Laurie V. Soileau



Growth begins in the garden. In this fast-paced world, our souls wilt without a place to pause and take root. It becomes easy then to overlook the many reminders of God's abundant life and transformation evident in creation.   Inspired by her garden, Laurie V. Soileau shares how to find mindful rest and fruitful flourishing in the Creator's faithful hands. Through 365 devotions entwined with Scripture, reflections, practical tips, and prayers, Bloom and Grow will help you - find peace amid seasons of chaos and decay, - steward relationships with people and nature, - seek the steady presence of the Creator, and - thrive where and how God has planted you. Pull on your gardening gloves and discover the strength and renewal revealed in God's breathtaking creation.  

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BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

Bloom and Grow: 365 Devotions for Gardeners at Heart

Copyright © 2024 Laurie V. Soileau

9781424566303 (faux leather)

9781424566310 (ebook)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Scripture quotations marked TPT are from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®). Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. 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In memory of Lily Bell Gardener, whose love of gardening inspired the transformation of a languishing neighborhood into a flourishing community of gardeners and gardeners at heart. Seed scattered spreads forever.



How to Use This Book

January: About Time

January 1: Before Time

January 2: Blindsighted

January 3: Light in Your Darkness

January 4: All That Glitters

January 5: Time for a Check-In

January 6: Preserving

January 7: Cursed

January 8: Awaiting the Dawn

January 9: What Are We Waiting For?

January 10: A Ready Harvest

January 11: Timelessness

January 12: Rains

January 13: Becoming a Believer

January 14: My Time Is in His Hands

January 15: Don’t Toss Your Confidence

January 16: Forecast

January 17: Garden Work Expands

January 18: Chronos and Kairos

January 19: Keeping Time

January 20: Life and Death of Seed

January 21: Lord of Time and Space

January 22: Never Deaf, Never Silent

January 23: For All Time

January 24: Time Is a Gift to Relish

January 25: Stitch in Time

January 26: Hunter-Gatherer in a Farmer’s World?

January 27: Wait, Not Waste

January 28: Extraordinary Times

January 29: Where Love Grows

January 30: In Control

January 31: Repentance Is Requisite

February: Metamorphosis

February 1: Germinating in the Dark

February 2: Washing with the Word

February 3: Water Music

February 4: I’m Not the Vinedresser

February 5: Delivered from Sinking

February 6: Gear Up

February 7: He’s Pinching Me Back

February 8: Mature Vision

February 9: Not the End

February 10: Ministers of Reconciliation

February 11: Substantial Peace

February 12: I Am the Light

February 13: Picture Perfect

February 14: Pleasant Words

February 15: Full-Sun Exposure

February 16: Overzealous Pruning

February 17: Pure and Simple

February 18: Fresh Vision

February 19: Fulfillment

February 20: Worth Remembering

February 21: Rise Up

February 22: Saving Seed

February 23: Seeds of Promise

February 24: Seeking Approval

February 25: Show Me What to See

February 26: The Weak and the Wild

February 27: Wide Selection

February 28: Wonder in Crisis

February 29: Wondrous Patterns

March: Masterful Design

March 1: Nature’s Medicine Cabinet

March 2: Co-stewards

March 3: His Hospitality

March 4: It Matters to That One

March 5: An Open Heart

March 6: Walking on Water

March 7: Woolgathering

March 8: Agents of Fruitfulness

March 9: Honoring Limitations

March 10: Chaos and Order

March 11: Complementary

March 12: Good Bones

March 13: Good Soil, Broken Seed

March 14: The Goodness of Diversity

March 15: The Guild

March 16: Hope Waits

March 17: Power Supply

March 18: Precious Trees

March 19: One by One

March 20: Taste and See

March 21: Tool Upgrade

March 22: Two by Two

March 23: The Ugly Unfinished

March 24: Sowing Tears

March 25: White Space

March 26: Sunflowers

March 27: Uniquely Made to Flourish

March 28: God’s Language of Intimacy

March 29: In Living Color

March 30: Spur

March 31: The Keystone

April: Essentials

April 1: Don’t Shrink Back

April 2: Get Out

April 3: Earth Keepers

April 4: First Things First: Creed

April 5: Let There Be Light

April 6: Light Uncomplicated

April 7: Nature Nurtures Creativity

April 8: Washing Pure

April 9: Too Much of a Good Thing

April 10: Air to Breathe

April 11: Priests and Bridges

April 12: Overflowing

April 13: Earth and Skies

April 14: Garden Tools

April 15: Generous Sowing

April 16: Gloves Off

April 17: His Gaze

April 18: The Arch

April 19: Nothing Too Small

April 20: Walk in the Light

April 21: Basking

April 22: Sound and Silence

April 23: My Gardeners’ Prayer

April 24: Prayer in Suffering

April 25: Refuge

April 26: Seeds’ Demands

April 27: Seeds in Time, Unfolding

April 28: Sufficiency

April 29: Traveling Garden

April 30: Nosegays

May: Rhythms

May 1: May Day

May 2: Agency

May 3: Back to Basics

May 4: A Memorable Setting

May 5: Don’t Turn Away from Him

May 6: Doxology

May 7: The Limits of Beauty

May 8: Fallow or Fertile?

May 9: My Portion and My Cup

May 10: He Speaks in Patterns

May 11: What Am I Looking At?

May 12: Hunger

May 13: Learning to Trust

May 14: Naming, Repeating, Hoping

May 15: Structural Supports

May 16: Nibbling Grain on the Sabbath

May 17: No Season Called Mercy

May 18: Overfed

May 19: Remember Me…Communally

May 20: Prayer in the Desert

May 21: Rest: Rhythm of Life

May 22: Anticipation

May 23: The Six S’s of Sabbath

May 24: Reminders

May 25: The Silent Settling

May 26: Dangerous Light

May 27: A Shrinking Violet

May 28: Wait for It

May 29: Keeping Watch

May 30: Wind and Waves

May 31: Wings

June: Opposition

June 1: About the Briars

June 2: Adversity Training

June 3: Under Attack

June 4: Code

June 5: Your Goliaths

June 6: Entangled

June 7: Looking for Answers

June 8: When God Has Other Plans

June 9: Foxes

June 10: Multiplication and Division

June 11: Ground Cover

June 12: Truth’s Healing Sting

June 13: Hedge

June 14: His Claim

June 15: Pantheism It’s Not

June 16: Overrun to Overcomer

June 17: Parasites

June 18: Invasives

June 19: Overdoing It

June 20: Recovery

June 21: Resistant to Wisdom

June 22: Scarcity

June 23: Jumbled Priorities

June 24: Singing in Exile

June 25: Viral

June 26: Tempter

June 27: Gates and Walls

June 28: Who Rules This Garden?

June 29: Spiritual Attack

June 30: Recovering Wholeness

July: Dirty Words

July 1: Close Inspection

July 2: Stubbornness Stings

July 3: Wilderness

July 4: The Drama of God’s Presence

July 5: Complicated

July 6: Incomplete?

July 7: Reviving the Dead

July 8: Deluge

July 9: Drought

July 10: Not Obscure

July 11: Hiding

July 12: Exile

July 13: Fire in My Bones

July 14: Idolatry

July 15: Quicksand

July 16: You’re Never Alone

July 17: Nonnegotiable

July 18: Uncertainty

July 19: Prideful

July 20: Sacrifice

July 21: Scarcity

July 22: Toxins

July 23: Solo

July 24: Overcrowding

July 25: Sharing

July 26: Practice

July 27: Trap

July 28: Broken

July 29: Scarred

July 30: Daunting Expectations

July 31: Overcomplicated

August: Nature’s Manifold Wisdom

August 1: Mature

August 2: Powering Through

August 3: Everlasting Love

August 4: It Takes All Kinds

August 5: Banish Doubt

August 6: Born to Flourish This Way

August 7: The World Can’t Contain It

August 8: Eating Bonbons

August 9: Faithful to All Generations

August 10: Freedom from Bondage

August 11: God’s Goodness

August 12: Habitats

August 13: Suckling

August 14: Inside Out

August 15: God Your Healer

August 16: The Mysterious Madness of Gardening

August 17: Natural Laws

August 18: New and Improved

August 19: One’s Meat Is Another’s Poison

August 20: The Original World Wide Web

August 21: Honeycomb

August 22: Schooling

August 23: Seed That Matters

August 24: Singleness of Heart

August 25: Symbiosis

August 26: Take Nothing with You

August 27: When You’re Weary

August 28: Wide Lens

August 29: Worms and Wasps and Good Soil

August 30: Canopy

August 31: Cross-Pollinating

September: Beauty

September 1: A Display of Splendor

September 2: Gardeners’ Feet

September 3: Beauty Marred

September 4: Beauty Not Easily Ignored

September 5: The Author of Beauty

September 6: Days of Glory, Days of Hell

September 7: Garden of Delight

September 8: Barnyard Humor

September 9: Beautiful Spirit

September 10: Breath, Word, Power

September 11: Creating Beauty Is Worship

September 12: A Beautiful Dwelling Place

September 13: Faithful Presence

September 14: Strange Fire

September 15: Fireflies

September 16: A Beautiful Challenge

September 17: He Sent Me Flowers

September 18: Beauty, Grace, and Love

September 19: He Will Beautify the Humble

September 20: If Gardens Were like Wallpaper

September 21: Choose Your Beauty

September 22: Unmistakable

September 23: Look at Me

September 24: Desire

September 25: One Person’s Trash

September 26: Original Cultivars

September 27: Simple Beauty Points to Christ

September 28: Your Song

September 29: What Is Beauty?

September 30: A Spacious Place

October: Designed for Relationship

October 1: Far and Near

October 2: Polyculture People

October 3: Accessibility

October 4: Seek Him

October 5: Eagles

October 6: God Speaks My Love Language

October 7: Creator and Creation

October 8: Maker’s Mark

October 9: Naming Jasper

October 10: Protective Covering

October 11: When Will My Light Break

October 12: Wherever You Are

October 13: Giving Your Notice

October 14: A Body Wholesome

October 15: A Dwelling Place

October 16: The Improbability of Balance

October 17: Blaming the Designer

October 18: Garden Cohorts

October 19: Four Simple Steps

October 20: Going Out and Coming In

October 21: No Pretreating

October 22: This Is My Father’s World

October 23: Freely Receiving from Jesus

October 24: When He Calls Your Name

October 25: Promised Land

October 26: Garden for All

October 27: Darkness Can’t Control the Light

October 28: Unity of Shalom

October 29: Simple Hospitality

October 30: Sow and Reap

October 31: Undivided

November: Life Cycles: Fertility, Flourishing, Decay, and Rebirth

November 1: Día de los Muertos

November 2: Growing in Knowledge

November 3: Sweet Smell of Surrender

November 4: Crushed Herbs

November 5: Cycle of Life

November 6: Dandelion Wine

November 7: The Upside

November 8: Gardeners’ Dream

November 9: God Loves a Seed

November 10: Continual Creation

November 11: Suncatchers

November 12: Hens and Chicks

November 13: Calling

November 14: Seasons

November 15: Firepower

November 16: A Perennial Faith in Jesus

November 17: The Sweetness of Real Food

November 18: He Repurposes Broken Things

November 19: Resurrection

November 20: Royal Responsibility

November 21: Royal Role

November 22: Seeking the Source

November 23: Let God Handle It

November 24: Where Will We Get Bread?

November 25: Violent Tempest or Gentle Breeze?

November 26: Walk

November 27: Watering the Earth with Tears

November 28: An Interest in Living Things

November 29: Fragile

November 30: Bread of Life

December: Hidden Things

December 1: I Am Seen

December 2: Careful Where You Dig

December 3: Chipmunk

December 4: Ever Present

December 5: Over the Edge

December 6: Fed without Cost

December 7: Be Fruitful and Multiply

December 8: Gifts We Don’t Give

December 9: Grateful Gleaners

December 10: Hide

December 11: Image of the Invisible?

December 12: Where Moths and Rust Don’t Destroy

December 13: Manna

December 14: God Is Seen in All

December 15: Not by Sight

December 16: Paradox of the Tomb

December 17: Power

December 18: Anchoring Roots

December 19: Provider Beans

December 20: Simplicity

December 21: Food You Know Not Of

December 22: No Mind Has Conceived

December 23: Scion to Zion

December 24: Silent Night

December 25: Peace, Be Still

December 26: Glorious Truth

December 27: No Eye Has Seen

December 28: Undistracted Vision

December 29: Water in Wilderness

December 30: Wisdom Revealed

December 31: Time for Truth

About the Author


I’d like to extend my love and gratitude to wonderful folks who have encouraged and supported my writerly life:

My agent, Julie Gwinn, whose gift and grit landed me my first contract, ending years of the dreadful “Will I ever…?” syndrome.

Tammy, Daniel, Angela, Donna, and the many other lovelies at the Café at Thistle Farms for cheering me on every day of my three-year sit-in. You are the most courageous, strongest, and most giving people I know.

Dianne, Sharon, Lisa K., Gerry, and Gillian, who’ve stuck close with their love, care, and prayers tangible through the highs and lows, teaching the art of true friendship.

My Tuesday Morning Family, whose delicious accents, cheerful faces, wit, and wisdom are my weekly sabbath in Scotland.

My sweet friend Andi, whose generous gifts of time, encouragement, wisdom, and prayer lift me more than she’ll ever know.

My wonderful daughters, Kelli and Katherine, whose love and lives have imbued mine with richness, meaning, and purpose, challenging me and showering the world with artistry, generosity, and wit. I love you to the moon and back!

Dad, whose love, brilliance, dedication, creativity, and zest for life never wane. Thank you for imparting to me your curiosity, love of nature, and pragmatism. I treasure the echoes of hymns sung in your alto harmony beside me at church all those years.

And—as the last shall be first—my husband, Grant. Your love, support, wit, and determination are boundless. You have my deepest gratitude and my heart.

How to Use This Book

This devotional is a garden of words, if you will, meant to reflect and direct you to Jesus, the Living Word, and to God’s Word in Scripture declared throughout creation. His words reveal who he is, his love for you, and your right relationship with nature.

I invite you to sit with this book in your garden or by a window. Take it on a slow walk on a safe path. Lie in the grass with it open before you. Read the day’s devotion and prayer, then close your eyes for a moment or two to listen for the Lord to speak. Before you move on, take a slow breath and notice what you can hear, see, taste, smell, and touch at that moment.

In sharing my love of God and of gardening, I sought to create a few sparks over the tinder that will, as you explore, perhaps ignite into a new interest in or ideas for gardening and entice you to explore and engage with the land, especially as the sun is burgeoning up from or dropping slowly below the horizon. You’ll find tidbits of knowledge that should inspire your passion for growing in soil, in spirit, and in relationships. Life flourishes in every nook and cranny; you might as well claim one or two for yourself.

Every garden, grand or minuscule, of vegetation, stone, or water, can be a place of sanctuary, nourishment, and communion with God. The one who is faithful and true is calling you to his garden, to thriving. Don’t wait. Get out there and relish every moment. He will!


About Time

I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands.

PSALM 31:14–15 NIV



Before Time

Now unto him that is able to guard you from stumbling, and to set you before the presence of his glory without blemish in exceeding joy, to the only God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and power, before all time, and now, and for evermore. Amen.

JUDE 24–25 ASV

After counting down to midnight, I still dislike the ticking of the clock. I feel bullied by it. There’s hardly time to enjoy sowing and harvesting before hibernation. A year disappears as quicksand beneath my feet; I need better grounding.

Our Creator, who is not anchored to time, created time. If time bullies me, he’s not to blame. The culprit is instead my spent perception and stunted view of what God meant for good. Where is the antidote for time’s pushiness? Where can we find solid, higher ground to escape the flood of time? God existed before the beginning of all things—including time—with the Son and the Spirit in perfect unity.

In an instantaneous power flash, the Light of life became flesh. Above him shone the bright light in the eastern sky seen by the wisest men of the day. Jesus returned to the Father with radiant streams of light particles, flesh departing as spirit through a thin veil, shredding the thick curtain dividing us and God. What remained here besides a scorched stretch of linen? Peace. Not fear, loneliness, or hurry, just the Father, Spirit, Son, and peace.


What is one way you’d like to better reflect God’s heart to the world?

Lord, my mind can’t comprehend the physics of light or time; I only know I need them. Align me with the passing of time so that all my life is yours, reflecting your light to the world. Amen.




“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.”


My vision went milky, and my eyes hurt. I fell in a heap of tears, scared and helpless. My husband drove me to the ER but wasn’t allowed in with me. After sitting on a cold metal stool in a frigid room for an hour, sobbing, I’d reached a low point, made worse by discovering I’d injured my eyes gardening. Both the soil and my contact lenses had been dry; without realizing, I’d damaged my corneas by rubbing closed eyelids.

Once the ER visit was over, I felt an unexpected flood of peace. It took me by surprise as I fumbled around our home as my patched eyes healed. Out-of-place things and unfinished tasks stopped calling for attention. Even the familiar footfall of depression had ceased. In three days, soft light flooded in, and my visual clarity returned.

In those moments of powerlessness and fear, I’d had no words to pray. But I’d emerged into the hands of kind nurses, pain-relieving ointments, my sweet husband, and a new paradigm: un-distractedness. It was the gift of focused vision. God heightened the sound of birdsong and the voices of my daughters and my dad. Blinding me to oppressive distractions, God gave me time to be healed and nourished and to return to my garden with greater wisdom.


Sometimes we’re blinded to certain realities for our good. What distractions would you be happy to be blinded to for a while?

Jesus, you love me so much that you bring me to the places of deeper healing just when I think I’m lost. Thank you. With whom shall I share your healing today? Amen.



Light in Your Darkness

“The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”


Golden sunlight blankets my winter lettuces, nurturing but not incinerating them (or me or anything else, for that matter). The benefit we humans receive from the sun speaks of God’s love. Could something so perfectly designed for flourishing spring from anything else? Its light warms, nourishes, even lends order to our lives, its rising and setting guiding our internal clock for healthful spans of work and rest.

The world clock and cultural trends have dulled our internal clocks, overriding them with unhealthy patterns of waking, working, sleeping, even eating and mood, leaving us languishing. The more time we spend out under the sun, the more closely we align with the Creator’s design and the more we thrive. The reality of our connectedness to all God’s creation brings the truth of the gospel out of shadowy metaphor and into the light of our daily lives. After we’ve experienced the impact of the one true source of light, it’s hard to settle for artificial substitutes. It is no different with Christ, the Light of the World. And it’s no wonder God filled the physical and spiritual realms with examples and reminders of the power of light.


Have you experienced waking and sleeping by the sun? If so, how did you feel compared with waking after sunrise and working until dark? If not, reset your internal clock (circadian rhythm) with a no-artificial-light weekend.

Jesus, you are my eternal sun, the Light of the World (John 8:12), the daystar (2 Peter 1:19), and the bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16). I need you. Amen.



All That Glitters

Jesus said to him in reply, “Depart from me, Satan! It is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him alone shall you serve.’”


Freezing rain and ice storms can transform landscapes into glittering wonderlands, particularly in the eyes of a child. Always one for natural beauty and extraordinary weather events, Dad took us exploring after such a storm, making the most of the teachable moment for me. I was mesmerized that individual blades of grass and tree branches sparkled, brilliant as diamonds. Brilliant, yes—but brittle. Maybe you’ve seen this beauty that leaves trees decimated, homes damaged, and roadways treacherous. If so, you’ll know the real crisis is the people left without electricity, even shelter, vulnerable to bitter cold for agonizing days, if not weeks.

The fragility and fleeting beauty of such a diamond-encrusted world mar the beauty of lives and landscapes many years in the making. Trees and homes are replaceable, but the loss of human lives is a palpable reminder of how ephemeral are things that distract our eye with promise of grandeur. Grasp at them and you’re left with nothing but cold, empty hands. Let them hold our gaze for long and what is truly precious and of lasting import can slip away from us too.

Joyfully receive the inspiration of earthly beauty but don’t allow it to hold your gaze. “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21 CEB). Jesus wants all of your heart.


What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? Read 1 Corinthians 2:9 and consider that no one has ever laid eyes on the eternal beauty

God has in store for you.

Jesus, grant me your eyes to see and your sharp focus of heart and mind that upheld your commitment to the Father’s will in the most difficult times. Amen.



Time for a Check-In

Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same.


New Year’s week is that time when you like to pause, check in, and give yourself some needed attention. Perhaps you’ve been through the seed catalogs and made a list of those that make your heart happy. You ask yourself, Is my life as it should be? What needs tweaking, and how? But this is where you, like most of us, stop. Maybe you jot (or post) your new goals somewhere, but you forget the glue that makes goals stick. As a life coach, I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. Like dieting and gym memberships, they’re ideas that sound good but are missing the foundation and supports from which real transformation grows.

That list of garden seeds won’t produce a bed full of blooms that return year after year all by themselves. As flowers need the support of soil, water, minerals, and sunshine, even one new goal needs support in all areas of your life—not just one area. The knowledge and effort that sustain a goal are the roots and mycorrhizae running through the foundation of your life. The transformation you want comes from your Father God. The one who never changes is your bedrock and your fortress on every side. You lack no leverage for what you long to do and be in Christ with God.


What one good thing in your life needs more support in certain key areas (such as financial, relational, health, serving, vocation, and hobbies)?

Lord Jesus, you made the way for me to receive all the goodness the Father longed to give us in the beginning. You are the Way for every good thing. Make me more like you. Amen.




“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”


A mockingbird says elderberries are blackening. I collect them in the copper pan from Mystic, Connecticut, that preserves stories and fruit before time steals their sweetness. With jars and boiling water, I’ve soon got jam in the fridge. So much meaning is concentrated in the act of preserving. We can preserve—and elegantly so—the fruit of the earth. But to do so requires a shock of sugar, citric acid, and screaming heat or dehydrating it to a shriveled half self.

I’d have preferred an endlessly supple mind and body with spirit intact and an endless supply of fresh food, truth, and beauty. But I’m grateful for mysterious jewels of canning, recollections of seasons, the joy of bounty reserved for drier times like winter’s slowing, when at last I remember to share the treasure. Only one thing, Jesus said, will last forever: the Word of the Lord (Matthew 24:35). We waste much in our efforts to preserve our own flesh, having plucked ourselves from the hands of the Father back in Eden. It is as poet Seamus Heaney observed, “Once off the bush / The fruit fermented, the sweet flesh would turn sour.”1


Would we put up pickles and jam if the fruit of Eden’s tree had been left alone?

I praise you, Lord Jesus, Living Word, for grafting, reconciling, and restoring me to my Father forever. Amen.




“Cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field.”


Creation was designed to flourish as our home in a mutually supportive connection between humans and nature. Decay and death contaminated the cycle of flourishing as we chose our own savvy and independence over our Creator’s loving guidance. In this limping cycle, creation itself groans, chained to decay and death, as we are. Paul described the groaning in travail, as if in birth pains for our liberation as God’s children. When we are liberated by Jesus’ return, our intimate relationship with the earth will be radically altered, morphing to the vibrant, glorious design of its origin. It will be as the bursting of fruit skin after the heavy rain and the sun’s warmth expand the shocking vitality within.

I have always felt a distinct attachment to nature and an enthralling transcendence at the sight of a clear night sky, shooting stars, and the southern lights. If I’m chomping at the bit for liberty at Jesus’ return, how much more is this electromagnetically charged planet of mind-blowing magnitude straining against shackles to fulfill its intended form? Earth in its galaxy, our perfectly fitted home and the garden from which we’re cultivated, is indelibly connected to us. Together, we await our fulfillment for eternity.


If Genesis 3:17–18 describes the existing state of our earthly home, what does Revelation 22:1–3 suggest will happen to earth when Jesus returns?

Lord, my body feels its bondage to decay today. I give you my whole self as I keep my eyes on the fulfillment of liberty—for all creation. Amen.



Awaiting the Dawn

There will no longer be any night; and they will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illuminate them; and they will reign forever and ever.


It seems odd that light is a substance, but darkness a condition, the absence of light and its clarifying work. When I say, “It’s dark out,” there’s no force, no thing there. Thankfully, God created all things to exist with light, to be soaked in it, or at least to benefit obliquely from it. My garden, for example, springs to life in sunlight but languishes in its absence (as do I).

Light reveals all we are meant to experience, enjoy, and understand in the cosmos. It’s a challenge, the way I experience darkness—conditions pregnant with a longing for light. But all things await the breaking forth of the Lord’s own light. And darkness is a temporary condition; it will indeed end. The time will come when we’ll need no sun; the Light of the World will illuminate all things in his full, life-giving brilliance.


If you feel rooted in darkness, the light not yet over the horizon, what do you hope springs from you when God illuminates your situation?

Lord Jesus, I wait in darkness to be transformed. Its uncomfortable, unnerving, but I feel safe as you have been here and have overcome darkness forever. Amen.



What Are We Waiting For?

What are you waiting for? Return to your God! Commit yourself in love, in justice! Wait for your God and don’t give up on him—ever!


The Bible and all history point to all things fulfilled at Jesus’ return. He himself is the fulfillment of our longings, the end of suffering and injustice. But at times I ask him to tarry anyway, not wanting my loved ones to suffer the “latter days” he described to his disciples.

Meanwhile, creation is groaning, less hospitable every day. If Jesus could come at any time and earth would pass away to be replaced, should we bother beautifying this place? Why grow anything other than food? Should we spend our energy caring for creation or evangelizing? The answer is “Yes, and.” Jesus didn’t rescind our Eden charge to cultivate life and health, beautify the earth, and bring glory to God. He added to our role; no longer just earth tenders, we’re soul harvesters, too, sowing the seed of the gospel, making disciples over all the earth.

Some days you’re anxious to go home and get past what hurts in this life. But that’s not the love to which Jesus called you. You can’t delay his return, though you can ask. Make the most of every opportunity for others to know his love and be restored. We who know his love have no excuse.


It’s okay to have mixed feelings in your stewardship of the earth and of others. Ultimately, we must stay close to the Lord, and we’ll know how to proceed. How is he speaking to you today?

Lord Jesus, when I look into the eyes of those who do not know you, I see the person I was before you. You don’t want anyone to suffer, nor do I. Help me point them to you. Amen.



A Ready Harvest

He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”


Mornings in my garden are a repeating theme: surrounded by a sea of plump, red strawberries, I tease the ripe ones into the palm of my hands, but there are too many to pluck before the hens and slugs do. Our berries, plums, salad greens, veggies, and honey are all ripe and ready in one warm-season stretch. The cut flowers too. And though I’ve sown almost nothing (writing deadlines to meet!), I can’t harvest fast enough. Everywhere I look, something needs me. I need extra hands for this. How will I—? I’ll harvest one by one, with some left behind.

Everywhere I look are these as well:

•Hearts that are breaking without hope, love, or an anchor

•Change that unsettles every age group

•A plague of fear, anger, grief, loss, and suicide

•Post-pandemic economic loss

•Aggressive denial of Christ as our viable hope

•The denial of truth and of global tragedy

•Human life at all ages devalued

We wonder if the birth pangs have begun (see Matthew 24:6–8). Will the Lord’s return—and increasing hardship—come sooner than imagined? Suddenly the hurting and hopeless surrounding us seem even more precious, their needs more urgent, real tragedy more imminent. It feels overwhelming, but we can steward our time for their sake.


Is the harvest of human hearts daunting or exciting to you?

Lord of the harvest, send ministers today to every person who is lost and without you (Matthew 9:38). Amen.




White hair is a crown of honor obtained by righteous living.


“Youth is wasted on the young,” Grandma used to say, deadheading her petunias as I ran to the sprinkler, little arms and legs flailing. Look how I’m becoming her now—groaning to stoop and deadhead my petunias, stiff on returning to vertical. As soon as I take my eyes off the floriferous prism of these beautiful blooms, I fret about my aches and pains, the wrinkles of a well-tanned face, the muscle loss, new mood shifts, and the odd gray hair. I hope this doesn’t sound familiar.

The signs of time passing continually before our (well-loved) eyes remind us just how brief is this life on earth. And maybe they highlight the unfathomable nature of our immortality, our timeless foreverness with the Lord. Do you believe your loving Creator canceled your sin and your mortality out of love for you? I hope and pray you do! If so, you can believe that time—how it treats you and what you can weave within it—is pliable in his hands.


If you’re trying to extend the life of this body and mind, what is it you plan to do with it for the Lord?

Oh Lord, Creator of time and space and humans who walk within these mysteries, fill me with grace toward my mortal body and mind. It is, after all, your breath in my lungs and your Spirit enlivening me. Amen.




“I will saturate the thirst of the weary, and every person who languishes I will replenish.”


If you’ve had a dry spell in your garden, landscape, or life, you know what it’s like to long for rain, refreshment, and restoration. It’s more common than ever for drought to be followed by torrents the hard, cracked soil can’t absorb, so flash floods rage without warning. And as our expanding infrastructure keeps floodwater from absorbent land, rainwater moves beyond where it’s most needed. Ground is overwhelmed, and watersheds are overcome; floods destroy crops, flocks, infrastructure, and lives.

Our connection with the Lord and his Word keeps our soil supple, our hearts and minds more resilient to manage what comes. I’ve had moments I’d call a flooding rain of spiritual encouragement, and I have been overwhelmed with God’s love; I wonder what you call these seasons. But sometimes we’re in a full-on spiritual drought, whether self-imposed or tolerated until too late. Crusty and dry, we have a hard time receiving anything from the Lord. Reliable friends on a “watch tower” can jolt our perspective if we think to arrange it beforehand. Leaving space in our lives for regular flyovers is even better. But I want to leave you with this: “I need help” is a respectable thing to cry out to the Lord, to the church, or to others who can and will help. And it may be the introvert’s best mantra.


If it’s hard to ask for help when you need it most, share a code word with a trusted person. It’s like a white flag or smoke signals high on a hill—only not so dramatic.

Jesus, all things are yours, and so am I, even when I don’t feel like it. All earth and the cosmos respond to you. I need refreshment in the deepest places of my soul, mind, heart, and life. I need you. Amen.



Becoming a Believer

“Whether it is a short or a long time, I pray to God that not only you but every person listening to me today would be saved and be like me—except for these chains I have.”

ACTS 26:29 NCV

If you’ve prayed for your children, spouse, parents, or dear friends to come to salvation by faith in Christ, you’ll know my sense of urgency in praying for my loved ones. It’s not too different from feeling the dire need to escape the walls that close in in winter, to race outside, boots half-on, pleading with the sun not to depart too soon. (Sometimes it feels my life is at stake, though hardly my salvation.)

Two things to remember:

1.God created time; he launched it, determined its bounds, and suspends it at will. We know not how or when or what we experience when he does.

2.God gave you these loved ones and gave them you, loving you each with the passion, force, and intention exerted at the creation of the cosmos and again at the cosmos-shaking resurrection of his Son.

Do not doubt; just love and pray. You’ll be walking in his way, fleshing out his desire, which time can’t bind.


The apostle Paul was about thirty years old at his lightning conversion to following Christ. Emperor Constantine was sixty-five, and C. S. Lewis was age thirty. Does age concern you?

God of mysteries, here I am again. Hold my loved ones and whisper your love and truth into their need. Hold my tongue from flapping in my doubt-prompted urgency. For their sake and in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



My Time Is in His Hands

An angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Get up and go south on the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” (This is a desert road.) So he got up and went.

ACTS 8:26–27 NET

Time is a baffling concept, but without it, we couldn’t live in, move across, or enjoy creation. God invented time to support our creativity, fruitfulness, and awe, not to bully us. And yet we might, like Philip, be called to leap into action without hesitation. How can you keep a proper perspective of time? We can start by submitting our days to his lordship and letting him, not the world or our own instincts, define “making the most of our time.”

If you’re conflicted about your use of time or specific timing, consider what (or who) to you frames time as a threat rather than the gift and resource God intended. The urgency the world values will often conflict with the Lord’s timing for you. Likewise, slowing down may seem prudent yet may hinder a specific task he has for you right now.

There’s no one formula for walking in the Lord’s timing any more than there’s one way to grow flowers. What he asks is our attentiveness and deference to his voice; he is faithful to guide us. Following his perfect timing as Philip did means being available for the extempore directive and being dependable in life’s humdrum routines. Sensitive to his leading hour by hour, you will be malleable, powerful, fruitful, and vibrantly alive in Christ.


Of what or whom are we meant to be God’s stewards?

Jesus, you are Lord of time. Be Lord of how I see, hear, and act in time; use me for your glory. Amen.



Don’t Toss Your Confidence

You had compassion on me in my chains…knowing that you have in heaven a better and an enduring possession for yourselves. Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which will be greatly rewarded.

HEBREWS 10:34–35 MEV

The author of Hebrews speaks of confidence that is our hope in our loving God, not in ourselves. I just had the privilege of sharing truth with a neighbor who’s clearly been hurting. Having been convicted of my attitude and not having loved my neighbor in action, I asked for God’s forgiveness and another opportunity. In a few hours, I was given it. I was just yards away and the only neighbor outside when this fella urgently needed help. Afterward, he offered me all sorts of goods in thanks. There was no other answer but “Thank you for your generosity, but we’ve got more than we need and realized that money and belongings let us down. There is one who has never let us down, so we lean on him for hope and joy.” God had prepared this fertile ground and will bring new life from the seed planted. I asked this young man’s forgiveness for not having been supportive before. He hugged me, tears in his eyes.

Throwing away your confidence in Christ can look like keeping it on a private shelf where others can’t read it. That’s what I’d been doing. The balm needed by every hurting person is in your hands. You’ll have to get up close and personal to their wounds to reap the reward of seed sown.


Let times of pain—yours and others—remind you how God rescued and has loved you unconditionally.

Lord, floods have left thousands stripped of all material possessions and the ability to feed and clothe their own. May your rich rewards of real life be theirs in every way. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Let us come near to God with a sincere heart and a sure faith, with hearts that have been purified from a guilty conscience and with bodies washed with clean water. Let us hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep his promise.

HEBREWS 10:22–23 GNT

In full certitude of faith, we hold unswervingly to the hope, the predicted fruitfulness of a seed that can’t help but burst with life. The fertile life God set in motion will continue unless we hinder it. Why do we struggle to believe this is as true for ourselves as for the garden?

When today those things you’ve been hoping to begin are shadowed by circumstance or doubt, have the same mind as when you sow seeds or sink those tulip bulbs. Then get out there and water them. Do you stand over them, fretting, “It’s not working! It’s cloudy today”? I’ll bet not. Somehow when we are looking directly at the creation within God’s hands, hope has more substance. More often we expect the “natural course of things” to yield fruit in our garden than in our own lives. We gardeners are pretty good at anticipating the God-breathed life cycle of plants from seeds and bulbs into cell walls, stems, leaves, fruit, and beauty. Can you anticipate a similar vitality for plans you’ve made for your life? Stand firm on his promises to make you fruitful and influential in the world. You were created in his image, and his spirit of power dwells in you, wafting lovelier than the scent of clover.


Can you count the times you’ve sown seed or transplanted plants in poor soil? How many of them sprouted?

God, your works are beautiful. Help me not to see them in isolation but to grasp the integration of all things in space and time in your hand—including my life. Amen.



Garden Work Expands

Walk in wisdom in the way you act toward those on the outside, making the most of your opportunity.


“I’ve got to move this plant, but I’ll be inside in ten minutes!” My husband has heard this too many times. I’ve got to prepare the new spot, so I dig that, weeding what’s overtaken that bed. While I’m at it, I may as well weed the rest. I blink and an hour has passed, so I flick on my headlamp.

Why does this happen every gardening day? Because I love being intimately involved with nature, in my garden or elsewhere. And I think we all experience time’s odd bendiness when engaged in work we enjoy. We don’t consider burdensome what we’re passionate about or what births joy and benefits the world.

The old adage about work expanding to fill the time allotted holds true—but this is different. Gardening (or hiking, biking, fishing, boating) will fill all your time if you’re not careful. Paul the Apostle knew the preciousness of time. He’d wasted years destroying lives and was now recouping his remaining time with relentless effort to serve the Messiah through serving others. His challenge is this: Make the most of your time; understand the Lord’s will and treat outsiders with care (see Colossians 4:5; Ephesians 5:15–17). Starting your day with the Lord will frame your time in his will. Then recognize that all those whose priorities differ from yours are worthy of your careful consideration. Our family, neighbors, friends, and strangers, the lost, the lonely, and the unsaved are part of the equation of loving others with greater love than we treat ourselves.


If you can’t get yourself out of the garden, invite others in.

Lord Jesus, grant me the self-discipline to use the tools and ideas I have to better manage my time for the sake of others and you. Amen.



Chronos and Kairos

O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul…O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and forevermore.

PSALM 131:1–3 ESV

I love languages. The elevation of familiar ideas to new meaning is the gain in translation of words from person to person, culture to culture. That and the endless variety of sounds in language excites me. The Greek words chronos and kairos, for example, give new utterance to things familiar and mysterious woven through our daily lives. Chronos is the clock ticking of measured time; kairos is a more ethereal idea of time’s mysterious depth.

You’ve probably experienced kairos in your garden, on a hike, bike, or swim surrounded by nature’s beauty. I reckon it is much like transcendence, the sense of profound connection to God and all his creation, of time standing still before endless fields of possibility. It’s that sublime moment between sleeping and waking you just don’t want to end; I’ve called it ultimate peace, knowing it’s just a hint of extraordinary things to come if we take the Creator at his word. When you experience these rare peeks at the intersection of your earthly and eternal life, I pray you sense the boundlessness of God’s beauty, truth, and hope unobstructed by time, doubt, or fear. Sadly, many ancient Greeks, who found such beauty and function in language, overlooked the one who spoke everything into existence. They missed the point of what they were trying to describe.


What words of God mean the most to you?

Jesus, I feel overwhelmed by the ticking of minutes and hours and by thoughts too grand for me. You have been faithful to all your promises. I put my hope in you now and forevermore. Amen.



Keeping Time

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you.


My father is a brilliant polymath, a Renaissance man. I’m one of the few who can honestly say, “My dad is a rocket scientist.” His love flowed in practical lessons from phonics, Latin, and the fine arts to DIY projects and amateur radio. He instilled in me the value of long walks, sky watching, and the importance of “just enough cookie dough to hold your chocolate chips together.” Dad’s wicked wit sneaks up in teachable moments, his way of discovering if you’re listening. I’ll never forget him explaining the physics of an enormous sundial in a botanical garden. As I gazed at the lush ferns and flowers surrounding it, I heard him say, “And this sundial glows in the dark… so you can tell time at night.” It took me a minute, but the lesson stuck. I was old enough even then to laugh at myself. I never wanted to disappoint my dad by not valuing his teaching or his heart.

Do you feel that your heavenly Father is impatient with you? That you take too long to learn or to flourish in the unique way he intended? As children, we can carry shame, fear, rebelliousness, or pride that can cloud our view of reality so we miss our Father’s unconditional love. Jesus showed the extent to which he’ll go to ensure we remain safe in his love while flourishing in our free will. He who holds the sun, earth, and time loves you beyond words.


A simple, mock sundial of well-placed rocks makes an interesting garden focal point. Instead of hours, let points and shadows mark times of reflection, prayer, or favorite biblical references. Fugit hora; ora: The hour flies; pray.

Abba Father, I belong to you. My time is in your hands. Amen.



Life and Death of Seed

We will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.


Paul the Apostle devoted precious parchment to addressing doubts about resurrection. In his letter to believers in Corinth, Greece, he cited historical record, the more than five hundred witnesses, as evidence that Jesus had indeed resurrected from death to life. Some among the church had claimed that nothing and no one could overcome death and return to life. Their line of reasoning would, if correct, make Jesus an unresurrected liar and false prophet. Paul reminded these Christ-followers of a simple truth on which their daily lives depended: “What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else” (1 Corinthians 15:36–37 NIV).

Every seed sown undergoes a death in the dark silence of soil, then metamorphosis, resurrecting in a new form with new potency (see vv. 42–43). The Torah records God calling into being light, time, land, sea, Adam, plants, and creatures. From that moment on, everything generates from seed or is formed out of something God called forth. Jesus, the final seed, resurrected as the imperishable, life-giving Spirit. He is the Word, the resurrection, and the life. As “LORD, the God of all flesh,” he asks you, “Is anything too difficult for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27 NASB).


What evidence can you cite supporting your trust in Messiah Jesus?

Jesus, these things are hard to understand. But the evidence supports my trust in you. You’ve never forsaken your promises, stopped loving me, or turned away. Amen.



Lord of Time and Space

“Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”


Yesterday I had trouble judging the distance between myself and hard objects. I banged my head twice and tussled with an evergreen tree. Allergy-related sinus pressure disrupts my depth perception and balance. While my head did hurt, I was able to laugh, knowing the disorientation was temporary.

The disorienting effect of the recent pandemic has been far more serious and widespread. The constraints of space and skewed sense of time frustrated us deeply. We asked ourselves, When will this end—if ever? Many wanted to return to the comforting predictability of routine.

Another profound moment in history left Jesus’ followers confused, if not fearful, over matters of time and space. Before leaving them the final time, Jesus promised his disciples, “Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” I’ll bet that, frightened of losing Jesus and clear steps forward, they clamored for clearly outlined time and space, things familiar to cling to. When is “the end”? How can he be with us always after he’s gone?

The more I explore the original Greek text, the hazier the biblical use of always and end of the age become. Their meaning flexes with the context. So what’s my takeaway? Perhaps this: Jesus promised that we need not doubt for a second that he is always with us. Your new reality is this: God’s got you across all time and space.


Do you feel disoriented in life today? Douse it with Scripture to regain your sense of steady balance. Read Psalm 23, Psalm 119:89–90, and Matthew 6:10, 13.

Jesus, thank you for always being with me. When I feel disorientated, remind me that you are Lord of time and space. Amen.



Never Deaf, Never Silent

“‘It will come about on that day that I will respond,’ declares the LORD… ‘I will also have compassion on her who had not obtained compassion.’”

HOSEA 2:21, 23 NASB

All sorrow is painful. But dark moments become excruciating when it seems no one sees, hears, or cares. The futility of your weeping and pain poured into a vacuum is darkness raging against your soul. Others’ words drift in, leaving little in their wake: Solomon cried, “Everything is meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 1:2 NIV), and Hannah said, “I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief ” (1 Samuel 1:16 NIV). Even King David pleaded, “Hear my prayer, LORD, listen to my cry for help; do not be deaf to my weeping” (Psalm 39:12 NIV). The wisest man felt life’s futility. A prophet’s mother nearly drowned in grief. The giant-slaying shepherd-king couldn’t sidestep this world’s sorrow.

But God joined his people in their despair. Solomon said, “For the ways of everyone are before the eyes of the LORD, and He observes all his paths” (Proverbs 5:21 NASB). Hannah sang, “The LORD is a God who knows…He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap” (1 Samuel 2:3, 8 NIV), and David stated, “In secret you will make wisdom known to me…A broken and a contrite heart, God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:6, 17 NASB).

Nothing escapes God’s heart. He’s intimately involved in your experience. He moves heaven and earth, sowing seed in your life for true life.


Plant a sturdy flowering perennial as a reminder both of your grief and sorrow and to watch for the Lord’s response. Peonies and black-eyed Susans are great options for full or partial sun in zones 3–9.

Lord, let me not forget I am not singular but compound, not an orphan but part of a family in you. I am not “other” but your beloved. Amen.



For All Time

We are made holy because Christ obeyed God and offered himself once for all.


It seems that only once a year your garden, landscape, and all those places you love to roam bask in the glory of full flourishing. Everything glows in the golden light of the sun’s most flattering angle beneath a bright cerulean sky. Those glorious moments in time are more precious by virtue of their rarity; they are one reason we love the outdoors and are willing to invest great effort in supporting its vitality. In creation’s vitality, we see hints of our own.

Once (and only once) a year, Israel’s high priest entered the most holy place of God’s presence, traversing the bridge between us and God. His arduous sacrifice to purify God’s people from unrighteousness meant the priest’s survival and restoration of the people’s lost relationship with God.