Bring Me Your Wife - Barbara Birch - E-Book

Bring Me Your Wife E-Book

Barbara Birch

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Edmund Stevenson couldn't believe his good luck.

This was the sort of thing men talk about in bars, when they lie through their teeth. The young girl was eighteen years old and she was ready. She looked exactly like a young Liz Taylor but her shape was better. A small waist, fantastic tits, well-rounded hips, beautiful and smooth legs. His hands were sweating and he wanted to pounce on her and rip her clothes off. A rape would be fun, but impossible. He had the idea she was ready.

He called down for a bottle of bourbon, a pitcher of water, a half-dozen Seven-Ups and a bucket of ice. After all, he reasoned, I've rented the room for three days-I may as well use it.

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Bring Me Your Wife

Barbara Birch

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Bring Me Your Wife

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

Ronnie was anything but a drop-out. He was one of the most popular young men on the Strip and, at eighteen, he had every reason to be happy. The reason for his success lay in his hand now, and he stroked it as he looked down at Sandy Stevenson. She was an older woman, sure, but so what? Twenty bucks for five minutes, or maybe ten, was real money, and this chick had one hell of a shape for a forty-year-old. He wondered when Mrs. Nelson was going to become jealous or raise the rent. Then he swept his landlady out of his mind and smiled as he thought about his pad and the succession of chicks from the hotel he had paraded into his room.

Now I know what he had in that tight little bathing suit, Mrs. Stevenson thought, smiling. Her mouth watered as she watched the husky young man stroking his huge, stiff prick, and she groaned softly and writhed in expectation. Her legs spread slightly then, and she smiled once again and looked from the young and ready cock to the brunette thatch of pubic hair which covered her throbbing pussy. Sandy Stevenson was hot and she was ready.

Lying naked on the bed, she crooned softly and reached out for her bronzed playmate's prick. It had been years since she'd had a chance to have a muscle like that in her, and this one looked like it could do the job. Then she touched it and let her fingers wrap themselves around the pulsing hardness of the hot cock. Yes, she thought, it can do the job. Her pussy was aching and her hand squeezed the shaft and began moving the skin up and down, faster and faster. The boy's cock was very hard, very solid.

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