The Forbidden Incest Game: Taboo Erotica - Barbara Birch - E-Book

The Forbidden Incest Game: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Barbara Birch

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Chapter One Fay: Who Loathed Her Real And Famous Name
Chapter Two James And Jane: They Made Music Together
Chapter Three Jill: Out For A Thrill
Chapter Four Alexis; A Desk-Top Affair...  With Father
Chapter Five Eddie; He Loved His Mother Too Well

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The Forbidden Incest Game

Barbara Birch

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter One

"You know who I am, of course. Or at least who my father is. Unless, of course, you're one of those people who are too intelligent to look at television. At that, you look intelligent, which is something few-really intelligent people do. One of the most brilliant men I ever knew looked like a half-wit. And my father, of course, looks like a jolly, jolly big daddy to the world... and he's a louse. But a very rich louse.

"In this astrakhan hat and sable coat I look... what would you say? Twenty? Look at those haggard lines around my eyes and the droop and petulance of my mouth. Would you go higher? Twenty-five, perhaps? Of course, you know how old I am. eighteen. One of father's secretaries will have given you the facts in my case. Oh, father wouldn't have done it himself, I'm sure. In the first place, he wouldn't know the facts... unless he heard them from one of his attorneys.

"My father is much too busy being big daddy... ever so jolly with his cute kiddies program. I imagine that, next to Dr. Spock, he's supposed to know more about children than anyone else. At least, television viewers seem to think so. Father has to keep a pediatrician on his staff... with his secretary... -just to answer letters like: 'Bobbie's a cute little rascal. Should we make him put out his cigar when nursie changes his diaper? He's only twenty-six.' Oh, maybe not quite that bad, but they do ask my father some of the most absurd questions. Real stupid, some of 'em.

"But then I think people who watch my father's show and think he's really a jolly, jolly big daddy to all those cute little darlings with their carefully rehearsed 'spontaneous' remarks are pretty stupid. He keeps a real motherly woman... actually she is, and ought to be out on stage instead of him... -just to coach the cute kiddies. And stand by, with a microphone... and a speaker behind each chair... to remind them when to pipe up with those spontaneous howlers.

"Of course, it's good show business. Fabulous on the money end. And I don't suppose I'd be so bitter if he carried over being jolly big daddy at home. We kids could have used a little of the jolly big daddy. Mother is worse. She lectures, you know. On how to raise the little darlings. And talks about her four little lovelies until you'd think we were all six years old. And Ted is twenty-four. Alex is twenty-two. Phil would have been twenty... if he hadn't driven his car off the Coast Highway at ninety. An accident? You know the Coast Highway. Would any sane person drive it at more than forty? Unless he wanted to miss that curve at the top of Bent Elbow. He did that the day after I got picked up as a prostitute.

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