Daddy And Brat:Extreme Taboo Father Daughter Erotica - Barbara Birch - E-Book

Daddy And Brat:Extreme Taboo Father Daughter Erotica E-Book

Barbara Birch

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Chris, of course, recognized the let down in Cindy's usual resistance immediately. For the first time he felt there was a chance he could go all the way with her. In the past he had been patient and understanding with her, assuming that because she was just out of high school a few months before, that she needed to go slow and easy into the adult world of sex and intimacy. But now he felt her to be ready and prepared for him. He'd felt she was too innocent for it before, and now he felt she was too ripe to be denied it. So many times he'd wanted to simply rip her clothes off of her body and jam his hard cock into the tight little virginal tunnel of her cunt. Yet at the same time he understood why she resisted his advances. He knew about her father, and the abusive way he treated her, and he understood that she would likely resist all male advances for a long, long time.

But on Thursday night, that moment when his cock was growing hard inside his tightly restraining pants, he was completely encouraged by the sudden absence of Cindy's resistance. He thought it was possible that she had finally come to agree with his argument about trying on the shoe to be sure it fit! He decided to proceed with a certain amount of caution in case any sudden move might break the spell.

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Daddy And Brat

Barbara Birch

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 1

She felt a tingle in her inner thighs, and she was again reminded of the incident from the previous Thursday evening. Chris had tried many times to get her to give in to his advances, but that evening had been different thanks to the near argument. She had been relieved, so relieved that she had let things get out of hand, and it had almost ended up going all the way. It was close enough, anyhow, to make her feel awfully guilty about the whole thing.

From the first time Chris had kissed her goodnight, Cindy realized that she was anxious to have sex, for her body had become alive instantly with sensations. It was as if the last little touch would send a thousand thrills of pleasure to every nerve in her body, and it took a great deal of will power to keep from giving in to such urges. When she'd returned home after that first date with Chris, she had been so excited that she layed down on her back naked in bed and opened her legs wide and wantonly played with herself. She knew it was a dirty thing to do, but she couldn't help herself that night. She was just too aroused to stop. Afterwards, she had felt ashamed by her actions, and she had promised herself that she would not let her body become so sexually aroused again. At least not until after she was married. And that was a good long ways off, because she was only going on eighteen!

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