Seducing Sissy: Taboo Erotica - Barbara Birch - E-Book

Seducing Sissy: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Barbara Birch

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Warning: This is a vintage hard-boiled full length, post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even hive a proper description. Check out the free sample if you can.


Then it would be all the easier to seduce her.Wanda felt her face flush again as Wilma and George rolled over and. Wilma got on top. She didn't see how her sister could do something so vile. She really ought to get right up and leave but she was so shocked and angry that she didn't think her legs would move. Her knees were weak and she was shaking like a flee in the wind. There was something else happening to her too. Every time George's big, red cock plunged into Wilma's tight cunthole, Wanda felt her own virginal cunt squeeze and tremble. Even though she didn't approve of Wilma's actions one bit, the sight of them fucking was making her cunt wet and steamy. Of course she wondered what fucking would be like. It must be different than she had imagined. Wanda had always thought that fucking was something you did because your husband demanded it. Now she was beginning to have doubts about that. Perhaps fucking was fun. Wilma had certainly acted as if it were.Wanda began to squirm on the couch as the juice flowed in her quivering pink cuntal channel. She couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to fuck. She had the nerve to try it if she really wanted to. Wilma was wrong about that. She just didn't know if she wanted to behave like a common slut."Mmmmm," Wanda sighed, her eyes fastened on the long, wide shaft of George's cock. She'd never seen a cock before and she hadn't dreamed that it would be so huge. 


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Seducing Sissy

Barbara Birch

Copyright © 2017

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"Now, honey... behave yourself!" Wilma managed to say sternly but there was a twinkle in her eye. "I don't think they let you do things like this on planes. You'll just have to wait until we land and get to the hotel.""Aw, come on, Wilma," George chuckled. "I've always wanted to fuck on a plane. All these people are asleep and the stews are in back taking a break. No one'll ever know the difference."Wilma looked around again and then her slight frown turned into a smile. What George said was true but she really didn't want to make a spectacle of herself. It would be fun to do something right under everyone's noses though. The thought of doing something that daring made Wilma's body tingle with excitement and there was a heated rush of cream that flooded her shivering cunt as she thought about telling her friends back home what they'd done. Of course fucking would be impossible in these cramped little seats but there were other enjoyable things one could do if one were horny."I've got an idea," Wilma whispered, leaning over to kiss the side of George's neck. This was something she'd always loved about George. He was always willing and able and sometimes they did do quite shocking things in strange places. That was what made marriage to George so exciting. It hadn't tapered off at all in eighteen years and she was glad that she'd married such a horny man. At least she didn't have to complain about not getting enough like her next-door-neighbors back in Greenville.George watched with amusement as Wilma rang the buzzer for the stewardess. Then he grinned openly as Wilma politely asked the smiling young girl for a couple of blankets. Now he knew what Wilma's idea was, and he chuckled as she draped the blankets over them and then turned to wink at him."Unzip your pants," she whispered. "And give me your handkerchief. This is going to be a blast!"George reached over and ran his fingers over his wife's long, smooth legs. She sure had a nice body for a woman of thirty-six. Her legs were warm and the crotchband of her panties was definitely damp. Wilma wasn't just humoring him. She was just as hot as he was."Mmmmmmm," Wilma moaned, lifting her hips a little so George could slide her panties off under the blanket. "We'll have to remember to be quiet. We'd be in bad shape if they kicked us off the plane right in the middle of the ocean.""They wouldn't kick us off the plane, you ninny!" George chuckled. "I'll be quiet though. You just keep those hot lips of yours shut. You're the one who always makes the most noise.""Oh, do I?" Wilma giggled, wrapping her fingers around George's hard prick and squeezing lustily. "I'm the one, hmmmmmm?""Awwwww, Jesus!" George moaned, unable to silence his loud groan of passion. Then he smiled as Wilma raised her eyebrows. "All right... all right," he conceded. "Both of us'll have to be quiet.""Yessssss," Wilma breathed as George's finger slid over the creamy expanse of her drenched cuntal slit. "Ooooh, honey... that feels so good. I don't know why we wasted all this time. I wouldn't have been nervous during the takeoff at all if you'd been doing this. It's just marvelous!"George felt his cock stiffen even more as Wilma's hand started pumping up and down lewdly. Wilma knew how to jack him off just perfectly. That's all they'd done for a long while when they were dating. Wilma hadn't let him pop her cherry until the night of the. Senior Prom and George had just about turned blue in the face, trying to talk her into it. But once Wilma had tasted the lusty delights of fucking she had been insatiable. She certainly hadn't turned out to be a frigid wife, like so many of his friends complained about. Wilma was a first-class fuck and he was a lucky guy for finding her.George couldn't stop his lusty groan as Wilma's fingers began to grip his throbbing cock tighter and tighter. Her fingers were so smooth they felt like a warm, velvet vise around his jerking prickshaft and he groaned again as his cock gave an impatient surge."Honey," George whispered, "I think we could get away with it if you just put your head down here in my lap and sucked it. Please, honey? You know how I love that."Wilma glanced around again but none of the other passengers seemed in the least aware of what was going on in seats 17 E and F. They were tight next to the window and no one was seated in the aisle seat. They had the whole row to themselves because the flight wasn't crowded. Wilma didn't think the people on the other side of the aisle in seats 17 A, B, and C could see what they were doing. The lights were very dim and their neighbors across the way seemed to be sleeping soundly."Alright," Wilma whispered back, giving a little muffled giggle. "But you'd better keep your eyes open for the stewardess. I don't want anyone to see me.""I will... I will!" George promised quickly. "Just do it, honey... I'm hornier than hell right now!"Wilma squirmed a little until she was sprawled out under the blanket with her head in George's lap. Then she carefully raised the blanket and grinned as she saw his hard, nearly-bursting cock. At least they wouldn't have to use the handkerchief this way. She felt almost like a new bride as she wrapped her hand around George's huge cock and started licking it with her tongue. Poor George really was horny and she just hoped that he wouldn't make any noise when he came. She could feel his cock jerking as she licked it and George was making little gasping noises of enjoyment. He was doing his best to keep quiet but Wilma knew just what lusty feelings were rushing through her husband's body as she swirled her little pink tongue over the head of his smooth, slippery prick and sucked it in the tight oval of her lips. At least this wouldn't take very long. George's stiff cock was jerking so hard that he was almost shooting already and she'd barely started sucking."Mmmmm, yeah!" George whispered, pushing her head down with his heavy hand. "Come on, baby. This'll be so quick no one'll ever know about it."Wilma giggled as she made a little smacking sound with her lips. She hoped that the blanket muffled the noise she was making as she sucked George's big, jerking cock into her throat. The smacking sucking noises sounded awfully loud to her, but, that was because she was under the blanket. They couldn't be that loud outside. If they were, everyone in the whole aircraft would know exactly what they were doing."Mmmmmmm," Wilma groaned, sucking joyfully on the throbbing pole of her husband's prick. She'd have to demand that he play with her cunt when she was through sucking his cock. Every time Wilma sucked her husband's lovely, large cock her cunt got so wet and steamy she could hardly stand it. Cocksucking definitely turned Wilma on and she rubbed her swelling nipples against George's lap as her cheeks ballooned in and out obscenely under the blanket. This was really fun in a wicked sort of way. She couldn't help but wonder what the stewardess would say if she noticed what was going on. The poor little blonde would probably turn beet-red and run up to ask the pilot what to do. Wilma was sure they didn't stimulate situations like this in stewardess school. Who else but her and George would do something this risky? Certainly none of their friends would ever dare to do anything like this on a flight to Europe!"Awwwww, Jesus!" George whispered, feeling his wife's lips clamp tightly around his cock and suck it strongly. He felt the hard pole of his prick slide deeply into her throat and he was surrounded by flaming wetness. Now he was damn glad he'd thought of this new kinky way to have fun. He was just lucky that he was married to Wilma and not a prude like her sister Wanda. George's lips curved in a smile as he thought of Wanda sucking a man's cock on a flight to Europe. Wanda would probably have a heart attack if Wilma even mentioned it!George felt his balls tighten and he did his best to hold off for another sexy moment. Jesus, but her lips were hot! He'd never felt her this hot and lewd before. Wilma always got a real kick out of doing kinky things hit her lips had never inflamed this way and her throat had never squeezed this deliciously. Jesus! It was enough to drive him crazy with lust!George tried every trick he knew to keep from coming as Wilma's hot, shivering lips squeezed around the slippery head of his cock and sucked him deeply into her shuddering throat. He thought about the kids and how he hoped that they would survive for three weeks with Wilma's sister, Wanda. He thought about his job and how lucky he'd been to get a vacation exactly when he wanted it. He thought about the five years that they'd gone without a vacation so they could take this trip to Europe. Somehow every thought he had seemed very sexy. Wilma's squeezing throat kept up its delightful pressure and his balls throbbed demandingly."Mmmmmmmm!" George gasped, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold coming off for more than a couple more seconds. Wilma's mouth was just too hot, and delicious and her head was wiggling under the blanket as she slid her head back and then sucked his long, jerking cockpole all the way into her throat. The blanket was wiggling obscenely and George hoped to hell that no one would notice. If someone tame along and stopped them right now, he'd, just die.Suddenly Wilma's throat squeezed in a new, tight way. George felt as if he were being sucked into a red-hot smelter -- and his balls tightened into knots of pure agony. This was it... he just couldn't hold back any longer."Here it comes, baby." George whispered, lifting up the blanket just a bit, so that Wilma could get a gulp of fresh air. Then he felt, her mouth drive down on his prick and her smooth cheeks started to suck."Ahhhhhh!" George groaned, feeling his cock swell up so huge that he was afraid he was going to choke her. The head of his jerking prick felt like a balloon, swelling up enormously and scraping against the shuddering heat of her throat. Then his balls started to pump and. George let out a startled yelp of pleasure as the cum hurtled out of the end of his cock and gushed down Wilma's throat like a broken waterline."MMMMMM!" Wilma gasped, sucking as hard as she could. She could feel her whole body shaking and her pussy was a red-hot shivering tunnel of need. She was burning up inside and now Wilma wished that they had figured out some way to fuck. She was so am used that she was almost screaming right out loud in lust.George's face turned bright red in the dim light of the plane. Wilma's mouth was like quicksand, sucking him in deeply and rippling around the exploding length of hardness. The spent was jetting out of his prick as if it would never stop and he clenched his hands tightly at his side, trying to keep quiet while the wonderful spasms of release made his cock shoot again and again."Wow!" George gasped, as Wilma sucked strongly on his prick, making his balls shudder and pump until they were dry. Then a wide, satisfied smile spread over his face and he reached down and tapped his daring wife's shoulder."Come on," he whispered. "You can come up for air now, honey. Hurry up... someone may have heard me groan."Wilma poked her head out of the blanket and sat up quickly. In just a second they looked as if they were merely relaxing under the blankets. There was no evidence of what had happened except for the smile on George's face and the little grin on Wilma's."Excuse me, Sir..." the stewardess said, appearing suddenly at the end of the aisle and tapping George an the shoulder. "Is tine something wrong? One of the passengers said that you were groaning."George's mouth opened and closed in surprise. Then he got a sheepish expression on his face."Uh... no, nothing's actually wrong," he mumbled. "I... I could use an Alka Seltzer though. I don't feel too well right this minute.""Oh, certainly, Sir," the stewardess said, whisking away to get something to relieve George's stomach, while Wilma shook silently with laughter. That had been a close one. Both of them were wondering what the stewardess would have said if she'd known the truth about George's groans."I have a suggestion, Sir," the stewardess said, smiling professionally as she handed George the glass. "We don't have anyone in first class tonight. Why don't you and your wife go on up there and we'll draw the curtains for you. That way if you groan again, our passengers won't be upset.""... thank you!" George grinned. "That's awfully nice... we'd really appreciate that.""I thought you would," the stewardess smiled. "I believe in women's liberation you know. If you go up in first-class you won't have to hide under a blanket when you pay your wife back for that tremendous blow job!" 

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