Brother's First Time With Sister - Marcellus Ellington - E-Book

Brother's First Time With Sister E-Book

Marcellus Ellington

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Brother's First Time With Sister

Marcellus Ellington

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Brother's First Time With Sister

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

For the past eight summers, the Armstrongs had operated the largest marina on the lake. The marina boasted docking facilities for over a hundred boats that ranged from small ski boats to luxurious cabin cruisers. Many of the boat owners brought them up in the spring and left them at the marina until fall. Most of the people drove up from the city an weekends while many of the wives and families spent the entire summer at the lake.

Heather's father and her brother, Tom, took care of the facilities with the aid of some summer help they hired. She and her mother operated the small store next to the marina where they sold groceries, fishing gear, and various sundries that were essential to the vacationers. The Armstrongs lived in a large summer home in the pines that overlooked the marina and the broad expanse of the huge lake. Not only did operating the facilities give them an exceptionally good income, but they loved the outdoors and the entire family found plenty of leisure time to enjoy themselves.

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