The Late Late Incest Show: Taboo Brother Sister Erotica - Marcellus Ellington - E-Book

The Late Late Incest Show: Taboo Brother Sister Erotica E-Book

Marcellus Ellington

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Lola knew that there were those who might think her cold, but she knew that she was only practical. She couldn't be otherwise. Blind love for its own sake had never touched her, except in one case, and that could hardly count since it had to do with family. She loved her brother deeply, and although she was no specialist in psychology, Lola knew enough to reason that it was because of her extreme hatred of her father, who had also hated Rudy. In addition to these unfortunate circumstances, Lola had a deep-rooted scorn for her mother, who had put up with her father's nonsensical bullying until the day of his death. She and Rudy had been respectively 14 and 17 when their father had died prematurely, and secretly, they had been relieved by his sudden departure. They suspected their mother was too, since she became almost immediately more alive herself after the funeral.

Lola had always felt that it was Rudy and her against the world, and in a way it was. She had fought her way to the position she was now in, using everything she had, both brains and body to help her. Somehow Rudy hadn't made it yet, but she was determined to help him. In fact, she thought of little else, visualizing the day when she could relax and cease these heavy calculations. That day would be the day both she and her brother were fully recognized by the world and judged at their true value. Lola considered that she had "just about made it". Her long range plans included Andy's moving to a major Coast to coast network while she herself became a female news commentator, starting out on the small network and moving up as she gained in popularity. It was a feasible dream she felt. But Rudy, her brother, had to get into the picture too for it all to be perfect.

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The Late Late Incest Show

Marcellus Ellington

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











Andy kept the very studied but seemingly relaxed and casual smile until the red light above camera three's lens went off and he was free to turn to the monitor to watch the credits rolling over the screen. The glimpse that he caught of his wife's name made him once again begin wondering why the hell she had been so aloof for the past week or so. The popular upstate newscaster felt a brief flash of familiar anger and his face reddened as he realized that he was just about always wondering why Lola was so cold to him these days. It was getting so that they hardly spoke to one another, and they had only been married one year!

The camera men were busy shutting down the studio, and Andy made a display of straightening the papers on his desk. He was thinking of just what he was going to say to Lola when one of the station technicians came up to him.

"Good show, Andy," he said. "How are you feeling?" It was obvious to everyone that the newscaster hadn't been up to par for the past few nights, and the technician was curious to know if the reasons were personal - that is, he wondered if Andy and Lola were fighting.

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