Incest Punishment: Taboo BDSM Erotica - Marcellus Ellington - E-Book

Incest Punishment: Taboo BDSM Erotica E-Book

Marcellus Ellington

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Warning: This is a vintage hard-boiled full length, post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even hive a proper description. Check out the free sample if you can.


"Come here and take your punishment, naughty little girl," he said, barely able to control the rage that engulfed him.
"No, no, no," she said, shaking her long tresses and squirming out of her seat.
He caught her by the hair as she ran down the aisle toward the door.
He pulled her back. He yanked her whole little hot body down across his lap and plopped himself onto the seat of the nearest desk.
He brandished his belt high over his head and brought it down on her back.
"Stop, stop," she cried, kicking her feet in protest.
Unsatisfied still, his cock going like a jackhammer, he lifted up her skirt. Lifted up that blue and white striped short little skirt and looked down onto the silken nylon panties that encircled her ass cheeks.

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Incest Punishment

Marcellus Ellington

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 1

Paula Dexter sat quietly next to him, eyeing the oncoming traffic. She didn't like family reunions anymore than he did, but hell. Duty was duty. And they had promised to be there.

Her grandmother hadn't seen Miranda or

Lisa since they were toddlers.

"How much further, Daddy?" Lisa said, throwing her voice up to the driver's seat. "I think I gotta go to the bathroom."

"Why didn't you say something before?" Paula said, feeling herself grow slightly annoyed that her oldest daughter couldn't get her bladder signals earlier.

"I didn't have to go before," the girl said, sitting back in the seat and squirming.

"And I want something to drink," Miranda said, hoping that since her had a legitimate reason to stop, she, too might cash in on it.

Paula gripped the glove compartment with her fingernails. Family reunions were a heavy responsibility, but driving these brats back and forth to them was getting intolerable.

Those adorable teenagers of hers. They were driving her up a wall. She wished she could have done like her husband wanted to do. Lock them down the cellar until they were eighteen. Old enough to look out for themselves. Throw them something to eat once in a while....

But then, Paula never had been a model mother. And she couldn't figure out why, either. Her own mother had been so kind to her. Always giving in at every one of her insipid little wishes.

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