Calibration compendium - Peter Jäger - E-Book

Calibration compendium E-Book

Peter Jäger



Regular calibration of existing measuring and testing devices is a binding requirement for most areas of the daily environment. This book guides you through the most important standard points of the many applicable standards and explains them with regard to their implementation in everyday life. It lists the most important reference points of the standards such as DIN EN ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO / IEC 17025 and other standards on the topic and explains them with practical relevance.

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Table of contents



Measurement technology in everyday life

Metrology – basic categorization

Legal metrology

Scientific metrology

Industrial metrology

International SI system

Defining natural constants


National metrology institutes




Accredited calibration laboratory

Normative references

ISO DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

IATF 16949

DIN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

DIN ISO/IEC 10012:2004-03

The Commercial Measurement System

Eichung (Germany)

Why calibrate?

Profile of a measuring device - added value

Replacement of a measuring device for cost reasons

Change through use



Measurement uncertainty

Calibration hierarchy

Measurement uncertainty

Systematic deviations

Random deviations

Messunsicherheit oder Toleranzangabe

Calibration results

Calibration certificate

Intervals in a calibration certificate

Statement of conformity

Decision rule - what does that mean?

Must a device be "compliant"?

Need of test & measuring equipment

Labeling of test & measurement equipment

Determination / adjustment of calibration intervals

Interval adjustment

Evaluation of calibration results:

Prolongation of calibration interval

Intervals in a calibration certificate

Indication of the time of recalibration

Start of a calibration interval

Interruption of usage

General information about calibrations and

calibration intervals

Calibration planning / scheduling / delivery

Factory or traceable calibration

Measuring chain or individual devices

Failure of a measuring system / repairs

Calibration: Laboratory, „on-site“ or „in-situ“

Selecting a calibration laboratory

Class of calibration

After a calibration / receiving your instrument

Machine capability

Measurement system analysis MSA

Type-1 study

Type-2 study, Gauge R&R study

Type-3 study, R&R study



This book is intended to provide concentrated information on calibration. It is intended to guide the most important standards and the reference points without the reader having to procure, read and fully understand these standards.

The idea for this book came from countless inquiries - by telephone, in person or by email over many years from people who were confronted with the topic and were looking for support.

Recurring questions about the topic of measuring equipment management and calibration such as "why do you have to ...", "where does it stand ...", "can I also ..." should be answered in a compact manner in this book. It was considered important to work closely on the normative references and to give the necessary references there.

This book is partly identical to the book "Measuring equipment management and calibration" by the same author, BoD, ISBN 9783750434189, but the parts "Structure of measuring equipment management" and "Tips and tricks" are omitted.


All general definitions refer to:

Burghart Brinkmann

Internationales Wörterbuch der Metrologie

Grundlegende und allgemeine Begriffe und zugeordnete

Benennungen (VIM)

German –english edition

ISO/IEC-Leitfaden 99:2007

Korrigierte Fassung 2012

This publication is the reference for all metrological terms in this book.

Measurement technology in everyday life

Ensuring product quality is of increasing importance for every company, particularly with regard to the need to maintain or consolidate its economic position in the market.

High quality requirements for a product nowadays mean that an adequate quality management system must be in place (keyword “product liability”).

These findings are not new - the modern technology and the possibilities in mechanical production as well as the possibilities of electronic measurement data acquisition and utilization have replaced previous manufacturing processes. There is no longer a “fit” or a “thumbs value”.

The pressure to act economically and modern manufacturing technology lead to process-based processes.

In terms of the core factors, business processes and technical or manufacturing processes hardly differ. In order to reduce blurring, it should be noted that the further considerations and explanations in relation to services only relate to technical processes..

Metrology – basic categorization

From a holistic perspective, measurement technology is referred to as metrology. Metrology is the study of dimensions and systems of measurement. In the 3rd edition of the VIM in 2007, metrology is defined as "science of measurement and its application".

To meet the expectations and requirements described above, the large area of metrology can be divided into three basic categories:

Legal metrology

scientific metrology

industrial metrology

Legal metrology

The basic tasks and goals of legal metrology are enshrined in the calibration law, which also contains the European requirements applicable in Germany. The purpose of this law is to protect consumers in the acquisition of measurable goods and services and, in the interest of fair trade, to create the conditions for correct measurement in business transactions, to ensure measurement security in health protection, occupational safety and environmental protection and in similar areas of public interest and to increase confidence in official measurements.

In the "Organization Internationale de Métrologie Légale" (OIML), representatives from almost 100 countries are working on uniform construction and testing regulations for all measuring devices. In the certification system of the OIML, the certificates issued by the member states certify that a certain type of measuring device complies with the recommendations of the OIML. This means that a type tested and approved in one country can be approved in another without repeating the test.

In Germany there is a national group, the Working Group on Measurement and Verification (AGME).

AGME is the coordinating body for the calibration supervisory authorities. It includes the heads of the calibration supervisory authorities of the federal states and, as a guest, a representative of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). The chair changes every two years.

An office has been set up to create a contact person that does not change every two years for business associations and partners in the other member States.

The working group implements the decisions taken in the national committees for enforcement by the verification offices and the state-recognized test centers. The technical, organizational and legal questions relevant for a uniform implementation in practice are coordinated. Details can be found in the AGME rules of procedure.

Scientific metrology

Scientific metrology is not a specialty dedicated to universities or research institutions only.

It is generally known that the national metrology institutes such as the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt for Germany or NIST in the US, are the "guardians" for the national standards. What exactly is being done there is less known - the results of scientific metrology have a direct - albeit perhaps delayed - influence on everyday measurement technology.

The three main areas of development and activity are:

Definition of internationally accepted and recognized units - the kilogram for example

The establishment and maintenance of a national and international traceability of every physical measurement variable and connection option from simple measuring equipment to transfer and usage standards to the national standard.

Realization of the representation of the individual parameters by stable, worldwide repeatable techniques (see also “the international unit system SI”).

For example, IPTS68, a (scientific) definition of the temperature scale, has been regarded as an international temperature reference for a long time. In 1990 – almost unnoticed by the public, but consistently implemented in the following years - a new temperature reference was implemented with the ITS90. All calibrated temperature measuring devices - also the clinical thermometer for just under 5 euros from the pharmacy e.g. – are calibrated based on this technical reference nowadays.

Industrial metrology

Industrial metrology or measurement technology is the measurement technology that is used every day in development and production and that is largely responsible for the quality of everyday products, but also for safety in many areas of everyday life.

In industrial metrology, a distinction must be made between consumer technology and professional industrial measurement technology.

There is a very complex measuring device landscape in industrial measurement technology:

In the simple case, a craft company uses a number of measuring and testing devices with which service work is carried out. Examples: a radio or television repair shop uses multimeters, oscilloscopes or analyzers; an auto repair shop has multimeters; a brake test bench or torque wrenches.

In manufacturing companies such as the automotive industry, numerous systemic or general, commercially available measuring devices and systems are used continuously.

In the automotive industry there are a number of metrological focuses: e.g. fastening technology, dimensional measurement technology, press-fit technology and the large area of electronic measurement technology.

Electronics can be found everywhere in a modern motor vehicle. An unmanageable variety of measuring devices and system analyzers are available to the manufacturers.

But there are also ubiquitous test and measurement systems in screw connection technology: practically every screw in a motor vehicle is subject to its own, strictly observable guidelines. While obvious screw connections such as on wheel nuts or cylinder heads are generally known, it is hardly noticed that e.g. Screw connections for the restraint system are also a problem area to be addressed - here, almost unnoticed by the public, there has already been a recall campaign for at least one manufacturer due to faulty or bad screw connections.

This huge need for measurement technology led to another branch of industry: the production, maintenance and ultimately calibration of systems for manufacturing.

The above systems e.g. in the automotive industry are used for bolt analysis or torque monitoring.

Today quality management systems are used in all manufacturing processes. As a rule, these systems define processes by which production is carried out. However, a process is not just a simple requirement to do something according to defined rules - a process is also essentially characterized by control elements with which the process can be kept "on track" and corrected. In technical processes, one or more measured values are always the basis for a qualitative assessment and the basis for decision-making for an “OK” or intervention in the adjustment process.

International SI system

All measurements and measurements can be traced back to the only seven basic parameters of the international SI system (System International).

These basic units are




Electric current

Thermodynamic Temperature

Amount of substance

Luminous intensity

While most of the measured variables are also known in everyday life, the amount of substance and light intensity can be assigned less.

But it is precisely here that the importance of measurement technology and the influences on everyday handling can be clarified: If you previously bought lamps, they were incandescent or halogen lamps. The specification of the power consumption ("wattage") was equated in the minds of the buyers with an expected brightness.

This assignment no longer works until the marketability of modern LED lights. The lamp manufacturers now rather indicate the light intensity of their product - mostly in lumens.

A dimension that was hard to imagine or grasp for many people is slowly becoming “face”, you can imagine something under a lumen and compare products with each other.

All physical quantities are organized in a system of dimensions. Each of the seven basic sizes of the SI has its own dimensions, which are symbolically represented by a single capital letter in an upright (not italic) basic font without serifs.

Defining natural constants

Since May 20, 2019, seven natural constants have formed the basis of the new international SI system and thus the basis for internationally comparable trade fairs:

unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium 133Cs-atom

Speed of light in vacuum

Planck constant

Elementary charge

Boltzmann constant

Avogadro constant

Luminous efficavy

The goal for a long time was not to use (physical) artifacts to define unity, but a natural constant.

This goal has now been achieved for the first time.