Chemical Composition and Microbial Quality of Butter and Cottage Cheese in Kucha District, Gamo Zone, Southern Ethiopia - Demissie Jorge - E-Book

Chemical Composition and Microbial Quality of Butter and Cottage Cheese in Kucha District, Gamo Zone, Southern Ethiopia E-Book

Demissie Jorge

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Akademische Arbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Chemie - Lebensmittelchemie, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The study was conducted in Kucha district of Gamo zone southern Ethiopia to evaluate chemical composition and microbial quality of butter and cottage cheese collected from small holder farmers. One hundred twenty grams (120g) of each fresh butter and cottage cheese samples were aseptically collected from smallholder farmers using sterile container for chemical composition and microbial quality analysis. Each parameter was analyzed in duplicates following standard laboratory procedures and the average value was taken to avoid false positive results. Milk produced in different parts of the country under traditional production systems is either consumed directly or processed into various traditionally produced more shelf stable dairy products mainly naturally fermented milk (ergo), soured skimmed milk (arera), butter (kibe) and cottage cheese (ayib). The average values of total solids, fat and ash contents of butter produced in rural farmers in southern Ethiopia were 85.84±1.02, 81.53±1.00 and 0.16±0.004, respectively and also 17.2% moisture, 1.3% protein, 0.1% carbohydrate, 0.024% calcium and 0.0015% iron.

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