Impact of Climate Change on Cattle and Mitigation Strategies - Demissie Jorge - E-Book

Impact of Climate Change on Cattle and Mitigation Strategies E-Book

Demissie Jorge

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Academic Paper from the year 2022 in the subject Agrarian Studies, , language: English, abstract: This review was focused to assess the current status of climate change impact on production and reproduction performance of Cattle under Global condition. Climate is one of the determining factors for production and reproduction in farm animals throughout the world. Its effect is higher in cattle than in other ruminants. Cattle, beef and dairy can be affected by heat stress, particularly in feedlot situations or when grazing fescue-infected pastures. Climate change affects both male and female reproductive performance of cattle by altering their physiological process. In contrast of this, cattle are the most contributors for climate change causes than other farm animal. To minimize climate change impacts on animal(cattle), the climate adaptation and mitigation measures such as diversification of animals (within species), using different crop varieties, and shifting to mixed crop-livestock systems, improving productive and reproductive indexes (reducing age on slaughter, age at first calving and calving interval), increasing the longevity of reproductive cows; improving the genetic merit, improving quality and type of feed and provide ventilation, water, and shading seem to be the most promising adaptation and mitigation measures.

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