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In their early school years, children focus on reading, writing, and arithmetics. For success in life, social skills and a positive personality are equally important. While curricula for core school subjects are abundant, materials on social behavior and character building are harder to find.
This workbook provides a clear teaching structure for these important teaching targets. It features over 130 comics of everyday problems, along with possible solutions. Eight key long-term targets are addressed, including:
Using this tool, all students can be encouraged to adopt the positive behaviors that are important in school, family and later work life.
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Seitenzahl: 55
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021
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Text © 2021 Vera Bernard-OpitzIllustrations © 2021 Andra Bernard
The book was translated from its German original “Lernziel: Positives Sozial- und Kommunikationsverhalten.” © Kohlhammer Gmbh, Stuttgart
All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
No part of this product may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of Future Horizons, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.
ISBN: 9781949177671
eBook Designed by Acepub
Introduction to the cartoon curriculum!
A) Examples of developing values and social behavior at schools
STAR Program
S – Safety first
T – There and ready
A – Act responsibly
R – Respect self and others
Chart 1: STAR Program
S – Safety first
Wearing a helmet
Paying attention at the swings
Jumping into the pool
Being careful with strangers
T – There and ready
Arriving on time to class
Paying attention during physical education
Not interrupting in class
Doing your homework without distractions
A – Act responsibly
Helping a classmate with a nosebleed
Handing back a lost wallet
No littering in public places
Not disturbing neighbors
R – Respect self and others
No burping
Respecting classmates from different cultures
Not excluding people with disabilities
Respecting the privacy of others
LTG 1: Being kind and popular and making friends!
A) Goals for positive social behavior!
LTG 1 Being kind and popular and making friends
STG 1 Following instructions
STG 2 Considering the perspectives of others
STG 3 Helping and respecting others
STG 4 Being helpful
STG 5 Being humble
Chart 2: LTG Being kind and popular and making friends
STG 1 Following instructions
Cleaning up your room
Coming when called
Coming home when it is dark
Checking off the To-Do-List
STG 2 Considering the perspectives of others
Being careful at stairs
Comforting your neighbor
Supporting your friend
Offering an umbrella in rain
STG 3 Helping and respecting others
Letting younger siblings win
Offering a seat to someone on the bus
Letting older people go ahead at the cash register
Showing a new student around school
STG 4 Being helpful
Helping a classmate with his homework
Helping your dad with washing the car
Defending someone who is bullied
Helping your neighbor with the trash
STG 5 Being humble
Not bragging about your skills
Not bragging about your possession
Not making someone feel inferior
Being humble when invited to a restaurant
LTG 2: Being responsible and reliable!
LTG 2 Being responsible and reliable
STG 1 Respecting instructions
STG 2 Doing what you promised
STG 3 Doing what is expected
STG 4 Taking responsibility for others and the environment
STG 5 Time management and being on time
Chart 3: LTG 2 Being responsible and reliable
STG 1 Respecting instructions
Respecting school decisions
Respecting behavior rules
Respecting authority figures
Respecting public rules
STG 2 Doing what you promised
Doing your homework
Answering text messages
Packing your schoolbag on time
Feeding the pets
STG 3 Doing what is expected
Writing an essay
Unloading the dishwasher
Picking up your things
Locking the door
STG 4 Taking responsibility for others and the environment
Bringing a classmate in a wheelchair along
Not throwing away food
Turning off the light
STG 5 Time management and being on time
Not showering for too long
Being on time for an internship
Sending birthday invitations on time
Not missing the train
LTG 3: Being a team player!
LTG 3 Having good team skills
STG 1 Setting team goals
STG 2 Accepting criticism
STG 3 Suggesting or accepting compromises
STG 4 Being fair
Chart 4: LTG 3 Having good team skills
STG 1 Setting team-goals
Following instructions during P.E. class
Accepting team decisions
Giving compliments to team players
Participating actively in groups
STG 2 Accepting criticism
Accepting critical arguments
Accepting critique about behavior
Accepting negative feedback about the appearance
Accepting responsibility for mistakes in a group
STG 3 Suggesting or accepting compromises
Choice of restaurants
Choice of movies
When parents restrict computer time
When going out late at night
STG 4 Being fair
Dividing tasks fairly
Giving everyone a chance
Playing without cheating
Clarifying disputes
LTG 4: Optimism!
LTG 4 Optimism
STG 1 Never give up
STG 2 Thinking positively about yourself and others
STG 3 Taking advantage of your own chance and giving others a chance
Chart 5: LTG 4 Optimism
STG 1 Never give up
Practicing swimming
Keep going when physical effort is needed
Practicing a new language
Asking for help (flying a kite)
STG 2 Thinking positively about yourself and others
Don’t give up when losing
Don’t take revenge on someone
Don’t make yourself to be the outsider
Practicing your handwriting
STG 3 Taking advantage of your own chance and giving others a chance
Integrating minorities
Including younger siblings
Making wise decisions
Including older people
LTG 5: Dealing with frustration and using coping strategies!
LTG 5 Dealing with frustration and using coping strategies
STG 1 Dealing with feelings of failure
STG 2 Dealing with losses and thinking positively
Chart 6: LTG 5
STG 1 Dealing with the feeling of failing
Dealing with the rejection of an application
Dealing with lack of popularity
Being the only one not allowed to join the field trip
Being the only one not passing the bike exam
STG 2 Dealing with losses and thinking positively
Divorce of parents
Loss of a friend due to switching schools
Loss of cell phone
Loss of pet
LTG 6: Being loyal and trustworthy!
LTG 6 Being loyal and trustworthy
STG 1 Being loyal
STG 2 Being real and self-confident
STG 3 Being honest even though you fear punishment or disadvantages
Chart 7: LTG 6 Being loyal and trustworthy
STG 1 Being loyal
Not making fun of your parents
Respecting teachers
Being loyal to lost loved ones
Being loyal to your team
STG 2 Being real and self-confident
Don’t join in on instigating
Don’t join in when others are doing something dangerous
Don’t join in when others are doing something forbidden
Expressing your own opinion and prevailing against the opinion of others
STG 3 Being honest even though you fear punishment or disadvantages
Admitting when you damaged something
Admitting when you stole something
Admitting that you stole/borrowed money
Admitting that you have made a mistake
STG 7: Being self-controlled!
LTG 7 Being self-controlled
STG 1 Being aware of yourself and others
STG 2 Dealing with stress
Chart 8: STG 7 Self-control
STG 1 Being aware of yourself and others
Not annoying others with a monologue
Not everyone thinks biting nails is cool
Expressing stress at school (deliberate/intentionally)
Being thoughtful
STG 2 Dealing with stress
Using calming strategies while preparing for an exam
Don’t be angry when being bullied
Dealing with weight
Dealing with peer pressure
LTG 8: Being a good communicator!
LTG 8 Being a good conversational partner
STG 1 Giving compliments
STG 2 Apologize and make up for it
STG 3 Clarifying misunderstandings
STG 4 “You-talk” instead of “Me-talk”
STG 5 Showing interest towards others and paying attention
STG 6 Showing thankfulness
Chart 9: LTG 8 Being a good conversational partner
STG 1 Giving compliments
About someone’s clothes
About someone’s possession
About someone’s grade
About someone’s skills
STG 2 Apologizing and making up for mistakes
Apologizing when hurting someone