Communicate to Inspire - Kevin Murray - Hörbuch

Communicate to Inspire Hörbuch

Kevin Murray



Inspirational leaders make us want to achieve more. They persuade us to their cause, win our active support, help us to work better together and make us feel proud to be part of the teams they create. In short, how well you perform as a leader depends on how well you communicate. So if we want to be better leaders ourselves, how do we communicate in a way that inspires? Shortlisted for the 2014/15 CMI Management Book of the Year Award, Communicate to Inspire is an essential manual for any aspiring leader, answering these key practical questions. Kevin Murray presents a model that charts the leadership process and draws stories from the years of experience he has had coaching top leaders from a wide range of organizations. He examines and analyzes some of the key successes (and failures) in leadership and provides a unique and successful model for developing your own leadership skills.Online supporting resources for this book include a supplement article from the author.

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Zeit:8 Std. 34 min

Sprecher:Oliver Fenton
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