Courage in Chaos - Kathryn Hermes - E-Book

Courage in Chaos E-Book

Kathryn Hermes

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How can I live my life while still staying true to my beliefs? Can I stay in control when everything is changing? Saint Francis de Sales is known for his spiritual guidance and advice for everyday problems. Readers will learn ways to tackle each day with courage and strength, even when life seems beyond their control.

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Courage in Chaos

Wisdom from Francis de Sales

Compiled by Kathryn Hermes, FSPForeword by Paulamarie Splaine, FSP


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Francis, de Sales, Saint, 1567-1622. [Selections. English. 2012]  Courage in chaos : wisdom from Francis de Sales / compiled byKathryn Hermes; foreword by Paulamarie Splaine.    p. cm. -- (Catholic wisdom collection) Summary: “Saint Francis de Sales offers practical advice on how totrust God in the midst of chaos”--Provided by publisher. Includes bibliographical references (p. 89). ISBN 0-8198-1597-7 (pbk.) 1. Spiritual life--Catholic Church. I. Hermes, Kathryn. II. Title. BX2350.3.F72 2012 248.4’82--dc23                                                            2011027852

Scripture quotations are transcribed from the original translations of Francis de Sales’s works.

Cover design by Rosana Usselmann

Cover photo by Mary Emmanuel Alves, FSP

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

“P” and PAULINE are registered trademarks of the Daughters of Saint Paul.

Copyright © 2012, Daughters of Saint Paul

Published by Pauline Books & Media, 50 Saint Pauls Avenue, Boston,MA 02130-3491

Printed in the U.S.A.

Pauline Books & Media is the publishing house of the Daughters of Saint Paul, an international congregation of women religious serving the Church with the communications media.

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For all those who seek.

And for all those who try to show the way.



IA Gentle Way

IIBe Just and Fair

IIIBe Not Too Anxious

IVTrue Discipleship

VGentleness in Your Heart

VINever Give Way to Anger

VIIThe Jewel of Poverty

VIIIVirtues to Practice

IXTrue Zeal

XDo Small Things with Great Love

XIThe Need for Patience

XIIDo Not Lose Inner Peace

XIIIAvoid Vanity and Ambition

XIVDo Not Be Overwhelmed