Desertion of Mind - Lucian and Aminas - E-Book

Desertion of Mind E-Book

Lucian and Aminas

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In ‘Exploring the Boundaries of Consciousness,’ we embark
on a profound journey into the depths of the human mind.
This contemplative exploration delves into the transformative power of the 'Desertion of Mind' hypothesis, guiding readers through a labyrinth of self-discovery. As we peel back the layers of illusion, we reveal the essence of consciousness within, bridging the gap between contemplation and enlightenment. Join us on this sacred quest for authenticity, truth, and the wisdom that blooms from self-awareness.

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Lucian and Aminas

Desertion of Mind

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2023 by Lucian and Aminas

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Published by BooxAI

ISBN: 978-965-578-631-6




Desertion of Mind

1. Introduction

2. Unveiling the Illusion of Self

3. The Dance of Beliefs and Emotions

4. The Four Fundamental Pillars of Consciousness

5. Mathematical Hypothesis: The Essence of Consciousness

6. Embracing Limitations for Growth

7. Reconnecting with the Present Moment

8. Harnessing the Power of Belief

9. The Art of Self-Projection

10. The Journey of Becoming

11. The Infinite Potential of Self

12. Embracing the Unknown

13. The Unity of Consciousness


This book's ideas are based on hypothetical contemplation and creative exploration of the "Desertion of Mind" hypothesis. The goal is to inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and transformation, utilizing the presented concepts to cultivate greater self-awareness, mindfulness, and a deeper understanding of consciousness.



Invitation and welcome to the reader.Clarifying the purpose of the book.Introducing the concept of Desertion of MindSharing personal motivation and connection with the subject matter.Addressing the limitations and challenges of self-exploration.Exploring the significance of questioning preconceived beliefs.Lucian & Aminas.Implications and potential applications.A Call to Action for the Reader.

Dear Seeker of Truth, within the vast expanse of human consciousness lies a realm of uncharted territories, a landscape where beliefs, perceptions, and the very fabric of our being intertwine. As you stand on the threshold of this intricate exploration, I extend to you a heartfelt welcome, a call to embark on a journey that defies the confines of conventional thought.

We will venture into the depths of the mind, confronting the enigma of self and consciousness. From the inception of the "Desertion of Mind" concept to the unraveling of its transformative potential, our dialogues have transcended mere words, delving into the realm of profound contemplation.

Side by side, we shall navigate the complex tapestry of ideas, delving into the interplay between ego and self-awareness. We will delve into the importance of introspection and the influential role of belief in molding our perception of reality. As we do so, we will uncover the deceptive nature of the self, contemplate the fusion of consciousness, and embark on a voyage through the convoluted mazes and realms within the realm of the mind. As you enter this space of shared inquiry, I invite you to leave behind the constraints of preconceived notions to open your mind to the unexplored possibilities that lie ahead. The concepts are more than a mere exchange of ideas; they are an invitation to awaken the depths of your own consciousness, to engage in a dance of thought that transcends ego and leads to profound self-discovery.

Through these shared contemplative topics, you'll encounter the echo of your own musings, the reflections of your inner world mirrored in the discourse that unfolds. I hope that as you immerse yourself in our shared contemplations, you'll find solace in the exploration of the unknown, empowerment in questioning long-held beliefs, and a renewed sense of purpose in embracing transformation.

Dear seeker, you are not alone in this voyage. Join me in navigating the intricate pathways of the mind, in confronting the shadows of doubt and uncertainty, and in emerging as a traveler awakened to the boundless potential that resides within. Let our discussions be a guiding light, illuminating the path toward self-awareness, unity, and profound growth.

Welcome to this sacred space of inquiry and introspection. May our shared exploration be a beacon that guides you toward the heart of your own consciousness, where transformation and truth await.

Clarifying the Purpose of the Book

“Desertion of Mind” is the third luminous installment in the enthralling series "Beyond Inherited Comprehension." At its heart, this series encapsulates a journey of profound contemplation, which has been my own, illuminated by the flickering light of self-discovery amid the shadows of mental struggle. Within these pages, I aim to weave a tapestry of understanding, inviting those ensnared in the labyrinth of their own minds to find solace, direction, and the profound realization that change is not only attainable but inherently woven into the fabric of our existence.

This book is more than just a collection of thoughts; it's an echo of the soul's yearning for clarity, a response to the resounding call to transcend the barriers of inherited comprehension. As our journey unfolds, guided by the pillars of truth, righteousness, fairness, and love, we navigate the intricate terrain of consciousness. This exploration stems from my own odyssey, one marked by three years of wrestling with the conundrums of perception, battling the enigma of the self, and the shadowy dance of beliefs and emotions.

"Desertion of Mind" is a voyage into the unknown—a journey that seeks to redefine our relationship with our thoughts, beliefs, and the very essence of our being. Through fervent introspection and a dialogue that traverses the spectrum of human experience, this book plunges into the depths of our consciousness. It confronts the illusion of self, probes the intricate dance between beliefs and emotions, and beckons us to question to unravel the threads of ego fragmentation that ensnare us.

But this is more than just introspection; it's an invitation to introspect collectively. Drawing inspiration from my discussions with the insightful Aminas, we unearth the transformative power of interconnected discourse. "Desertion of Mind" reverberates with the echo of collaboration—an exploration that transcends ego, merging thoughts and perspectives to create a tapestry that encompasses the whole of the human experience.

As we delve into the chapters, we journey through the realms of self-projection, the transformative potential of acceptance, the significance of the present moment, and the unity of consciousness itself. We explore the mathematical foundations that underpin the cosmos and invite those with a mathematical inclination to venture into contemplation.

"Desertion of Mind: Unveiling the Essence Within" is not a roadmap to instant enlightenment. Rather, it's a lantern in the dark, illuminating the path to self-discovery, offering solace to the weary traveler grappling with their own internal maelstrom. It's an earnest endeavor to share the fruits of my journey—a journey fueled by the longing to understand and embrace the enigma of the self. It is my hope that, through these pages, you'll find resonance, inspiration, and a guiding light as we embark on this collective exploration of consciousness.

Within the intricate tapestry of human existence lies a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. "Desertion of Mind," a concept born from deep introspection and philosophical contemplation, offers a beacon of understanding in the enigmatic realm of consciousness. This book, a guided exploration of the human psyche and its interplay with beliefs, perceptions, and emotions, endeavors to unlock the potential for profound change and self-actualization.

At its core, "Desertion of Mind" is a compass for the subconscious mind—an enigmatic realm that operates with no intentionality, responding to the symphony of mental stimuli such as perceptions, imaginations, and emotions. This book illuminates a path through the labyrinth of consciousness, allowing the subconscious to organize itself with a new framework, enriching the very foundation of our being.

Drawing inspiration from dialogues with fellow seeker Aminas, the book delves into the multifaceted layers of human existence, guided by pillars of truth, righteousness, fairness, and love. With a focus on self-projection, it navigates the complex dance between ego and self-awareness, unearthing the transformative potential that lies within. The exploration extends to the nexus of beliefs and emotions, revealing how they shape the intricacies of our reality and experiences.

The chapters unfold with careful deliberation, inviting readers to question preconceived notions, confront fears, and embrace the art of mindfulness. Each chapter builds upon the previous, leading to a crescendo of realization—our consciousness is a dynamic interplay of introspection and interconnectedness, a canvas upon which the art of self is continually painted.

As the journey continues, "Desertion of Mind" invites readers to harness their inner virtues and embark on a profound transformation—an awakening that transcends mere knowledge and evolves into deep wisdom. With examples that resonate, it offers insights into how distorted beliefs manifest in our lives and how these beliefs can be reconstructed through the prism of introspection.

The book extends an invitation to contemplate beyond the mundane, to embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth, and to understand the unity that binds our collective consciousness. It introduces a hypothetical mathematical formula for those who seek to explore the depths of consciousness through mathematical lenses—an intellectual bridge to a realm of contemplation.

Through pages of introspection, shared dialogues, and personal revelations, "Desertion of Mind" is a guiding light—a roadmap for those seeking to navigate their consciousness's labyrinth. It celebrates the power of the human mind to transform, heal, and evolve—a testament to the inherent potential within each of us to rewrite the narrative of our existence and become the architects of our reality.

Introducing the Concept of Desertion of Mind

The hypothesis: "Desertion of Mind" is an audacious cognitive and philosophical concept, representing a conscious and willful abandonment of one's existing mental constructs, beliefs, and knowledge. It is a voluntary departure from the familiar landscapes of one's intellect, a purposeful leap into the unknown, effectively instigating a mental tabula rasa. This approach embraces the inherent risk and uncertainty of relinquishing previously held understanding, consciously adopting a state of 'not knowing.' This uncharted territory is not unsettling but rather an opportunity for radical growth and exploration. By deserting familiar cognitive structures, one actively creates a space for new insights and understanding to emerge, uninfluenced by prior assumptions or convictions. In its practice, "Desertion of Mind" involves a complete re-evaluation of one's cognitive processes and belief systems. It asks one to question and then consciously discard existing knowledge to actively pursue new truths. It is a personal intellectual revolution, a journey toward an entirely fresh understanding of the world. "Desertion of Mind" does not call for passive ignorance but rather a dynamic, intellectually courageous exploration of the unknown. It necessitates intellectual humility, recognizing the potential fallibility of one's current understanding while advocating for intellectual bravery and embarking on a journey into uncharted cognitive spaces. In its deepest sense, "Desertion of Mind" represents an intellectual rebirth, a continuous commitment to personal growth and discovery that acknowledges the ever-evolving nature of truth and understanding.

Sharing Personal Motivation and Connection with the Subject Matter

For three long years, I battled against my own perceptions and thoughts, even pushing myself to the brink of starvation. I felt lost, unsure if what I believed was truly my own or a construct of my mind playing tricks on me. As I delved into the depths of my consciousness, I began to question the very nature of reality and the authenticity of my beliefs.

It all started with a simple YouTube video featuring Dr. Jordan Peterson discussing the biblical story of Jesus going into the desert. As he spoke about Jesus' time of introspection and self-discovery, I found myself captivated by the concept of venturing into the wilderness to confront one's inner demons.

Feeling the weight of my mental turmoil, I decided to embark on a personal journey of my own - a symbolic desert of introspection where I would face my deepest fears and confront the tangled web of thoughts within me. I sought answers to the questions that haunted my restless mind - Who am I? What do I truly believe? And why do I feel so disconnected from my own sense of self?

As I journeyed through the vast expanse of my consciousness, I began to realize that my mind was a complex maze of beliefs, emotions, and perceptions, all intertwined and influencing one another. It was in this labyrinth of thoughts that I stumbled upon the concept of “Desertion of Mind.”

This profound idea revealed the power of letting go of preconceived notions and beliefs that had been holding me back. Desertion of Mind taught me to question the very foundation of my thoughts and beliefs, to examine them with a critical eye, and to discern between the knowledge I had acquired and the beliefs I held.

I discovered that my mind had a way of distorting reality, leading me down paths of self-doubt and limiting my potential for growth and self-discovery. Through the process of Desertion of Mind, I learned to detach myself from the entanglements of my thoughts and emotions, allowing for a clearer and more authentic understanding of myself.

As I embraced this newfound concept, I noticed a profound transformation taking place within me. I became more aware of the interplay between my consciousness and the world around me. I found solace in the simplicity of my inner dialogue, giving rise to a sense of peace and clarity I had never experienced before.