Do You Believe? - Robert Noland - E-Book

Do You Believe? E-Book

Robert Noland

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The cross of Christ has long been a historic and revered religious icon as well as a divine dividing line within humanity. The powerful Pure Flix film Do You Believe? ushers the timeless question of the meaning of the cross to a deeply personal place: What does it mean to me? Is it only a symbol or truly salvation? The Do You Believe? 40-Day Devotional is a  journey centered around the eternal evidence and powerful proof of the great love of God with the sacrifice offered for humanity associated with only One, His Son, Jesus Christ. In the film, a challenging question is brought before our politically correct culture: If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Regardless of your own answer to such a question, or the place in life you may find yourself, these 40 days can be an investment into your future and more importantly, your eternity as you pursue a deeper level of faith for yourself. The Do You Believe? Devotional book is a daily walk through the word of God with inspiring quotes from the film. It offers a respite from the rush of life and the peace and hope made available only through the cross.

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Do You Believe? Experience the Full Power of the Cross

Based on the motion picture Do You Believe? by Pure Flix Entertainment. All content from the movie used by permission.

ISBN: 978-1-4245-4986-3 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-4245-5040-1 (e-book)

Published by BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC Racine, Wisconsin,

Copyright © 2015 Robert Noland

Published in association with the literary agency, WTA Services LLC, Franklin, TN

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. / Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. / Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. / Contemporary English Version® Copyright © 1995 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. / The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. The Living Bible, TLB, and the The Living Bible logo are registered trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers. / Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition). Copyright © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. / Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. / © Christian Literature International / Scripture taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Day 1     Symbol of Salvation

Day 2     From Baggage to Belief

Day 3     Imprint or Fingerprint

Day 4     Matter of Life and Death

Day 5     Reception to Revelation

Day 6     Blood-Red Ransom

Day 7     Band-Aids on Bullet Wounds

Day 8     Hanging in the Balance

Day 9     Hear Here

Day 10   The Hole Truth

Day 11   Voice Lessons

Day 12   Crossroads

Day 13   Make a Right Turn

Day 14   If There Were No “Ifs”

Day 15   Traitors to Translators

Day 16   Life Saving 101   

Day 17   Providential Plot Twists

Day 18   Getting Guilt Gone for Good

Day 19   About Time for About-Face

Day 20   Heavenly Help for Hypocrites

Day 21   No Fractions in Faith

Day 22   The Divine Dividing Line

Day 23   From Fugitives to Friends

Day 24   Safe versus Chafe

Day 25   Leaving Lasting Impressions

Day 26   Focusing on the “Fors”

Day 27   Unlimited Inception

Day 28   No Silence for Saints

Day 29   Proof Positive

Day 30   Leaving Enemy Territory

Day 31   Are You Missing Something?

Day 32   Removing Roadblocks

Day 33   The Very Visible Verse

Day 34   Concentric Community

Day 35   Lord of “the Rings”

Day 36   The Fabric of Family and Faith

Day 37   The Faith Factor

Day 38   Embrace Your Place

Day 39   One Thing I Know

Day 40   At the Foot of the Cross

Believe and Tell Your Story


Mark 1:35 tells us Jesus got up early in the morning and went away alone to pray. One of the most life-changing spiritual disciplines in which you can invest is a daily and dedicated time alone with God. No distractions. No devices or noise and no one else around. Here are a few steps for success in utilizing this book.

1: Decide to commit. Purpose to use this book for the next forty days—one day at a time. Set aside the time to make a habit of engaging with the words contained here. If you miss a day, just pick back up. Don’t quit—commit.

2: Pick a time. While spending time with God first thing in the morning is best to set the pace for your day, choose a time that is optimum for your schedule. You may need to experiment a bit, but pick a time and stick with it.

3: Choose a place. You need a quiet and peaceful setting. Get away from distractions. Turn off the phone. The place is crucial for you to be focused and comfortable as you engage with God.

4: Read. Take in the content—every word. Carefully read the Bible verses. If you prefer to use your own version of Scripture each day, feel free to do so.

5: Journal. There is journal space included with every day. Answer the closing questions, then write out anything you hear from God or feel you need to express. Journaling is a powerful tool God can use to help you process your spiritual walk.

6: Pray. Allow time to speak with God and tell him everything as you would a best friend. If you have never spent time in personal prayer, the next forty days could revolutionize your spiritual growth.

7: Listen and obey. Close your time with a quiet moment to hear God speak. Then obey what you hear and “walk out” what he tells you each day. The goal is to complete these forty days and allow Jesus to change your life!

Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace. —Matthew 6:6 MSG

Day 1


Matthew is a pastor, sitting at his desk at night. The house is very quiet. He is intent in his thoughts and appears burdened. The small desk lamp illuminates a legal pad. As we move closer, we see he has filled the page by drawing a simple outline of a cross. Underneath it, he has written a bold message: Do You Believe?

Humans have always used symbols to represent important elements of their existence. Few have stood the test of time and lasted throughout generations, becoming unmistakable, nonverbal icons to create a recognizable image of deep meaning.

One of the most enduring symbols of all time is the cross. But different people understand different meanings based on their life experience, so let’s ask …

When you hear the word cross, do you tend to think about …

… a fashionable piece of jewelry?

… a classic element of church architecture?

… a representation of a religion long since left behind?

… the physical instrument God used for the spiritual redemption of your soul?

For you, is the cross’s meaning …

… historical?

… religious?

… personal?

While your answer to the latter question could certainly be “all three,” there is a likelihood one rings the most true for you.

As we begin this forty-day journey centered on the cross of Christ, evaluating how you feel, what you think, and how deep your belief goes is important to how impactful these days will be for you. One of the vital keys for experiencing life change will be the level of honesty and transparency you allow with God. He already sees you and knows you intimately, but opening your heart to him will make all the difference.

A distinguishing focal point of the cross is that it is not associated with any belief system other than Christianity and with no person other than Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Throughout church history, and in art of all forms, the cross is presented in two ways.

First is with Jesus hanging on its beams, representing his suffering, sacrifice, and eventual death. Second, and where we find many of our artistic images, is the empty cross. While this could seem to denote an absence of Christ, it is actually showing the opposite—a presence. Christ has risen! He is alive and seated at the right hand of God. The cross and the tomb are now empty so that our hearts can be full and our lives fulfilled.

Few will debate or argue the historical fact that Jesus hung on the cross and gave his life. The only disagreement for people is whether or not his death meant anything for mankind.

The simple, rough-hewn wooden beams strapped and nailed together convey a powerful and prevailing image of God’s intervention in the world. While the cross may instigate different responses, the image has remained a respected, valued, and consistent reminder of man’s problem met with God’s presence. But the real question is not what does the cross mean throughout history for the world, but rather, what does the cross mean to you?

Regardless of your own personal perspective, this cruel device of torture and execution the authorities used to eliminate Jesus actually was the instrument God wielded to surgically remove the sting of sin and death forever from those who would choose to believe him.

Today, let us not think of the cross as a symbol, an image, or an icon, but rather, a personal choice each one of us must make. So our closing question today comes from the film’s title and Pastor Matthew’s drawing … Do you believe?

Whether you feel you are hanging on to life by a thread and desperately searching for answers or you are a vibrant, mature follower of Christ simply looking to grow, we must continually ask ourselves what we believe and what the cross means to us—today. This day!

And when he was living as a man, he humbled himself and was fully obedient to God, even when that caused his death—death on a cross. —Philippians 2:8 NCV

With as honest of an answer as you can give, complete the sentence below on your journal page, while expressing any other thoughts you have on today’s reading.

For me, the cross of Christ means …

Day 2


Several of the characters in Do You Believe? struggle with the concepts of God, faith, and belief. Regrets, tragedy, betrayal, disappointment, and personal pain give people the opportunity to choose to become disillusioned, cynical, and doubt ridden. We quickly see spiritual “baggage” has most definitely been created at some point and negatively challenges any encounter with belief. Our culture, both inside and outside of the church, is filled with people who fit this description. The systemic problem this creates in society is best said in the old adage, “Hurt people hurt people.”

The character, Maggie, a young lady who is pregnant, struggles to understand why Matthew, the pastor, is trying to help her. She tells him, “You are a freak.” “What do you mean?” he asks. “Nobody helps people just to help them,” Maggie firmly states. “Yeah, well,” he explains, “I’m a Christian.” “So are most of the people who ignore me,” she snaps back.

On one occasion, Jesus was traveling alone and went through Samaria. He found a well and sat down to rest. A Samaritan woman came to draw water. As Jesus began to speak with her, she proved she knew the Law well and also the deep lines drawn between Jews and Samaritans. As the conversation went on, Jesus encountered this woman’s spiritual and personal baggage, until finally …

The woman said, “Well, at least I know that the Messiah will come—the one they call Christ—and when he does, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus told her, “I am the Messiah!” —John 4:25–26 TLB

One of the toughest aspects of constant disbelief is to know when you have finally encountered the truth for the opportunity to believe! Maggie and the Samaritan woman were being brought to the place of seeing the reality of God for the very first time. After years of being ignored by people, even religious ones, God was showing he never ignores anyone!

In your own personal journey, have you had a hurtful or negative situation with a church, a minister, or someone who has called himself or herself a Christian? Was there someone in your life who you feel tried to force you into a belief? Or maybe you felt “guilted” into a decision? Was your family spiritually “neutral” and never gave you much opportunity to believe in anything? Maybe you were raised to have a strong, authentic faith in Christ?

Regardless of your answer, for each of us at some point, we must make the choice to have our own faith—a personal belief that we own—or even decide to reject any faith we once had. The decision cannot be made by our grandmother, dad, pastor, or priest. Those people may influence us, but they can’t ultimately be responsible for our decision as to whether or not to believe.

In this moment, as you read and consider today’s thoughts and questions for your own heart, no one is pressuring you; no one is telling you what to do; no one is placing an expectation on your answer. God has given you the freedom to choose. He won’t force you; he won’t demand a certain answer; he won’t make you believe in him. With Maggie, the pastor was giving her the opportunity to see what Christian love and grace can truly be like. Just as with the Samaritan woman when Jesus gave her the opportunity to believe.

Then the woman left her waterpot beside the well and went back to the village and told everyone, “Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?” —John 4:28–29 TLB

For this woman, belief was coming.

The great news the cross of Christ offers is God loves you. So Jesus died for you.

He has shown his belief in you; the question remains—do you believe in him?

There is another old saying that goes, “Life will make you better or bitter.” Who gets to make the choice for you? You do.

Complete the sentence below on your journal page, along with any other thoughts you have on your own belief.

Today, in owning my own faith, I believe …