Dorendorff 's Alphabet of Latin Cursive Script in Figures - Susanne Dorendorff - E-Book

Dorendorff 's Alphabet of Latin Cursive Script in Figures E-Book

Susanne Dorendorff

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Latin Cursive Script Handwriting is booming - 59 letters for (almost) all world languages Individual handwriting guarantees privacy - the computer does the opposite. The international writing technique of connected upper and lower case letters (colloquially: Latin cursive script; in Germany: Latin Basic Script [LA]) has been successful for the past 500 years and is hence viewed by many generations in and almost all world languages as a reliable tool for thinking and communication. As a consequence of digitalisation, this way of writing is experiencing increasing success. Both the aphabetisation of children through Latin cursive script and the importance of computers make this unique technique of international communication indispensable. Handwritten Latin cursive script is quick, individual and in most cases comes with privacy protection. It has long become clear: Those who have mastered a quick handwriting are part of a network of communications that, unnoticed and confidentially, is forming worldwide connections. Digitalisation and globalisation indicate that the technique of handwriting is an absolute MUST for any modern-day individual.

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