Duathlete - Aeneas Appius - E-Book

Duathlete E-Book

Aeneas Appius

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Aeneas Appius describes the fascination of the Duathlon sport in an entertaining and impressive way with 45 short statements about the versatile skills of a duathlete. His recommendations and advices as an internationally successful runner and multiple age group duathlon World and European champion help beginners as well as elite athletes to gain well-founded overview and to further develop their passion for Run-Bike-Run more courageously and with greater enthusiasm in life. The duathlete runs, cycles and thinks. The duathlon as a philosophy of life, the duathlete as a dynamo, a fascinating symbiosis of performance and energy management. Immerse yourself for a few minutes in the adventurous world of a duathlete and explore how he develops into a valuable and enduring dynamo in our society.

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Success can be planned, learned and is a matter of the mind.

Aeneas Appius, born in 1960 in Basel, Switzerland, began his sporting career as a football player. At the age of 38, he switched from team athlete to individual athlete and worked his way up to the national top in his age category in running in just a few years. After another achilles tendon operation, his passion for Run-Bike-Run ignited in him. With a great willingness to learn and broad support from the Swiss Duathlon community, he soon challenged the experienced top athletes at international championships.

After 25 years of competitive endurance sport, his achievements include an impressive 280 race victories and over 50 championship medals in different age group categories. He has won international city marathons, bike races, individual time trials, sprint triathlons and can call himself a 3-time Duathlon Sprint World Champion, 4-time Duathlon Sprint & Standard European Champion, 4-time Duathlon Swiss Champion and 7-time Swiss Champion in various running disciplines.

For decades, he analysed the success stories of inspiring people and wrote his first book «WINNING SPIRIT» in 2022. The book reveals the 7 principles of success and teaches the reader how to use the energy of positive thinking as a driving force to achieve big goals.

He is currently involved in the promotion of Run-Bike-Run as Swiss Duathlon Age Group Manager, runs the IG Swiss Duathlon and supports ambitious athletes in achieving their goals and improve competition tactics.

As a management consultant, motivation and performance coach, he supports companies, organizations and individuals in planning and achieving success and thereby spreads the winning spirit.


Live your passion!

The exposé «DUATHLETE» was deliberately written from the perspective of an athlete. It contains the most important characteristics and requirements of an athlete, provides experiences and advice and reveals the fascination of this sport.

Duathlon is a versatile endurance sport combining Run-Bike-Run. All over the world, this popular sport is taught as a physical education subject at school age. The duathlete only needs sport equipment consisting of running clothes, running and cycling shoes as well as a bicycle with helmet. The duathlon is equally popular with children, young people, families, beginners, amateur and competitive athletes and across genders. Young and old athletes can compete in a duathlon competition in different categories. The resulting family atmosphere in this community is very much appreciated by the athletes, sponsors, supporters and spectators.

Run-Bike-Run takes place without external help and without stopping the stopwatch when changing between the individual disciplines. Usually, the duathletes are sent to the first running course from a mass start. The final time is measured at the finish line and separated by different categories and age groups. The intermediate times of the individual disciplines provide the athlete with valuable clues for their race analysis.

The fascination and challenge of duathlon is to complete a mandated route alone and as fast as possible. It is not the best runner or the fastest cyclist who wins, but the one who uses his performance capabilities best and smartest.

Today, a duathlon organizer tries to appeal to as many endurance athletes as possible. A duathlon therefore does not just take place as an individual event. At larger national and international multi-sport events, several sports disciplines such as cycling, triathlon, running and duathlon can be offered conjointly by the organizer. However, the number of duathlon events is significantly more limited compared to cycling races, running events and triathlons. As a result, small national duathlon series with individual and overall series rankings in different age groups are often offered in one season, which brings an additional attractive component for the duathletes.