Every Day is Mother's Day - Karen Moore - E-Book

Every Day is Mother's Day E-Book

Karen Moore



For every mom and every woman who has been like a mom to others, this book celebrates you. This 365-day devotional contains short, inspirational readings, poems, Scriptures and prayers that recognize your strength, your influence, and the beauty you alone bring to the lives of children. It honors the commitment you have made to God and to your family to always do your best. Officially, Mother's Day comes but once a year, but for you, the gratitude, love, and praise never end. For you, Every Day Is Mother's Day! 

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BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC

Racine, Wisconsin, USA


Every Day Is Mother’s Day

Copyright © 2016 Karen Moore

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5109-5 (hardcover)

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5110-1 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Scripture quotations marked NCV are taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked MSG are from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Scripture quotations marked ESV are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®). Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge, 1769. Public Domain.

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Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children go.



For every mom and every woman who has been like a mom to others, this book celebrates you. It recognizes your strength, your influence, and the beauty you alone bring to the lives of children. It honors the commitment you’ve made to God and to your family to always do your best. Officially, Mother’s Day comes but once a year, but for you, the gratitude, love, and praise never end. For you, Every Day Is Mother’s Day! May God bless you abundantly for the generous love you always share with your friends and family.

Karen Moore



January 1: The Gift of Motherhood

January 2: Finding the Possible

January 3: Mothers Are Mothers Forever

January 4: Can’t Fool Mom!

January 5: The Fix-It Mom

January 6: Super Mom

January 7: Ask Mom

January 8: What’s Cooking?

January 9: Mom’s Heart

January 10: Mom on a Mission

January 11: Mom Is Cool!

January 12: Momisms

January 13: Blessings for Mom

January 14: Mom, CEO

January 15: Mom 101

January 16: Mom’s Love Notes

January 17: Mama Love

January 18: Aw, Mom!

January 19: Monday Mom

January 20: Mom’s Workout

January 21: Mom’s Voice

January 22: Mom Is So Funny!

January 23: Mom Is so Smart!

January 24: Mom’s Beautiful Hands

January 25: What’s Up with Mom?

January 26: When Mom Prays

January 27: Mom Hears and Mom Listens

January 28: Mom Wins

January 29: Thank God There’s Mom!

January 30: Mom’s List

January 31: Where’s Mom?


February 1: Help, I’m a Mom!

February 2: Mom’s Closet

February 3: Mom, the Storyteller

February 4: When Mom Speaks

February 5: Mom Doesn’t Drive a Tractor

February 6: Moms Laugh

February 7: Mom…Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker

February 8: Wonder-Full Mom

February 9: A Mother of Great Kindness

February 10: Moms Always Use the “L” Word

February 11: Having a Heart for God

February 12: Mom’s Work

February 13: God’s Promises for Moms

February 14: Hearts and Flowers Day

February 15: Mom Boot Camp

February 16: Mom and the Weatherman

February 17: Mom’s Friends

February 18: Mom’s Guidance

February 19: Are You Going to Wear That?

February 20: Mom Is Such a Wise Woman!

February 21: Mom, the Coupon Clipper

February 22: Mom Knows Best

February 23: Nighty Night, Mom!

February 24: Mom Needs a Hug

February 25: Mom Lifts Weights

February 26: Mom, the Beauty Queen

February 27: Professor Mom

February 28: Moms Are Tigers

February 29: Mom’s Treasures


March 1: Walking in Mom’s Shoes

March 2: Moms Always Have Hope

March 3: Mom’s Amazing Spirit

March 4: Sometimes Moms Cry

March 5: No One Cares Like Mom Cares

March 6: Mom’s Plans, Procedures, and Policies

March 7: Mom’s Little Joys

March 8: A Psalm for Mom

March 9: The Proverbial Mom

March 10: Slow Down, Mom!

March 11: Grateful for Mom

March 12: The Mom Market

March 13: Moms and Dads

March 14: Would Mom Do That?

March 15: What Would Mom Say?

March 16: This Is Your Day, Mom!

March 17: A Special Prayer for Mom

March 18: Mom’s Birthday

March 19: Exercise for Mom

March 20: Mom’s Good Book

March 21: Mom Is Brilliant

March 22: Mom’s Light Shines

March 23: Moms Are Humble

March 24: Just Keepin’ It All Together Today

March 25: Mom Sees Everything

March 26: Mom’s Car

March 27: Mom’s Mad

March 28: Mom’s Tender Talk

March 29: Can-Do Mom

March 30: BFF Mom

March 31: Mom’s Apron Strings


April 1: Mom Needs a Vacation

April 2: Mom’s Lookin’ Good!

April 3: The One, the Only, the Amazing Mom!

April 4: Mom’s Advice

April 5: Thankful Mom

April 6: Mom’s Blackboard

April 7: Moms Bend without Breaking

April 8: I’ll Tell Mom!

April 9: Wishes for Mom

April 10: Stand Tall for Mom

April 11: Springtime Serenade for Mom

April 12: Will the Real Mom Please Stand Up?

April 13: Worst Mom Ever

April 14: Picking a Mom

April 15: Who Does Your Hair?

April 16: Mom Shines…Everything!

April 17: Mom, the Church Lady

April 18: Mom’s Singing

April 19: Mom’s Daily Bread

April 20: The Good News for Mom

April 21: Mom Acts

April 22: Thoughts of Mom

April 23: Think about This, Mom!

April 24: Mom Is Real

April 25: Mom’s Big Love

April 26: If Mom Only Knew

April 27: Mom’s Keepsakes

April 28: Mom’s Hats

April 29: Moms Believe in You

April 30: Mom’s Trials and Errors


May 1: Mom’s Support Group

May 2: The Mom Challenge

May 3: Mom’s Obedience School

May 4: Because Moms Care

May 5: Mom Can Dance

May 6: Mom Will Understand

May 7: Fabulous Fatherly Mom

May 8: The Jobs Mothers Do

May 9: Moms Worry

May 10: Moms Forgive

May 11: Mom Plays

May 12: Mom Sweeps

May 13: Mom’s Counting Sheep

May 14: Mom’s Pet Peeve

May 15: Call Your Mom

May 16: Love Letters

May 17: Mom Steals Home

May 18: Mom’s Magic Hug

May 19: Mom’s Very Inquisitive

May 20: Quiet, Mom Is Thinking!

May 21: Mom, Teacher and Tutor

May 22: In Mom’s Eyes

May 23: The Joy of Moms

May 24: If It Weren’t for Mom

May 25: Wanted: Good Moms

May 26: Another “Momism”

May 27: Neighborhood Mom

May 28: Heartstrings

May 29: Mom’s Little Lullaby

May 30: Mom’s a Good Sport

May 31: Stand by Your Mom


June 1: Second Chances

June 2: Mom’s Top Ten Gratitude List

June 3: Spiritual Refreshment

June 4: Mom’s Not Feeling Well

June 5: Blue-Ribbon Mom

June 6: Mom Is So Strong

June 7: Mom Unabridged

June 8: Mom Hopes

June 9: Mom Mixes and Fixes

June 10: Mom’s Example

June 11: Mom Is Wrong Sometimes

June 12: Mom Is Super!

June 13: Good, Better, Best Mom

June 14: Getting to Know Mom

June 15: Coffee with Mom

June 16: Mom’s a Bit like Grandma

June 17: Mom Is Full of Surprises

June 18: Mom Makes Things Happen

June 19: Mom Makes the Best Pancakes

June 20: Mom’s Favorite Kid

June 21: Mom Is Prepared

June 22: Mom Tells Good Stories

June 23: Mom Jogs

June 24: Mom Blogs

June 25: Mom Likes People

June 26: Mom A to Z

June 27: Mom’s Aspirations

June 28: Mom Smells Trouble

June 29: Summertime Mom

June 30: The Mom Beatitudes


July 1: Mom Never Gives Up

July 2: Why Won’t Mom Give In?

July 3: A One-in-a-Million Mom

July 4: If for Moms

July 5: Mom’s Gotta Get a Life

July 6: Bless You, Mom!

July 7: Taking the Mom Test

July 8: It’s Good to Be the Mom!

July 9: What’s on Mom’s Refrigerator?

July 10: What’s in Mom’s Refrigerator?

July 11: Mom’s Favorite Places

July 12: When Mom Was a Girl

July 13: Dream On, Mom!

July 14: When God Made Mom

July 15: Mom’s Got Her Sparkle On!

July 16: Mom Blushes Easily

July 17: Mom’s Rainbow

July 18: Mom’s Makeup Kit

July 19: Loyal-as-a-Lion Mom

July 20: Card-Carrying Mom

July 21: Mom’s Helper

July 22: Mom and the Outer Limits

July 23: Mom Never Quits

July 24: Mom’s Eraser

July 25: Mom’s Faith

July 26: What You Learned from Your Mom

July 27: Hang On, Mom!

July 28: Mom’s Grocery Cart

July 29: Patience Galore!

July 30: Roller-Coaster Mom

July 31: A Devotion Just for Mom


August 1: Courageous Mom

August 2: Can a Mom Run Away?

August 3: About Those Mom Meltdowns

August 4: Mom Would If She Could

August 5: Wonder Mom

August 6: Mom Philosophy

August 7: You Know You’re a Mom If…

August 8: All about Moms

August 9: Mega Mom

August 10: Mom Is Always Right

August 11: Dear Mom

August 12: Dr. Mom Is In!

August 13: Walking in Mom’s Footsteps

August 14: When Everything Goes Wrong

August 15: Mom, I’m So Confused!

August 16: Captain Mom

August 17: Ph.D. Mom

August 18: A Mom by Any Other Name

August 19: Keeping Up and Keeping On

August 20: Catch Me, Mom!

August 21: Mom Figures It Out

August 22: In Praise of Moms Everywhere

August 23: Mom’s So Pushy

August 24: Training Camp

August 25: Newborn Moms

August 26: The Good Guys and the Bad Guys

August 27: Don’t Rattle Mom

August 28: The Truth about Moms

August 29: The Story of Mom

August 30: Mom’s Garden Hoe

August 31: The Mom Blessing


September 1: Wait Till You’re a Mother!

September 2: It’s Showtime!

September 3: By the Book

September 4: The Mom Review

September 5: The Book of Mom

September 6: Snakes and Spiders and Mom, Oh My!

September 7: Free the Moms

September 8: Trendy Mom

September 9: When Mom Prays

September 10: All Those Working Moms

September 11: Lean In, Lean On Mom

September 12: Mom’s Guiding Principles

September 13: Mom Adds a Touch of Love

September 14: There’s No Mom like You, Mom

September 15: The Gourmet Life

September 16: Mom’s Priorities

September 17: Mom’s Open-Door Policy

September 18: Mom’s Vision

September 19: Creative Mom

September 20: Words to Live By

September 21: Inspiration for Today

September 22: A Nod to Grocery Carts

September 23: Shoes

September 24: Autumn Leaves

September 25: Million-Dollar Questions

September 26: Winning the Lottery

September 27: Mom’s Linked In

September 28: Silly, Sweet, Sassy Mom

September 29: Raking Leaves

September 30: Morning Prayers


October 1: Acorns and Oaks

October 2: Pumpkin Patches

October 3: What Rhymes with Orange?

October 4: Soup’s On!

October 5: Blueberries for Mom

October 6: If Mom Ruled the World!

October 7: Mom’s Best Ingredients

October 8: More than a Mom

October 9: The Mom Muscle

October 10: Mom’s Pure Love

October 11: What’s Next, Mom?

October 12: Try Something New

October 13: Make It Better!

October 14: Practice Makes Perfect

October 15: Knowing What Matters

October 16: Sitting Next to God

October 17: Promise Keeping

October 18: Mom and Apple Pie

October 19: Mom’s Flashlight

October 20: Dressed to Be Blessed

October 21: Of Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies

October 22: The Poetry of Mom

October 23: It’s Mom’s Turn

October 24: Mom’s a Little Bit of an Angel

October 25: Of Hay Rides and Scarecrows

October 26: Leaving the Light On

October 27: Respect for Mom

October 28: Gathering Sap Buckets

October 29: You’re Not a Kid Anymore

October 30: Change Is in the Air

October 31: Boo to Boo-Boos!


November 1: There, There

November 2: Politically Correct

November 3: And the Winner Is…

November 4: Snow Is in the Air

November 5: Warm-Up Exercises

November 6: Duck, Duck, Goose!

November 7: It’s a Breeze!

November 8: What’s Up?

November 9: Mom’s Ruffled Feathers

November 10: Of Praise and Platitudes

November 11: Picture This

November 12: Peace and Plenty

November 13: Tender Talk for Moms

November 14: Quotable Mom

November 15: Practically Perfect Mom

November 16: No Parsnips, Please!

November 17: Parenting Guide

November 18: Pilgrim Mothers

November 19: Moms Shoot Straight

November 20: Another Reason Why Every Day Is Mother’s Day

November 21: Mom’s Domain

November 22: Turkey Time

November 23: Eternally Grateful

November 24: Watching Life Unfold

November 25: Mom Said Maybe

November 26: Thankful and Then Some

November 27: The Hole in the Bucket

November 28: The Heart of Home

November 29: Moms Are a Good Idea

November 30: When Plans Go Belly Up


December 1: The Twelfth Month

December 2: Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

December 3: ’Tis the Season

December 4: Lists and More Lists

December 5: What Moms Want

December 6: On Further Thought

December 7: Boxes and Bags and Wraps, Oh My!

December 8: Stories by Candlelight

December 9: Mom’s First Christmas Memory

December 10: Up in the Attic

December 11: Cookie Capers

December 12: Only Halfway There!

December 13: Drop In

December 14: Advent Attitude

December 15: Fa La La La La!

December 16: Weather or Not

December 17: Shop until You Drop

December 18: Recipes for Love

December 19: The Family Tree

December 20: Mom’s Twinkling Light Show

December 21: Designer Genes

December 22: Like a Child at Bethlehem

December 23: What the Wise Kings Knew

December 24: With Great Anticipation

December 25: Happy Birthday, Jesus!

December 26: Quiet Hearts and Camel Knees

December 27: Shepherds of Tomorrow

December 28: Count Your Blessings

December 29: More than a Baby Boy

December 30: Mom’s Christmas Vacation

December 31: Take Heart and Begin



The Gift of Motherhood

Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.


For some of us, motherhood just seemed to happen; for others, it was hoped for and prayed for. For all of us, it is a role to be cherished. In fact, it’s the role of a lifetime where we learn many things about ourselves. We begin to understand the difference between what’s important and what’s necessary, and when to talk and when to listen. We learn to trust our instincts and to love in ways we never thought imaginable. Motherhood gives us a life purpose like nothing else can, and love makes everything possible.

As the New Year begins, may love carry you through each day, may faith sustain your heart and soul, and may hope stay ever before you.

This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.

1 JOHN 5:2

Mom’s Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of motherhood. Thank you for all you do to help me be a strong and loving mother. Thank you for watching over my children. I pray for your continued guidance each day. Amen.


Finding the Possible

Some days you’re a champion of possibility. You’re a shining example for your family, and everything runs smoothly. You feel protected and blessed. You embrace the hope that God has placed in your heart for everything you need to do.

On other days, though, hope flies out the window. Nothing seems to go right. Your work is too demanding, the kids can’t get along to save their lives, and God seems to have moved far from your neighborhood.

When that happens, seek God’s face and start again. Let this be the day that you see the amazing things God planned for you and those you love. May hope prevail, and may love surround you. Trust with all your heart that everything is possible.

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


Mom’s Prayer

Dear Lord, sometimes I lose sight of what is possible. I’m uncertain of my decisions and wonder about the things I do as a mom. Help me to always see your grace in the faces of my children. Let me always be a possibility thinker. Amen.


Mothers Are Mothers Forever

You may be brand new at this parenting thing. Perhaps you have tiny tots or freckle-faced children who need your patient guidance all through the day. Maybe your kids are teenagers who don’t seem to invite your direction much, but you love them and they love you. Or perhaps your children are fully grown adults and your parenting duties are not as obvious.

Though the job may change through the years, one thing never changes: once a mom, always a mom. You’re a mother forever, and your heart will always be connected to the ones you raised with such love and joy.

The same thing is true for God. Once your Father, He’s always your Father. You never outgrow His love. May you feel His presence today, ready to guide your heart and mind in all you do. You’re His child forever too!

And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Now God’s presence is with people, and he will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them and will be their God.”


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, thank you for being my Father forever. Help my children know how important they are to me and to you. They will always be part of my life. I thank you for the gifts they bring to my days. Amen.


Can’t Fool Mom!

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool Mom!


Do you remember when you were a kid and you thought to yourself, Oh boy, I can’t tell this to Mom? You did your best to cover your tracks and probably never knew whether Mom had figured out your secret or not. Well, the “eyes in the back of her head” thing…it was true! Mom knew most everything you did, and now that you’re a mom, you understand how that happens.

You’re not easily fooled, and your Father in heaven isn’t either. He knows you so well that there’s nothing you have to avoid telling Him. After all, He already knows! He’s just waiting for you to come and talk with Him about it. If anything today takes away from your work or your ability to move forward, have a chat with the One who sees you and loves you always. After all, He can’t be fooled!

You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.

PSALM 139:1

Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I may be a mom, but I still have to confess the things that are going on in my life because I know I can’t fool you. I ask that you would be near me today and forgive the little things I do that are causing my spirit to drag and my heart to suffer. Help me to be the woman and the mom you want me to be. Amen.


The Fix-It Mom

When children are little, they go to Mom with every problem, fully trusting and believing she can fix it. As a mom, you can fix the wheel that fell off the red wagon or a doll’s messy hair, and you can fix dinner or a torn sleeve. But sometimes you need help. Sometimes you need to take the things that are broken and give them to someone else to fix.

That’s where your heavenly Father comes in. He is always ready to help you when you lay your burdens at the foot of the cross. He is ready to help no matter what kind of fix is needed.

Give God thanks today for walking beside you in all that you do. Trust Him to help you anytime you simply can’t fix it yourself.

She must be known for her good works—works such as raising her children, welcoming strangers, washing the feet of God’s people, helping those in trouble, and giving her life to do all kinds of good deeds.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I try to help my children in any way I can and to fix the things that bring stress into other people’s lives. Thank you that I can always come to you, knowing that you will help me and others, and thank you for working to make things right again. Amen.


Super Mom

Moms really are the heroes of the family. They somehow manage to get everyone out the door on time in the morning. They make sure lunches are packed, homework is done, after-school plans are set, and dinner is figured out for each evening. They do all that, and then many moms get themselves out the door to go to a job of their own or to volunteer. Some moms walk into their home offices as well. How do they do it? What amazing time managers they are. Somehow they can be in six places at once…or so it seems.

When you aren’t feeling quite up to superhero status as a mom, check in with your true hero, the One who sustains your life, your energy, and all that you do each day. He’ll quicken your spirit and give you a place to rest. You can relax and put everything on your to-do list in His capable hands.

You’re a super mom every day of the week!

She sets about her work vigorously;

her arms are strong for her tasks.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, there are days when I can scarcely remember where the hours went. I know I was busy and that things I accomplished were good, but somehow they all become a blur. Help me to set my sights on you to keep things clear. Help me to know when to do one more thing and when to simply rest. Amen.


Ask Mom

There’s something uncanny about Mom. When you lose something, she almost always knows where to find it. When you start to tell her something, she already has a good idea what you’re going to say. When you need help, she’s ready to lend a hand. It seems that anytime things are a bit confusing, the best course of action is to simply ask Mom.

It’s amazing how often you get it right as a mom. You know when to offer good advice and when to listen quietly. However, you don’t always have the answers or know the best course of action. That’s when you can heave a sigh of relief that you have an awesome Father who waits for you to ask for His help.

Whatever you want to ask Him, He’s there 24/7. You’ll never get a busy signal or be out of cell phone range. You can even call Him just to say thank you.

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I sometimes forget that I can come to you in the same way my children come to me, knowing you’ll do your best to answer me just as I do my best to answer them. I’m grateful for the wisdom and insight you share with me. Thank you for trusting me to guide my family. Amen.


What’s Cooking?

Mom cooks up everything with love.


Whether you’re one of the world’s best cooks or simply the woman who helps put food on the table, everyone is nourished best by Mom’s love. Perhaps your chocolate chip cookies keep everyone running to the kitchen no matter how old the “kids” might be. When you’re a mom, you’re always cooking up something special, and no matter how it turns out, it can still win a blue ribbon if you do it with love.

The good news is that no matter what you’re cooking—whether it’s charred on the bottom or crispy on the top—you can ask God to bless it. He’ll do His part to make sure your family has everything they need. Ask God to help you cook up the best love recipes that were ever created.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I like to cook and it’s great when my family appreciates my efforts. I’m so thankful for all the ways you provide for our well-being. Even so, remind me to cook up a little more time with you, so that I can be well fed by your presence and your Word. Amen.


Mom’s Heart

All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.


Before you become a mother, it’s easy to think of all the idyllic ways you might behave. When the first tiny infant is placed in your arms, though, all that idealism goes right out the window. Now there’s a tiny human being who looks to you for everything and trusts you to take care of every need. It’s a big job—an important job—and it takes a lot of heart.

A mom’s heart grows bigger over time. Learning to care for and love a child is an awesome experience. Could that love be the same kind of tenderness God feels toward His children? Could that love be why God keeps on forgiving, trying to communicate, and loving us no matter what we do?

Thank God for giving you a heart like His when it comes to your children. May your heart keep getting bigger so it can take in His love as well.

And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I pray that my heart will always expand and grow so that I can be filled with your love and share that love with my children. I ask that you would teach me in every possible way how to love them and you with all my heart. Amen.


Mom on a Mission

Today’s the day! You’re ready. You’ve made up your mind that you’re going to accomplish every task on your list and nothing will stop you. You take a deep breath, look at item number one, and you’re off. Yes, the cupboards have needed cleaning for some time. Whew! You’ve done it, and now for the next item, cleaning the oven. Ugh. Why does it have to get all grimy like that? No matter. You’re on a mission.

As you go through the day, cleaning, creating dinner plans, picking up the kids from various activities, and working on the agenda for the meeting at work, you can get exhausted. Your mission mind-set is great and really works to keep you moving toward your goals, but here’s a suggestion. What if you started your mission with prayer? What if before you even spent a moment taking cans out of a cupboard, you simply prayed and gave the day, the mission, and your life to God?

God wants to be part of your mission. You just have to ask Him to be there.

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I dive into my list of activities without giving much thought to you. Forgive me when I don’t stop to pray, and remind me that you are part of everything I do and that you can bless my missions only when I ask you to be with me. Amen.


Mom Is Cool!

You may not think of yourself as a cool mom. After all, you’re the organizer of family activities, the cook and bottle washer, the mender of torn papers, and the one who takes the dog to the vet. What about that is cool? The answer is…everything!

Everything about your life is cool because God put you right where you are for such a time as this. He knew you were good at organizing a calendar, a house, and the shoes in your closet, and so the things you do please Him. That’s cool. You get the kids where they need to go, make dinner, and smile through it all, so your kids think you’re cool too.

As you go about doing all the little things for the hundredth time, remind yourself that there are many people in your life who think you’re cool. Let that idea bless you and make you smile.

There, in the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the LORD your God has blessed you.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, it’s a little hard to imagine anyone thinking I’m cool, but I like the idea. Help me to rest in your hands today and trust that you have blessed my life according to your will and purpose. Amen.



Moms say the most amazing things! You probably remember a few things your mom said. She may have told you that “burnt toast is good for your digestion” or that “there are lots of poor children who would love to eat your peas.” At the time, you thought all those things were true, and so you ate the burnt toast and the peas without a word.

Many of the adages attributed to moms came out of the wisdom of others like Benjamin Franklin or even from misquoted Bible texts. The wonder of those bits of wisdom is that they stuck with you and you’ve shared them with your kids.

Today, think about your favorite phrases from God’s Word. See if you can impact the ones you love with a few of those. You never know, they might just carry those words around for the rest of their lives. After all, you’re the “apple” of God’s eye.

Keep me as the apple of Your eye;

Hide me under the shadow of Your wings.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I often repeat the little phrases my mother said to me. I guess they really do stick in my mind. Today, let me help your Word stick in the minds of people I love. Amen.


Blessings for Mom

You’re pretty good at counting your blessings. After all, you often say how blessed you are to have kids, a home, and a family. You have a grateful heart, and you’re a warm and loving example to others.

But there are times when it’s a little harder to get that sense of feeling blessed. Maybe all the kids are home from school with the flu, or your teenagers aren’t getting along and there’s a lot of door slamming. Perhaps your dog got out of the yard and you had to drop everything to get him back home. Maybe it was a “throw up your hands” kind of day. You start wondering what you did to deserve all this.

Ah, there it is, the blessing! You’ve done so many things right that God gave you the gift of a real family. You may have wanted a TV family where all the problems get worked out by the end of the episode, but the fact is you and your family have to work things out together, one crisis at a time, one blessing after another.

Thank God for your many blessings today, and while you’re busy tossing up your hands in frustration, grab on to His hand until you find your peace again.

“May the LORD bless you and keep you.

May the LORD show you his kindness and have mercy on you.

May the LORD watch over you and give you peace.”


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, some days I feel like I endure my blessings rather than rejoice in them. Help me to trust you for the peace I need and to be grateful for the too-numerous-to-count blessings in my life. Amen.


Mom, CEO

Moms have a lot of titles because they provide the family with an array of services. One minute they act as gourmet chef, another minute they’re chief chauffeur, and another minute they’re Little League coach. In fact, it seems there are few things that moms can’t do. No wonder they are the CEO of the family—the Chief Everything Officer.

It’s certain that you have a fair amount of say about what goes on under your roof. That kind of power is both gratifying and humbling. It’s gratifying because God has entrusted you with the most precious people He knows, His children. It’s humbling because He believes in you and knows you can do it well.

Go ahead, hang up a shingle in your home office, because you’ve taken on a big job and you do it so well. Mom, CEO indeed!

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, you’ve put a lot of responsibility in my hands and I thank you for trusting me so much. I ask that you would walk beside me and give me wisdom in the things I do so that I please you and bring joy and peace to my family. Amen.


Mom 101

When you got into your mom role, you probably didn’t get a lot of training. There are few Mom 101 classes going on in the world. Depending on when and where you grew up, you may have taken a home economics class in eighth grade. Or maybe you babysat as a teenager. Even so, the knowledge you gained hardly prepared you for the many faces of being a mom.

Fortunately, God provides you with a pretty clear road map. He invites you to read up on how to live in the world and then pass that on to your children. He offers you a shoulder to cry on and a place to go when you’ve simply run out of fuel or ideas.

When you need help, don’t try to find a mom book in the bookstore. Instead, go back to the Book you probably already have on your shelf, the one with great wisdom and good advice. Start there and you’ll always be ahead of the class.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right.


Mom’s Prayer

Father, you know how often I need another lesson from your Book. Help me to stay strong in you and to trust that you will guide me in all grace and truth so that I can be a good mom. Amen.


Mom’s Love Notes

Moms are good at love notes. Sometimes their love notes show up in a lunch box or in a shirt pocket. Sometimes they leave a gentle thought on a pillow, offering encouragement and support. Other times, their love notes come in the form of freshly baked cookies or a favorite meal. Moms know that the little things make a difference.

The good news is that God knows how to send love notes too. His love notes come in the form of a friend who calls just when you need to hear her voice, or a perfect Scripture that floats through your mind and reminds you of the best way to look at a situation.

Today, see if there’s a love note you could share with your children, no matter how old they might be. After all, you never outgrow your need for a little extra love.

But God’s strong foundation continues to stand. These words are written on the seal: “The Lord knows those who belong to him.”


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I know you do endless things to help support and encourage me as a mom. Sometimes I’m simply moving too fast to pay attention. Help me to slow down enough to appreciate your little notes of love. Amen.


Mama Love

Moms are called by many sweet names, from Mother and Mama, to Noni and Mommy. You may identify with these names in different ways, feeling connected to being Mommy when you have little children and being Mom as your kids grow up. One thing is for sure, there’s nothing quite like the love of a mama for her family. It’s a love that can be seen in nature and in the ways God loves each of us.

Many names exist for God as well, and sometimes we use one over the other because of what we’re feeling in our relationship with Him. He can be Father, Abba, Daddy, or Creator and Redeemer. His list goes on and on.

No matter how you choose to address moms—or to address God—every way you choose is a name that stands for love.

And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, when I feel close to you, I often address you as Father. When I step back, I tend to see you as my Father up in heaven. Help me to remember that no matter what name I use, you always think of me with love. Amen.


Aw, Mom!

At times, moms can seem perfectly unreasonable, at least to a kid. After all, moms have the authority to put the kibosh on the best-made plans. They can practically ruin a kid’s life with one little word: “No!” At that point, the sagging-shouldered, gloomy-faced kid is sure to say something like, “Aw, Mom!” Of course, as a kid, you aren’t allowed to say much else without being considered rude.

So what about you? What happens when you’ve made great plans and are excited about something that would simply mean the world to you? Maybe you want a job promotion, or a house by the river, or any number of things, and God says, “No.” What do you do? Sag your shoulders perhaps? Or put on a gloomy face? Maybe you even say, “Aw, God!”

Today, as you guide the people around you, be sure to look at all sides of any request put before you and imagine how your Father in heaven might answer. No matter what else, answer with love.

“I thought, ‘Those who are older should speak,

for wisdom comes with age.’”

JOB 32:7 NLT

Mom’s Prayer

Lord, help me to remember to listen with my heart anytime I’m in a position of authority as the one who can say yes or no. Help me to make decisions that are fair and prompted by good reason and wisdom. Amen.


Monday Mom

Where does the time go? Every Friday you heave a sigh of relief and think that maybe this weekend you’ll get far enough past the cooking, cleaning, and extracurricular activities that you’ll have a little time for yourself—to read a good book, soak in the tub, or get your nails done. Yes, those Friday thoughts always feel a bit like a dream, because somehow Monday comes swiftly and you start all over again.

Perhaps it will make being a Monday mom a bit easier if you give yourself a break right now. In fact, plan a few-minutes break each day of the week. Close your eyes for five minutes and say a little gratitude prayer for everything you’ve already done and all the things you’re just starting. Ask God to give you a sense of peace and to refresh your heart and mind. No matter what day of the week it is, you’ll feel better.

No, your beauty should come from within you—the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that will never be destroyed and is very precious to God.


Mom’s Prayer

Father, I thank you for Mondays and all the days you give me to learn more about being a good mom. Bless the people I love, and help me through my quiet times to feel blessed by Mondays and all days! Amen.


Mom’s Workout

Many moms don’t have time to join a health club or go to a gym. They have to exercise as they can, taking walks with a baby stroller in front of them, jogging with a six-year-old riding a bike close behind, or getting up earlier than anyone else simply to have time to take a few deep breaths. Moms continually stretch and bend to make everything come together.

God works with us that way too. He reaches down and hopes we’ll grab on to His hand so He can lift us up and energize our spirits. He bends over backward to try to understand the foolish choices we make and then washes away our bruises and bumps every time we come running back to Him. Yes, He is always helping us work out just what it means to live in His love.

Today, whether you’re pumping some iron or doing the ironing, remember that your Father in heaven is there to keep you steady and strong.

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I need to exercise more, but somehow I don’t seem to accomplish that. I pray that you will help me to stay healthy and strong. Guide me to work out my body, my soul, and my mind according to your will and purpose. Amen.


Mom’s Voice

There’s something special about Mom’s voice. It’s the voice that soothes you when you don’t feel well. It’s the one that assures you when your confidence is at an all-time low. It’s the voice that always reminds you how much you’re loved and how special and unique you are.

Sometimes you can hear God’s voice too. It’s the one that beckons you to pray when your heart is downcast and you’re no longer sure of your direction. It’s the voice that offers assurance that you’re loved wherever you are. And it’s the one that bids you to come and reason things out together.

Today, as you reflect on the voice you share with your family—or on your own mom’s voice—take a few moments to stop everything and see if you can hear the loving voice of your heavenly Father. His voice can make all the difference in your day.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth.”

PSALM 46:10

Mom’s Prayer

Lord, help me to let go of the noises that surround me. Quiet my heart to seek your voice. Today I will wait with eagerness to hear your loving voice. Amen.


Mom Is So Funny!

Do you ever stop to think about your own mom’s sense of humor, or perhaps wonder if your kids can recognize your sense of humor? Laughter is good medicine and can play a great part in making a home feel warm and happy. You contribute to family fun anytime you allow the things that are truly funny to bring out the girl in you.

Do you think God laughs? Surely He has a good sense of humor. Look at all the amazing combinations He put together to design the creatures in the ocean and on land—even you and me. Look for ways that might make you sense God’s laughter today. It will do your heart good.

Then our mouth was filled with laughter,

and our tongue with shouts of joy;

then they said among the nations,

“The LORD has done great things for them.”


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I do need to laugh more. Help me to step outside myself, my worries, and the other things that weigh me down so I can simply laugh a little. I pray you’ll be laughing with me today. Amen.


Mom Is so Smart!

Moms are smart. They have to be because they have an incredible load on their shoulders and only twenty-four hours in a day. They need to keep a lot of plates spinning in the air—and then set the table with them, wash them, and start all over again. It’s simply the gift, the blessing, and, yes, the job of being a mom.

Still, keep in mind that as a mom, you don’t have to totally depend on your own brilliance. You aren’t alone in keeping all those plates in the air. Your Creator, whose brilliance is beyond measure, is always willing to guide you, give practical assistance, and teach you a little more of what you need to know to do your work well. He wants you to succeed and so He’s with you in all the details. Check in with Him anytime you’re not so sure you can figure everything out yourself.

The mind of a person with understanding gets knowledge; the wise person listens to learn more.


Mom’s Prayer

Father, I do believe you’ve provided me with adequate abilities to think things through and do things well. I don’t have all the answers, and I often need your help. Grant me wisdom for all I do today. Amen.


Mom’s Beautiful Hands

Have you ever thought about all the things you do with your hands each day? You create, you cook, you clean, and you give amazing hugs and a few high fives. You work at a computer keyboard, you make lists, and you help others. Your hands are beautiful! God has put a lot of responsibility in your hands, and He knows you do an awesome job with all He has given you.

The blessing of it all is that you too are in good hands. You’re in God’s beautiful hands all the time. He holds you close when you need comfort and assurance. He opens doors when you need to move forward. He hugs you to His heart to remind you how precious you are, and He gives you an extra hand when you have too many burdens to bear. You’re in the best hands possible.

Today, every time you do something with your hands, think of the One who holds you forever in His tender grasp.

So I reflected on all this and concluded that the righteous and the wise and what they do are in God’s hands.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I am so busy that sometimes I forget to ask if you can lend me a hand. I pray now that you will tug on my sleeve or nudge me a little more often when I need to seek more of you. Amen.


What’s Up with Mom?

Even moms have off days. They get discouraged, find no reason to smile, or can’t figure out which way is up. They feel like the clouds are hanging over their heads and the storms of life have pushed them a little too far. When this happens, family members are often unsure how they should respond.

Some moms feel guilty when they allow life to get to them. They think they should be above all that, able to keep coping and keep hoping and keep everyone else feeling good. Those are good thoughts, but they aren’t practical. Moms are people too.

So when your family is wondering, What’s up with Mom? suggest that they say a prayer for you and give you some time to spend in prayer by yourself. Your heavenly Father will bring you comfort, peace, and a sense of calm that will override the chaos. After all, when they ask, What’s up with Mom? you want them to add something like, She’s always so happy.

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


Mom’s Prayer

Father, I do have down days, just like everybody else. The problem is I try to put on a happy face and keep going, but sometimes I just can’t do it. I thank you for being there to lift my spirits and help me smile again. Amen.


When Mom Prays

Moms who pray have a bit of an edge over moms who don’t. The reason is not simply that they have a source of hope and comfort, though that’s certainly part of it; the real reason is that prayer time allows them to stop, take a breath, read the Word, and rest in God’s grace and peace. There’s no other comfort quite like that.

Today, as you work through all the things on your generous list of chores, make sure you’ve given yourself a time or two for some prayer. You don’t have to stop and say a long, drawn-out prayer. You can do shower prayers, car-driving prayers, cleaning-the-house prayers, or making-dinner prayers. You can also do nothing prayers—that is, when you do nothing but sit quietly and wait on the Lord. Those prayers are the best of all.

Listen for God’s voice, and feel His comfort and His blessing on your life today.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I am so grateful that I can come to you early in the morning or late at night. I’m grateful that I know whenever I take the time to talk with you, you’re always ready and willing to listen. Amen.


Mom Hears and Mom Listens

Moms are queens of multitasking. They do the laundry while cleaning the house and putting another tray of cookies in the oven. They work in home offices, fill out school forms, and make a grocery menu. They’ve even perfected the ability to respond to questions without breaking their pace or changing direction. Ultimately, they do a lot in a short amount of time.

Moms can also stop any task, no matter how pressing it may be, and listen when something important comes up. How do they listen? They listen heart first, considering all sides of a question and all the logical pieces and then giving an answer straight from the heart.

When, as a mom, you need someone to listen, you can go to God. God always hears and always knows everything that’s going on. He listens whenever you seek Him. He draws you near and helps you find a solution. He listens to your heart.

Hear what’s going on in your household, but be willing to listen when someone calls your name. After all, that’s God’s example. He always listens when you call His name.

“They will call on my name and I will answer them;

I will say, ‘They are my people,’

and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.’”


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I can nod in agreement to a conversation that doesn’t really include me, but I don’t truly listen unless I’m invited to share my thoughts. Help me to listen with love anytime that kind of invitation comes my way. Amen.


Mom Wins

Moms take care of their jobs, their kids, and their personal lives with as much energy as they can muster. So how does a mom win when it comes to her home and family?

Mom wins every time someone in the family says, “I love you.” Mom wins whenever she receives an unexpected helping hand. Mom wins when she gets to soak in the tub and have some time to herself. Mom wins when she can be herself and share her love with the people around her.

As a mom and a woman managing many duties inside and outside the house, you need wins. You need to feel victorious. Perhaps the best ways to win are to thank God for the little things that make your day special and to hand over all the complex issues to Him. Then, settle back, slip into bed, and rest. Close your eyes, because with Him, you win every day.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, there are many days when I don’t feel victorious. Help me to stay close to you and keep coaching me so I can win at the best job you ever gave me—being a mom. Amen.


Thank God There’s Mom!

It’s often said that God couldn’t be everywhere so He created mothers. Certainly God appreciates the work that moms do to raise happy, healthy children. He trusts them with the most precious things He ever created—His children.

Moms are generally selfless, which means they do all they can to take care of the needs of others before they take care of themselves. Some days, they wish they had a mom to help them in the same ways they help their children.

As a mom, you’re the thread that runs through everything your family does and the glue that holds them together. You are the one who makes them say, even if only to themselves, “Thank God there’s Mom!” They wouldn’t know what to do without you.

Today, ask God to bless your family in every possible way. Thank Him for giving you the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of each person who depends on your care and keeping.

Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!

For His mercy endures forever.


Mom’s Prayer

Lord, I’m pleased that my family thinks I’m so special and important in their lives. I thank you for my own mother who helped me become the person I am. Thank you for being the One who truly guides my steps each day. Amen.


Mom’s List

Many moms are list makers. There are so many things to take care of that it’s much easier if they consult the list on the refrigerator door or their cell phone to keep them moving ahead and getting things done. They keep track of where everyone in the house is and when they’re coming home again, and they keep supplies coming into the house and make sure the bills are paid. Some moms have a list for nearly everything.