Exploring The Mysteries of Tithing - Bezalel Dickson Kyeremeh - E-Book

Exploring The Mysteries of Tithing E-Book

Bezalel Dickson Kyeremeh

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In 2 Timothy 3:1, the Apostle Paul prophesied that perilous times would come in the last days. This prophecy makes many people doubt whether they will be liberated from the bondage of poverty or continue to abide in the congregation of misery. Some even believe that it is God’s will for them to be poor. All this boils down to the fact that most of us are ignorant of God's blueprint for kingdom prosperity.
You can’t pray or fast to prevent the prophecy of peril from coming to pass, but you can apply some divine keys to seek exemption. I strongly believe that one of the master keys to opening the door to financial freedom and a triumphant life is Tithing.
This book, EXPLORING THE MYSTERIES OF TITHING, explains almost everything tithing entails. It is a timely and simplified classic exposition on tithing that thoroughly addresses some controversial questions people often ask about tithing that need urgent solutions lest the enemy continue to rob them of divine blessings, especially our financial prosperity. Therefore, I wish everyone who comes across this book to take time to go through it and put what is in into practice.

Bezalel Dickson Kyeremeh is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Overcomers Revival Global Ministries, based in Illinois, USA, and a lecturer in Transformation Through the Truth (T.3) Bible College, Kumasi, Ghana. He is a seasoned Bible teacher, revivalist, author, mentor, and pastor. He holds a Doctor of Optometry degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), a bachelor’s degree in Theology and Ministerial Sustainability from Global Christ-Like Bible College, and a Diploma in Apostolic Theology from Believers End-Time Harvest (BETH) College, all located in Kumasi, Ghana.

With a decade of ministry experience, Bezalel is currently pursuing a Master of Theological Studies and Master of Leadership degrees at Trinity International University, Illinois, USA. His passion lies in spreading the gospel of Christ to the world and enlightening the church on the mysteries and revelations of the kingdom of God.

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Bezalel Dickson Kyeremeh

Exploring The Mysteries of Tithing

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Bezalel Dickson Kyeremeh

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-484-0




With heartfelt appreciation, I dedicate this book to my mother, Mrs. Mary Yeboah. I also dedicate it to all the families in Overcomers Revival Global Ministry, Illinois, USA, and Eternal Home Ministries, Kumasi, Ghana. God bless you all for your constant support and encouragement.


In 2 Timothy 3:1, the Apostle Paul prophesied that perilous times would come in the last days. This prophecy makes many doubt whether they will be liberated from the bondage of poverty or continue to abide in the congregation of misery. Some even believe that it is God’s will for them to be poor. All this boils down to the fact that most of us are ignorant of God's blueprint for kingdom prosperity.

You can’t pray or fast against the prophecy of peril from coming to pass, but you can apply some divine keys to seek exemption. I firmly believe that one of the master keys to opening the door to financial freedom and a triumphant life is Tithing. However, because of the failure to use this master key of Tithing to access Kingdom wealth, many people run helter-skelter chasing after prosperity, yet they dwell in the house of poverty: most of us work almost 24 hours every day only to realize that the output is tiny and is nothing to write home about as compared to our inputs. Failure to tithe is why some individuals sometimes do not experience supernatural provision and growth in their businesses, marriages, educations, churches, ministries, etc.

This book, EXPLORING THE MYSTERIES OF TITHING, explains almost everything tithing entails. It is a timely and simplified classic exposition on tithing that thoroughly addresses some controversial questions people often ask about tithing that need urgent solutions lest the enemy continue to rob us of divine blessings, especially our financial prosperity. Therefore, I wish everyone who comes across this book to take time to go through it and put what is in it into practice.


1. An Alarm To All

2. The Definition Of Tithe

3. Jesus Christ Accepts And Endorses Tithing

4. The Difference Between Tithe And Offering

5. Where And Whom Must Our Tithes Go To?

6. Why Is Tithing Important For Christians?

7. Giving Tithe On Our Time

8. The Six Supernatural Benefits Of Tithing

9. Notable Facts About Tithing

10. Some Controversies And Questions Regarding Tithing

11. People's Testimonies About Tithing



About The Book

About the Author




God sometimes watches us pass through suffering as if He doesn't exist. Why? This is not because He cares less but because sometimes, we forsake His prescribed means of getting His attention to be liberated from all predicaments, especially financial predicaments. One of the means through which God liberates us from financial crises is tithing.

It is unfortunate when people decide not to pay their tithes because they think their pastors will spend their money. Regardless of what the money is being used for, we are not giving it to man but to God, who shall reward all men in secret. Tithing is the only Covenant platform that God instituted for us to stand on to test Him for opening the heavens. This has always been one of the divine prescriptions for those bound by the chains of poverty.

Remember that our tithing is not only to bless the church; we tithe mainly to receive God’s manifold blessings. Martin Luther of blessed memory once said, "Unless I am convinced by proofs from Scriptures or by plain and clear reasons and arguments, I can and will not retract, for it is neither safe nor wise to do anything against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen." The scriptures have the final authority concerning matters of the kingdom of God. Therefore, we must consult the Bible (the very word of God) to verify and confirm any information we get regarding tithing. By doing so, we will know whether the information suits people’s understanding or is from the perspective of the scriptures, which is the very mind of God concerning any issue.

God explicitly says in Malachi 3:10 (NKJV)," Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it." The scriptures cannot be broken. We cannot rationalize or intellectualize the scriptures by saying that tithing is a thing of the past, so we do not need to adhere to it in this dispensation of grace. This kind of thinking is a big deception from the kingdom of darkness. The enemy always wants to keep us in ignorance and rob us of our divine provision so that we will remain in the bond of poverty and vulnerability. That is his delight, and it is evident how the devil has fought this teaching and other kingdom principles even in the Church.

Let us be vigilant and free ourselves from the devil's wiles by tithing faithfully to enjoy God’s continuous provision of prosperity and protection.



“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it. 11“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” Says the Lord of hosts; 12“And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land,” Says the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 3: 10-12 (NKJV)

From the above scripture, it can be deduced that tithing is an open door to the divine provision of prosperity and protection.Against this background, the question that needs to be asked is, "What is a tithe?"