Fervid Sexy Times: Adult Erotica - August Rutherford - E-Book

Fervid Sexy Times: Adult Erotica E-Book

August Rutherford

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"Ah oui," he murmured into my pussy. "Tres belle, tres belle." He sighed in a typical Gallic way and said, "You have ze most preety puzzy, ah oui, c'est vrai."
With that he literally poured champagne into me and began to lap it up hungrily. I went alternately hot and cold, then numb. I grabbed the bottle back from him and doused his balls. Then I took them in my mouth and sucked on them, moving my tongue around their hairy circumference. He grunted and groaned, lapping me into a tremendous lather.

I could feel his hard prick by my cheek; it almost seemed to be resonating. I knew I was ready, but all he needed was the final touch.
Excitedly I took his tip between my fingers and pressed on the sides. The slit sprang open. I took aim and poured in the champagne. Jacques bellowed loudly. I did it again. His moans were deafening.

He pushed his tongue back into my hole and whipped it up. I screamed, "Maintenant, mainte-nant," shuddered and came.

Dimly now I heard him murmur, "Ma belle, ma belle, maintenant" and with that he shot his load into my mouth, the taste of semen mixing with the taste of champagne.

"Maintenant" I cried. "I'm coming."

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Fervid Sexy Times

August Rutherford

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 1

"I don't know, Vic; I really don't," she shouted.

I followed her into the bathroom. Vivi had stripped down completely in the living room but I had been too busy adjusting the color TV to even notice. When I turned around to look at her, all I saw was a pile of her clothes sitting in the middle of the rug.

Vivi had walked pretty fast, and each time I turned a corner in our apartment, I caught sight of a sliver of her creamy back, her round ass, her strong, slim calves, and her narrow ankles and feet. I could feel my cock springing to life, and by the time I reached the bathroom, it was pressing hard against my pants. I tried to ignore my erection-for now at least; we had important things to discuss, and I wanted to get those out of the way first.

"I don't know," Vivi repeated, disappearing into the shower and slamming the glass door behind her.

Vivi always took showers whenever she had to think about something, and I could usually tell by how hard she slammed the door how serious she felt the problem was. This time the glass had rattled; it was critical.

I leaned against the wall opposite the shower, watching her silhouette. Vivi was tall, with a model's figure, except for her breasts, and, only recently, her ass. Her tits were high and firm, heavy and well-shaped. And big ... really big. Since she had started taking the pill a few years back they had gone from a C cup to a D, and that, let me tell you, is a lot of tit, even for someone of her size. Her areolas were a clear pink-brown, and the nipples were hard and pointed slightly. They begged to be sucked.

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