Loving Brats: Taboo Erotica - August Rutherford - E-Book

Loving Brats: Taboo Erotica E-Book

August Rutherford

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Chapter One: Your Father For Mine?
Chapter Two: My Daddy, My Sister...  And Me
Chapter Three: A Present From Daddy
Chapter Four:...  I'll Do What She Won't
Chapter Five: If You've Got The Name ...

***** "Mama would have raised pure hell if she could have seen us there, naked, four in one bed, sweating even though the air conditioner in the motel room was turned to its coldest. I always sweat when I fuck, sweat until my body gets slippery; and now, as we rested after our first balling of the night, I could feel the perspiration forming cold beads on the flesh of my knockers, on my thighs, my belly. It felt good.

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Loving Brats

August Rutherford

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Your Father For Mine?

Chapter Two: My Daddy, My Sister... And Me

Chapter Three: A Present From Daddy

Chapter Four:... I'll Do What She Won't

Chapter Five: If You've Got The Name ...

Chapter One: Your Father For Mine?

"Daddy was sweating, too. His dark hair was wet and pasted to his forehead. The hair on his broad chest and muscular legs was wet and glistening with sweat. He was resting with one arm thrown over his eyes, shielding them from the glare of the overhead light, and I could see that the dark hair beneath his arms was also damp. So was his cock. And the hair around it.

"But that was wet with come, not sweat.

"Moving closer to him, so that my body was pressed against his side, I pulled his arm down from over his eyes and slipped it under me, snuggling close. With my other hand I reached down to touch his sticky, half-hard prick. His white teeth flashed as he smiled lazily at me.

"I kissed him in the hollow of his throat, tasting the salt of his sweat, and I felt his rough hand move down and close over the globe of my tit. My nipple was still hard and erect, the way it always gets when I fuck, or when I even think about fucking, and I felt myself getting hornier as he idly played with my knocker. I began to wonder how long he would have to rest before he could fuck again. Not long, I hoped.

"On the other side of my father lay Jodi and her dad, legs still tangled together so that her wet little pussy was pressed against his thigh. She moved it against him as I watched. Both had their eyes closed, the way people will do after a good piece of ass, and I sort of got a kick out of looking them over.

"Jodi was eighteen, a year older than me, but she was little. I had it all over her when it came to tits, and I was several inches taller. She was a blonde, just like Ken, her father, and the blondeness was natural. The hair around her cunt proved that. Me, I have the black hair of my father; and it tangles in a thick bush around my cunt. All in all, black hair and blonde, me with the big tits and Jodi with the petite little body she had, we should have made a picture you could put on sale. I reached across the bed and touched Ken's prick.

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