Kennel Brat: Taboo Erotica - August Rutherford - E-Book

Kennel Brat: Taboo Erotica E-Book

August Rutherford

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Jenny Masey woke up horny, depressed and wishing she'd never made that final promise to her father. The last thing she'd vowed before he died was that she'd take care of his dogs, that she'd protect the reputation of Masey's Kennels and keep the business going, no matter what.
But things change. Her mother started drinking heavily the night Mr. Masey died and, two years later, she still hadn't come up for air. Then her older brother, Jeff, took a job in Colorado because he said the business made him miss their father too much. So, here she was, still not out of high school, and she was stuck in a breeding kennel fifty miles from civilization.
One July morning she hurried to the barn at seven-thirty and discovered she had at least four bitches in heat. Her day had begun. She stood in the sun-warmed entrance to the breeding barn, letting the heat caress her back for a moment. It was going to be a long, hot summer, she feared, as she briefly allowed her hand to linger on the sensitive place between her legs. The heat in her panties was hotter than July would ever get and she longed for the time and privacy she'd need to satisfy her familiar itch. She'd finger-fucked herself so many times lately that she wondered if the crinkled dampness on her middle finger might not become permanent. She lifted her finger and gently sniffed, certain she could still detect a musky aroma from last night's private pleasure feast. She smiled. There appeared to a be a spongy area around her fingertip, a sweet softness that threatened to reveal her private secret to the world.

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Kennel Brat

August Rutherford

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












But things change. Her mother started drinking heavily the night Mr. Masey died and, two years later, she still hadn't come up for air. Then her older brother, Jeff, took a job in Colorado because he said the business made him miss their father too much. So, here she was, still not out of high school, and she was stuck in a breeding kennel fifty miles from civilization.

One July morning she hurried to the barn at seven-thirty and discovered she had at least four bitches in heat. Her day had begun. She stood in the sun-warmed entrance to the breeding barn, letting the heat caress her back for a moment. It was going to be a long, hot summer, she feared, as she briefly allowed her hand to linger on the sensitive place between her legs. The heat in her panties was hotter than July would ever get and she longed for the time and privacy she'd need to satisfy her familiar itch. She'd finger-fucked herself so many times lately that she wondered if the crinkled dampness on her middle finger might not become permanent. She lifted her finger and gently sniffed, certain she could still detect a musky aroma from last night's private pleasure feast. She smiled. There appeared to a be a spongy area around her fingertip, a sweet softness that threatened to reveal her private secret to the world.

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