Make Room For Brat: Taboo Erotica - August Rutherford - E-Book

Make Room For Brat: Taboo Erotica E-Book

August Rutherford

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


"I wish you wouldn't do that," Mary Jo said, squirming. "I mean, like, you're Mom's boyfriend, not mine." She giggled. "And you really shouldn't be putting your hand on my leg that way."
"I thought we were friends." Zack Perry said smoothly, sliding a little closer to her. His hand was high up the girl's thigh, and his fingers flexed on the velvet-smooth flesh.
"I really don't think you even oughta be here," Mary Jo added, easing toward the end of the sofa. "I thought you knew this was Mom's exam night at school, and she won't be out of class till nine or ten o'clock. Oh, you better stop touching me there! I'll just have to tell Mom what you're doing, if you don't stop!"

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Make Room For Brat

August Rutherford

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents













"I thought we were friends." Zack Perry said smoothly, sliding a little closer to her. His hand was high up the girl's thigh, and his fingers flexed on the velvet-smooth flesh."I really don't think you even oughta be here," Mary Jo added, easing toward the end of the sofa. "I thought you knew this was Mom's exam night at school, and she won't be out of class till nine or ten o'clock. Oh, you better stop touching me there! I'll just have to tell Mom what you're doing, if you don't stop!""Would you really do that, Mary Jo?" Zack whispered, moving his hand up under the hem of her skirt.The redhead gasped as his fingers touched the lace-edged panties."You don't have to play innocent," Zack went on, his chest brushing against her trembling arm. "I know you listen to us at night sometimes, when your mom and I are fucking. Does it excite you to hear the sounds we make? Does it make your pussy get all wet and hot and tingly?"Mary Jo's green eyes enlarged. "How did you know I listened?""I didn't, until you told me, just now, but I guessed."His hand moved again, under her short skirt, and she almost jumped straight into the air when his fingers brushed across her pantied crotch. She could feel the crackle of static electricity in her pussy hairs! His hand cupped her pussy bulge, and he squeezed her trembling cunt."Teenage girls always like to listen to their mothers getting fucked," Zack purred into her ear.Mary Jo closed her eyes and moaned as his fingers pressed against her delicate teenaged cunt, separated from her flesh only by the wispy-thin shield of her panties. She squirmed, and her crotch seemed to lift of its own accord, right into his gripping hand."You're all wet. I can feel the juice leaking out of your pussy, Mary Jo. Let me touch you inside your panties. Let me run my fingers through that fluffy mound of hair. I'll bet it's red too, isn't it? Just like the hair on your head. Let me see if it is, honey.""No!" she protested, but he was lifting her skirt, hooking his thumbs in the waistband of her panties, pulling them down her trembling legs. She looked down at her exposed cunt, then up at his face. No boy had ever seen her pussy bare before.But Zack Perry wasn't a boy. God, he was a man! Her mom's boyfriend! He was at least forty, which made him a few years older than her own father.He pushed her skirt up again, and he looked down into the red-furred nest of her pussy.Mary Jo stared at her panties that dangled from one ankle. She gulped."Look," she whispered, "but please don't touch me again... please..."But she knew he would. She watched, holding her breath, as his hand slid back up the inside of her thigh, moving gradually, with almost tantalizing slowness, and then it came to rest atop her exposed pussy.He clutched her more tightly now, his fingers sliding up and down the snug wet crack of her cunt. She felt the brush of his knuckles over, her clit and it throbbed as he caressed it."You can't!" she gasped. "You mustn't!"He kissed her on the cheek. She'd been kissed a few times, mostly by boys who really didn't know how to do it. The touch of Zack's mouth on her cheek thrilled the girl. She tilted her head slightly, and his lips moved against hers.As his tongue licked her mouth, she felt strange, exciting tingles racing madly through her body ail over again. Her nipples felt as hard as golfballs inside her bra, and she touched her tits without realizing that she did it, her fingers smoothing down over the high-set mounds, squeezing rhythmically.His tongue entered her mouth, at almost the same moment that his fingers spread her pussy flaps and the tip of his middle digit cased delicately into Mary Jo's cunt. Her eyes bulged in shock at the feel of his finger entering her cunt, but he wasn't rough or crude at all. In fact, he was even a bit gentler than when she fingered herself."Oh, you have to stop," she whispered, spreading her legs a little more.The spread of her thighs seemed to tighten the snug of her cuntlips around his fingertip, and the sensations moved from exciting to thrilling, almost in a heartbeat. His finger pushed a little deeper into her cunt -- as deep as he could get it."You're a virgin?"Mary Jo nodded."I thought you might be," he added. "You're so pretty, but so shy. I kinda doubted that anybody had ever put a cock inside you. Fingers?""Just-just my own," the girl stammered, blushing.Zack grinned and kissed her on the mouth. Mary Jo groaned as he licked the edges of her own lips, his tongue tickling an almost-insane frenzy into her flesh.His fingertip was still wedged between the lips of her cunt, sliding in and out in shallow, insistent strokes that warmed her pussy and made it ooze sticky gobs of arousal. He rubbed a wet finger against her clit. She squirmed, strained, tried to get free, but feeling strangely unwilling to put up that much of a struggle."No, you mustn't!" she said weakly as he pulled up her top.Under it, she was wearing only a very flimsy bra -- her favorite, because it softly cuddled her tits, but it was so sheer that it hid nothing, and she blushed as he looked down at her rosebud nipples showing through the nylon cups."You have sweet tits," Zack whispered, bending down to kiss her nipples through the filmy bra cups.Mary Jo gasped at the touch of his mouth. She strained, arching upward. His mouth opened, the tip of a tit sliding in. His tongue began to lap around her swollen nipples, wetting the nylon bra-cup."No," she sighed, "you shouldn't."His teeth clamped down, gently but insistently, upon the stiffness of her nipple, and at the same moment his finger eased a little deeper into Mary Jo's pussy. The girl gasped and groaned, and she felt a shudder convulse her snug cunt, an ooze of fluid leaking out around Zack's probing fingertip."I've been watching you," he whispered, unhooking the snap between her tits and pushing the bra way. "Watching you grow up, wondering what it would be like to be the first man to get inside your sweet pussy. Am I the first man inside you, Mary Jo? Is my finger the first one you've ever had up your cunt, besides your own?"She nodded. "It... it shouldn't be there," she said softly, but she made no move to push his hand away."Lovely tits," Zack said. "Small, but firm, and capped with the sweetest, pinkest nipples I've ever seen. Has anyone ever kissed your tits like I just did? Ever sucked on them like I'm going to do, Mary Jo?"Mary Jo shook her head. "No, no, nobody."He probed inside her cunt with his finger, scratching a ticklish and insistent pattern into her heated flesh, while he feasted on her tits.Mary Jo couldn't believe how fantastic it felt to have his mouth on her tits. The way her nipples throbbed and pulsated as he lapped them, as his lips pulled on them, making them stiffer, longer, sucking hard as the pink extension grew and grew and grew.Her entire body was hot, and the heat was centered in her cunt, where his finger continued to work softly, delicately, but insistently, in and out, in and out..."Let's get you out of these things."Mary Jo was hardly aware of his words, but she could feel her skirt being taken down her long slim legs, her panties being pulled down too. When he set her onto the sofa again, her ass was bare and she could feel the plush surface of the upholstering against her naked bottom.Zack got to his knees on the floor, shoving the coffee table out of the way as he eased into the open spread of Mary Jo's legs. She was naked except for the unhooked bra that hung from his shoulders.He put his hands on her tits, squeezing them almost as aggressively as Mary Jo sometimes did when she played with her firm tits. But his hands felt so much different from her own. She watched his fingers that were curled around her tits, at the pink nipples that stuck up so long and hard between her fingers, and she groaned throatily.She'd tried so many times to imagine it, but she'd known only the touch of her own hands, and God, they were nothing like the real thing!Excitement bubbled in her blood, and she felt her body heating to Zack's touch. He leaned forward, kissed her tits again, then moved his mouth down to her stomach.Mary Jo giggled at the ticklish, wet grazing of his lips across her flesh, then she moaned as he began to rim her navel with the tip of his tongue.He speared into it, several times, each jab like the plunge of a piston. His chest was pressed against her crotch, a constant stimulation on her pussy, and she knew that she was leaking her juices onto his shirt. She was getting scared, but she was also so excited!He moved downward, licking the sparse curls of red fur that graced Mary Jo's delicate, puffy cunt. She felt his hot moist breath on her pussy, and she moaned again.Zack sucked some of her pubic hair into his mouth and pulled gently. She made a cooing sound. It hurt just a little, but he kept on doing it, and it didn't really feel as if he meant to pull her hair out by the roots. Her cunt quivered, and another spasm passed through Mary Jo's crotch. She knew her clit was erect, and she found herself anticipating the moment that his mouth would touch it directly.He released her pussy hair. He put his hands on her cunt, opening the tight pink slash gently. "What a beautiful pussy! And I can see your clit standing up, ail pink and wet. I'm going to lick it, Mary Jo, going to lick your sweet hot clit.""Yes!" she gasped. "I want you to do that."His tongue moved back and forth over the straining tip of her pink button-like clit. She gasped and wailed at each flicking lick, then she was grabbing at his head, pushing his face into her cunt."Eat me! Oh Goddamn it -- eat my pussy!" It was a moment she'd fantasized about for a long time, but the reality was wilder than her craziest dreams. He worked on her hot cuntlips and bared the whole trench of Mary Jo's creaming cunt. He licked up and down the furrow, lapping every inch of her exposed pussy. Each spot his tongue touched sent fresh spasms of excitement bubbling through Mary Jo's whole body."I'm gonna come! Oh, God, Zack! I'm gonna come all over your face!"She hardly had time to put her hands over his, which were atop her straining, hard-nippled tits, before her orgasm exploded. "Oh, God, yessssss!" she shrieked.Her pussy slapped his feasting mouth again and again while her cunt leaked frothy bubbly juice.He kept his tongue busy all through her climax, licking, slurping, teasing, penetrating her tight virginal hole as her cunt-hole snapped like a Venus fly trap on his tongue. She whined and sobbed and pumped her cunt into his face.When he raised his head, Zack was smiling. There was a glistening ring of juices around his lips. He looked at Mary Jo, then licked his lips. She felt her innards turning to jelly.She reached down and touched her pussy, hardly believing that she had just had her first real sexual experience. But then her fingers brushed against the come-sensitive lips of her cunt, and she moaned at the tender excitement of the caress.Zack stood up. The front of his pants was distended, a big lump obvious inside them.Mary Jo looked at his cock-bulge in awe. "Is that your -- I mean, it is really your...""My cock," Zack said. "Touch it honey."When she seemed reluctant, he took her hand and put it on the swollen bulge. He pressed her fingers down around the shape of his prick, and he sighed as Mary Jo gripped his cock, touching a prick for the first time."It's too big! I knew they got hard, but I didn't know they got so big!"Zack guided his fingers to his fly. Mary Jo began giggling, feeling a strange excitement. She could feel juices oozing from her cunt-slit, matting the red cuntal fur."Take it out," he told her. "Go ahead. It won't bite. Have you really never touched one before, Mary Jo? God, it turns me on so much to know that I'm the first to get into you!"It had felt big, but now, sticking out of Zack's fly, its fat, purple, swollen head pointing straight at her face, his cock seemed absolutely awesome!Mary Jo brushed back her red hair, which had fallen down across her eyes, and she stared in amazement at his huge cock. She put her hand on it again, her slim fingers molding around the engorged fatness of Zack's cock, her fist beginning to work tentatively up and down the hard meaty column of his cock.Her hand instinctively adapted to the rhythm of masturbation."Oh, that's the way, honey!" Zack sighed. Watery fluid was leaking from the tip of his cock, bubbles of pre-cum forming as her fist squeezed and slid on Zack's prick."Are you pining?" she asked innocently. "Look how wet your cock is getting!""It's... uh, some stuff that comes out of a cock to help lubricate it for sliding into a tight, sweet pussy -- like yours, Mary Jo! Mmmm, baby, just like yours!"She cupped her itchy, raw-licked pussy, trying to imagine Zack's fat cock sliding into her hole. No! She couldn't do that! He'd rip her open with his big hard cock!Her hand squeezed down on her cunt, and she moaned. The lips of her pussy seemed to open delicately, and the interior flesh was so sensitive that she almost screamed when she fingered her pussy. Her clit was still erect. When her fingers made contact with it, her clit stiffened even more. Trickles of funky juice continued to ooze stickily from her virgin pussy."I want you to kiss my cock!" Zack husked. "Just kiss it, baby. Mmmm, yes, right there, right on the tip! Do you know how to French kiss, Mary Jo? I bet you do, even if you've never tried it before. Yes, baby, just open your mouth while you're kissing my cock. Yes! I can feel your tongue on me now, Mary Jo! Keep licking! Vegas!"She couldn't describe the taste of his cock as her tongue began to slosh across the bulging surface of Zack's cock-knob. But the flavor lingered on her tongue, and she found herself growing more excited than she had ever believed possible. Not even in the throes of a self-induced come had her body ever responded the way it was responding right now.Mary Jo continued to slide her hand up and down over her spread-lipped pussy, and she let her tongue lap back and forth over the end of Zack's cock.Experimenting, she licked downward, but not very far. His spit-covered cock-knob lay against her cheek, and she could feel it pulsating. Her tongue worked upward, onto the crown, and as she used her open mouth on his cock, Zack thrust, pushing an inch of his cock into Mary Jo's mouth.The girl gagged at the first thrust, but she knew she shouldn't and she forced herself to ignore the instinct. Her mouth opened wider around his prick, and more of his cock slipped inside.She tightened down and began to suck at the meat that filled her mouth, her head moving up and down, the end of his cock slipping in and out while her tongue worked energetically around him."I bet you've done this before," Zack said, patting her head. "I just know mine isn't the first cock you've had in your mouth.""Really, truly, it is," she gasped, looking up at him, sincerity written in her emerald eyes. "I never did anything like this before. I used to think about it a lot, but I never did it."Then she started sucking again, this time allowing still more of his cock to enter her hot hungry mouth. His hands were down on her tits again, and he was milking her hard pink nipples, teasing them to even harder erections. Her tits throbbed in excited response and her mouth dripped saliva all over his thrusting prick."Are you gonna let me fuck you, Mary Jo? Are you gonna spread those cute legs and let me stick my big cock into your sweet virgin pussy? I know it's sweet because I've had my tongue inside it, remember? And I tasted those honey cum juices from deep inside you. Now I want to put my cock in there and fill you up with my cum. It doesn't taste like honey, but your hot cunt will eat it up just like pizza!"Mary Jo was frightened. What if it hurt when he fucked her? She'd heard that girls always bled, and if her pussy bled, it would have to hurt, too, wouldn't it?"I-I don't know," she murmured, letting up her sucking for a moment, "I don't know, if I should..."Back into her mouth she took him, and this time she gulped and swallowed half of his cock. She couldn't gauge the length of his prick. From her position, his cock seemed a mile long. He had far more cock than she could comfortably suck, but the fever was upon Mary Jo now, and her body ached to feel his cock going even deeper into her mouth.She worked up and down swiftly, sucking hard. She could feel the heat, the pulsation in his cock, throbbing against her lapping tongue. He was groaning as he fed his cock into Mary Jo's hungry mouth.Her own hand was bringing her pussy closer and closer to another orgasm, and her tits ached like hell in his clutching fingers. Maybe she would let him fuck her, even though she knew it was a naughty thing to do.But the decision was taken out of her hands, and his, without warning."Oh, fuuuuuuck!" Zack gasped, shivering. His body stiffened, and his cock rammed into Mary Jo's wet mouth. He let go of her tits and grabbed her head.Mary Jo cowered, almost frightened, as he began to slick his wet prick, in and out of her mouth in quick, excited strokes and plunges. Her lips slackened slightly, letting him fuck her mouth, and in another moment she understood why the fever had grabbed him so suddenly."Ohhhhh!" she gurgled, her mouth filling for the first time with the hot squirts of his sperm.Jizz gushed across her tongue, and she swallowed his load without even thinking of what she was doing. The response seemed so natural, so automatic, and his cum tasted salty sweet, felt sticky on her tongue and warm as it moved down her gullet with the contractions of her gulping throat.He's coming in my mouth! she thought. He's actually coming in my Goddamn mouth!He backed out of her mouth, his cock still rigid, a long spidery trickle of sperm hanging from the tip. She watched hypnotically as the string of jizz swayed and stretched. He had filled her mouth, and some of his jism was oozing from her lips as she stared at his cock, but Mary Jo hardly noticed.She took hold of his cock again, and impulsively she kissed the piss-slit that had given her such a tasty treat."Okay," she whispered. "I think it would be okay, if you really wanted to fuck me, I mean...""The Goddamn hell it will!"Both Zack and Mary Jo turned at the same moment.Barbara Craig, Mary Jo's mother, had evidently just come into the house, and it was obvious that she didn't like what she was seeing. She dropped her books on the floor, then stomped toward the couch, her fists clenching."You sonofabitch! You rotten sonofabitch! And you..." Barbara stared at her daughter, "...I oughta beat your ass black and blue, you evil slut!""She came on to me!" Zack gasped, trying to get his cock back into his pants without breaking it off. "I swear to God, Barb! She asked for the whole... she wanted it, she even asked me to fuck her..."Mary Jo looked up in shock. She could tell, from the way her mother was looking at Zack, that her mom was within an ace of believing the man."It's not true at all, Mom!" Then Mary Jo realized that she was stark naked. Her hands draped across the nude curves of her body. "He made me do it?"Barbara slapped her daughter. "Be quiet!" The slap stung. Mary Jo felt tears welling in her green eyes."You're not lying to me, Zack? She came on to you? Oh, God, I've wondered when she'd start slutting out. She's old enough, and big enough. And from what I saw, I doubt that's the from blowjob she's given. All right, Mary Jo! You've stepped into deep shit now. You're rounded for life! Now get to your room and don't let me see your face till I'm in a better mood. That may be a long time.""But, Mom," Mary Jo whispered, standing up, holding her discarded clothes in front of her. "You didn't even listen to my side of it..."Barbara slapped her again. "To your room, you nasty bitch!"Sobbing, Mary Jo ran out of the living room. She locked her bedroom door and threw herself onto the bed.