More Than A Brat: Taboo Eotica - August Rutherford - E-Book

More Than A Brat: Taboo Eotica E-Book

August Rutherford

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

"Hey there, you naughty girl! How come you spend so much time in front of your mirror?" I myself, grinning back at my own image in the big glass that covered one full wall of my bedroom. "Because," I answered me, "I like what I see. I am growing up into a truly gorgeous chick!" I gave myself a big razzberry and started giggling. I felt really super this morning. It was Saturday. No school! My pussy still tingled from the wild fingerfucking session I'd just had in my big easy chair pulled up close to the mirror. My fingers were so slippery I could hardly get a grip on my cunt lips, but I managed to spread them and check out the pink entrance to my virgin hole.
"You better be careful with those fingers, Debby," I told myself. "You've got yourself opened up enough to take one finger part way in, without it hurting too much. That's enough! When you lose your cherry, don't you want to experience all the sensations that are due you?" I suddenly grew serious and stood staring at my reflection. I saw a stark naked blonde girl, with big round brown eyes. Over the years, I had watched her grow up. It seemed only yesterday that I was a skinny brat, with braces on my teeth, my long hair in braids and not even a trace of a bump, on my chest. My hands went to my breasts. Now they were full and round and very firm. My nipples came up right away, pressing into my palms with little tingles that mad me rub them harder. My waist was slim and my tummy flat as a board. I liked the way my thighs had filled out, pressing close against the triangle of blonde hair that seemed to have grown, all of a sudden, all over my pussy mound. I turned around and checked the back view. My bottom swelled out with the same round fullness as my tits. Finally I had curves after waiting so long to lose that pooched-out belly, little-kid look. My skin was clear, fair and very soft to my touch.
I turned around to smile at myself, showing my teeth like a movie star getting her Oscar. My mouth looked a little wide to me, but the teeth had turned out super after the braces came off. It was hard to keep my hands off my cunt, so I gave up trying. One climax is never enough for me. My middle finger stole into my soft bush and began looking for my stiffening clitty. "Gee, my hair is so fine anyone could look right through it and see every inch of my pussy underneath."
"That's right! The view is delightful!" I whirled around to see my father standing in the doorway, grinning at me.
"Daddy!" I flew into his arms, completely forgetting I was naked, and had just been caught by my dad with my finger in my pussy. "When did you get home? Oh, I -- we -- missed you so much!"

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More Than A Brat

August Rutherford

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents













"You better be careful with those fingers, Debby," I told myself. "You've got yourself opened up enough to take one finger part way in, without it hurting too much. That's enough! When you lose your cherry, don't you want to experience all the sensations that are due you?" I suddenly grew serious and stood staring at my reflection. I saw a stark naked blonde girl, with big round brown eyes. Over the years, I had watched her grow up. It seemed only yesterday that I was a skinny brat, with braces on my teeth, my long hair in braids and not even a trace of a bump, on my chest. My hands went to my breasts. Now they were full and round and very firm. My nipples came up right away, pressing into my palms with little tingles that mad me rub them harder. My waist was slim and my tummy flat as a board. I liked the way my thighs had filled out, pressing close against the triangle of blonde hair that seemed to have grown, all of a sudden, all over my pussy mound. I turned around and checked the back view. My bottom swelled out with the same round fullness as my tits. Finally I had curves after waiting so long to lose that pooched-out belly, little-kid look. My skin was clear, fair and very soft to my touch.I turned around to smile at myself, showing my teeth like a movie star getting her Oscar. My mouth looked a little wide to me, but the teeth had turned out super after the braces came off. It was hard to keep my hands off my cunt, so I gave up trying. One climax is never enough for me. My middle finger stole into my soft bush and began looking for my stiffening clitty. "Gee, my hair is so fine anyone could look right through it and see every inch of my pussy underneath.""That's right! The view is delightful!" I whirled around to see my father standing in the doorway, grinning at me."Daddy!" I flew into his arms, completely forgetting I was naked, and had just been caught by my dad with my finger in my pussy. "When did you get home? Oh, I -- we -- missed you so much!""Hey! My neck may bend a little bit, but you're breaking it!" he laughed. "You are getting awfully strong! And really very lovely, Debby."He held me at arm's length and his eyes slowly traveled from my face down to my breasts that were goosebumpy with excitement, and rising and falling very rapidly. I felt my pussy get all hot and itchy when his eyes rested there for a long time. "You know," he said quietly, with something like wonder in his voice, "my little girl is almost gone. I see a very beautiful young woman standing in front of me."I blushed real red and hugged him tight, my hands accidentally brushing his terry cloth robe aside so that our naked bodies pressed tightly together. His skin felt cool, and his wavy hair was still damp from his shower. I laid my head against his big chest and my arms held him very tight against me. "Oh Daddy," I murmured, "I'm so glad you're home. These long business trips you have to go on are just for the birds. I fall asleep every night hoping I'll be wakened by you kissing me good morning."His warm hands slid down my back to pat me gently on my naked bottom. "Those trips are necessary, Deb. The new insurance agencies I set up for the company bring in the money I have to have to run this house and feed your brothers and your mom and me. But I'm glad to be home again for a while." He tilted my face up to him and kissed me so sweetly I hugged him even harder and pressed my lips tightly to his. I kissed him a long, long time. I started to get the strangest, warmest feeling all over my body when I felt his big hands cup my bottom and pull my hips closer than ever to him. His cock began to grow bigger! It pressed right against my pussy. My legs just naturally opened a bit, so it could slip between them and rise to touch against the very bottom of my cunt.I felt my hips begin moving against him, kinda like all on their own. He felt so big and so warm and so strong, between my legs! I suddenly caught my breath and stepped back, embarrassed at what I was doing, and all confused by the emotions racing through me. His cock sprang free, to stand straight out from his muscular body, and point right at where it had been nestling. He had kind of an odd look on his face. "Uh, sorry, Debby," he grinned, sort of like he was apologizing. "Don't know what happened to me, there, for a minute." He closed his robe and tied it firmly, hiding his stiff cock that I wanted very much to keep looking at. "Your beautiful warm body..." he broke off, and tried to get back to being my daddy, instead of -- what? My mind was racing. I desperately wanted to feel his cock pressing against my pussy again. I wanted to hold him in my hot hands. I wanted -- God! -- I wanted him to have sex with me! To love me! To put that thick, long cock inside my pink cunt! I had never had such thoughts before! I just stood there, biting my lip, my head in a whirl. What I really wanted was for my daddy to be my... my lover!He cleared his throat like he was going to tell me something, then decided against it. "I have to get dressed, Deb, and take your mom out to brunch." He reached down and gave me a quick kiss. "See you when we get back. O.K.?" I nodded. I couldn't find my voice.The moment he was gone, my bottom hit the cushion of my play chair and my shaking hands cupped my moist pussy. But I didn't want to do myself again. Not now. I just wanted to sit quietly and think about what had happened to me. To us! He must have felt the same mad desire to make love. The sex books say that men don't get a hard on unless they are sexually turned on. I immediately, shamelessly, began planning how to get my own father to fuck me!"Hey, Sis. Since you're just sitting around doing nothing, how about helping me." My brother, Dirk, was standing behind me. I was so lost in thought I'd never heard him come in my room. He had a new camera in his hand. It seemed to me his face was deliberately expressionless. "I need some practice with this thing. How about posing for me. The way you are."I just looked at him, kind of mad at being interrupted. In my mind, my daddy and me were already in bed together and I had my hands around his stiff cock, holding him tightly and staring at how he was jumping and throbbing in my fist. "Dirk," I told him, "I don't want you showing pictures of me around school, all naked. And why don't you knock before you come in a girl's room?"He grinned, his eyes now sweeping over me in a very un-brotherly manner. "This is a Polaroid camera, dummy. No negatives, and I'll give you every picture I take. Honest. Let's go out in the guest house. The sun is coming in the picture window out there, so I won't even need my flash. Put your pool robe on, and come on."I looked at him looking at me. His eyes kept coming back to my pussy. Maybe it was because I was so turned on, but I didn't really mind my brother staring at my cunt. He had become a boy, in my mind. A boy with a cook. And, somewhere in the house, there was a duplicate of him. Two cocks! Geez, I was going cock-crazy all of a sudden! My image of my daddy had vanished, and I saw myself naked in bed with my twin brothers. No one, not even my mom and dad, seemed able to tell Dirk from Allen, sometimes. Their voices and the way they walked and the way they thought and reacted to everything that happened to them was so much the same it was spooky!"Well? You coming?" Dirk prodded me. I nodded. I slipped into my be and we headed for the guest house at the back of our estate.I had a mischievous plan buzzing around in my head. The minute my bottom touched the sofa in front of the big glass window in the living room I opened my robe and lay back, letting my leg drift open just a little. Dirk squinted in his camera and, to my joy, moved until his lens was pointing smack at my pussy. He took the shot and came to sit beside me while we waited for it to develop. I put my hand on his leg, like I wanted to use it to help pull me up straighter on the couch. I let it rest there, right on his crotch. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his face grow pinkish. Red-heads show all their emotions so clearly! He was getting embarrassed because he was getting a hard on from the warmth of my hand pressing against his prick. When the picture developed, and he sat staring at my open cunt in the print, his cock got even bigger and harder in his pants.I looked at him and asked him, very innocently, "Want to take another shot of me?" He nodded, struggling to his feet and trying to push his hard on into a less painful position in his slacks. Feeling very wicked, I opened my legs wider and let my hand fall so my fingers were right at the edge of my pussy hair. When he was trying to focus on me, I suggested, "Why don't you get naked, too, Dirk? There's no reason to be shy. I've already seen you without any clothes on, you know."He clicked the shutter and handed me the camera. He looked me right in the eye and began unbuttoning his shirt. Before the picture had developed, he was standing there as naked as me. I opened my legs even wider, so he could get a really good look at my wet cunt, and held my eyes right on his cock. It grew longer and harder and began to raise up in the air, wavering and sort of jumping up and down. It looked very nice. Very pink... oh geez...! Very tasty!Neither of us said a word. He came over to stand close to me. Both of us had forgotten to even look at the picture the camera was extending to us. My hands reached out for him. He didn't move an inch. He just got harder and his face got drawn looking. When my hands touched him, his body jerked real hard, but he didn't stop me and he still didn't say anything. His hands closed around mine and he began moving his cock back and forth between my hot palms. I knew how to play with myself, real good, but this was something new! For the first time in my life I had a boy's stiff cock in my hands, and he was teaching me how to jack him off! He felt hot, and very very hard. My cunt was so wet it was dribbling juice down my crack and tickling clear down to my little brown hole between my tight ass cheeks.A tiny drop of moisture appeared at the end of his cock. I touched it. It was slippery, and there was more and more coming out of the pink slit in his cockhead. He took his hands away and thrust his hips toward me, watching me jack his rod up and down and spreading his slippery stuff all over the rigid length of his cock. Both of us were so hot, and watching my hands so closely, we forgot about the camera until we heard the shutter click!"Now there's a picture for the old family album!" I heard Allen say."Allen! You S.O.B.! Gimme that shot!" Dirk hollered, making a grab for his brother. Allen let him have it without a fight, grinning at us, and reaching for the buttons an his own shirt. "Is this a private session?" he laughed. "Or can I get in on it, too? Looks like fun!"We'd been caught, and there was no point in getting all flustered about it. I was actually glad Allen had poked his nose into our picture taking. Well, that wasn't really what we had been doing but the wheels were going in my head and I felt my mouth getting dry with excitement. In a minute Allen was bare-assed naked, standing there grinning at me. Painting straight at my mouth was the duplicate of Dirk's good looking prick. Allen calmly reached out for my hands and put them around his cock. "O.K. Dirk, shoot away!"Dirk focused and took the picture quick as the dickens, and then tossed the camera on the sofa. He stood close to his bin brother, his prick out like a ramrod. I pulled the boys together, making one huge cock out of their tools, and started jacking both of them the way Dirk had showed me.Almost instantly I saw the muscles in their stomachs and legs tighten up. They got so long and so stiff I couldn't believe it! When I put one hand on top of the other and shoved down hard, against their bodies, I simply couldn't cover all the length of their tools with my hands. Their red, wet heads poked out, uncovered by my fingers clenched around them. Roth cocks were exactly the same size, and shaped much like my daddy's, but not quite as long or as thick as his.I discovered that both my brothers really dug having their pricks played with, even though I was going only by instinct and what Dirk had showed me how to do. I guess you don't have to be an expert to please two very horny boys. I found myself sort of standing back and watching me play with them, which was something I'd never done before. I mean, kind of stepping out of me and watching me do something. It was weird! This morning, when I was playing with my pussy in front of my mirror, I'd never even once held a cock in my hands. Now I'd felt my daddy's and here I was jacking off not one, but two stiff rods. The fact that they were my brothers didn't affect me at all. Not just then. I was hot. Sex was sex. I squeezed their long shafts real hard and jacked them faster and faster and faster.Dirk began to groan, down deep in his throat. He closed his eyes and tensed up every muscle in his body. "That thing is going to come, Sis. Better look out!" He took a step backwards, puffing his cock out of my hand, and he grabbed himself. Two fast strokes and his cock got twice as red. White stuff started shooting out of the end of it. I stared, absolutely fascinated! So that's what a boy did when he came! Nothing like that happened to me. I just shivered all over and felt my pussy sort of cramp, inside, and I felt like I'd been knocked down by a huge wave, at the beach, when I had a climax.I got a stronger grip on Allen, so he couldn't break away from me when I made him come. I wanted to feel his cock throb and jerk in my hand, when the cum whipped up through it.Dirk stood watching me and his brother, his thing all wilted and shriveling up small and helpless looking. Allen began making the same strange noises that Dirk had, and his feet sort of arched digging his toes into the carpet. He hunched over, driving his cock though my hand with long, wild strokes. Suddenly he shot out a huge fountain of cum arching up in the air and falling in little splashes. He hung in there and let me pound him even more, gasping and shuddering. I didn't want to let him go. When he slipped out of my hand I realized how hot and sweaty I'd gotten, and how my heart was pounding with excitement!I curled up on the sofa and watched both of them fumbling back into their clothes. It was now obvious to me they had no secrets from each other, about sex. Not jacking off, anyway. I wondered how many neat meat-pounding parties between them I had missed. Oh, well, they hadn't seen their sister diddling around with her wet snatch, either, so I guessed we were even. What we had just done really got through to me. I got the shakes! I had turned Dirk on. My own brother! And Allen got naked and erect in a flash, as soon as he saw we didn't mind him joining our party. Maybe they both had been thinking about messing around with their sister, for a long time. Maybe that's why Dirk asked me to pose naked. Wow! What was happening in our family?I sat there on the sofa, blinking and trying to get my head together after the pulse-pounding excitement of jacking off two super neat cocks. I was feeling almost as hot as I had gotten when my daddy's long cock pressed against my pussy. Dirk and Allen had something else on their minds, because they just stood there, all, dressed, looking at how my robe was nestling against my body. I smiled at them and sat up, hooking my heels on the edge of the sofa and holding my ankles. I let my legs part and my robe opened, sort of framing what I figured they wanted to see again. "Dirk," I asked, "why did you want to take my picture, naked? Did you tell Allen we'd be out here?"Allen spoke up, shoving his hands deep in his pockets and holding his cock that I bet was beginning to raise up again. "I saw you head out here from my room, upstairs. Dirk and I have been talking about you, Debby, and well, frankly, we wanted to see a girl's pussy up close. For real. And pictures are nice to have. They help when we... jack off, together."I grinned up at them. "I figured you guys had been messing around with your things. Thanks for showing me how to play with them. It was... damn exciting! But you two had all the fun. Nobody did anything for me." I was teasing them, like most sisters do, I guess. I opened my legs wider. "Aren't you going to fuck me?" I don't know what I'd have done if they'd said yes. I bet I would have peed all over the sofa in my excitement. They both said the same thing at the same time: "Oh, no! We have never..." Dirk continued, "It isn't right to screw your sister. That's called incest. It's bad!"Allen's eyes were holding right on my cunt. I could tell for sure, now, that he had a huge hard on. "Deb, I'd be a liar if I said I don't want to do it with you. A stiff prick has no conscience. But I bet Mom and Dad would kill us if they found out we fooled around with you even as much as we have. I busted into your session because I got hotter than hell thinking about seeing your cunt. Deb, it is just super beautiful!"I grinned back at him, and slid my hips forward so my pussy was right at the edge of the sofa cushion. I felt very bold, but safe, and beginning to feel differently toward both my brothers. I saw them as young, horny, handsome men, and I was being very female in front of them now. "Would you like to see how a girl does what you did, before?" My voice came out very low and sexy. They both nodded and knelt down on the carpet in front of me.I took a deep breath and let my hand fall on my wet pussy. My tummy was suddenly full of butterflies. I had never performed for an audience. My fingers shook a little when I opened my cunt lips and let them see how pretty and pink I was inside. My clit rolled out of its little house and stood up, demanding the touch of my finger on it. I rolled my stiff nubbin around under just the tip of my middle finger, holding my hand up high and away from my cunt so they could get a clear view of how it quivered and tightened up from the nervous impulses it was feeling. Damn it! I came so fast my little exhibition was over almost before it started. Never had I gotten so hot so fast, nor come so hard! I was learning a heck of a lot about sexual excitement today. And what it did to you. My mouth was dry. My tits felt tight and my nipples were all crinkled up and itchy. When I had my climax, my knees came together with a loud smack and I doubled up on the sofa in a little ball, gasping and squeezing my hand down hard on my cunt. Dirk and Allen's eyes were round as dinner plates! "God!" Dirk breathed. "I thought a guy really got racked up when he came, but a girl goes... well, almost -- agony!"The room finally stopped spinning. I curled up and folded my robe around me, almost primly. My voice was croaky, but I got out something I wanted them to know. "I can do that, I mean come that fly, over and over again. It gets better, not worse, each time!""Holy cow!" Dirk and Allen murmured, in unison, staring at each other with their round blue eyes."Well," Allen said, getting to his feet, "it's almost lunch time. The folks will be looking for us. I think we better drift on back to the main house."We walked back across the broad expanse of green lawn, each of us busy with our own thoughts. We had no idea it was going to hit the fan before sundown -- I mean, that our mom would find out about what we three did in the guest house. None of us remembered to pick up the [missing text]. 

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