Filthy Waitress: Taboo Reluctant Erotica - Carrie Oakey - E-Book

Filthy Waitress: Taboo Reluctant Erotica E-Book

Carrie Oakey

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


As she stood holding a full tray of food, Joanne felt a hand creeping up her leg. She knew whose hand it was. A middle-aged man behind her, wearing glasses, undistinguished, had been ogling her for half an hour. Now that she was stuck in traffic, he was grabbing the chance to feel her up. She wanted to slap his hand, slap it hard, but she couldn't do it without dropping her tray.

Another waitress was in front of her, chatting as she took an order, blocking Joanne's way. The guy's hot sweaty hand continued to creep up Joanne's leg. She could feel it right through her stocking. And then she remembered that she wasn't wearing panties today! She hadn't done the laundry, there were no clean panties to be found, so she'd raced out of the apartment without them. And now the man's hand was almost at the top of her thigh.

She prayed the other waitress would finish taking her order and get out of the way. She couldn't even push the man's hand away, because she needed both hands to hold her food-laden tray. She felt his exploring fingers reaching the top of her thigh and touching the soft warm curls of her bush. He paused, no doubt surprised and delighted to find that she wasn't wearing panties. Then his whole hand closed on the hot moist flesh of her naked pussy.

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Filthy Waitress

Carrie Oakey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

As she stood holding a full tray of food, Joanne felt a hand creeping up her leg. She knew whose hand it was. A middle-aged man behind her, wearing glasses, undistinguished, had been ogling her for half an hour. Now that she was stuck in traffic, he was grabbing the chance to feel her up. She wanted to slap his hand, slap it hard, but she couldn't do it without dropping her tray.

Another waitress was in front of her, chatting as she took an order, blocking Joanne's way. The guy's hot sweaty hand continued to creep up Joanne's leg. She could feel it right through her stocking. And then she remembered that she wasn't wearing panties today! She hadn't done the laundry, there were no clean panties to be found, so she'd raced out of the apartment without them. And now the man's hand was almost at the top of her thigh.

She prayed the other waitress would finish taking her order and get out of the way. She couldn't even push the man's hand away, because she needed both hands to hold her food-laden tray. She felt his exploring fingers reaching the top of her thigh and touching the soft warm curls of her bush. He paused, no doubt surprised and delighted to find that she wasn't wearing panties. Then his whole hand closed on the hot moist flesh of her naked pussy.

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