Ladies Love Young Men: Extreme Taboo Case Study Erotica - Carrie Oakey - E-Book

Ladies Love Young Men: Extreme Taboo Case Study Erotica E-Book

Carrie Oakey

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Case History: Helen C. ... Age: 38.
The subject is a shapely, attractive divorcee who is employed as an executive secretary in a large advertising firm in New York City. She lives alone is a cozy, modern apartment overlooking the East River which was where this taping took place.

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Ladies Love Young Men

Carrie Oakey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 1

Case History: Helen C. ... Age: 38.

The subject is a shapely, attractive divorcee who is employed as an executive secretary in a large advertising firm in New York City. She lives alone is a cozy, modern apartment overlooking the East River which was where this taping took place.

"Forgive me if I slur my words now and then because I've just had three drinks before you came. I'm something of a moral coward; I have to prime myself with booze before I can tell the truth. Well, better a drunken confession than none at all, right?

"I want to say the thing fast and get it out of my system ... I, a mature woman of thirty-eight, being sound of mind and body, did willfully fornicate and fellate a boy of eighteen. Say, that's very illiterative, isn't it? All those f's! Well, all the best words seem to start with 'f' so it's a good way to start my story.

"To begin at the very beginning I was the only child to a pair of school teachers. My parents had been married for almost eighteen years before I was born and you might say I came as a surprise to both of them.

"For teachers who worked around youngsters all the time, they seemed to be awkward with me. I always had the feeling that they were somewhat embarrassed by having a baby when they were both middle-aged. I seemed to be a living announcement of the fact that they still liked to screw.

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