Youthful Desire Satisfied: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica - Carrie Oakey - E-Book

Youthful Desire Satisfied: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica E-Book

Carrie Oakey

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.

There was this cute junior, Sandra MacLanglin, who'd appeared in our school after Thanksgiving holidays. First time I'd laid eyes on her she'd sent my steam pressure zooming, so I moved right in to protect her from the mob of other panting young studs threatening to trample her in their eagerness to be the first to date her.

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Youthful Desire Satisfied

Carrie Oakey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 1

There was this cute junior, Sandra MacLanglin, who'd appeared in our school after Thanksgiving holidays. First time I'd laid eyes on her she'd sent my steam pressure zooming, so I moved right in to protect her from the mob of other panting young studs threatening to trample her in their eagerness to be the first to date her.

The following Friday evening when I went to pick Sandra up for that first date, however, I was met at the door by her mother, Big Sandra. She had everything Sandra had, only more of it. It was hard to believe she actually could be Sandra's mother; an older sister seemed more likely, but she was actually her mother.

Anyhow, Big Sandra welcomed me like an old friend and showed me into the front room. I found myself talking with her as easily as I'd been able to talk with Sandra. Some kind of physical magnetism she radiated had me wishing to hell I was an old friend, or at least older, because if Sandra had raised my steam pressure, that mysterious something about her mother quickly had my blood heated up to a hard boil that made me almost forget about Sandra being the one I was there about.

Then Big Sandra abruptly informed me she was sorry but Sandra's father had arrived unexpectedly on an afternoon plane and, exercising his visitation rights, had taken Sandra out for dinner and a show that evening. She was so apologetic, I felt apologetic about being the cause of her being so apologetic. I was amazed to hear myself suggesting, "If Sandra has other demands on her time this evening, how about letting me show you our town's chief points of interest?"

I was even more amazed to hear her luscious mother declare, "I'd love that, but I'm not ready to go anywhere. I'd have to bathe and fix my hair-"

I interrupted, declaring, "If you make yourself any more attractive than you already are, I'll have to call for a police escort to hold off the mobs of other jealous men."

She seemed to like that. Not that she said anything, exactly, but I could see it in her eyes. What she did say was, "It wouldn't take me so long if you'd be willing to be a dear and help me some."

Looking back, I realize there had to have been something about me that turned her on, regardless of the difference in our ages, exactly like that mysterious something about her that turned me on, because I found out she wasn't ordinarily the kind of woman who plays it fast and loose. Regardless, after I'd assured her I'd gladly assist her any way I could, Big Sandra asked, "Will you scrub my back for me, wash all my hard-to-reach places so my bath won't take me so long?"

I nodded, gulping. I nodded because right at that moment my throat was suddenly too tight with excitement to utter even a squeak. Just the feminine magnetism that radiated from Big Sandra had started my cock getting hard, but that request of hers for me to scrub her back and hard-to-reach places, whatever that meant, had my cock trying to tear its way through my damned pants front.

Up in the bathroom of the master bedroom, I found out Big Sandra had a master-sized shower stall but no tub. In order to wash her back I'd just almost have to be in the shower stall with her. Lordy, by then I was so damned hot I was scared I'd come off like a green damned kid by coming in my pants or some equally dumb thing. My hands were trembling so as I undressed myself I had one hell of a time getting out of my clothes. I was thankful Big Sandra didn't seem to be paying much attention to me right then. She seemed to be having a problem getting her bra unfastened.

Suddenly she murmured, "Would you be a dear and unfasten this catch for me? I just can't seem to get it."

I'd just finished stripping to the buff by that time. When I stood up to go to her my old cock was riding rigidly at attention as it hung out before my belly. She had all her clothes off except that overloaded bra, but she couldn't have acted calmer if we'd both been fully clothed.

When I tried to move in behind her to get at the stubborn bra catch, however, she turned herself so I was forced to approach front to front. She didn't seem to even see my stiff cock sticking out ahead of me, but when I stopped back a pace away from her and bent forward to reach under her arms and behind her to the troublesome catch, trying to keep my forward cock from nuzzling into her luscious bare belly, she stepped on in close to me. Her belly came against mine with my stiff cock sandwiched between. I was so excited my cock began throbbing like I was nearly ready to come.

I was no cherry; I'd fucked my share of girls since my first year in high school. But this was my very first experience with a fully mature woman and maybe that's what made it seem so damned much more intensely exciting.

Anyhow, my cock was so sizzling hot, sandwiched there like it was between Big Sandra's luscious belly and my own, that I just knew it was going to betray me and begin geysering all over our bellies and the bathroom floor. And if it did, I knew I'd die and sink right through that tile floor with embarrassment.

I'd heard that deep breathing helped you relax and relaxing helped minimize pain and all other kinds of sensation, including those generated by runaway sexual tensions. So I began dragging huge breaths of air in as deep as I could make it go into my lungs while I fumbled with that bra catch back there behind her back. Even with the deep breathing, I was scared to move for fear the slightest movement of either of our bellies against my tingling cock would trigger me.

Finally I got the stubborn catch unfastened, and instantly Big Sandra's heavy, ripe naked tits burst free of the bra's restraint and came jumping out proud and free right before my startled eyes. Without a conscious thought, just pure reflex or instinct, I ducked my face and buried my face between those luscious big boobs, then began licking and kissing them. Big Sandra put a hand on my head and began running her fingers through my hair, not acting exactly displeased by my uninhibited behavior. She didn't pull away or protest in any way, even when I finally sucked both her rigid nipples into my hot mouth together as I pressed her luscious tits together between my sweaty hands. Her fingers just clutched at my hair momentarily, then went right on stroking through it like they'd been doing. I remember that much, although I'll admit I've never been able to remember too much of the details from that point on. I remember feeling amazed at finding myself so superheated, just as if this had been my very first experience with a naked female who seemed ready to get my stiff cock straight between us.

The fact was, I'd fucked enough high school girls before then so that the whole sex scene had begun seeming just a little on the jaded side to me, especially if I didn't have a completely new and different girl than I'd ever had before. But no new and different girl I'd ever had in more than a year had turned my burners on like that mysterious something about Big Sandra had. I felt sure I hadn't been as steamed up in my entire life before, not even by the very first fuck I'd ever had.

I finally let her delicious tits slip out of my mouth to gasp, "You're delectable! Beautiful!"

Big Sandra closed the fingers of one hand around my swollen cock as she stepped back to release it from the sandwich between our bellies. As she gave it a couple of gentle strokes, she murmured, "You look pretty delectable yourself, sweet-" She broke off with a sudden frown, then asked, "What's your name again?"

"Vince Peters," I told her.

"Sweet Vince," she murmured, smiling. Suddenly she let her knees hinge, sinking toward the floor. When her mouth was level with that rock-hard cock of mine, she stuck out her tongue and gave me a drooling lick from my balls to the sensitive tip of the flared head of my cock. That set up sensations in it that felt like the sound given off by a tuning fork. For an instant I shook like a chill had taken me.

While I still stood frozen there in my tracks, vibrating, Big Sandra's lips closed around the head of my cock, sucking at it while she teased the sensitive underside near the tip with flicking strokes of her tongue. That brought a rasping, taut, "Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-huh!" gasping out of me gustily.

Having given that quick sample, Big Sandra straightened herself before me, gripped my tingling cock gently in one hand, and turned toward the shower. Using my cock like a handle, she led me to the big glass-enclosed stall.

Taking a shower with someone of the opposite sex who really turns you on, I've discovered, can make just a shower an extraordinary experience you'll never forget. Something about having hot water sprayed upon your naked flesh seems to intensify the voltage of the sensations you enjoy from every contact your skin makes with any part of your partner's body. Especially when that partner is someone as lusciously curvaceous as Big Sandra!

I'd already learned what a mistake it is to come on too hot and heavy like a bull-anxious clod, a mistake I'd discovered many of my fellow athletic types consistently made. Their talk in the locker room made it obvious they had an idea that sex is nothing better than just another type of body contact sport involving a winner and a loser at which they never lose because they're physically able to overpower the opponent, a girl, who is always weaker. They seem to consider girls and women some kind of inferior beings created for the sole purpose of providing them and all other supposedly superior males a supply of punching bags with cunts which they felt somehow honor bound to use and humble.

But I'd been lucky enough to find out what a stupid idea that was the very first time I fucked a girl. That first girl had shown me I could enjoy a more intense kind of pleasure from learning how to create mind-blasting sensations in my partner than it was possible to get from the ordinary male concentration upon self-centered, completely selfish preoccupation with my personal sensations alone. So I didn't try to rush things with Big Sandra. I set my pace according to cues I picked up from her reactions. Hot as I was, I'll admit it wasn't easy to do.

Everything evens out, however; you give something and you get something even better in return. I'd learned long before that experience with Big Sandra that my holding a tight check on my faster-rising male passion heightened the sensitivity in every cell of my entire body, intensifying the sensation I enjoyed beyond anything otherwise possible.

So I began lathering Big Sandra's shoulders. As I did, I rubbed the tingling hardness of my stiff cock against the curving softness of her ass. She cooperated by tipping her pelvis, which pushed the luscious cheeks of her ass back against me harder.

I don't really think it was necessary for me to hold back on her account; I think she was ready. She started to turn herself, as if to bring her front around to face mine. But I stopped her, reminding, "You wanted me to wash your back. Remember?"

I released my quick grip on her shoulders and returned to lathering her back. But as I went I sent my hands in under her armpits where the roots of those luscious tits began. My cock pressed into the crack of her ass felt a shiver flash through her in response to the touch of my fingertips on her mammary glands, even away back there under her arms. I knew she wanted me to bring my hands on forward until my fingers closed upon her excited nipples. But I also knew it was as good for her to wait a little before she got what she wanted as it was for me.

I moved my hands downward instead, lathering her sides over her ribcage. I was teasing her and I knew she knew it; in a way I was letting her know I was no mere green high school kid, despite whatever difference happened to exist in our ages. I was telling her I could hold up the man's end with her, regardless of how she wanted to play this little game.

So I worked my hands on downward until her whole back, including the lusciously soft, curvaceous cheeks of her ass and the crack between them all were thoroughly lathered. Below that point, I hunkered down upon one heel while I lathered the backs of her long, tapered legs to the knees, then on down to the trim ankles; then her heels.

I washed her feet, then began working my way upward over the skin covering the front of her legs as well as the soft, sensitive skin on the inside of both thighs. As my fingertips approached her muff-covered jewel box containing that personal treasure she carried between her two lovely legs, I glanced up at her face and found it lined with strain and her eyes clenched tightly closed. Abruptly, before she expected it, I put my lather-covered hand upon her cunt A low, strangled groan came from her.

Chapter 2

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