Ladies Who Swap Young Men: Extreme Taboo Case History Erotica - Carrie Oakey - E-Book

Ladies Who Swap Young Men: Extreme Taboo Case History Erotica E-Book

Carrie Oakey

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


CASE HISTORY: Donna, age 45.
The widow lived in Los Angeles so she had the advantage of being close to the headquarters of the Women's Youth Exchange which was situated in the same city. Donna had been married to her husband for twenty-three years before he died of a heart attack. He had not been a wealthy man but he still managed to leave his widow with enough savings and other benefits to support her for the rest of her life.

The subject is a grandmother although a very youthful looking one. Her two daughters had married early and were now in different parts of the country raising their own families. At the age of forty-five Donna suddenly found herself alone in the world. She bore up under her loneliness for a full year before she turned to the Women's Youth Exchange for help. The following is from a tape recording of the widow's own voice:

"I've always liked boys and always wanted to have sons. Perhaps this is one of the reasons I took on such young boys as lovers. This sounds incestuous, I know, but the human mind is still unknown and unexplored country even in this modern age.

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Ladies Who Swap Young Men

Carrie Oakey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 1

All of the members who belonged to the Women's Youth Exchange fell into three catagories: those who were still married, those who had never been married and those who had been married but were not now. The formerly married could be broken down into sub-groups: the widows and the divorcees. I started by investigation into the WYE by seeking out the widows first. Here are the results of this investigation:

CASE HISTORY: Donna, age 45.

The widow lived in Los Angeles so she had the advantage of being close to the headquarters of the Women's Youth Exchange which was situated in the same city. Donna had been married to her husband for twenty-three years before he died of a heart attack. He had not been a wealthy man but he still managed to leave his widow with enough savings and other benefits to support her for the rest of her life.

The subject is a grandmother although a very youthful looking one. Her two daughters had married early and were now in different parts of the country raising their own families. At the age of forty-five Donna suddenly found herself alone in the world. She bore up under her loneliness for a full year before she turned to the Women's Youth Exchange for help. The following is from a tape recording of the widow's own voice:

"I've always liked boys and always wanted to have sons. Perhaps this is one of the reasons I took on such young boys as lovers. This sounds incestuous, I know, but the human mind is still unknown and unexplored country even in this modern age.

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