Find Your Path and Improve Your Life - Bonnie Nilsson - E-Book

Find Your Path and Improve Your Life E-Book

Bonnie Nilsson

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In this spiritual guide, the author intertwines personal narratives with biblical wisdom to foster spiritual resilience and stronger faith. Emphasizing the importance of daily practices and divine trust, the text encourages readers to seek their purpose and find solace in God's love. With a focus on the beauty of male and female existence, scriptural insight, and awe-inspiring anecdotes of heavenly encounters, the book serves as a spiritual manual. It takes us on a journey through local and grand churches with some experiencing revivals, suggesting a return to heartfelt worship amidst a world of change. The narrative culminates in a call for redemption, urging readers to hold onto the hope and sanctity of salvation promised in scripture.

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Find Your Path and Improve Your Life

Bonnie Nilsson

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Bonnie Nilsson

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-348-5



1. Who is Man? Who is a Woman?

2. Who is God?

3. He Knows You

4. Many roads, only one way

5. God’s Creation

6. Have you been tripped up in this life?

7. Places of Worship

8. When Heaven and Nature Sing

9. Testimonies

10. The Final Chapter

Your Prayer of Salvation

This book is dedicated to the thirteen valiant American heroes who lost their lives in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021.


Sgt. Nicole L. Gee

Cpl. Hunter Lopez

Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola

Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui


Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez


Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo


Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz


Cpl. Daegan W. Page


Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak


Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss


Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza


Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover


After my first book was published, I spoke to many people and started a YouTube channel to accompany the discussions on the spiritual man. As a nurse, I sought out and learned a great deal of knowledge about how to benefit the human body with simple practices and tweaks to the daily routine that improve it.

There is no sense in making physical changes and neglecting to care for the spiritual part of yourself. Cast your cares onto the Lord. With new insights into how much God loves you, you can reduce anxiety and stress and improve relationships. He truly loves you.

Regardless of what has happened to you in life or how you reacted, don’t let emotions rule your life. You were created with a purpose. Your job is to find the path, and I promise to help you as best I can to get on that path that bears your name. That is my promise to you.



Man is inherently curious, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding the world around them and their place within it. This curiosity has propelled humanity to explore the depths of the oceans, reach for the stars, and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. Man is also a creature of empathy and compassion, capable of immense acts of kindness and solidarity, yet also prone to acts of cruelty and injustice. Through the lens of history, man emerges as both a builder and destroyer, shaping civilizations with feats of innovation and engineering while also grappling with the consequences of their actions on the planet and fellow beings. In essence, man is a multifaceted being, navigating the complexities of existence with a blend of intellect, emotion, and societal dynamics, constantly evolving and adapting in their quest for growth and fulfillment.

Womanhood is a narrative of perseverance and empowerment, echoing through generations of trailblazers who dared to dream and dare to act. It is a testament to the unwavering spirit that confronts adversity with resilience, transforms setbacks into opportunities, and inspires change through compassion and determination. Women stand as pillars of strength, nurturing families, communities, and societies with boundless compassion, wisdom, and moral clarity. In the tapestry of humanity, womanhood can be a determined force of nature, shaping destinies, and empowering ideals, goals, and outcomes.

To know who is man or who is woman we must first check the Scriptures. God formed man in His image took a rib from Adam and created a woman. Adam was the first father of humankind and Eve was the first mother.

I like the way the Message bible engages the first book of the bible the Book of Genesis as God speaks creation into being. On the sixth day God spoke the word, Let us make humans then in our image, make them reflect our image.

If you don’t own a Message bible, don’t worry! You can read the translation of The Book of Genesis online in the Message Bible. I hope you will find it awe-inspiring:


By definition, “human nature” includes the core characteristics (feelings, psychology, behaviors) shared by all people. We all have different experiences as humans in our lives, and this is where the disputes begin. Some people will tell you humans are 'good' or 'bad,' 'predators,' or 'capable of great kindness.' We can consider these terms people use by using what we know and what our culture and subcultures tell us. The group you are born into will pass on its particular ideas about what makes humans.

Human behavior is a varied topic. Feelings can change like the wind. That is the way our creator designed us. Yet, God has a grand plan for your existence. He did this through your soul (mind, will, and emotions), allowing you to communicate with the creator God. How awesome is that? What must we do to communicate with God? How might we hear Him?

If you call out to Allah, will you hear a reply? Call out to Buddha in time of trouble, will he be there?

Reading God's word is an excellent place to start. The Word of God is living. He says in His word that many things will pass away. and His word is eternal. When you realize God's love for you, you will begin to understand His love for all people. You may dream more frequently, as I did. Your preference for some things will change. Your mind will start to change. You will acknowledge your part and may tell God you are sorry for past mistakes. You will get that new job. You will meet someone who also has decided to trust God. You will acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. You may have dreams that show you the truth about an area of concern. You will ask God to be with you and to help you. As I did, you will begin to test the Spirits. There is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Satan is a fallen angel spirit, and he is a liar.

I tested the spirits using the words of the bible. Is there a biblical precedent for what I heard? After finding a scriptural source for what I thought I had understood, I would pray about it. I would ask God to show me the truth or fallacy of the message I received. Sometimes a few days would have passed to get the answer. You will want to be well-rested before you press into God for understanding.

You will learn that your words have real power.

You will learn the significance of the Ten Commandments.

As the Old Testament comes to a close, Haggai is the Prophet separated from the Prophet Zechariah by one hundred years. The exiles returned to the Holy City from captivity in Babylon in 536 BC. The first group of fifty thousand people were led back to a place called The Promised Land by Zerubbabel, a descendant of David in the Royal House of David. The book of Haggai records the rebuilding of the Temple. The people's reluctance and unwillingness of the returned exiles and their fear of the Persian Government because they built without special permission (Ezra, Chps 4-16.)

In the second year of Darius, the Persian King resigned after 15 years following Cyrus, who commanded the building of the city with King Herod the Great with the laying of the foundation of the Temple and generally being credited with the completion of the project as the Temple was referred to as Herod's Temple. Biblical scholars believe Cyrus to be the son of Ester. (Ezra Chapter 1; Isa 45:13)

Yet, God's people were a sorry lot. Unbelief leaves God out every time. God asks the people to consider their ways. I suggest you read the book of Haggai and listen to God as he counsels his people and discusses his steps of correction, reminding them He has never left them.

The final Chapter of Malachi in the Old Testament is the last prophetic words the people of God would hear, representing 400 years of silence. While the Old Testament period closed and the time of the New Testament began, it was a hectic time. In many ways, that time mirrors our world in this present time. Seek Truth, and the greater your ability to discern what you hear, the greater you will find yourself seeking after Truth more significantly. There were many gods that the people worshipped. These gods were idols. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us these gods intervened for the people who worshipped them.

I have talked to many believers who tell me the end times are near. I agree and ask them to tell me what exactly that means. They tell me it is the last days, evil abounds, and the Rapture is imminent.

I take a gut punch every time. Has anyone thought about the enormous work required to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth? The new skills needed to Shepherd a worldwide flock and the boatloads of funds necessary to save roughly a billion souls globally before the Rapture. Has the Gospel been preached unto all the earth?

I think of the testimony of Bob Jones, a Christian man who was saved as he stood in a field one day. Bob's Spirit was taken to Heaven after having a heart attack and flat-lining. As He stood in line, he noticed he had a white robe on. As Bob approached, the Lord greeted him by name. It was not as seamless as Bob thought, and Jesus, rather than allowing him to pass through the gate to Heaven, the Lord asked Bob to look to his left.

Bob could hardly believe what he saw—a line of people as long as his eye could see, all in line for Hell. Some had buildings stuck all over them; others had jewels, money, gold golf clubs, cruise liners, and mansions. Bob knew these people had put these things as must-haves in their lives while none had thought of God. Bob felt terrible because when you love God, he gives you the desires of your heart, even if they are golf clubs.

Jesus said, "Bob, won't you go back and save these people from hell?'

And as the obedient man of God, Bob said, "Yes, Lord, I will."

If you have ever had the pleasure of sitting in the presence of Bob Jones, you no doubt remember his assured and matter-of-fact manner of speech. He looked at me one day and said, "Sweetheart, you can eat nuts." I was 47 years old at the time and had been allergic to nuts since the age of two. Because of the allergy, I visited more Emergency rooms than I could count.

In 2019, I was surfing the web and saw Bob Jones in a YouTube video. I jumped for joy to see this great man of God. He looked older, but his Spirit was as alive as ever. Anyone who knew Bob knew his assured manner of speech—God said, so you knew he was very close to God. I had been twelve years free of a nut allergy and the asthma that was somehow related to it.