Finn Magic Woman - Sini Sysimetsä - E-Book

Finn Magic Woman E-Book

Sini Sysimetsä



This absurd yet true story reflects the pagan flight and balancing act of a wild native Finnish woman between the visible and the invisible over 17 years, complete with clogs, a sheepskin, a leather backpack, a dash of humour and a sense of adventure. When the conditions are just right for it, the magic of nature pops the inner springs into a cosmic transformation and self-initiated movements, manifested in the universe as the simple beauty of existence. She believes that there is a tiny mystic native space traveller, the star of the Circus of Life, living inside each one of us.

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Truth, heroic tales, and all of history itself is usually heard from the mouths of conquerors and brutes. Real black magic, complete with its spiritual witch-burnings, is still rife wherever the truth cannot stand the light of day.

The word “The Finn” is associated with many different meanings, but the most common is “white”. As a name, it also seen as a symbol of fairness, strength, courage, and bravery due to its mythical pagan roots.



I Moon Child

II The Anatomy of Freedom

III The Art of Breath

IV Detached from the System

V The Magic of Simplicity

VI Home on the Move

VII The Circle Closes

VIII Journey to Pagan Roots

IX A Fateful Letter

X Wooden Clogs & 600 km

XI The Story of the Living Statues

XII Magic Van

XIII The Birth of Story

Guess what happens when you jump off the edge of the world map and have no framework to return to.

This absurd yet true story reflects the pagan flight and balancing act of a wild native Finnish woman between the visible and the invisible over 17 years...

“My research indicates that everything essential originates from a magical box. When the conditions are just right for it, the magic of nature stirs an initial explosion, which seeks a way out by all possible and impossible means. Some go crazy, others follow their vision to the world outside.

Now I shall tell my own little tale...”

Finn Magic Woman

Moon Child

There was a tiny cottage with a low ceiling and square windows, which seemed as if it was gradually sinking into the ground. Outside the cottage reigned the wild reality of space. I used to slip barefoot across the yard at dusk and climb onto an apple tree branch to watch things unfold, to sit with a big steaming teapot in my hands and the moon as my companion, my hair fluttering, wondering at the strange twists and turns of my life and the cosmic nocturnal movements of Moon Mountain.

The tree held me and I the tree, as if we were carved from the same piece of wood. I as if I was safely at home, yet at the same time safely on my travels, floating above the Earth’s crust. My friend was also carved from the same piece of wood. He too could fly. It was actually he who had taught me to fly.

This can happen when you end up following a creature who in no way appears to suit the urban landscape, let alone a natural phenomenon known as gravity. I had set off following a dark, long-haired, colourful-looking guy. We had first met when I was 16. The creature called me his winged one.

The mysticism of Moon Mountain

In Finland, 1991

The cottage stood in a place that, in ancient times, had been called Kuuvuori (Moon Mountain). At the time of the previous full moon, a third guy had settled in the cottage, a small creature with a beard who had many feathers in his cap but only a few teeth in his mouth. This creature was used to dancing and playing a tin whistle that I had given him as a gift.

The same creature stirred the Dragon in the womb of our ancient Earth Mother. It did not evolve into a human being, but went strangely backwards... eventually leaving behind only ashes, especially those of the doctrine known as Darwin's theory. Strongly but gently, a feeling of revelation sucked me off the couch and into a spiral, towards a time when light was internal - and beyond, to the place where divine beings are no doubt born. What really happened at the time of the full moon remains a mystery... or let us say that a creature from the pages of a storybook had entered the cottage with small keys in its bag.

Needless to say, the mythical revelation of legends was here to stay. The dragon winked at me, turned my brain off at the front door, and together we started walking towards the forest of spirits. The journey had begun.

This was the beginning of a symphony of the soul filled with an inner glow, and the main role was now being played by a completely separate creature, who appeared out of an opened flower bud on the Tree of Life.

My panic was not due to the prevailing conditions, on the contrary — it was because of the awareness of not being able to stay.

At the same time, solace flowed through. The energy of the tree cascaded freely. I knew that to return would be impossible — the tree held me, our energies were one.

Someone encouraged me to breathe. As the air filled me up, that separate external figure was no longer separate nor external. I was one with the entire universe. A union was born between us, the tree was sanctified.

The spirits of my ancestors were around me, and I knew that I was home.

As the breath continued to expand within me, the spirit of the tree shook me from within:

— Just as you are a flowering sprite of the Tree of Life risen forth from the network of DNA strands, you are the ruler of the cosmos. Everything is kept within you...

— What does a seed need to germinate? The answer is: water. In the same way, your slumbering consciousness thirsts for the cosmic ocean — awareness of the fact that you are not the same as your shell, hardened and controlled by external circumstances...

— What does a sprout need to rise from the darkness? The answer is: the Sun. In the same way, your awakened consciousness recognizes its direction in the dark, just as the sheer primordial power of life inside you is enough to penetrate your shell...

— What does a sprout need to grow? The answer is: soil, that is the earth. Just as the seed splits open and pushes its roots down to absorb the vitality of the earth, so you must also abandon the past and deform. Then your invisible roots will begin to grope for nutrients beneath the surface and to form a mycelium...

— What does a seed need to rise into its full bloom? The answer is: air, and the proper conditions. In the same way, you have a birthright to such conditions — space to breathe, to be, and to bloom.