From a Life of a Woman: Englisch Lektüre A2 - B2 - Louise Aston - E-Book

From a Life of a Woman: Englisch Lektüre A2 - B2 E-Book

Louise Aston

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Englisch Lernen mit klassischen Werken. Die Bücher dieser Reihe eignen sich für Jugendliche und Erwachsen, die mit klassischen Werken ihre Lesefähigkeit verbessern wollen. Englisch Niveaus A2 bis B2. Durchgehend in englischer Sprache. "Aus dem Leben einer Frau" ist ein autobiografisches Werk von Luise Aston. In diesem Buch beschreibt sie ihr eigenes Leben und ihre Erfahrungen als Frau im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland. Aston gibt einen tiefen Einblick in die Herausforderungen und Einschränkungen, denen Frauen in dieser Zeit ausgesetzt gewesen sind. Das Buch erzählt von Astons Jugend, ihrer unglücklichen Ehe und den Konflikten, die sie als unabhängige und frei denkende Frau erlebt. Aston beschreibt ihre Kämpfe gegen gesellschaftliche Normen und ihre Bemühungen um Bildung und Selbstständigkeit. Das Buch ist ein frühes Beispiel feministischer Literatur und zeigt Astons Mut und Entschlossenheit, gegen die Unterdrückung von Frauen zu kämpfen.

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Louise Aston

From a Life of a Woman: Englisch Lektüre A2 - B2

Englisch Lernen mit klassischen Werken. Die Bücher dieser Reihe eignen sich für Jugendliche und Erwachsen, die mit klassischen Werken ihre Lesefähigkeit verbessern wollen. Englisch Niveaus A2 bis B2. Durchgehend in englischer Sprache.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12


Chapter 1

A vicarage is often seen as a perfect, peaceful place. Poets like to imagine that this is where the simple and contented life takes place. Simple things like sunsets, lunches, prayers, walks and weddings are important in these stories. But today such stories are less popular. They seem unrealistic and do not deal with the real world and its problems. Real life penetrates even the most remote vicarage. We imagine a vicarage that looks quiet. But inside it is full of modern struggles and challenges. In a small room, the morning sun shines through two round windows. An old man with stern features sits on an old sofa. His gaze is sharp and does not match his white hair. A young girl with brown curls and blue eyes kneels in front of him. Her eyes look sad. She holds her hands on her chest as if trying to calm her rapid heartbeat. The room is simply furnished: a polished table, three chairs, a mirror and the sofa. There is a harp in one corner. Plants bloom on the windowsill. The walls are decorated with a few drawings.

Despite the simplicity, there are expensive pieces of jewelry on a table.

“Johanna, it is decided. You are getting married to Mr. Oburn today,” says the old man in a gruff voice. “He is rich and you will have a good life. Forget your youthful love; it is just a play of the imagination. You will be grateful to me for deciding this for you.”

The girl replies, “I don't like this man; he seems scary and strange. I don't understand him and I don't want to. I cannot belong to him. I am still young and love someone else. I promised to be faithful to him. How can you force me to break this promise when you yourself are God's servant?”

“Johanna, understand me, love is important; I know that. I am poor now, but it used to be worse. I had no parents and lived under a strict guardian. I studied and worked hard for it. I had no money and no friends. I only had time to study. Wealth was important to me. It helped me to get ahead in life. You don't know hunger or hardship, but these were my constant companions. Sometimes I had to steal food to survive. I did a great exam. As a result, I got a job as a tutor in a noble family. I looked after an eightyear-old boy and gave the fifteen-year-old daughter music lessons. The family didn't treat me well. But I stayed because I was poor and had no other work. The daughter, Elise, and I fell in love. I was thrown out of the house and couldn't find a new job. For a long time, I was without money and full of love for Elise. After many difficult years, I got a job as a pastor, but it wasn't what I had hoped for in life. I didn't hear from my beloved for six years. I thought she might have got married. Then I learned that she had remained faithful to me despite everything and still loved me. That made me very happy. I met her again and she was willing to share her life with me. We got married without her parents' blessing. Elise became my wife and your mother. But our marriage wasn't happy. Love alone does not bring lasting happiness. Your mother suffered because she missed the life she was used to. We experienced many difficult years. I have learned that you can't find happiness under difficult circumstances. I want you to learn from my experiences and not sacrifice your whole life just because of a youthful infatuation. I want to save you from the grief that your mother experienced.”

Johanna listens intently to her father's words and thinks for a moment. You can see that these thoughts touch her deeply and influence her future. Then she speaks resolutely, as if suddenly leaving all doubts behind her. “Your story is not like mine. I am not noble, and I am used to a simple life. My mother has been faithful to you, and I will remain faithful to my love. I will not be sold for money. Love is more important to me. I will never be Oburn's wife!” The old man becomes angry. “You are my child and you must obey me. Tonight, you will marry Oburn. I command it!”

But Johanna remains steadfast. “I don't want that. A father cannot sacrifice his child's life for his wishes. I will decide for myself. I want to be happy and not sacrifice my youth for wealth. I will never accept such shackles.” She plays with a gold chain while her father rages with anger. He grabs her by the hair, pushes her away and curses her. Then he falls unconscious on the sofa. Johanna screams, “My father is dead!”

Chapter 2

It is midday and the sun is shining hot through the window. The room is dead silent. The sick man is still unconscious. A woman stands by him, rubs his hands and kisses his blue lips. The doctor checks the patient's pulse and says that the man has had a nervous shock. He says that the patient will wake up again, but perhaps with paralysis. The woman only hears ‘he will wake up again’ and is relieved. She goes to her daughter, who is lying on the floor, and blesses her, “Johanna, wake up! Your father is not dying.