Go Forward - Anna C. Reiff - E-Book

Go Forward E-Book

Anna C. Reiff

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“Go Forward: A Blessed Afternoon Service; Reinforced by the Voice of the Spirit; Launching the Latter Rain Evangel:" is a sermon first published in the October 1908 issue of the Latter Rain Evangel magazine. This sermon was originally presented at The Stone Church in Chicago, Illinois, on a Sunday afternoon, September 28, 1908. Contributors include William Hamner Piper (1868-1911) and Anna C. Reiff (1869-1945)

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“Go Forward”

From the Latter Rain Evangel​

A Blessed Afternoon Service; ​Reinforced by the Voice of the Spirit; ​Launching the Latter Rain Evangel

The Stone Church (Chicago, Ill.)​Sunday Afternoon, ​September 28, 1908

Editors/Contributors:​William Hamner Piper (1868-1911)​Anna C. Reiff (1869-1945)



“Go Forward”



Modern Edition © 2020 Full Well Ventures

Originally published in the October 1908 issue of “The Latter Rain Evangel” magazine






Chapter 1

“Go Forward”

EARLY IN THE morning the Lord laid the burden of prayer upon the hearts of certain people for the services of His house, and sent a sister to the pastor’s home that the Holy Spirit might deliver a message to him regarding his duty to his God and his people this day.

In mighty power the message came over and over again that the people must be told, this was their day of visitation, and that He would hold His servant accountable if he failed to tell them all that God would lay upon his heart; that he must tell them they must use their talents for Him and reach out to save the perishing. They must obey God at any cost.

In the beginning of the service there seemed to be a spirit of opposition, but when the Holy Spirit rebuked the unseen forces of evil, the power of God flooded the place.

At frequent intervals the Holy Spirit strengthened and confirmed the message of the afternoon by speaking through many in the audience in the unknown tongue, followed by the interpretation.

The people knew the Spirit of God was speaking. His presence was so real, none could doubt.

Each looked within his own heart and determined that by His grace he would go forward.

The meeting was begun with singing and prayer.

Just before the people gave their offerings to God the following message, both in the unknown and in the English tongues, was sung by the

Voice of the Spirit:

“Will a man rob God?

Yet ye have robbed me.

But ye say, wherein have we robbed Thee?

In tithes and offerings.

Ye are cursed with a curse, yea, ye have robbed your God,

Bring ye the whole tithe into the storehouse, and see and try Me, and prove Me,

If I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing such as ye cannot receive.”